Light of Hellfire: Chapter 11 by Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path

Light of Hellfire: Chapter 11 by Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path <br/> The end of the world has finally arrived. , Please vote up and comment! Chapter 11 As expected, the realization that the city was halfway to Hell did not raise morale; on the contrary, the fact that they were completely separated from Earth made everyone feel more … Read more

Breaking Descent: A Temptress born by Engulfed Insanities

Breaking Descent: A Temptress born by Engulfed Insanities In the light of the subject matter– it is all fiction, mere unreal fantasy and fancy of subjects too forbidden, and to those who would censor us, “fuck you, a story is just a story , Breaking Descent: A Temptress Born (Act One) “ Man was made … Read more

End of Days – Prologue

An adult stories – End of Days – Prologue by Grendelpuppy,Grendelpuppy This is a prologue for my previous story END OF DAYS that was published in the Group Section. Rather than try to link the two stories as a series which would require first deleting then republishing the first story in the Loving Wives section, … Read more

Saving Eva from Abuse Ch. 15

An adult stories – Saving Eva from Abuse Ch. 15 by NotaTitman,NotaTitman This follows on from Saving Eva from Abuse 14 although it is Milly telling the story of her time with Bob and Eva. Milly’s tale He got in bed and turned his back, put his arm around Eva and totally ignored me. I … Read more

You belong to me_(1) by -KingKarma-

You belong to me_(1) by -KingKarma- ,Introduction: Introduction: He would learn to crave her. Need her. She in turn would learn every little dirty fantasy he kept locked in his head. They would get as close to perfect for one another as possible. And then… , Ehma twisted in her bed for the thousandth time, … Read more


It started off innocently enough. One hot summer day that I’ll never forget. Living in a small town after living in a large one for so long takes some adjusting too, unfortunately I wasn’t adjusting well at all. I became an introvert who only left the house to go to the local convenience store and … Read more