Biker Bar by golfnfool,golfnfool

The man between her legs slowed his stroking and began rubbing Diane’s clit with his thumb. Slowly but surely and against her will, Diane’s clit became hard. She couldn’t control the involuntary blood flow to her clit making it stiff. She was fighting the lust slowly building inside her. Mind racing, her she wondered why she was getting so excited being brutalized in this way. She felt dirty and used but had just about lost her strength and desire to resist. She felt if she didn’t resist and let them have their way with her, it would be over soon and she would be allowed to leave.

Seeing two more shadows in the doorway told her the ordeal was far from being over. She closed her eyes and tears raced down the sides of her face as the cock in her mouth pistoned faster and faster and the grunts and heavy breathing of the man violating her mouth reached her ears. The man’s humping motion on her chest hardened her nipples and they were beginning to get sore rubbing against the material of her bra. The man stiffened and slid his cock deep into her throat. She could feel it throbbing again and couldn’t help but try to swallow in an attempt to catch her breath. This cause the man to go crazy and he began urging her to swallow is cock. Diane felt the now familiar growing and increased throbbing of his cock as he released the dregs of his balls into her throat. Although she couldn’t taste it, she felt the thin slimey substance hit the back of her throat, coating it as it dripped it’s way to her stomach. She gagged again and he took it as an invitation to drive his cock deeper into her mouth. Shaking her head violently, she finally convinced him she couldn’t breathe and he slowly withdrew his cock from her mouth. The trail of cum he left on her tongue was salty and slightly bitter. This was her first experience of tasting someone’s cum and wished it had been her boyfriend’s as she had planned to give him this pleasure as a surprise after talking about it for a few months.

The younger man got off her chest and produced the buck knife again. Diane’s eyes got big seeing it not knowing what he was going to do with it again. He slipped the knife under the material of the bra and with an upward yank, the material was cut and her pert breasts moved slightly to her arm pits. Her nipples were swollen and red, standing erectly. Goosebumps immediately formed on the freshly exposed flesh and another blush of embarrassment consumed Diane’s body. He fondles her firm breast for a moment, the roughly squeezing it lowers his mouth to the nipple. With circular motions, his tongue leaves a slight wet trail causing the nipple to strain more. Closing his mouth over it, he sucks hard and continues with a flicking motion across the tip of her nipple. Diane involuntarily arches her back allowing him to freely suck her highly sensitive flesh into his mouth. She suddenly pulls back when he takes it in his teeth and begins to bite down on it. Surprisingly, Diane feels a sudden gush of warmth in her lower abdomen. She doesn’t understand the link between her nipple and the sudden feeling of extreme pleasure she has just experienced. The man between her legs comments that the younger guy must have found her trigger. He noticed the decrease in friction immediately and picked up his stroking pace again.

Feeling the warm wave of pleasure permeating throughout her body, she gives in to the feeling and feels her hips rising to meet the thrust of the cock pounding her ever increasing dampness in her pussy. The one between her legs puts his hands under Diane’s ass pulling her up to his thrusts. He tenses and empties his balls into her now dripping depths. Feeling his cum splashing inside her causes a flood of excitement from her head, down her body and culminating in her pussy. It was an explosion within her body she hadn’t felt before. She started grunting like an animal as the wave of pleasure washed over her. She wondered if this was the feeling of an orgasm. She could feel the softening cock slowly slide from her still spasming pussy and the flow of hot liquid that dripped out of her pussy and coursed it’s way down over her asshole and drip in long strings to the floor. She could feel another wave of excitement taking over her body as the third man replaced the older man.

The familiar sound of zipper reached her ears and she felt the third man running his fingers around her asshole, presumably lubing them with the cum she was expelling from her pussy. She felt pressure at the entrance to her asshole and gasped deeply with surprise as he slid the full length of his finger into her ass. Loud moans of pain and ecstasy filled the room as he twisted his finger round and round lubing the inner walls of her anus. He pressed his hard cock into her momentarily to lube it with spent cum then pressed the slick head against the virgin orifice. Diane all but screamed out NO and the younger man covered her mouth. The third man forced the tip of his cock into her straining ass and Diane began panting heavily with sighs and moans of protest.

She could feel the head of his cock slip past the inner ring of her sphincter and proceed deeper into her bowels. She, now more than ever, felt like she needed to shit. The older man had crawled onto the pool table and was sucking Diane’s free nipple. She wondered how much more of this she could take without totally going insane. The younger man began rubbing her clit and alternately running two fingers in and out of her still dripping pussy. The third man had worked his way full length into her ass and began a steady stroke. Diane found a rhythm of her own with the stroking cock. As he pulled out of her ass, she tightened the muscle to keep from shitting. It also served as a milking squeeze on his cock. On the inward stroke, she found it exciting to relax the muscle and let the hard throbbing cock fill her rectum again. She was getting a perverse but pleasurable sensation from this. She asked herself if this was what being a slut meant.

The older man tired of Diane’s nipple and straddled her head, facing her feet. His drooping cock was placed over her nose and he reached under her head lifting it to his soaked balls. She was told to suck on his balls and if she bit down she would severely regret it. Diane’s tongue flicked out to touch the cum matted underneath of his balls. His cum tasted different than the first and Diane realized she was tasting her cum mixed with his. She opened her mouth and obediently sucked one ball into her mouth licking it clean and then the other. The third man was hard again by this time and he unceremoniously pushed the head of his cock into Diane’s mouth. Diane pulled her >head back and straightened her throat for his cock. He pushed in full length with one stroke taking her by surprise. Her involuntary gag reflex opened her throat again and the man smiled seeing her stomach convulsing with the retching in her throat.

Diane was being steadily stroked in her mouth and in her ass. Her lust was building to a crescendo. Again, the familiar feeling of swelling cock and the pulsating rythme of cum being emptied into her throat. As the older man attempted withdrawal, Diane sucked as hard as she could to get the last drop from his quickly softening cock. There was an audible pop as his cock escaped her hungry mouth. There were two unanswered questions that flashed through Diane’s mind. She wondered why the older man why the older man was holding her wrists down again. She thought it would have been obvious she was no longer resisting. The other thought was why the fourth man was still standing in the doorway. Her attention was recaptured by the third man’s increasing assault on her asshole. His animal grunts and swelling cock told her she was about to receive the first load of cum from a stranger in her ass. His cock swelled to the point of stretching her asshole to it’s limits. Although it was slightly lubed, stretching to this point began to hurt. She fought against the stretching by clenching her sphincter which increased his lust and speed for release. Finally, and thankfully she thought, his load filled her like an enema. She had never felt her asshole so slimey and slippery. Feeling full with the cum in her ass pushed her over the edge again and juice gushed from her pussy wetting the man’s lower stomach. Everyone laughed thinking she was so excited that she peed on him. Diane knew this wasn’t the case. She had never cum this hard in her life and didn’t know it was possible to ejaculate.

Another audible pop as the third man quickly exited her ass. He looked to see his cum dripping but she tightened her muscle which resulted in her squirting his cum onto the floor. The fourth man moved to the side of the pool table. He began unbuttoning his shirt. Diane was surprised when the shirt was opened to reveal small but well rounded female breasts. The woman began smiling at Diane as she unsnapped her belt and pants and slid them over her slim hips. Diane must have had a look of apprehension bordering on panic because the woman told her it wouldn’t hurt a bit. Diane had never thought of having an encounter with a woman. The thought was totally alien to her. Her body trembled with fear and admittedly a little excitement as the woman slowly put a knee on the pool table. Diane caught a glimpse of her bald wet slit glisten in >the light as she positioned herself in a kneeling position on the pool table. The woman slung one knee over Diane’s head, supported herself on one hand, and with the other spread the lips of her pussy until her clit popped out from under it’s protective hood. Her blood engorged clit was red with what seemed to be a straining white tip on it. The woman told Diane to suck her clit like the slut she was. Diane didn’t make a move so the woman slowly lowered her pussy to >Diane’s mouth. A couple of errant drops of her wet pussy fell to Diane’s chin. It was Diane’s first look of a completely turned on woman’s pussy. She wondered if her pussy looked the same in it’s present condition.

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