Chapter 01 – Monday – Heather

An adult stories – Chapter 01 – Monday – Heather by deerfield920,deerfield920 This is my first attempt to post something so please be kind 🙂 The flow of the story bounces back and forth between perspectives of the two main characters. I didn’t really plan ho it would go, just started writing and this is what came out. I hope you like it. I have more if folks seem to like where it’s going.

be well!


Heather sits at her desk and and gets ready for the day, hardly noticing the plain white envelop sitting on the top of her inbox. After starting her laptop and going through the morning email, she walks out for water, filling her large flask before getting the day started. She checks her schedule then picks up the letter, considering the sealed but blank envelop. She tears it open and begins to read.

==== letter ====


This note might seem strange, yet as you consider what I have written, I believe you will be intrigued.

Power is a natural draw, a draw I believe you want and need. I have come to this conclusion through careful observation and experience. You are demure yet friendly. You are well spoken and well mannered. You are unquestionably beautiful and sexy. All these things are desirable for a man like me.

Today’s world preaches independence and strength in women. From my point of view, this leads to empowered, but unhappy lives. The burden of responsibility weighs heavy on women of today. And if you’re honest with yourself, it certainly does for you. I believe the choice of independence and self reliance is a lonely one. Likely, for you, it has been for a while now.

I fully understand the world. Yet, there is another choice, another way. I believe there is a wonderful path for a woman like yourself. It is rewarding and fulfilling and meaningful. Submissiveness. Imagine all the cares of the world around you are removed. No worries about money or safety. No concern about what to wear or impressing others in doing so. Even the smallest detail can be a burden. I offer to remove those from you and allow you to be free. Being submissive is viewed as bad, or deviant, or weak. To the contrary, it’s a brave choice and a worthy life decision.

What I ask… and offer is an opportunity for you to explore this life.. without risk and in complete anonymity and safety. You and I will be the only ones who know anything about it. Now, if you find this notion appalling and wish to go on with your life as it is at present, I will respect this decision and you will never hear from me again. But, if you are as I suspect, and consider this note intriguing and curious, you only have to follow the simple instructions below.

Choosing what to wear day after day after can be such a burden. As a start, allow me to help. Tomorrow, I will select what you will wear. It’s that simple. To communicate your decision to me… you only need walk around the atrium at 3:00. If you wish to tell me to leave you alone, just walk. If you wish to tell me you want to give this simple thing a try, simply walk, but remove your jacket and only wear the red blouse. I like your outfit by the way, conservative, but despite yourself, it is really quite alluring. I will know what you decide and will provide more information afterward.



==== letter ====

Heather sits back and laughs to herself. “This guy is insane? Why would I submit anything to him?” She folds the letter and sets it on the desk, staring at it, mainly in disbelief. Who could have put it here? It’s completely crazy. She turns back to her computer and gets busy.


The carefully hidden wireless camera catches all of this for me. I smile as I notice some small things which lead me to believe she is interested, even if her conscious brain isn’t quite there yet. First, when she set the letter down, she did so carefully, folding it along the creases. Second, she hasn’t tossed it in the trash yet. She will go for that walk. She will remove her jacket.


Heather works quickly, but distractedly. The ridiculous letter is there on the desk, her eyes drifting to it over and over. She closes her eyes and tries to refocus. Yet she feels a flutter in her breath. “It’s crazy, Heather. Throw it away and get back to work.” She reaches out and picks the letter up, considering it again. Slowly, she turns in her chair and drops it into her waste basket.


I smile as she picks up the letter again. She moves slowly and considers the paper. And then she let’s it fall in the trash, but she doesn’t rip it like she does almost all her junk mail but instead drops it carefully into the basket without damaging it. She is intrigued.


The morning passes slowly, but somehow, Heather is able to get some work done. Then it’s lunch time. It’s a rainy day but she feels restless and decides to walk. Before she realizes, she is walking around the atrium. She looks around, wondering who this mysterious “Master” is. Could he be watching her right now? She shivers and continues to walk, yet she can’t help thinking about her jacket… about removing it as she walks.


I smile as I see her come out into the atrium for her walk. She glances around often, searching… searching for me. I can’t help but notice her long legs in the modest skirt, yet it fits tight at her waist and accents her smooth hips. The loose jacket hides the rest of her figure, but I know it’s secrets… and what I believe lies beneath.


After a few laps, Heather heads to the kitchen and retrieves her salad, then returns to her desk. She busies herself with her phone as she eats, but she glances down into her waste basket several times, looking at the smooth white letter still sitting there. “Oh my gosh, Heather, stop it. It’s completely ridiculous. You couldn’t possibly.”

She finishes her salad but she can’t help thinking about it. To her own surprise, she reaches into the basket and pulls the letter out. She sets it on her desk like it’s on fire and stares down at it. Opening the carefully folded letter slowly, she rereads the words. After running over it, she places it on her desk, smoothing it with her hands, holding it there, closing her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she opens her eyes and folds the letter. But this time she doesn’t put it in the trash, but slips it quickly into her pencil drawer before anyone can see it.


I smile as I watch her, knowing I have her. She will walk and she will be mine in time.


Heather tries in vain to get anything done the rest of the afternoon. She opens her drawer and stares at the letter often. She watches the time pass agonizingly slow. Many times she reconsiders, thinking she should ignore the letter all together. She is short of breath, nervous, anxious, but strangely, not in a bad way… like nervous energy before a big moment. Although doubts race through her mind, she knows she is going to go for that walk. What’s wrong with going for a walk? After all she can always not take her jacket off… she hasn’t agreed to anything yet.

Finally, 3:00 o’clock comes. She places her hands on the desk and closes her eyes, taking a deep breath. Maybe she should just forget it and throw that letter out, but she already knows what she is going to do. She stands and lets her jacket slip from her shoulders, putting it on the back of her chair. Her red blouse is conservative and she knows it. She looks in the mirror and appraises herself. In her thirties, she eats right and works out, so she is thin and fit. The skirt is fine, fitting her nicely, but the blouse is boring… long sleeved and buttoned all the way up. In a moment she unbuttons the cuffs and rolls them up to her elbows… nothing special but at least not quite as boring. Quickly, she reaches up and unbuttons the top button… then another. At least it’s something.


She walks out from her office and pauses. No jacket. Her eyes look around, searching, then close. She takes a deep breath and I notice the rolled up sleeves and the top buttons of her blouse are undone. I smile. She opens her eyes and slowly starts walking around the atrium, moving quickly, almost as if she thinks everyone in the building knows what she’s doing. I have her now and I know it. I watch her walk the entire circuit, her eyes searching, but I am discrete.


Heather’s breath is quick and nervous as she moves around the atrium. Her eyes flick every where, trying to see if anyone is watching… if he is watching, but she doesn’t see anything. Her hands tremble slightly and she feels a strange dark excitement… like she is doing something improper, but thrilling and secret. To her embarrassment, she feels her nipples becoming erect. She glances down quickly, but to her relief, they are not poking through her blouse… her bra is thick enough to hide them today.

“oh my gosh Heather, what are you doing? This is absolutely crazy… whatever happens next, you are going to get out of it…” she thinks to herself.

Then she feels more. She gasps lightly and puts a hand to her mouth as she feels the dampness between her legs. The realization that she is sexually excited hits her like a brick wall. She hurries around the rest of the walk, a walk that seems to last forever. Quickly, she passes by her office and goes to the restroom. Once in a stall, she pulls her skirt up and pushes her panties down. They are damp. She reaches down tentatively, knowing what she will find. Her pussy lips are already swollen and her fingers come away wet. She gasps and shivers.


I watch her as she walks, a bit quick at first, but then faster. She seems like she wants to run, but she doesn’t. I know the signs… she is struggling with her conservative world colliding suddenly with the world I offer. She is confused but can’t deny what she feels.


Heather walks slowly back to her office. As she enters her door, she stops short, seeing a plain white envelop on her desk. She stares at it for a long moment then slowly moves to her chair, sitting, her eyes locked on the note. Her pulse races as her trembling fingers pick up the letter.

==== letter ====


I am very pleased by your decision. You have nothing more to do today except wait. A courier will come to your apartment tomorrow morning. I hope 7:00 am is not too early. They will deliver a package. Inside, you will find an outfit for you to wear. Please wear only what is delivered, nothing else. I have left no detail to chance. The courier will also know nothing of what is in the package or who it comes from. Asking them questions will not provide you with any answers.

I know you are curious of me, and rightly so. I hope you will trust me. I will do you no harm… ever. I only wish to offer you the world I described. But you have a choice. If, for any reason you don’t wish to continue, you have simply to wear something else, not what I have sent. That will be my sign that you wish not to continue and I will disappear from your life forever. You can keep the outfit and dream of what might have been.

I hope you have the most pleasant evening. I eagerly look foward to seeing you tomorrow.



==== letter ====

Heather rereads the letter several times.

“What? How could he know where I live?”

She sets the letter down and considers how truly dangerous something like this could be. If he knows where she lives, what else does he know? Can she truly trust him? This is completely crazy. She knows she should ignore the outfit and end this nonsense. Yet, her stomach is still fluttering… her nipples are still erect… and she is still… excited. Excited like she has never been before. This mysterious person has ignited her in a way she has ever known.


I watch as she leaves, walking slowly, her eyes searching. She stops at the top of the stairs and closes her eyes for a moment, as if still considering, as if she still has a choice. I know she doesn’t. She removes her jacket, placing it over her arm, then quickly unfastens one more button on her blouse before moving quickly down the stairs. I smile and lick my lips. She is sending me a message… she will come as I wish, dressed as I wish.


Heather is practically panting by the time she reaches her car. She gasps as she closes the door and places her shaking hands on the wheel. What did she just do? Why did she take her jacket off? Why did she open another button on her blouse? She gathers herself taking several deep breaths before starting her car and heading home. She doesn’t remember anything from her drive, her mind consumed by what is happening, by what is going to happen.

She changes quickly and heads to her gym. She works out vigorously, sweating, panting, her mind racing through all that has taken place, trying to make sense of it. She tells herself she is working out so hard to release the tension of it but in reality, she knows why. She wants to look good, to be sexy… for… him… for this mystery man. She stares at herself as she hits the treadmill, hoping that he will like what he sees.

“oh my god Heather, what are you doing?” she thinks, but still, her eyes appraise her body.


I know she has gone to the gym and am ready. I wasn’t planning to move ahead with communications this soon but her actions make me confident that she wants exactly what I am offering even if she doesn’t fully know it yet. How she removed her jacket while leaving told me. Opening another button on her blouse confirmed it.


Heather gets home and immediately jumps in the shower. She runs it hot and long, lost in thought as the steaming water runs over her body. After the long hot shower, she towels off and throws on her robe. In her room, she drops the robe and stares at herself in the mirror.

She has never considered herself in this way… as sexy, but tries to be critical and honest. She is in her thirties so she’s not young any more. And she knows that all the guys seem to like much larger breasts but hers seem really nice, not overly large, a loose c cup… yet a b cup is too tight. And her nipples seems nice to her… pinkish and not too large, not too small, positioned just above the mid point of her breast… and they get really erect and pointy when she’s excited. Her looks at her arms as she extends them up over her head, her breasts lifting even more… they are slender and toned, along with her shoulders. She turns slightly, looking down… her stomach is flat, her legs long and shapely… she admits her ass is tight, still perky and really nice. She giggles inside. Even her back is nice… smooth, unblemished, her feminine muscles playing under her skin as she moves. She faces the mirror again, but her mood disappears. There they are… nestled between her legs… her pussy lips… large, hanging down an inch or more. They have been an embarrassment and a turn off for the few men she has been with. She hopes they don’t cause another brief relationship. She sighs, and turns from the mirror putting on an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of flannel shorts, perfect for lounging in the evening.


The package is all prepared and am ready to go. The phone will provide more direct communication going forward.


Heather moves down her stairs and into her living room, having grabbed a bottle of water in the kitchen. Just as she is about to collapse into her couch, the door bell rings. She peeks out the window to see a delivery man standing at her door.

“I thought the package was going to come in the morning?”

She opens the door.

“Good evening miss. Sorry to disturb you at this hour, but we were told this package needed to be delivered this evening. Please sign here.”

Heather signs the receipt on the clipboard and the man hands her a small gift bag before wishing her a good evening. She closes the door and considers the bag as she sits on her couch, setting it on the table before her. Despite herself, she shivers, knowing it’s from him. She pulls some tissue paper and sees another simple white envelop.

==== letter ====


I apologize for interrupting your evening, but thought this item would be welcome. I purchased the phone for your use and you will not see any bills. It is my small gift to you. The phone is completely in factory settings so you know I haven’t installed any spyware or anything at all. Instructions for set up are included. I do apologize that you have the task of setting it up, but thought it best. The number to reach me is at the bottom of this note. Please let me know that you have things all set if you would be so kind.

I also took the liberty of ordering you some food. I know you’ve had an unexpected day and I wanted to make your evening a little easier. I hope a chicken caesar and hibiscus tea from Panera is ok. It should arrive in a short time.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Sleep well.



==== letter ====

Heather sets the note on the table and sighs deeply. She pulls the iPhone box from the bag and opens it. Factory settings as he said. She opens the box and follows the instructions. Just as she gets the device turned on and into it’s initial updates, her door rings. Again peeking out, she sees a Panera delivery driver on her door step. She meets her at the door and accepts the bag, offering a tip. The driver holds up her hands with a bright smile, telling her a generous tip was already provided when ordered.

Heather returns to her couch, setting out the food. As she starts to eat, she wonders about it. She orders this exact thing from Panera regularly, often picking it up on her way home when she doesn’t feel like fixing something herself. Even the tea, her favorite.

“How could he know this much about me? My address? This food?’ she wonders. “Oh my gosh Heather… this is crazy. Let’s end this. Once the phone is set up, I can send him a message. I can tell him I am very flattered but no thank you.”


I busy myself with preparation for tomorrow, waiting for her message. I check my watch and figure it should not be long now.


She finishes her dinner while setting up the phone, which is soon ready.

“He really did think of everything, including a case… and this is a pre-production 16…” she thinks to herself. “I didn’t even know you could get one of these… and the case… Starry Night…”

She glances at the print hanging on her wall near the TV… Starry Night. A shiver runs through her body as she opens the phone and enters the number into text. She types a short, polite message, thanking him and saying thanks but no thanks… then pauses. She reads the message over and over in her mind, understanding she should send it… but knowing she won’t. Slowly, she deletes the words.


My phone pings and I read her message.

==== message ====

* Good evening. I have gotten the phone set up. Thank you for the dinner, it was very nice of you.

* You are most welcome Heather. I hope Panera was a good choice?”

* Yes, it was perfect. How did you know what I like… even the tea?”

* Please don’t be offended. I looked at your likely route home and took a guess. I asked the staff and they remembered you… seems you stop there regularly. They simply provided what you typically order.

==== message ====

There is a long pause before she replies

==== message ====

* I am nervous about how much you seem to know about me…”

* I am not a stalker if that’s what you are worried about. That is not my style. I only hope to steal your mind, your heart and your soul in the end. LOL

* I’m surprised by all the attention, but… how did you know where I live?”

* That was a simple Google search. Everyone has a ridiculous amount of private information out in the public domain. If we establish a relationship, I can help you clean that up and make you much safer. For full transparency, I found you here… [link]


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==== message ====

Another longer pause. She is obviously checking the link.

==== message ====

* Wow, that’s scary. I would appreciate some help with that kind of thing. I’m feeling a little bit vulnerable.

* I’m sorry. I could have some security watch your place if you would sleep better. My resources are almost limitless.

* oh no, but thank you for the offer.

* Once we have established things, I will make sure you are not at risk. I wish for you to be safe and secure and stable, beyond what you believe is possible.

* Thank you.

* Thank you for agreeing to this first step. I hope you will find the experience as fulfilling as I believe you will.

* So far, it’s ok. I’m nervous.

* I understand. I will do my best to put you at ease. I cannot yet reveal myself, I hope you understand. But soon, I will. I will provide you with information all about me. I do not wish to be a mystery to you. I wish to be your rock.

* This is all so sudden and strange… and very flattering.

* You are a beautiful woman Heather. I intend to flatter you quite a bit more. ~wink~

* lol, ok. mmmm I guess I should get going… have a good night.

* You will receive a package at 7:00 tomorrow morning. I hope you sleep well. Good night Heather.

==== message ====

I set my phone down and continue my evening.


Heather sets the phone down, shivering slightly as she takes it all in. This morning was normal. Now, nothing is normal. She cleans up dinner, takes out her garbage and watches something on Netflix… but she is distracted and nervous and anxious. She constantly checks the new phone, but he doesn’t send any other messages.

She heads to her bed, removing the sweatshirt, putting on a soft t-shirt. Slipping under her blankets, she stares at the ceiling. It will be a long night.

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