A Birthday Ski Suit by mandywoods,mandywoods

“Sven, I am so embarrassed,” she said, trying to hide behind him.

After a few more moments, the color of the suit, which originally was a light mauve, had started to dissipate. It was as if the fabric or rubber, or whatever it was, had started to lose the tint and became transparent.

Now the suit, which first was like body paint, had become completely invisible. Even the outlines of the seams could barely be seen.

With each passing moment, her naked body underneath was becoming visible to everyone on the Gondola.

“Sven!”, she said frantically with a loud whisper. “What is happening?”

“I don’t know. They told me that it would become snug, but I didn’t know that it would be this snug! And transparent!”

She stood up and moved to the corner, bringing Sven with her. She tried to hide behind him, but they were in such a close space and now there was no way to cover herself. Sven’s ski suit was one-piece, so he couldn’t offer her a piece of his garment.

Good thing they were in a corner and Sven was hiding her from the other people in the gondola. But, at any moment they would realize and see her naked.

“Gosh, Sven, what am I going to do?”

Mandy felt something else. That small nub that was on the suit, that lodged up against her pussy, had now grown considerably. It had entered her pussy and felt like a six-inch dildo lodged into her.


“Yeah, Mandy?”

“There is something else.”


“I don’t know how to say this, but the suit is filling me down there.”

“What do you mean?”

“There was a small nub before, but now it has grown,” she said somewhat alarmed.

“How do you mean it has grown?”

“Sven, I am scared. It is filling me. It is like a large dildo and has entered me.”

“Are you serious?” Sven seemed pleasantly surprised, if not amused.

Just then, the nub that had turned into a full-fledged dildo began to vibrate. At the same time, the suction cups on her nipples also started to pulsate, as if milking and sucking on her breasts. The sudden sensation it caused sent shock waves through her body, and her legs involuntarily gave way. It was a good thing that she could hold on to the rails in the corner, that she used to support her weight, as the waves of pleasure began to overtake her.

Mandy couldn’t deny the pleasure the suit started to give her. Involuntarily, she squeezed her legs together and nearly buckled down with the shocks of pleasure the suit produced.

“Gosh, Sven! Uff!,… I can’t ….” she whispered as she bent over while gasping for air.

“Mandy, my God are you ok? Are you in pain?” he whispered as the other people in the gondola looked at her, wondering what happened to her, but still not realizing that her suit had become completely transparent and tight as body paint.


Despite appearing naked, the material provided complete warmth and she was not cold. Quite the opposite. The suit made her warm. In fact, the suit had become hot in the crotch and this seemed to make the dildo inside her larger. With the dildo buzzing and filling her, she was turned on and had become wet despite all her efforts to the contrary.

She looked down at her body, and now she looked completely naked. Her nipples pointed up, helped by the invisible suction cups, pulsating as if they were being sucked by someone’s mouth. She looked down to her crotch and realized that her cleanly shaven mound was visible. Twisting her torso slightly, she realized that her ass was also completely conspicuous as well.


When they got off the gondola, everybody was staring and Mandy felt all their eyes on her. She could see they were all talking amongst themselves in disbelief.

One of the girls in the gondola was looking at her from head to toe. “Gosh! What are you doing and what did you do with your suit? Did you leave it in the gondola?” She asked with surprise.

“No. This is it. This is my ‘birthday suit’,” Mandy answered.

“We can see that,” they laughed.

“No, you don’t understand. It was a present from my boyfriend. It is a special suit that is made of futuristic material.”

“Yeah, right!” the girls giggled.

“Here feel my arm,” she said to both of them. “It is covering my skin, but somehow it has become invisible.”

They felt her arm and indeed, it didn’t feel like her skin. It felt like there was something covering it.

“It was kind of loose-fitting when I put it on, but with the cold, it shrunk to fit every part of my body. Also, I had no idea that the material would lose all its color. This is so embarrassing.”

Holding both her skis and the ski poles, she couldn’t cover herself. The two girls continued to stare at her.

“You are so hot,” one of the girls said, staring at her with desire. “Where are you staying?”

Mandy was not sure she wanted to be in this conversation, but she felt it would be rude to blow them off. Also, she kind of liked the attention.

“We’re in Livigno Lodge,” Sven interjected.

“We are too!” the blue-haired girl said excitedly. “We’re in room 301.”

“203,” Sven said, against Mandy’s desire to give more information.

“We will stop by after skiing. Maybe you can show us more of your ‘birthday suit’ later,” the girl proposed, looking directly at Mandy.

“Mandy would love that!” Sven interjected quickly and with much delight.

Mandy gave a disapproving and annoyed glance at Sven.

Sven just smiled defiantly back at her. Anyway, Mandy imagined that they would not follow through on their pledge, especially after a day of skiing.


Chapter 5: Blushing at the Summit


When they left the gondola landing area at the summit, they could see the crowded ski lodge. To Mandy’s horror, there had to be at least a hundred people, between those in the lodge and those preparing to ski.

On any other day, the summit was windy, cold, and unpleasant for lingering in the open. However, this was a lovely sunny day at the summit, and at the moment, there was no wind, so many people were also sitting outside on the deck, admiring the view of the Alps at slightly over 2000 meters. Also, there were many tables both inside and outside the ski lodge where people could have hot chocolate and sit by the fire before skiing down the mountain.

But on this day, the real exciting sight was this “apparently naked” girl, Mandy!

Everybody was looking at her. To everyone, she seemed completely naked. At 2000 meters, it was cold. How could such a skinny girl be completely naked in these temperatures and not get frostbitten?

Besides the practicalities, she was a pleasant sight indeed. Men desired her, and some of the women wished they were her. Even though she should be completely embarrassed, the buzzing dildo and the pulsating nipple suction cups occupied all her thoughts and involuntary actions.

“Sven, I am so embarrassed.”

“Yeah, I don’t know what happened to the ‘birthday suit’.”

“You knew about this didn’t you!”

“No!” he said innocently. “I promise. I thought the suit would fit tightly to your body but didn’t think it would become transparent! I hadn’t anticipated it would really be a ‘birthday suit’.”

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