The Janitor and the Dean

An adult stories – The Janitor and the Dean by bullworshipper,bullworshipper No one pays attention to him until something breaks down. From his position on the step ladder where he is changing a fluorescent tube of light in the women’s washroom, Felix can see over the doors into the toilet cubicles. It is forbidden to work here when students or staff are present, a sign being affixed to the door warning them away, but he can imagine what he would see. The same rule does not apply to the men’s washroom. Because he’s a member of the maintenance staff, therefore invisible, he can repair a leaking faucet or a faulty hand dryer or replace paper towels while the boys go about their business. Last week one student barged into the washroom, indifferent to the presence of a janitor who was scouring a sink, unbuckled his belt, dropped his jeans and slipped a hand under tight briefs decorated with glittering words to adjust his genitals. A fuckable twink, Felix thought, but couldn’t stare long enough to read the words reversed in the mirror.

Every other week he works the late afternoon and night shift, beginning at five and ending at 12:30 a.m, a half hour off for supper, which he usually eats before nine unless something remarkable occurs. No place in the entire college is foreign to him: academic offices, basement crawl spaces, classrooms, student residences, nooks and crannies. Every library carrel is like a chair and desk in his own home, the aisles between every row of books in the stacks a common path which he has tread so often he’s acquired an uncommon knowledge of the location of titles without consulting the computerized catalogue. He prefers the late shift with its reduced staff because it’s fun to watch students fucking in the carrels or faggot professor giving blowjobs to college jocks in the stacks. Felix has occasionally fucked a few professors himself. Academics like a bit of rough.

Security guards have their regular routes and schedules which Felix also knows very well: who goes where and when. They don’t enter teacher’s offices unless there is reason to because it would take too long to complete the inspection of corridors, washrooms, audio-visual and computers labs, and the administration offices. He has enjoyed the opportunity of befriending certain students and members of faculty caught in compromising situations like the mathematics scholarship winner two semesters ago whose picture was all over the papers, the pride of the college. Everyone knows what goes on and everyone pretends it’s not supposed to or their careers would be ruined if caught.

The mathematics whiz kid was blowing the new Academic Dean seated at his desk late one evening in a third-floor office, which needed the heavy sash window repaired. When raised, it slipped down with such guillotine rapidity that it could, if anyone stuck out his head, decapitate. The Dean had called maintenance a month ago. Given the cut backs to support staff, problems take longer to correct than they used to. Felix unlocked the door with his master’s key and walked in. The white moon was visible through the window.

“Christ!” the Dean exclaimed.

Felix responded that no one was expected to be in his office after ten at night unless he had signed the register at the security desk. Felix, who had keys to virtually every door in the academy, always checked the register.

“Sorry, but I need to fix that window before someone gets a finger chopped off.”

The student’s flushed face and still open mouth with saliva and precum dribbling out of it were apparent by the light of a full moon. The Dean seemed caught between “could you come back tomorrow” and “My God, please don’t tell anyone.” Flustered, he vainly attempted to cover up his cock, which had shrunk to the size of a small shrimp.

“It’s okay, not to worry. I didn’t see a thing. Sorry for the interruption, but don’t open that window.”

He withdrew, then wrote down time and names in his thin notebook. The following week, during his day shift, he stopped by the office again to complete the repair work on the window. Dean Hermann extended his hand to shake. Aside from his knowledge of the man’s proclivity, something about his placating tone and the avoidance of eye contact alerted Felix to potential. Also, because he was new, the Dean didn’t really know how much he could get away with in this college, and he was also recently married. So, he was nervous and susceptible. Without any doubt, Felix would have the new Dean rolling over, begging, and panting for him like a well-trained bitch sooner than later.

He hummed while removing the lower window and doing the necessary repairs. Now and then he caught the Dean looking at him.

“There, done, safe as safe can be. You needn’t worry anymore.”

“Thanks, ah, about last week, I’m sorry … I don’t know your name.”

“Felix, sir, call me Felix.”

“About last week ….”

“Nothing to say about last week, sir, trust me. But if I may suggest something.” The Dean’s jaw dropped because he hadn’t expected a janitor to suggest anything to an Academic Dean who screwed a scholarship student.

“It’s risky … I mean … in the office. We need a private, secure place.”

Incapable of gnawing off his foot stuck in a trap to save his life, Dean Hermann spoke in a quiet, respectful tone of voice while looking out the repaired window, perhaps relieved to hear Felix say “we.” He kept his eyes down as if to avoid revealing the depths of his anxiety and anticipation.

“I’m sorry … it shouldn’t have happened … she’s of legal age in case you’re wondering … please …. we wouldn’t want this sort of thing to get out. My wife wouldn’t understand.”

You’re fucking right she wouldn’t, Felix thought, nor would she understand you licking my boots. Not to worry, she won’t know. He smiled broadly and the Dean smiled back, feeling comfortable in Felix’s presence.

Well, at that moment, Felix had him. The please revealed hope and weakness. The smile suggested fellow conspirator. Saying “please” to maintenance staff under these circumstances — he was the next one, Felix decided on the spot. He’d own the frightened bitch soon. Making certain of the sympathy in his voice, he refrained, however, from touching the Dean’s shoulder. It was too early for intimate contact.

“Hey, come on, sir, we all like a bit, you know what I mean, all I’m saying is your office is not the best place. Wouldn’t help any if people found out. They won’t from me, I promise. Not my business, but I guess it’s not the first time, right?”

Like a beast catching a whiff of its prey in the wind, Felix smelled both Dean Hermann’s apprehension and relief. The tension in his voice relaxed and he began to breathe more easily. Hermann would eventually kneel before his Master Felix and lick his work boots. From that action, everything would follow. Nothing hardened his cock as quickly as seeing a bitch slobbering over his boots. Felix offered him a cigarette, then joked about it.

“Sorry, smoking is forbidden on campus, right? What’s a guy supposed to do?”

He had seen Hermann smoking in the parking lot by his car. Confidentiality established, Felix assured him of utter secrecy: “hey, trust me, man.”

A week later he stationed himself in the corridor late at night, and waited for the same girl to leave around eleven. Then, once the Dean exited the office, Felix came up behind him.

“Hey there, Dean Hermann.”

“Jesus, you startled me.”

Still a bit embarrassed in front of the janitor, the Dean couldn’t bring himself to look Felix in the eye, but accepted the offer of a cigarette on the way to his car, accompanied by the man who knew too much. Felix walked slowly, forcing Hermann to match his pace. Then he stepped closer to the Dean’s body, their shoulders touching, and slowed his pace further, noting with satisfaction that Dean Hermann neither moved ahead nor lagged behind, and didn’t object to the physical proximity, and chatted about proposed college renovations, work schedule, reduced staff.

“I want you to know you’ll always be safe with me, buddy.”

“That’s a relief, Felix, this whole thing has put me in an awkward position.”

“I guess it does, but listen, friend, when it comes to fun, we guys should stick together, right? I’ve got an idea you’ll like.”

The following week Felix showed Dean Hermann a private place in the basement of a derelict academic building scheduled for renovation, completely deserted at night.

“I use it myself, buddy. Bring a secretary down here for a quick fuck,” Felix chuckled as he assured the Dean, who at first hesitated to enter, but who was also expecting his scholarship student to come by his office any moment. Where else could he have taken the eager young lady? A motel was too fraught with potential discovery and Felix knew that Hermann would never invite students to the suburban home he shared with a wife and their young child. A student’s room in the residence or off campus presented its own hazards.

“Just give me the key back when you’re done. Leave it in my personal box outside the maintenance office in the Administration Building. When you need it again, call me on my cell. Here’s my number.”

The Dean’s first call was hushed, hesitant, but as that month passed, Hermann eased up on himself, relaxing into a suppliant position, and often commenting about the weather or a soccer game before asking for the key. “You think Brazil will win the championship this year?” Felix, an avid fan, knows the Dean’s interest is feigned for his sake. When Dean Hermann now calls, Felix is suffused with very warm and excited feelings, as if he himself will soon be fucking a submissive, grateful student, encouraging Hermann to confide in him. He even encourages the Dean to talk dirty and describe how he likes to get a student to lick his ass. Felix chuckles to himself: the Dean will have his faggot tongue up Felix’s ass soon enough. And he suspects the Dean has never been fucked up the ass. That will be something to look forward to. The transactions are saved on Felix’s cell phone

He has been patient, taking his time with Hermann. He’s reached the point though where he gets the Dean to say please more than once for the key, and when Felix says, if I give you the key will you be a good boy and tell me everything when you fuck the student? Yes, yes, I will, Hermann always replies, haven’t I been telling you how much I love to feel my cock in a cunt? The scholarship student has since been replaced by two or three other sweet cunts of legal age, so the professor insists. One of the secretaries in the registrar’s office flirts with Felix during his day shifts and will do anything to please him, like accessing student files. He fingers her wrist and winks in appreciation. It’s easy enough to find out what he wishes to know.

Adopting a jaunty casualness with his social inferior but obeying his wishes, Dean Hermann describes what transpires in the room. He notches up the level of excitement when he talks with Felix, who now repeats that he’s the Dean’s secret buddy, which clearly eases Hermann’s anxiety. When they meet in the hall now and then, if someone else is around, Dean Hermann does not acknowledge his existence. Instead of stopping to speak a few friendly words in public, the Dean offers only a nod and brushes him off. This could anger Felix, but doesn’t. The Dean’s sense of superiority will soon collapse. Hard to feel superior with a boot in your mouth or piss splashing all over your face. Except when he calls for the key, the janitor makes the Dean beg for it. And Hermann does so, thinking it’s all joke: “ah, c’mon, please Felix, be a pal, let me have the key.”

It seldom occurs to anyone to tell Felix to fuck off, keep his mouth shut or they’ll bust his kneecaps. It might be his own imposing body which, not yet fifty, he has kept very hard, aside from a noticeable but firm belly since he enjoys his beer, his intimidating stance and his trim grizzled beard, which warn people not to mess with him. What teacher or administrator wants to fight a janitor and make public his peccadilloes?

Some evenings when Dean Hermann has retreated to his office after a meeting with faculty or at the end of his day, Felix enters without knocking and sprawls on the chair next to the desk. The Dean only turns on a small brass lamp. If there’s a moon, the pale light glows on the janitor’s thick-soled construction boots with the steel toes. He smokes, which is against regulation, and smirks when Hermann opens the repaired window. “The cunt stopping by? I guess you’ll want to be going to the room.”

He likes to see Hermann wince, maybe get his back up, then settle down and roll over. The man who snubs the janitor in the corridor submits in his office. Despite initial nervousness, within a few minutes Hermann relaxes and, asking permission, does some work at his desk while Felix happily puffs and watches, noting the professor’s glances at his strong, widespread legs and boots. Now and then Hermann’s hand reaches beneath his desk and Felix knows he’s adjusting his cock. The janitor could fuck the professor on the office floor or desk, and knows the professor would beg and squeal with delight and pain. For, yeah, there’ll be a pain. But Felix waits for the right moment.

Felix won’t need to reveal his cell phone images taken of the Academic Dean and his students in the special room, special not only because it’s out of the way and private, but also because it’s really a windowless storage locker with no door. It’s part of a larger room in the basement of a temporarily deserted building, piled high with crates and boxes, old desks and filing cabinets. It has a springy love seat, rusty sink, still functioning coffee pot and cupboard. Felix has entered this lumber room after the Dean and his favourite fuck of the moment, positioned himself among the boxes and furniture to take pics on his cell phone without either one noticing. He has always left quickly to avoid discovery and spoiling a scene.

“She phoned earlier; she can’t make it.”

“You must be disappointed. I’m sorry to hear that, man.”

Suddenly Felix leans forward, crosses his elbow on the Dean’s desk. Above the lamplight, he can see that Hermann is edgy, disappointed, yearning. He doesn’t move and, as Felix well knows, the Dean is careful not to offend him.

“The thing is, I don’t think the room’s going to be available after tonight.”

“What do you mean?”

“Administration wants it cleaned out this week, get it ready for renovation of the building, that sort of thing.”

“Damn,” Hermann suddenly stands. Felix quickly scans the slender body, which lacks the stamina and strength to win any battle. He’s kept his youthful good looks despite a tendency to baldness. A nice piece of fuckable ass. Great slave meat material. Hermann will yield to pressure, if applied properly and consistently enough. He’s already dependent on the janitor.

“Well, not there at any rate. Sit down.”

Without hesitation, Hermann slumps down in his chair, somewhat sullen looking, poor boy, Felix smirks.

“Now pay attention to me, you need a safer place than the college. That room’s no longer available. You don’t want people finding out, do you? You don’t want your wife to find out.”

“You know that perfectly well, Felix. Are you planning to tell?”

“Man, after all this time, what’s it been? Many months now, and you still don’t trust me? Haven’t I been a good friend? I can leave now and let you solve your own fucking problems!”

To emphasize the force of his displeasure, he almost knocks over the chair when he stands.

“Please, Felix, don’t go.”

“Good,” he sits down, deciding now is the moment to use a bit of verbal force to elicit the proper response. Just a little forcefulness the way a trainer speaks to an unruly puppy.

“First apologize, then shut up and listen.”

Ah, how sweet to hear the Academic Dean mumble how sorry he is under his breath, eyes down, repeating it on command, begging the janitor’s pardon. Felix reaches over the desk, grabs the Dean’s wrist in a pool of light under the lamp, and makes him look up. He twists a little, an abrasive rub of the skin, a little bit of pain is good.

“You’re hurting me … please.”

Felix eases off a bit.

“Okay, for some crazy reason I want to do this for you.”

The Dean doesn’t try to pull his arm away as he leans towards the janitor.

Felix rubs Hermann’s wrist like a lover’s caress. Hermann is grateful, visibly relieved, almost exhilarated when Felix offers him the use of his apartment, during the day, during the night, weekends, any time.

“When do you want to fuck your student again?”


“Call me at ten in the morning, no later. I’ll go out somewhere, things to do. You have until one. Here’s an extra key. After your cunt leaves, you remain in the apartment.”


“Because you want to stay on the good side of me, right? Pay attention to what I’m saying, bitch. If you don’t stay, well, let’s say that would make me unhappy. We’ll have a beer together and then you can lick my boots for starters, faggot. No, scrub the kitchen and bathroom floors first.”

Felix bursts out laughing, as if he has made a joke, and the Dean joins him, except his laughter is insincere and fearful. He neither objects to the insult, nor flinches as Felix’s hand rests on his shoulder when he writes down the janitor’s address. He stands beside the professor and caresses his neck briefly as if massaging. The Dean doesn’t attempt to move away, and Felix senses the body relaxing. He knows the man’s cock is stirring. He knows the Dean wants it, even if Hermann hasn’t quite admitted that to himself yet.

The janitor sits back down and spreads his legs and rubs his bulging crotch and stares at the Dean. Hermann can’t look away, fixated on both the janitor’s crotch and his boots.

“You know what I’d like, now, bitch.”

Herman doesn’t answer although he seems to be opening and closing his mouth.

The janitor keeps rubbing his crotch.

“My boots need you to lick them.”

“What??” But the Dean’s surprise or shock is half-hearted because he stands up, approaches the janitor and kneels between his boots.

“Yeah, that’s it, baby. Show me what a good bitch you wanna be for me.”

It won’t take long before Hermann’s appetite overcomes apprehensiveness, and his dependency upon Felix’s good graces and power becomes insatiable need. He’ll quickly ease into his new life as the janitor’s private bitch and cocksucker. Ultimately, Felix will unload his cum down that academic gullet and enslave him. Tomorrow morning at exactly ten, Dean Hermann will call, unlock the apartment door later, fuck his student of the moment, and send her away. He will call Felix again and wait for him. Felix will tell him to strip naked and kneel in a corner. And the Academic Dean will do so, trembling all the while, wondering how he came to be at this point, but the hardness of his cock will tell him that it’s right, the natural thing for him to do. To be. And the janitor will return home and stand over the Dean in the corner. He will show the Dean a leather collar with studs and rings on it, and a chain-link leash, a ball gag, a hood, shackles and a flogger. The Academic Dean will begin to cry when the janitor attaches the collar to his neck. Then the janitor will unzip his jeans and grab hold of the Dean’s head between his big, hard hands.

After a few weeks of following instructions and getting fucked, and occasionally flogged for improper attention or disrespect or failure to do his duty, during which time he won’t be permitted to fuck any student, the Academic Dean will answer like a dog whenever Felix wishes. He has had to adjust his schedule and lie to his wife, but he can’t help himself. He will enter the apartment, undress, attach his collar, perhaps wash the floors if he has been ordered to, and then kneel before the front door holding the leash in his hand, waiting for his master. And the janitor will enter his apartment, his thick and long and big-headed cock sticking out of his jeans, and lock the door behind him.

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