Started small by albertsdog

A literotic sexstories: Started small by albertsdog , We live on 3 acres about 6 miles from town and have one neighbor just across the road and another about a mile down the road. Other than that there isn’t much out here but cornfields. Our back yard isn’t fenced but it is totally enclosed by … Read more


Little Town Dreams

An adult stories – Little Town Dreams by SlightlyRude,SlightlyRude It is dark, and the little town sleeps. The year is not so long ago. There is no internet to tell people that their unusual thoughts and preferences might not be uncommon. There are only salacious articles in Sunday newspapers pretending to be shocked and disgusted … Read more


Gambling , My Wife and Black Business Partner by

Introduction: This is a Fantasy that my wife had about Gambling and Big Black Men , Gambling , My Wife and Black Business Partner This is a story about about one of my wife's many fantasy's It is about a young woman who has a bad gambling habit, gets hooked, and quickly gets in over … Read more


Grandpa's Journals: The Cowgirl's Confidence, Partr 2 by 2stfauther

The sun rose the next morning just as it always does, in the East at around 6:30 in the morning to a cloudless sky. The mountains gave off a pinkish glow from the sunlight splashing off the snow covered peaks of the Three Sisters, just miles away from Sisters, Oregon and the home of my … Read more


My little tease gets taught a lesson. Fantasy gangbang. by outsideadventures

My little tease gets taught a lesson. Fantasy gangbang. by outsideadventures ,Introduction: Introduction: She always teased me. She had to be taught a lesson. , Fantasy Role playing. My horny little girlfriend gets gangbanged HARD! I had been with my girlfriend for 5 years now. Over that time I had learned a lot about her. … Read more


Who's Really In Control? (Revised) by Detroit_Rising

Introduction: I added more hotness to this story to help keep you reading…but I didn't want to lose the main point that while I thought I'd be in control of this, she really was! If you want to be my muse, or share your thoughts directly, reach me on Kay Eye Kay (use your imagination) … Read more