Delightful Dana by rockparker,rockparker

As always, a hat tip and a serious word of thanks to my friend and editor, MS. You do this for me. You do it quickly. You do it with class. And you are always correct. My deepest appreciation to you.

While based in fact — we had friends at one of our military assignments that closely resemble Dana and Ed — this is a work of fiction. Everyone participating sexually is over 18 years of age.

Feel free to pass along positive critiques. I do read them, grow from them, and appreciate them. As for the other kinds of critiques, well, I barely have time in my life for the things I want to do and the people I love. Why would I bother to pay any attention to your negativity? Thanks, but no thanks. Toxic people are off my list, as they should be. Help me help you enjoy the stories more by providing positive suggested changes.

Lastly, my apologies to any who have emailed me and not received a response. I lost access to my original email account. I have put up a new one in my profile, and I promise to read and respond to each one.




Dana. That was her name. “Delightful” we would learn of later. She was our neighbor a few houses down the street. Trish and I met her and her husband, Ed, at a neighborhood social, and we followed up with socializing as couples. It was a simple “grill some dogs for the kids and burgers for the adults” get-togethers. They were a fun couple with two smaller kids that our kids loved to play with.

Trish and I shared. We each loved setting each other up with others. For her, it could go male or female, but I was straight. That’s probably typical heterosexual male, but it was a line I had not crossed. Trish chose to go bi. Rule number one in our game was respect. Part of that is never forcing the other into anything unwanted. We could talk about doing anything, but forcing the other was not part of our game.

We also were quiet about our sharing. We have friends that know and friends that don’t know. We want to keep it that way. So it was a surprise that Trish came to me Tuesday morning saying, “We need to talk.” She went on to say that Dana had approached her having heard a rumor that we shared one another. Trish was taken aback by this as we had never had a non-share person approach us. There was a leak in our previously confidential circle somewhere. More than that, Dana wanted to participate, and she wanted me first. She was convinced that Ed would not want to share or participate, so she wanted to go it alone.

We had never done a share with only one partner of a married couple. We had firm rules we adhered to, and we didn’t want to cross that line. If both partners didn’t want to join in, we weren’t going to be the instigators of a potential marital breakup. Trish and I talked it over and decided she would tell Dana that I would innocently approach Ed about how I know people shared, and I would ask how he felt about it. Based on his response, I could move the conversation from there. I would approach him during the cookout Saturday afternoon and evening. Trish and Dana would be elsewhere in the house talking “mama talk.”

Trish easily obtained Dana’s permission after assuring her I would be discreet by not mentioning that Dana knew anything of the subject of our conversation. She also explained to Dana that if I brought Ed into the ladies conversation to ask her the same question, she should act a little surprised and ask clarifying questions to help cover her. If I did bring Ed in it would be because he responded positively in our conversation. For Dana’s protection, we wanted it to seem that it was Ed’s idea which came from his and my conversation.

The remainder of the week went by normally. I occasionally thought of the conversation I would have with Ed Saturday night. I have had these conversations with others before but never where one partner knew of our lifestyle, and the other didn’t. I wasn’t concerned. Anything short of an emotional explosion would be manageable. Trish chatted with Dana once during the week, and Dana pressed her for more details of our lifestyle. Trish informed her politely that no further information would be forthcoming until Saturday evening. I confirmed with Trish that she, like me, would enjoy having Dana and Ed as one of our sharing couples. That put my mind at ease for our respect for one another and our own relationship.

Saturday afternoon arrived. Dana and Ed and their kiddos were at the front door.

Ed and I took the kids outside in the backyard and engaged in some rough kids play. We wrestled with our own kids and then with each other’s kids. We played ring toss with them and generally tried to tire them out a little. After a couple of hours, the ladies informed us that it was time to put the dogs on for the kids. The potato salad and macaroni salad were ready. I popped the hot dogs on the grill – gas grills are a great invention. We had their dinner ready in short order. While Trish and Dana fed the kids, Ed and I started the burgers, and by the time they were done, the kids were cleaned up, in their pajamas, and watching a favorite movie. We hoped they would drift off to sleep soon.

We had an enjoyable dinner catching up with one another’s past week and talking of future plans. We all pitched in to clean up. Checking on the children, we found them fast asleep with the movie still playing. We each picked one up and moved them to the beds in the kid’s room. At this point, I made the excuse that I had something I wanted to talk to Ed about and we would join the ladies in the family room in a little while.

Ed and I grabbed a double of scotch neat and headed to the backyard. The ladies tapped open a bottle of wine and went to the family room. When Ed and I were settled on the deck out back, I started talking.

“Ed, I know that some couples share sexually with other couples. I’ve wondered about that, and I wanted to get your thoughts. Have you ever thought about that? What do you think?”

Ed responded. “I’ve also heard of couples doing that, and I’ve always been curious. It’s always been a subject that makes my imagination go into high gear. The idea of fucking another guy’s wife with his permission seems pretty exciting.”

“And the idea of Dana being fucked by another guy with your permission?”

“I’m not into cuckholding, but honestly, the idea of Dana being fucked by another guy is a turn-on.”

I took a sip of scotch, looked Ed in the eyes and stated firmly, “I get that. Let me be blunt. Would you fuck Trish while…”

Ed interrupted. “In a New York minute! Trish is so hot! I, er, uh, with your permission, of course – and hers, too.”

“Ha ha ha ha!” I laughed. “Well, if you’re that anxious, let’s go see what the girls think.”

Ed paused, suddenly unsure. “I’m not sure Dana will like this.”

“So, you’ve never talked about this with her? Not even in bed? You’ve never expressed your fantasies with one another?”

Ed thought for a moment and said, “No.”

“Then now is a good time. Just listen while I introduce the subject to the ladies. I’ll take the lead. Let’s see how Dana reacts.”

Ed nodded, and we picked up our drinks and headed inside for a conversation with our wives.

Dana and Trish looked up as we walked in. Trish smiled knowingly, as did Dana. I picked up a happy twinkle in Dana’s eyes. She knew from our previous conversation that if Ed reacted positively, we would come in to talk.

“Did we interrupt anything? May we chat for a few minutes?” I asked.

Trish came back. “Of course! We were just chit-chatting. What’s up?”

“Ed and I had a short but interesting conversation just now, and we wanted to ask you both, but especially Dana, what you thought about the topic. I know what Trish thinks, but Ed needs to hear her thoughts, so you first, Baby.” I looked at Trish. “What do you think of swinging?”

Dana jumped slightly, and her eyes went wide open. She gasped. That was perfect. She was reacting as we had asked her to. Trish responded, “I find it an exciting way to keep the spice in your married life.” Ed’s head jerked up as he looked at Trish in surprise. “That’s right, Ed, but I believe it takes a lot of work. It’s not about falling in love with another person. That MUST be avoided. It’s about sex and the fun and joy you can have by having it with a variety of people. It’s also about respect. Continuing to respect your spouse or partner in the face of temptations to be disrespectful. Respect for your swinging partner MUST also be there always.”

Ed spoke up suddenly. “It sounds like you have some experience.”

I jumped in, “Ed, slow down. You were going to listen – at least at first. Hold on to that question until we hear what Dana has to say. Dana?”

Dana looked at Trish who discretely nodded to her, then at me, and finally her husband. “Well, I feel a bit trapped, but I tend to agree with Trish. It sounds exciting, but you would have to be careful of all those things she said. We, Ed and I, have never really talked about this kind of thing before. We don’t talk about the sexual fantasies we might have. I’m almost afraid to ask how you feel about it, Ed, but how do you feel about swinging?”

Ed paused to think for a moment and then said, “Like you, Dana, I’m almost afraid to say because we never have talked much about these things. We’re being open tonight, so I’m going to say what I’m thinking. First, Dana, we need to communicate better and talk about our feelings and fantasies more.” Dana nodded in agreement. “Secondly, as Rick discovered in our earlier conversation, I’ve had a fantasy of sharing you for a long time but was afraid to talk about it for fear you would think I was a pervert. I feel as you have expressed earlier. Discretion and respect are important – very important both ways. Continuing to love our partner is vital to this. With that in place, I fully support sharing, or swinging as it’s called.”

I quickly asked Ed, “In the interest of better communication, please tell Dana and Trish what you said when I asked earlier if you would fuck Trish.”

Both ladies looked at Ed as he stated firmly, “I told Rick that I would fuck you in a New York minute if I had his and your permission. And before I get into real trouble, I also need Dana’s permission.”

We all laughed at that added condition.

Dana quickly responded, “As long as we’re being open and transparent, with everyone’s permission, I will give Rick a ride anytime, anywhere.”

Trish jumped in, “Be careful there, Dana. Rick has a reputation for pushing boundaries sometimes. He may want you to literally show your ass and more in public. He’s tested me on more than a few occasions.”

To Dana’s wide-eyed look, I responded that I only wanted to be sure everyone had fun. We all had a good laugh at that. Trish and I took a few more minutes to explain the lifestyle and how important confidentiality every day is.

Afterwards, Dana said, “So what do we do now?”

Trish came back, “Fuck!”, and we laughed. She went on, “If you two are ready, I suggest we give a goodnight kiss and a few encouraging words to our spouse, and we move off with our partner for the night to enjoy. Remember that part of this is to learn from each other and bring it back to our own marriage to improve our married sex life.”

Everyone nodded in agreement, moved to their spouse, kissed them, whispered a few words, and then Dana came to me, and Ed went to Trish. We kissed our new partners passionately and went to our separate areas. Trish and Ed went to the master bedroom, while Dana and I moved to the guest bedroom. Just a note here that Trish and I had long ago stopped worrying about our marital bed being the scene of extra-marital activity. It’s a bed. We use it for what it’s intended to be used for – sleeping and fucking.


Rick and Dana

It was only a short distance to the guest bedroom, and Dana and I held hands as we walked without speaking. We were wrapped up in our own thoughts about our evening up to now and what was to come. As we crossed the threshold into the room, I turned to Dana just as she turned to me. We kissed. Her tongue touched my lips, and I opened to welcome her tongue into my mouth. “Delightful,” I thought, “Mmmmm yes – Delightful Dana. I’ll make that name stick if she continues like this.”

“Rick,” she said a little breathlessly, “Rick, I’ve wanted this for a long time. I want it to be right and so good for both us, but I’m so nervous that I won’t measure up.” She looked up at me. “I…”

“Shh!” I said. “If your sexing is anything like your kissing, we’re both in for an exciting night.”

“I love kissing, Rick. I like lots of practice. I also like lots of practice, um…”

“Fucking. Say the word, Dana. Say it now and finish your statement.”

“Fucking!” She exclaimed. “I like lots of practice fucking. Fucking practice!”

She said the word strongly like she had never said it before but wanted to be able to say it as if it were part of her normal everyday speech, so I told her, “Good girl! I want to hear it often tonight.”

“Fucking right you will,” she responded with a big smile.

I reached down and began unbuttoning her blouse. She stood still and surprised as I worked my way down, and then she reached for my shirt.

“No, no.” I stated firmly. “I want you in just your panties so I can take in all of your beauty before I fuck you silly.”

She grinned and said, “Well fuck me, and call me silly. You’re wasting time. Get these clothes off me. Do you open all your presents this carefully?”

I grinned back at her use of fuck and responded, “Only the very special presents, Love, and you are a VERY special present for me.” I had never heard her say the word “fuck” previously. Now she was using it like a champion. I continued to strip her slowly. Dana proved to be a little minx. Her saucy comments as each piece of clothing fell away was making this event more fun. As I peeled away her bra, I slipped my hands inside the cups and twisted her nipples. I was rewarded with a long moan.

“Oh! We liked that, did we?” I asked with a smile on my face. I was learning more of Delightful Dana with each passing moment. I bent to take her left nipple into my mouth and heard a small gasp as I circled her nipple with my tongue. I puckered my lips and sucked only her nipple and reached for her other tit to twist and pull that nipple. She held my face against her.

“OMAHGAWD!” I heard her groan.

I began kissing my way lower while continuing to tease both her nipples with my fingers and thumbs. I paused at her belly button. “What a cute innie,” I thought. I French Kissed it. Dana’s hips were beginning to pump. I licked just inside the frilly, lacy top edge of her panties. I pulled at the sides of them and down they came. She stepped out of one side and left them dangling off the other side. I kissed her clit. I could feel her shiver. I stood and picked her up, placing her on the bed gently. I looked into her eyes and saw wanton desire. Our lips met. We lingered there for a few moments. Our tongues battled briefly, and then I broke away and began undressing.

“Hurry! Please!” Those were the only words she said.

I quickly was undressed and naked. My cock stood proudly erect.

“Oh!” She stated. “Nice,” she said as she reached for my cock. “Sometime tonight I’m going to suck this dry, but right now I need it inside me fucking me hard. No more teasing, Rick. Fuck me. Now! Hard!”

“Your wish is my command, m’lady.” It was corny, but she smiled, and her eyes opened widely as I slid my cock into her wet cunt.

“Oh fuuuuuck!” She groaned. “That’s it! Fuck my pussy with your hard dick.”

I pumped in and out, slowly picking up speed. “We have a rule in our house, Dana. It’s a cock, not a dick, and it’s a cunt, not a pussy. Those words apply when sharing. Now say that again the right way.”

Dana was on a short fuse. She was going to cum soon. Her breathing was getting faster as she said, “That’s it! Ummmm…F…f..fuck my cuuuuunt with your hard cockkkkkk.”

“That’s right! My hard cock in your married cunt, and you want it all, don’t you?” She was moving her head from side to side rapidly.

“Ugh, ugh, ahh, yes! So good! Yes! All of it. In…my…married…cunt!” She screamed as she climaxed, “AUGHHHHH! OH MAH…UMPH.. FUCKING…UGH…GAWD! AHHH! OHHHH! MMMMMM.”!

Dana relaxed as she settled into the afterglow of her orgasm. Eyes closed, she repeated in a whisper, “so good, so good, sooo goood!”

I moved a few stray hairs from her face. Still in her, I gently kissed her lips, caressed her face, and said quietly, “The night is still young. We have exploring to do, sweet, delightful Dana.”

She opened her eyes, and looking directly into mine stated, “I have never cum that hard, and – OMIGOD! Your, um, cock is still hard in my cunt! Didn’t you finish?”

“One of my mottos is Ladies First, Dana.” I began slowly pumping again. “Don’t try to tell me you didn’t enjoy it”, I said with a laugh in my voice.

“Oh, hell no!” Dana exclaimed, “I’m not going to say that at all. Ed has never done that. He always climbs on board, gets his jollies, and rolls over to go to sleep. If I get anything from it, I’m lucky that night. Most of the time I get nothing. Oh, shit! How are Ed and Trish doing? I hope she’s okay.”


Trish and Ed

With the timing of a Broadway play, we heard a soft thump and then Trish’s voice, “Don’t you fucking dare go to sleep, mother fucker! You don’t just ejaculate and roll over to go to sleep! What about your partner, asshole? Wake up! Get up here and finish the job! Did you ever hear the gentleman’s phrase “Ladies First”? You’re a jerk of the first class! We all agreed to learn something. Learn to give before you get. Get rid of the selfishness, asshole! Grow up! Be a real man! That cock doesn’t make you a man. You and your personality make you a man, and right now your personality sucks and you’re a little boy!”

“Oh shit!” We heard Ed exclaim. “Dana has told me about wanting more, and I just thought…”

“You just thought what, asshole? That you are entitled? That you would just pump me full of cum, getting off on me, and then roll over and go to sleep? Is that how you treat your wife? If it is, I feel badly for her. If you don’t wake your ass up and get busy, you’ll never see this pussy again, and I’ll make damn sure Rick sees all of Dana’s cunt that he wants. You’ll be paying forever by getting nothing, motherfucker! We can have fun tonight, or you can make us both miserable, and I can dish out a shitload of miserable if that’s what you want!”

“Okay! Okay! I’m sorry…”

Trish jumped in, “No I’m sorries, little boy. Prove you’re a man. Get in here and clean my cunt with your lips and tongue and do it good so I get my first climax from it!”

“But I’ve never done that. I don’t…” Ed whimpered.

“Then you’re by god going to learn. Now! Do it now! You know the consequences if you don’t, right?” Trish quickly came back.

“Yes” said Ed.

It was quiet after that.


Rick and Dana

I told Dana, “I think Trish has control now. You may have a new husband tomorrow morning.”

“That would be so good,” replied Dana, “but what I want is this man I have right now being my play husband tonight.”

“Mutual infidelity can be a good thing as long as you both know, and you are both open to it. When one says, “no more”, it must stop until it’s worked out otherwise.” I responded.

Dana told me, “It’s going to be mutual for a while. It’s that simple. If he doesn’t like it, it won’t be mutual. I don’t want a divorce, but if he doesn’t step up after what I’ve already experienced tonight, well, I don’t know.”

“It may take some work, Dana” I said. “It may take a little while, but it can be done with both sides being happy.”

“Let’s hope so,” said Dana. “Now where were we? Oh! And there you are still rock hard inside me. Well, fuck me!”

“Gladly, my dear” I said as I began pumping again. I leaned down and sucked her left nipple into my mouth and took her right nipple between my thump and finger, twisting and pulling it enough to generate a little pain and even more passion.”

Dana responded, “Oh g… umph! Damn! Fuck! Oh shit! So good! Keep doing that!”

I took her left nipple between my teeth and pulled a little.

“Mmmm…ahhhh…oh shit! Yes! Yes! Oh! Ahhh! Oh, fuck me.”

I reached under her and using the wetness from her cunt to lubricate my finger, I inserted it into her rosebud.

“Oh, mah gawd! What are you doing? My ass! That’s my ass!”

“And it’s part of my playground, isn’t it, Dana?” She was quiet. “Isn’t it, Dana?” I asked harshly while pushing my finger in further.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” she yelled as she had her second climax of the evening. She lay still and quiet. She had passed out.

A few moments later, she came around. “Did I fall asleep?” she asked.

“No” I responded. “I think you passed out.”

“Holy fuck! I’ve never passed out before. This is all so new and so good. I never want it to end”, she said.

“We have all night Delightful Dana – all night long” I smiled.

“Delightful Dana – is that your new name for me? Am I really delightful?”

“Yes, you are without any doubt.”

Dana smiled at that, moved me out of her and went down to suck me. She did a wonderful job, working the underside of my scrotum near the head until I blasted a mouthful of cum into her. She was concerned that the act had ended the night. That was what she always experienced with Ed. I assured her that was not the case, and I needed only a few minutes to be ready to go again. And go again we did several times through the night. Dana climaxed a total of five times that night. I got three counting the blowjob. And yes, I did step up and eat her out to clean her cunt.

Trish and I were up early to begin fixing breakfast for the kids, and then for the adults. We got the kids settled in front of the TV and sat down to eat and discuss the night before. Ed admitted that he had a lot to learn. He admitted also that he had not been sensitive to Dana’s needs and planned to work harder on that. Time will tell, I suppose. Grade-wise, Dana and I rated the night an “A”. Ed blushed as he admitted he could do better and rated Trish as an A and his part a B-minus, while Trish rated the night at best a flat “C”. That disappointed Ed, but he swore to do better if he was allowed to.

Ed and Dana packed up their kids and headed home. Trish and I did some cleaning up, played with the kids for a while, and then we sat down with a glass of wine apiece to discuss the previous night, Ed and Dana, and whether we wanted to move ahead with the new relationship with them. It was an enlightening conversation which indicated that if things worked out the way we hoped, we would have a new sharing couple to bring into our group of sharing friends.

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