Vicky on a Saturday

An adult stories – Vicky on a Saturday by Nivekwolf,Nivekwolf Vicky My girlfriend, Gen, had a flat in Northland that she shared with two guys and a girl named Vicky. I can’t recall the guy’s names but one of them kept cans of baked beans, a can opener, and a spoon under his bed in … Read more

The Chauffeur (#24) The Weekend (part 1) by PABLO DIABLO

The Chauffeur (#24) The Weekend (part 1) by PABLO DIABLO ,Introduction: Introduction: We start with Dakota calling culinary schools. , The Chauffeur (#24) The Weekend (part 1) By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 Dakota began calling both culinary schools, telling each what was needed. One declined telling me that they don't recommend any of … Read more