Games Ch. 35 by bydasea,bydasea

Games 35

Waking up the next morning I wondered what the day would bring. It was Sunday and the girls have usually planned a full day for me. Sometimes they are with me and other days I’m all alone. That is when they tie me up and blindfold me someplace so they can go have fun together. I hope today is not one of those times.

But, as usual, I get out of bed, start the coffee, go out front to piss and poop where others can watch me. It takes me a little longer in the morning, because I must pick up my poop and toilet paper after I take a dump. They have added a trash can for me to use just for that. They say it isn’t right to have my poop in the trash. I don’t understand their thinking at all. People with dogs put the dog poop in the trash but I can’t put mine in it. I was told once it got full, I would have to bury it someplace.

Then, it is back inside to have a cup of coffee and think of all the things I have had to do since I asked Patty to expose and humiliate me. Wow, she has come a long way from back then and she does such a great job of giving me what I want and need.

I never thought about the things those 2 girls are having me do. I didn’t think it would ever go this far, but since they are having fun at my expense, I don’t complain about doing any of it. I would never have thought I could go out in public dressed as a girl, but they have had me like that a few times. I figured it won’t be my last time either. Who would ever think about stripping naked in public places and showing everyone what you have? Stripping down to nothing in a restaurant full of people just to give your clothes to a waitress who liked them.

Or being made to walk around naked so everyone can see you. Then having everyone touch you all over while naked. Or licking different women whenever one of them tells me too and sometimes in front of others. Being left naked in the car while others are around. Walking down a road in nothing but stockings and high heels just to tell your wife and little lover you’ll suck a cock for them.

Having to watch other men fuck my wife is one of the worst things I have been made to do and I’m sure it will happen again. Or when they had me lick an old ladies’ pussy and fuck her too. Gross. But the girls are enjoying what they do with me, and I get rewarded for it sometimes. I’ve been able to fuck my first virgin with a promise of at least one more. I even watched my wife lick another pussy, which I enjoyed very much.

As I was thinking about everything and drinking my coffee, I heard the girls moving around. I knew I had to get them coffee before they came out to get their own, so I got up, fixed them each a cup and carried it to them. Once they had coffee, I was ready to go back to fix breakfast but was stopped.

“Donna, go get you a nice shower and wait for us on the porch. We are going for brunch today before we play.” Lena told me.

Damn, this doesn’t sound good for me. Ever since Jim called me Donna, they are using that much more. I didn’t mind Dawn since it sounds a lot like Don. But Donna doesn’t come close to Don, except the first 3 letters are Don. I sure hope they don’t start calling me that all the time. That would be so humiliating for me.

I did what my little lover wanted and didn’t even ask if I could have another cup of coffee first. I started out the door when Patty said, “We will be bringing your clothes out when we are ready. Once you get a shower and dry off, come in, get another cup for yourself, and then go back out to stand where everyone can see you.”

Then Lena said, “Ms. Patty, I like that idea. I think from now on, when he has his morning coffee, he should drink it out there.”

“Good idea Lena. New rule Dawn. Be sure it happens each day.” Patty said.

Well, so much for sitting to think while drinking my coffee before the girls get up. Guess I will be doing it outside each morning. I will have to be very attentive now so I can hear them when they get up. It might be difficult and I’m sure if I don’t hear them, I’ll be punished.

I went outside, got me a nice warm shower since I was not told cold only. Once I finished my shower in the front yard, I went to the porch to dry off. Then, I went inside, got me another cup, and headed back outside. I drank my coffee, standing at the top of the steps so everyone could see the naked guy with a hard cock. It stays hard most of the time now, but it was hard today because I was not able to cum yesterday while I watched my girls get fucked and I sucked a cock.

I finished my coffee just as the girls came out. I couldn’t tell what clothes they had for me today because they had put them in a bag. Lena said, “Finish your coffee and take your cup inside. Wash it out, the come back out so we can get you dressed for brunch.”

I did as she told me and when I came back out, I knew what I would be wearing out in public today. I saw they had my little black dress, black stockings, and high heels. They looked like the 4-inch heels, and I hoped I could walk in them.

I was told to sit in the chair while Patty made up my face. It was the foundation to start with, then she did my eyes before applying lipstick. They didn’t do my fingernails his time, but the rest of me would look like I’m a girl. Once she had my face the way she wanted it, she showed me what it looked like.

I did look like a girl, and I was turning red with embarrassment. I am a guy, not a girl and I shouldn’t be doing any of this. I should be wearing men’s clothes and maybe have a beard. But, instead, I had make-up on my face, my eyes fixed to look like I was a girl and then lipstick on my lips.

But they weren’t finished with me. Lena was putting something smelly on me. It was perfume that only a girl would wear, but now I not only looked like a girl I smelled like one. Then, I had to put the black stockings on before putting the high heels on my feet. Next was the little black dress and a different wig this time. Instead of the blonde wig I wore before, this one was a red haired one and the hair was straight and long.

Once they finished with me, Lena said, “Damn, Donna, you look so cute. I am sure the others will enjoy being with us.”

Now, she is saying we will be with some others which I don’t want to do. It is one thing to be dressed as a girl in public, but they invited some others to join us. However, it is this kind of thing that makes me happy. I get so embarrassed when they take me out in public as a girl, but I enjoy every bit of it.

Patty said, “We’ll take my car today and Donna can ride in the back seat.”

Lena said, “Yep, she is going to love it today. Now, Donna, you do realize you have a new name, right? We aren’t sure if we will call you Donna all the time or just call you Dawn when not dressed as our little girl or baby. But if we call you Donna at any time, you will answer us. Is that clear, Donna?”

I said, “Yes, it is, and I will do my best to please you.”

“Very good, now let’s go for brunch.” Lena said.

I stood up, but almost fell back down. The heels were not easy to walk in and I hadn’t had them on for a while. Patty said, “Maybe she needs to walk a little bit before we go just so she gets used to the 4-inch heels again.”

Lena said, “Yes, I agree. I think she needs to walk the circle at least once before we go. Don’t want her falling at the restaurant. Let’s go Donna and get some practice in.”

I had a hard time getting down the steps, but the girls helped me and soon, I was walking down the street looking like a girl so the neighbors could see me. They had seen me dressed as a girl before, but it had been a while. It embarrasses me to be seen like this, but my girls want it, so I do it.

It was a slow walk around the circle, but I managed to make it all the way around without falling or breaking an ankle. It was a little easier to walk in the heels once I walked in them, but my feet hurt. Guess I’ll never make a real true woman because I have trouble in heels. I wonder how they do it all the time. I guess if I wore them every day, I could do it too. But I don’t want to be made to do that.

Once we got back to the house, Patty was waiting for us, and we got in her car. The girls in front and me in the back seat. Patty asked, “Anyone see her today?”

Lena said, “Yes, several people were out, and they all waved but we didn’t stop to talk. I was too hungry to wait much longer, besides, the others will be there soon.”

“Yes, they will be. Can’t wait to see them again and I’m sure Donna will be glad too.” Patty said.

Then it was quiet in the car. I don’t want to be seen in public like this, but it is what they want. I asked to be humiliated and they are doing it very well.

I had no idea where we were going for brunch, but I prayed no one from my work saw me like this again. I may be dressed like a girl, but I don’t look like one for real. Then, if I had to talk everyone would know for sure I’m a guy dressed in girl’s clothes. But this is probably better than being dressed like a baby. That would really be humiliating.

Patty drove us to a place we had been to before that had the food set out buffet style. I like eating here but not sure about being here today. She parked the car and said, “Today, you are Donna. No talking unless you want others to laugh at you for dressing like a girl. We will be having company today so; I expect you to be on your best behavior.”

Lena said, “You may answer her, then you will shut up until we say you can talk. Remember, since you were a good little cocksucker last night, you will be rewarded today.”

I said, “I understand that I must do this and keep quiet. I will do my best to make you both proud.”

Then, I shut up and waited to see what else was planned and who would join us. Lena said, “Very good Donna. Our guest should be here soon. Let’s go wait for them by the door. I want them to see her as soon as they arrive.”

“Good idea Lena. Bet they will love seeing our girl again. It is going to be such a fun day for all of us.” Patty said.

We got out of the car and once I was steady enough to walk, we headed toward the front door to wait. Once by the door, they made me stand where I would be seen by everyone coming in or going out. They stood off to the side but not too far from me.

They whispered to each other so I couldn’t hear what was being said. I stood in silence praying people I know don’t see me like this. But my girls want me to be seen in drag, so here I am. I don’t think I could ever pass for a girl like other guys do. I know I have seen them on TV before and some of them are pretty and look like women. But not me.

We didn’t have to wait long, and a car pulled up near us. It stopped right near the front and when the people in the back seat got out, I knew who our guests were. Once they got out, they gave the driver something and he drove off. Guess it was a taxi, but not marked like one.

I saw Sarah first and then Amber. Patty and Lena came over and said hello to them. Sarah said hello, but Amber said nothing. Amber was dressed in a black dress like mine, and she wore black stockings with her lips as red as mine. I remembered that Sarah was going to make her a slave and it looked like that was what happened.

Sarah said, “Amber, say hello to everyone and then shut up.”

Amber said, “Hello Ms. Patty. Hello Ms. Lena. Hello Ms. Dawn.”

Lena said, “Sorry we didn’t tell you, but she is now Donna, not Dawn.”

Sarah laughed and Amber giggled. Sarah said, “Why the name change. I like it but curious to why you changed her name to Donna?”

Lena said, “Well, we had a little party at the house last night with 2 black guys. One of them had just finished fucking Patty and he was getting ready to clean the guy’s big cock and he said, “Clean me up Donna. We liked it and that is his new name, especially when he wants to look like a girl.”

“Oh wow, that is so cool. What else happened. Wish I could have seen it.” Sarah said.

Patty said, “We’ll tell you all about it later, but we need to go eat. I see your little slut is ready.”

“Yes, she is, and it wouldn’t matter if she wasn’t. I own all of her now and she does what I want, right slut?” Sarah told us.

Amber just nodded her head to indicate it was true since Sarah told her to shut up. I guess I wasn’t the only one to be put in silent mode. I thought it was cute but can’t say anything either. I wondered what else may happen today since we were all together again. The last time we were together, I got to see all of Amber since she wanted to be naked, and we even walked the circle together naked.

We went inside and I saw others looking at us and figured they knew I wasn’t one of the girls. Patty found us a table and she told the waitress we all wanted the buffet. She also got us all a drink which the waitress will bring to us. Then we had to get up to fix our plates and that wasn’t easy for me. It’s hard enough walking in 4-inch heels, but harder when you have to balance a plate and walk in them too. I knew I didn’t look very lady like. I might need more practice if they expect me to go out like this again.

I managed to get back to the table with everything and sat to eat. Patty kept telling me different things I needed to do in order to look more like a girl. I took her advice and before long, I think I was almost passing for a girl. I would have to ask the girls to teach me more, so when I went out with them, I wouldn’t embarrass them.

We all sat and ate our food, which was very good. I started eating like the guy I am, but Patty corrected me and showed me how to eat like a girl. I couldn’t just shovel the food in my mouth like I normally do. No, I had to pick at and take small bites instead of big forkfuls. I would rather eat like a man, but Patty wants me to eat like a girl and she always gets her way now that I have given myself to her and Lena.

We continued eating while Patty, Lena and Sarah talked. Amber and I ate in silence since we were both told to be quiet. I wondered what Sarah has made Amber do for her since Amber agreed to be her slave and slut. I’m sure Amber has licked her pussy many times. I wondered if she had to lick other girls too and has, she been fucked yet. I was told that I might be the one to take her virginity away like I did for Lena. Maybe today would be the day I did it.

I wasn’t paying attention to the others while I was thinking and didn’t hear the plans for today. Not even sure they said anything about what was going on today. I was hungry and ate all my food, trying to be dainty like a girl should be. That was hard to do, and I had to pay attention to what I did. I took smaller bites like Patty instructed and made sure to hold my fork like a girl. I watched the others as they ate and tried to mimic them. Don’t think I was doing that good, but I did try.

We all finished eating and they said it was time we left. I don’t know what else was happening and wondered if Sarah and Amber would be going with us. They were dropped off by someone. Will they have to get picked up too? Or will Patty take them home.?

Before we left, Patty said, “Ladies, let’s use the bathroom before we leave.”

I was going to wait for them to use the bathroom, but Lena said, “That means you to Donna. After all, you are one of the ladies right now.”

So, off we went to use the lady’s bathroom. I don’t like doing that, since other girls may be in there. But it is what they want, so I go with what they want, and I have no other choice except to go into men’s room dressed like a girl.

We all went in the girls’ bathroom, and I had to sit and pee once again while they watched me. Amber was also watched as she peed in the toilet, but it didn’t seem to bother her. But, what she did after peeing was something I had never seen before. Instead of using toilet paper to wipe her pussy clean, she used her finger and then licked them clean.

Lena said, “Wow Sarah, you got her trained well. Never thought about using fingers to wipe a pissy pussy, but it is cool. Our girl doesn’t have a pussy to wipe, so she can’t do that.”

Patty and Sarah both laughed and then they went to pee also. Of course, they shut the doors so we couldn’t watch. Amber and I had to stand by the sinks to wait for them. I prayed no one else came in and saw me like this. When we left the bathroom, I found out why no one else came in. They had locked the door.

We left the restaurant and once we got to the car, Sarah said, “Amber strip!”

Amber didn’t hesitate and started removing her clothes. All she had to do was remove her dress and panties and she soon stood in her heels and stockings and nothing else. She does have a beautiful little body and I was happy to see it.

But we still didn’t get in the car because Lena said, “Now your turn Donna, strip.”

Well, so much for being covered. I did the same as Amber, removed my dress and panties and stood before them all in just my heels and stockings letting them all see my hard cock.

Lena said, “Poor baby wasn’t allowed to cum last night, but he made sure Patty, and I were both cleaned up after we fucked the black guys and then he sucked their cocks clean.”

Then Patty said, “Yes, but the best part is when he sucked Jim’s big black cock and took it down his throat. He got a big load of cum and swallowed it all.”

Lena said, “Yea, that was so cool, seeing him with that black cock in his mouth, but I also sucked one and got a big mouthful of cum. But I didn’t swallow it. Nope, spit it into Donna’s mouth so she could swallow it.”

Patty explained that last night I had swallowed 4 big loads of cum. Two from hers and Lena’s pussies, one straight from a cock and the last from Lena’s mouth. Then she said, “Yea, Donna is quite the little cocksucker and she’ll be getting more in the future.”

All this was said before we were allowed to get in the car. Sarah laughed and said, “I would sure love to watch him sucking cock.”

Amber and I stood out in the open, in a public parking lot and just about naked. Only thing we had on was high heels and stockings. I was hoping they let us in soon because I wasn’t sure about being out like this where others could see us. But I have been out naked before and from what I guessed, so has Amber.

After a little more talking, Patty said, “Ok, you 2 get in the back seat and keep your hands off each other. Sarah, ride up front with us.”

We all got in the car, and I was next to one door while Amber was by the other one. I had no idea what was going to happen today, but it looked like they would be with us the rest of the day. Patty started driving while the three in the front talked. Amber and I sat in silence but did look at each other.

I couldn’t hear everything being said because they were whispering. I did hear Sarah say that she got Amber on birth control and once she loses her virginity and they get to college, she will be used by the sorority and a brother fraternity. I wasn’t sure if that meant Amber would be gang banged or what might happen.

I wasn’t paying attention to where we were headed, and when Patty stopped, I looked out. We were at the tiny park that I had been tied up at a couple times. The 3 girls got out and then Amber and I was told to get out. It was funny having her naked with me, but I enjoyed looking at her naked body. Of course, I like looking at all naked females. Even the old or fat ones.

They had us walk to the one picnic table and stand side by side and was told not to touch each other or ourselves. I wondered what was going to happen with us today and would today be the day I get to fuck another virgin.

While we stood there, mostly naked the 3 of them sat on the picnic bench. No one said anything for a moment. They just looked at the 2 of us in front of them. Then Sarah said, “It sure is nice seeing that hard cock again and can’t wait to have fun with it.”

Lena said, “Yes, we have been having lots of fun with it since we were together the last time. And we plan on having more fun with it today.”

“I sure hope so. I love how you treat him and make him do so many humiliating things.” Sarah said.

Then, Patty said, “So, Sarah, is Amber your full-time slave now?”

“Yes, she is and does whatever I say. She has learned so much and has shown so many others her naked body. She stays naked most of the time, even at home. Her parents don’t mind at all and encourage me to do more with her.” Sarah said.

“Wow, that is so cool. We took Dawn to see my parents twice. First time he was blindfolded and didn’t know who was looking at him. It was just mom and dad that time. Then we went back and when we were in the house, we removed his blindfold. He was so embarrassed to be standing naked in front of mom, dad, and Faith. Faith even held his cock and had him in her mouth. It was so cute. And he couldn’t say anything.” Lena told her.

Patty said, “Yes, that was a special day and someday they will come over to visit and he will have to serve everyone. I think today we need to make both do many things before we go to the house. But we also want to do what we talked about at the house after they walk the circle together.”

“So, what do we do?” Sarah asked.

“Well, I know of a few people who love to see him and get to play with that cock. I think they would love to see her and play with her pussy.” Lena said.

“And I might need to get some gas. They can both be out in public like this as they pump the gas and wash my windshield.” Patty told Sarah.

“That would be so cool. I think you said he did that once and was seen by a bunch of girls who played with his cock.” Sarah said.

“Yes, and he enjoyed it, even if he was so embarrassed. One of them yelled at him until she held his cock and then she loved seeing him do it. She had never seen a real cock before.” Lena said.

They all laughed about that and then Patty said, “We have had him out here before and he was naked while we ate lunch. Then, Lena and I wanted to explorer so, we blindfolded him and tied him to the ground. He has no idea if he was seen by others since he didn’t know if we tied him here in the open or in the woods. We won’t ever tell him either.”

Sarah said, “I like that and might just do it with Amber someday. But I don’t want strangers taking advantage of her. At least not till I have her cherry popped. But after that, maybe we can bring them both back here and tie them down and see what happens.”

Lena then said, “Sounds like a plan to me. I think we should get going so we can have some fun. I think we need to get some show time in before going to the house.”

“I agree. We will go back to that gas station for gas and then maybe hit the mall and make them walk around the parking lot.” Patty suggested.

“Cool, let’s go so I can see what happens with the naked ones.” Sarah requested.

We were told to get back in the car so they can take us out to show us off and humiliate us. Once we were all in the car, Patty drove, and the first stop was the mall parking lot. She drove around until she found a place to park toward the back. It was a little closer to the mall this time, but I knew I still had to get out and show my naked body and hard cock. I had a naked girl with me, but I think others would rather look at her instead of me.

Lena turned toward us and said, “Now, you both will get out of the car and walk around it 6 times. You will not be together because you are on opposite sides. You will stay that far apart while walking. Don’t cover anything up and let everyone see all of you.”

I didn’t want to do this at all. It was Sunday and more people would be out shopping. Plus, last time it was only 4 times around the car. She keeps adding to my exposure by keeping me out longer, especially in public. But this time I have a naked girl with me, doing the same as me.

The two of us kept walking around the car but not together. I would be on one side, and she would be on the other side of the car. When I was in front, she was in back. We didn’t get to see each other as we walked.

I noticed several cars coming in and going out, but nothing close to us. I was grateful for that. I love being seen naked but out here in a public parking lot was dangerous. The cops could spot us, or young children could see us. However, I must do what my girls want so I can get more humiliation and sex.

This time I was lucky no one was close enough to us and may not notice a naked man and girl walking around. We made it the six times around and were allowed to get back in the car. Once in the other three started laughing and Sarah said, “I love watching them do things like this. Amber has said she likes being naked in public and this was perfect.”

Lena said, “This is nothing. Just wait to see when they get out to pump gas and wash the windshield. Someday we are going to take Dawn to a car wash and make him wash our cars while naked.”

“That would be cool. Let me know when you are going to do it and I’ll bring Amber to help.” Sarah said.

Patty said, “You know, we might have time to do that today once we get some gas. I know of one of those wash places where you do it yourself and they will get lots of exposure there.”

Lena and Sarah liked that idea and Lena said, “Let’s do it then.”

Sarah clapped her hands and said, “Yes, I love doing things like this, as long as it isn’t me naked.”

Lena asked her, “So, no guy has ever seen you naked yet?”

“Nope, not me. I might let someone see me soon. But Amber has been seen by so many guys. I make her strip naked whenever a guy wants his cock sucked and she still is a virgin, but not for long.”

Patty found the same gas station as we were in before and it was empty. She pulled in, shut the engine off and said, “Dawn, here is my credit card. You pump the gas, making sure once the nozzle is in the tank, turn so your ass is against the car. I want that hard cock visible in case anyone comes in.”

Lena said, “And Amber, you will wash the windshield. You will do both sides so anyone looking will get a good look at your naked body. Don’t try to hide those little tits or pussy.”

Patty said, “If anyone stops to look at you, they are also allowed to touch you. We will get out if anyone does come in and let them know that you can be touched and played with. We will explain that Amber can’t have fingers in her pussy and Dawn can’t cum.”

Sarah said, “Make me proud slut. Now both of you get out and do as you have been instructed.”

Just before we got out, Lena said, “I think if anyone else comes in, our two naked sluts can pump their gas and wash their windshields too.”

We got out and I went to the back of the car while Amber walked to the front. She got that scrubby thing out of the water and began washing the windshield while I opened the tank and got the gas started. I prayed no one else stopped in like they did before. It was so humiliating to stand naked before four young girls that I had never seen before. Especially the one that yelled at me for being naked. It ended up that my cock was the first she had ever seen and then held in her hand

I started the gas, turned around so my ass was facing the car and my naked hard cock was out for all to see should they drive in. I waited like that until the click of the handle said it was full and then pulled it out, put the nozzle away and walked back to the car to get in. Amber was just finishing the windshield on the opposite side of the car, and I noticed if anyone had looked, they would see her naked ass.

I was just about to get back in, but Lena opened her window and said, “No, not this side. Walk around the car to the other side and then you can get in.”

I walked around the car showing my naked body to anyone looking. By going this way, I would be close to the road and anyone going by would see me. But I did as I was told and walked around to get in on the opposite side.

Once we were both in the car, Lena said, “Now naked sluts, it is time for some more fun. You ready?”

Neither one of us had permission to talk so we just nodded that we were ready. Then Patty said, “My car is dirty and you two will wash it and you will do it just like you are. Naked with stockings and high heels on.”

I knew I would be exposed again and got excited. My cock seemed to grow bigger when she told me I would be naked out in public again. I looked at Amber and she was all smiles. I figured she is so much like me that she wants others to see her naked in public.

Patty drove for a while longer before she pulled into a place with the stalls to wash cars in. It had about 8 stalls and it looked like most of them were in use. I started getting nervous, knowing I would soon be outside the car naked where everyone could see me. The girls were giving me what I asked for and much more.

Once Patty pulled into an empty stall, which was in the middle of the building, she gave Amber some bills and said, “Now, you will go to the front where there is a change machine. Get all the bills in change and then come back. Dawn, you will stand by the opening to make sure she is doing it right.”

We got out and walked to the front of the car. I stopped at the entrance and watched Amber go to the change machine. She had to walk past another stall to get there and I heard gasps from whoever was in that stall. Then I saw a couple step out and watch her walking. She stopped and stared feeding the machine the money and gathering the change. Patty had given her four dollars and once she had all the quarters, she walked back past the couple to where I was standing.

They had not seen me yet because they were busy watching her. When they saw me standing naked in high heels, they both burst out laughing. Amber and I went back in the stall, got the water running and began to wash the car. I used the wand to wash it down and Amber found a sponge to wash the harder spots.

We were having fun doing it together and we ended up wet all over. We didn’t pay too much attention to anything else and when I looked away from the car, I noticed we had an audience watching us. I motioned to Amber to look and when she did, I thought she was going to run away. But all she did was wave to the people and spread her legs a little to show off her naked pussy.

I heard laughter from inside the car, knowing the 3 girls were enjoying our show. We finally got the car washed and we got back in the car so we could leave. Patty was laughing so hard she couldn’t even drive. So, we just sat there until she calmed down some before leaving the car wash. She rolled down the windows as she started going out and said, “Let them get another look at you and tell them thank you for watching.”

She was going slow and Amber along with me, said, “Thank you for watching us wash the car. We enjoyed you seeing us naked.”

Then, we were off again. Had no idea where we would go now, but wherever it was I knew we would still be naked. Patty drove us back home which surprised me, but I never know what will happen next. As soon as she pulled into the entrance to our neighborhood, she stopped.

Lena said, “Now, you two get out since you will walk the rest of the way home. Walk slow, no talking and don’t start until we disappear.”

We got out of the car, stood waiting for Patty to drive away. But she didn’t move. We were standing at the entrance to the neighborhood naked for all to see if they drove past us. But Patty stayed right where she was knowing her husband and Lena’s friend would be seen by others. That’s what she does because we have asked for it.

After about 5 minutes, she started to slowly pull away from us, but we still couldn’t move because Lena had told us to wait until the car was not visible any longer. She was moving super slow which exposed us more to others. One of these days I expect to be arrested for indecent exposure but so far, I have been lucky.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the car could no longer be seen. I nodded to Amber, and we started slowly walking up the road toward the house. I have to walk slow anyway since I had those 4-inch heels on.

We walked in silence until we got to the house and Sarah said, “Now, it’s time to show off some more before we play with you naked sluts. Lena says you walk around 20 times so that is what we will do.”

“Let’s get moving so the neighbors can see you both. Remember, no talking to anyone.” Lena said.

We left the house and walked around the circle. The first time around, we didn’t see anyone. But the next trip around more people were out. I guess they keep checking for me to be out walking and then come out to see us.

Lena and Sarah talked to most of them while Amber and I just waited in silence. Everyone thought it was nice to see a young naked girl with me and asked who she was. I heard Sarah say, “Her name is Amber, and she is my slave. She is naked most of the time, so others get to see her.”

They all laughed, and some said, they liked what they saw. It was mostly the men who liked her while the women enjoyed seeing my cock. A few men asked if she was fuckable like I was. But Lena said, “No, at least not yet. But she does suck cocks and lick pussy when Sarah allows it.”

They wondered if she could suck their cocks, but Sarah said “No, not this time. But someday I’ll bring her back and she can suck all the cocks you can find.”

They all liked that, and we continued our walk. On one of the trips around we saw Bob and Sally out. Of course, Lena had to stop and talk to them. Sarah said she remembered them. Bob was curious about Amber and Sarah said, “If you want to play with her pussy, feel free to do so. Amber, step up to him and let him play with that slit. But please don’t put your finger in it. She is still a virgin, and we want to be sure it gets popped the proper way with a big cock.”

Amber obeyed Sarah and stepped over to Bob so he could feel her up. Of course, while he was playing with her pussy, I had to let Sally play with my cock. She stroked me and even sucked on it some. Lena had told her not to make me cum, so she was gentle with my cock.

The other 2 girls talked, and Sally told Sarah how much she enjoyed being eaten and fucked by me and that her birthday was soon, and I was going to fuck her again. After chatting a little longer, we had to walk some more, and we left with me horny, and I think Amber may be to.

We saw several other people out as we walked but didn’t talk to many of them. After walking around the circle, the 20 times, we went back to the house. I wasn’t sure what else might happen today, but I’m sure something will.

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