A Birthday Ski Suit by mandywoods,mandywoods

As he rubbed her between her legs, he saw her finger rubbing her clit while she lay across Francois’ desk. Her entire body was squirming, as her pelvis gyrated up and down.

“You are so hot, Mandy! Do you want me to continue to spank you?

“Yes,” she could only whisper.

“If you don’t speak louder, I will have to give you at least ten more spankings!”

“Yes, Sven, I want you to spank me,” she giggled. “Please, Sven!”

To give him the best angle possible to slap her right on her pussy, she shifted her ass up in the air. At that angle, he had a clear view of her pussy and could slap her in the way that she so desired.

He slapped her a little harder each time. With each slap, the girl flinched and he then stop briefly to rub her pussy. Mandy was so aroused by the mixture of pain and then pleasure. It occurred to her another perverted desire. She wished that he would flip her over and slap her breasts. “It would hurt so much!” she thought. “However, how delicious it would be!”

With this thought, her nipples seemed to get bigger and bigger. The suction cups pulsated, drawing out the tips of her nipples even further as if to suck the sweet nectar out of them.

As these thoughts and sensations swept through her, Sven slapped her pussy hard. Mandy felt that every inch of her body was aroused. She thought about his hard cock. She thought about it rubbing vigorously between her legs, tracing the contours of her slippery lips. She imagined it at her entrance, wanting it to break through and be lodged deep inside her. She also imagined it pushing at the entrance of her anus.

Just then, she felt another slap.

She imagined wriggling underneath him, clinging to him as he pushed inside her. Her swollen and aroused nipples would rub against his chest sending shock waves through her.


The slaps seemed to never end. How old was she? It seemed more than 21 slaps! She had lost count. But at that moment, she wished she was 90 years old or 100 years old just to continue receiving slaps. She wanted that until she could orgasm. She needed the contact and pressure there, even if it was through pain.

“How do you feel, Mandy?” Sven asked.

“I am so aroused,” she whispered through her gasps. She felt embarrassed and it was obvious in her voice. “Gosh, Sven, I feel like a river of pleasure is running through my entire body.”

Sven stopped slapping her for a moment and let his fingers crawl over the delicate skin covered by the thin “birthday suit.” His hand moved between the crack of her ass and towards her anus. He circled her pink button and applied pressure. Even though the suit didn’t let his finger enter her, she seemed to push her bum towards him, as if wanting it to penetrate her.

The vibrator of the suit continued to gyrate within her insatiable pussy. She felt her juices soaking the inside of her suit and running down from her entrance, making her entire thighs feel wet. Some of her juice had even covered her pink anus.

With so many slaps, her little pussy lips felt red-hot, and the vibrator in her pussy jumped to another level of intensity. Her large clit is so hard she wishes she could stroke it like a cock, as she sometimes does when she is alone.

Finally, she could feel her orgasm so close and she just wanted to feel any type of pressure there, even if it was mixed with pain.


With this, his hand came crashing down on her ass. It hit her right on her kitty, sending shock waves throughout her body. She wasn’t sure if she just had a slight orgasm, but she didn’t want it to stop.

“Happy 21st birthday!”

He stopped spanking her for a moment and returned to rub her between the crack of her ass. First, he moved up and down, with his fingers and then his entire hand smearing her wetness within the suit. After a few moments, he used his thumb to gently and slowly apply pressure against her small virgin anus.

“Oh, Sven!”


Chapter 8: Going down at the Summit


“Lie on your back in the middle of the desk and open your legs,” Sven told her.

Mandy did as Sven instructed. She moved the papers to one side, lay back on Francois’s desk, and then bent her legs up so that the heels of her feet were on the edge of the desk. She tried to hide her sex with her hands and had her legs tightly closed together. In this position, the buzzing and gyrating dildo could be seen bulging and moving in her tummy.

“Oh Sven,” Mandy said completely lost in her sexual trance. “I want to orgasm so badly!”

Sven pulled her legs apart as if opening the petals of a flower. He moved in so that his mouth was on her sex and started to kiss her reddened labia. It still stung from the birthday slaps. Nonetheless, the fact that she was wearing the ‘birthday suit’ did absorb some of the pain from the slaps. Also, she wished she didn’t have the suit on so that she would be able to feel Sven’s tongue better.

Francois watched Sven. He rubbed his bulge pushing against his tight jeans. This was entirely unprofessional, but he couldn’t control himself watching this sexual scene unfold.

At one point, while Sven was busy licking and rubbing Mandy’s pussy and Mandy was in utter ecstasy with her eyes closed, Francois undid his zipper and started to stroke his cock. He could not take his eyes off the scene that was unfolding in front of him. He had been so excited that after only a few strokes, he started to shoot loads of his cum into the air.

Meanwhile, Sven rubbed his fingers between her pussy lips rubbing back and forth. Each time, he applied more pressure. He stroked back and forth.

Mandy wanted his fingers inside her. But, with the suit and the dildo buzzing inside her, it was impossible. Nonetheless, she wanted to arch her hips at a different angle to make his fingers slip inside. She remembered that the suit wouldn’t allow that.

“Sven, you are driving me crazy!

He pushed one of his fingers along the outside of her entrance while he still applied pressure on her anus with his thumb. She felt her orgasm approach. It was like a wave that started deep within her. It was a tension that would break at any moment.

All of a sudden, she shuddered and collapsed. She exploded in a flower of needles that pricked every pore of her body. The avalanche of orgasm shook her. Wave after wave rolled over her.

She suddenly felt numb from the pounding of her orgasm, and she felt a different sensation. The dildo was not in her pussy. She realized it was against her buttocks and small anus. It entered her and began to rotate again and again. She gasped.

“What is happening now?” she thought.

Involuntarily, she clenched the muscles of her ass to try and stop its penetration. A tingling burn shot through her and exploded in her breasts. This repeated continuously as the “birthday suit” continued to ravage every hole of her body. With the movement and deeper penetration of the dildo in her anus, the tingling of her prolonged orgasm spread over her entire body without letting up. In fact, she felt that the sensation only increased.

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