A Birthday Ski Suit by mandywoods,mandywoods

He continued to rub her.

“Sven,” she whispered. “Stop. You are making me so turned on. Not here!”.

She moved to make him stop. If not, she would not be able to control herself.

She turned around and sat in the chair next to them and facing the two other couples. Sven then sat down beside her. The other two couples had also been standing looking out the window, but almost at the same time had also decided to sit for the rest of the trip.

Between the couples, they exchanged pleasant gestures but did not speak.


Chapter 3: The girls from Saint Andrew’s School


The two girls talked quietly. They were Mandy’s age or perhaps slightly more. They giggled occasionally and their conversation seemed very intimate; more than simply two friends.

Mandy thought how pretty they both were in their own way. One of the girls had short blonde hair that was colored blue to match her eyes, was very skinny, and was somewhat androgynous. She could be mistaken for a very cute boy, if not for her remarkable figure and high cheekbones. The other girl wore her brown hair in a Dutch Braid Ponytail, having the appearance of Heidi from an old movie.

As the gondola continued its ascent towards the summit, Mandy held Sven’s hand as they sat in silence enjoying the scenery.

The more that she observed them, she found it uncanny that the two girls reminded her so much of the only two girls in her life with whom she had “relations”: Bela and Emma. She had been in love with each of them at different moments in her life. In fact, when she saw the girls entering the gondola previously, she had felt a sudden pang, thinking it was her two previous lovers there together.

Maybe she sees Bela and Emma in every girl she sees. It’s like that, isn’t it? I mean, when you were in love. Sometimes, even after the breakup, there is a part of you that is still in love. There is a part of you that yearns to be back in your lover’s arms. You see their faces in so many other people.

How strange this was. What was the chance of such coincidence that both girls should look so much like her past lovers? Bela sometimes wore her brown-auburn hair in a French braid. And, after Saint Andrews, Emma went through a period with hair colored blue. Mandy had a strong sense of “Déjà vu”.

She imagined thousands of scenarios of the lives of these two girls. The short-haired girl “was perhaps a gymnast, or maybe musician,” she thought, while the other girl “was certainly a dancer”. They are in love. They have been in love and came here where nobody knows them. Yes, perhaps, that is it! They escaped their towns to elope on the slopes!

Mandy was pleased with herself for having deduced so much with so little information. Of course, all this was in her mind, and she knew it. Maybe their lives were completely different from this invented history.

As Mandy watched them, the girl with the short blonde hair tinted blue leaned into her friend and kissed her on the mouth. The kiss turned passionate, and the girls didn’t seem to have a notion of the others in the gondola.

Mandy squeezed Sven’s hand and they glanced at each other, grinning slightly. What was not communicated between them was what Mandy was really thinking. The sight of these two girls kissing was not only highly erotic, but it evoked memories.

Very strong memories.

At once, she felt her nipples twitch and her clit begin to get hard.

“The girl with the blue hair looks a lot like your friend Emma whom you introduced me to a while back,” Sven said.

He had no idea what relationship she had with Emma. All he knew was that she was Mandy’s roommate from boarding school. He couldn’t have imagined what Emma really had been for Mandy.

And, now. It still hurts. Mandy still hasn’t gotten over it. She had a sudden feeling of profound sadness.

Mandy was transported back in time. In her mind, she was back in boarding school at Saint Andrew’s. They had turned 18 and they still had to use the common showers after gym class. She felt so terribly embarrassed. She was so under-developed for her age, and “over-developed” in another aspect. Some of the girls began to point at her and laugh. Then several other girls came over to join in on the joke. Mandy was the focus of much merrymaking and jocularity, but not in the way she would like.

“Look at Mandy,” one laughed, buckling over in laughter. “Hahaha! She is really a little boy! Is that a clit or a cock?”

Another joined in, “Mandy you don’t even have any tits or pubic hair!”

Even though they were all her friends and it was all in jest, this humiliated Mandy far more than she let on. In fact, she tried to act as if she was enjoying the jokes, but in reality, she felt miserable. For her, her androgynous body was a taboo and sensitive topic. She hated it and scorned herself for never apparently passing puberty. Why was she cursed with this stupid clit between her legs that looked like a small cock? And why couldn’t her tits grow just a little bit instead of being completely flat? She hated it and everything about herself.


Her thoughts transported her again to another scene of her life. She was back in her room. She was draped in her towel and still wet from the shower. Emma was in the room. Mandy couldn’t hold back the tears and her face was red.

“Don’t cry, Mandy,” Emma said, touching her face gently. “They don’t mean any harm. You know that they wouldn’t want to really hurt you.”

When all the other girls made fun of her for her large clit and flat chest, Emma was gentle with her.

Back then, Emma didn’t have her hair tinted blue. The nuns wouldn’t allow it. Her hair was dirty blonde, short, and she looked like the girl in the movie Lucy, but with deep blue eyes. Emma was like a mother to her. She seemed older and more mature than her age. Her body was athletic and full. She seemed at the peak of womanhood at this young age. Her features were sharp; high cheekbones, blue eyes, and a thin nose that pointed up at the tip.

Emma kissed Mandy tenderly and repeatedly on her cheek, as she caressed the side of her face and pushed her hair behind her small delicate elvish ears.

“You are very pretty,” she would whisper.

Then, she kissed Mandy on the mouth. It was the first time that Mandy ever kissed another girl. First, they were small short kisses — as if “staccato”. Each like a small moist touch.

She stopped. Emma looked into her eyes to gauge Mandy’s response. At first, it was an intense gaze, Mandy’s eyes moved nervously back and forth, and then she giggled.

She liked it. She moved in and now it was her that kissed Emma. This time the kiss became passionate, their full youthful lips that seemed like soft pillows pressed together, opening, and allowing their tongues to dance together.

Emma brought Mandy towards her and put her arms around her thin waist. The bath towel covering Mandy’s naked body became undone and fell to the floor around her ankles. Mandy blushed and made a move to retrieve the towel.

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