Seducing Justin – Chapter 1 – Meeting by Iren7

Then I firmed up my left hand around his shivering balls, tightened my grip on his cock around the base, and stroking tighter and harder.

I lowered my mouth down on him and took about 5 inches in my mouth and throat, tight, but not sucking. Never leaving his stare and our eyes were locked.

I kept my grip firm around the base of his rock hard cock, both his balls tightly squeezed in the palm of my left hand, and the rest of his penis shoved 5 or 6 inches in my mouth and throat. His body stayed rigid and totally still, the only movement was the involuntary vibration from his balls. He was quiet now.

I further tightened my grips with both hands, and he started pumping like a dog in my throat. I let him, and sucked slowly and hard.

His body started shuddering, violently as he increased his pace of fucking my throat

I could feel his balls ready to explode and widened my mouth to accommodate him, and pulled my mouth slightly away

I further tightened my grip on the base of his pumping young hard cock for at least another 10 seconds, while he started to growl and make loud animal like noises

He stopped pumping, stood completely still as before, and then his whole body shuddered as if jumping in freezing water

He was shaking like a wild animal and I could feel his balls exploding. I now totally clamped down my right hand around the base of his rock-hard cock and kept squeezing his shaking balls. Our eyes locked into each other all this time.

I knew I had to let him release – I opened my mouth wider, and after another 5 seconds released the clamplike grip on the base of his cock and braced myself.

With the release, I could feel his jerking hard balls basically exploding in my hand, and his hot young sperm hitting the back of my throat like a hosepipe that was opened at full volume.

He growled like a lion in pain, and just kept shooting his thick young warm seed in continuous spurts deep into my throat, swallowing as much as I can.

I couldn’t take any more in my mouth and throat, again clamped down on the base of his cock, and then released again after I freed my mouth from his pulsing penis head.

The next moment another spurt of thick creamy white sperm hit me in the face and eyes. He then took control, grabbed his cock and kept spraying my face and then a few thick streams aimed at my tits and nipples. I could not believe so much sperm coming from one man after I swallowed as much as I could take, and after filling my mouth and throat.

I still had his balls in my left hand and felt them shivering again. I sensed there must be a last load and I offered my face to him, looking again in his eyes after I wiped the thick cum from it briefly with the back of my right hand.

He vigorously aimed the last spurt towards my face and I kept my mouth open and receptive, and again swallowed as much as I could.

He must have unloaded more than a cup of sperm by now, his balls shivered once more, and I closed my mouth tight to suck and release him from the last drops from his virile young body

His body shook violently one last time, then he collapsed on me, his upper body on my head and his face on my shoulder, now his hands grasping for my back to stable himself.

I moved to the side to give his body space to fall down on the couch, now next to me with his legs not having any power to keep up his young body.

I helped him to lie down, shifted him to be comfortably, his body drained from any energy or power

It was a big couch and I cuddled up in next to him, my body slightly higher than his, took him in my arms and just held him tightly

He was making childlike noises and just lied still, his legs open and his beautiful young penis now soft and spent.

We lied still, and he started crying softly, saying sorry over and over, that he disappointed me. He wanted to show me that he was a real man and could satisfy me like a real man.

I let him cry, just held him tightly and whispering back that he is so special, and that I have never experienced such beautiful emotions and so many juvenile young juices in my body.

He then says that his biggest fantasy the last 4 weeks was to have sex with me, like a man, to penetrate me and to satisfy me like no man before – And for me to be his first.

I just held him and pacified him like a small child, assuring him he still can. But to just relax now, savior the moment and get his energy back.

We lied like this for another 5 minutes. I looked at my watch and realized we were in the house for 1 and a half hours already, and it was half an hour after he usually goes home. I didn’t want his Mother to be concerned.

I gently told him this, and he reluctantly and shakingly got up. I helped him getting into his clothes, leading him to the door. On the way, I put $ 50 in his pocket. He tried to protest but I just put my finger softly in front of his lips, gave him a last hug, kissed him on the cheek and steered him home.

After he left for home, I was emotionally drained, but had a burning urge between my thighs and could still feel my love juices, now running down my legs. I did not want to think about the potential consequences, but knew I had to satisfy myself now before having second thoughts about the emotional impact on Justin.

I walked to my bedroom, took my biggest and strongest vibrator, went back to the coach, still with his drying young sperm all over my face, hair and body, and with the vivid memories of what happened there an hour earlier, I fucked myself senseless and had 4 earth shaking orgasms before passing out

That Night I also slept like a baby, dreaming of him

The next morning, strangely enough, I woke up energized and happy inside, my thoughts immediately going to Justin and the events of yesterday.

I did not know what to expect, if he will ever come back? How will he feel about it? Will he want more?

I was excited and concerned at the same time, excited with nervous expectations of what will happen, and how he will behave. I felt like a 16 year old girl!

I spent time on my make-up and perfume, and selected a see-through white mini skirt, and very loose pink tank top with big arm holes to show even more of my tits from side angles, and front if I bend down. With this outfit, I just wanted to assure him I am ok with what happened yesterday, and that things are the same as before.

I also decided that I will not start any conversation about us, and leave it up to him to initiate any talks if he is comfortable.

On the minute at 9 am. he came walking through the front gate, dressed in baggy shorts and a loose-fitting T-shirt and his charming smile…

He greeted, almost as shy as the first day he came to talk to me and asked is it ok if he continues to work the 2 hours a day, as he really liked me and enjoyed spending time with me. I could see he is nervous and wanted to talk about me and what happened yesterday. I did not interrupt him, just smiled and gave him a quick close hug.

He relaxed and then I said we have a lot of things to do before our break at 10, smiling and told him to help me plant some new flowers. I wanted him to relax and gather his composure.

We started working side by side, and I could feel his eyes over me, following every move of my arms, and when I bent down, trying to catch every glimpse he could get.

I naughtily teased him, by slower movements and bending more than required to keep his interest and sexual tension on edge.

We kept working, and I deliberately kept working until about 15 minutes past 10. I sensed he got anxious, and I enjoyed his openly eagerness for the break.

We did not talk about yesterday at all.

I then said “Oh my gosh, look at the time! We should break or what do you think?”

He shyly said a break and cold drink will be nice, and we went inside…

Next chapter to follow..?

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