A Birthday Ski Suit by mandywoods,mandywoods

Just then, the dildo seemed to go into overdrive, not only vibrating but gyrating inside her kitty. She let out a moan and bent slightly forward grabbing her flat tummy. She could feel the vibrator spinning inside her.

“Gosh!” she shrieked, nearly doubling over.

Sven looked at her body, completely visible through the suit, and saw that the vibrator made her tummy bulge periodically as it spun around inside her.

“Mandy,” Sven said, “Let’s go sit over there on the bench.”

With the vibrator gyrating around inside her, she sat so that she was slouched on the wooden chair. In this position, and given how skinny Mandy’s body was, the form of the vibrator was visible as it bulged her tummy with a regular periodicity.

Sven put his hand on her tummy and felt the vibrator moving around in her.

“That is so hot, Mandy.”

Mandy only moaned.

“Sven, how is this possible? What is it about this suit? It seems to act by magic.”

“I don’t know. Really,” he paused. “But, I guess you are not too happy about your ‘birthday suit’?”

Despite the vibrator bringing her to new heights, she looked up and stared deeply into his eyes.

“It is the most amazing present I have ever had!”

They smiled at one another. Sven leaned forward and kissed her passionately on the mouth.


Despite her embarrassment, Mandy had decided that it was best to forget about her suit and just enjoy the day of skiing. They had been waiting to do this for so long, and if she were to spend the entire day being embarrassed or pouting, the whole weekend would be ruined.

Nonetheless, she was here in her new ‘birthday suit’, but to everybody around her, she appeared nude. This presents considerable challenges.

The dildo continued to buzz inside her. She felt that her vagina was being stretched to the maximum. At one point while they were sitting on the bench, she opened her legs and looked down. As she suspected, with the transparent material and the transparent dildo, the entrance to her sex looked completely open. She quickly closed her legs feeling mortified.

But, it had turned her on and she felt the vibrator suddenly start to gyrate faster, and the suction on her nipples even more intense. She closed her eyes tightly and tried to breathe normally. If this were to continue, she would surely have an orgasm at any moment there in front of all these people.


Even with the crowd around them, Mandy couldn’t concentrate on anything but the buzzing and gyration of the suit’s dildo that had grown into her.

“Gosh Sven, I am so turned on, but this is so embarrassing.”

With the mountain air, it was hard to discern if her face was red from the humiliation of being naked in front of all these people or from the cold.

“I can go and find something to put over you.”

“No!” she shrieked, “Please don’t leave me.”

“You don’t want to sit here alone just for a moment so I can find some other clothing for you?”

“No. At least with you here …,” she stopped for a moment from a sudden jerk of the dildo inside her, “Gosh!… With you here, I can at least have some courage!”.

They both giggled.


Suddenly a woman was standing in front of them.

“This is disgraceful!” the woman scolded them with a stern face. Her embarrassed husband was behind her with their children. “It is not acceptable to be naked in front of families. You should be ashamed of yourself!”

Mandy tried to explain, “You don’t understand, this is my ‘birthday suit’, and … ”

“I can see that young lady!” the woman interrupted. “And I shall protest when I get to the bottom of the mountain.”

With this, she turned around angrily and joined her family to resume skiing.

Mandy and Sven looked at each other and burst out laughing.

“Sven, you have gotten us in a lot of trouble!”

“No, Mandy, the problem is that your naked body has gotten us into a lot of trouble. If you weren’t so sexy, that lady wouldn’t have cared. But her husband was drooling while he looked at you.”

Mandy laughed, “Perhaps, I should be punished.”

Sven looked into her eyes.

“Yes, I think this birthday girl needs 21 spankings on her bare bottom for her 21 years.”

Mandy looked at him intensely.

“I hope you mean that.”

Sven reached over and kissed her on the mouth.

So there it was. To all the people around them, it appeared that this girl was completely naked and they were making love on the bench overlooking the mountain range. Nobody would ever imagine that in reality, Mandy was simply in her “birthday suit.”


Chapter 6: Heating up with the Summit Manager


While they were sitting on the bench, they saw a man approaching. He appeared to be an employee of the ski lodge but had the demeanor of authority.

“Good morning,” he said politely but seriously. He bowed in a gesture as a military officer, perhaps revealing a previous station in life with its strict conditioning difficult to assuage. “I am the manager here,” nodding to each of them.

He turned his attention directly to Mandy. “Mademoiselle, I am afraid you will need to follow me. It is not allowed to be naked like this here.”

Even though it was anticipated, Sven tried to explain the situation.

“She is not really naked,” he said. “You see, she is wearing a ‘birthday suit’.”

The manager looked at him politely but unwavering.

“Yes, Signore. I understand. But, I am the manager, you see. That is what I am,” he paused. “And we cannot allow the Mademoiselle to continue to be here naked. I would really not like, Signore, to report this to the authorities.”

He turned again to Mandy.

“Mademoiselle, please follow me.”

Both Mandy and Sven stood up. He signaled both of them to accompany him towards the ski lodge. As they walked towards the lodge, all the people on the deck, and those waiting to ski, watched Mandy pass by. They saw the girl in her new “birthday suit” walk clumsily in her ski boots. As she passed, her nipples pointed upwards and her tight ass was on clear display. All the while, the dildo buzzed happily within her and the invisible nipple suctions pulsated away.

As such, they walked slowly into the lodge following the manager. The ski boots greatly impeded their movements. The lodge was filled with over 50 people sitting on long benches drinking hot chocolates and other warm drinks. The commotion of so many people suddenly dropped to a low dull noise as Mandy walked into the lodge, seemingly completely naked.

To reach the manager’s office, they would need to traverse the large dining hall, walk by the chimney with its roaring fire surrounded by many people warming their hands, and then walk past the long line of people buying food. In this manner, all eyes were on her as she passed through the lodge, following the manager with Sven just behind her.


They arrived at the manager’s office and entered.

The manager went behind his desk. He turned to them and motioned them to sit down in two chairs positioned directly in front of him.

“My name is Francois,” he said politely.

The situation seemed surreal. Sven was in his ski outfit, while Mandy sat there apparently naked with her breasts and nipples in plain view.

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