The Watchers Pt. 01 by Howardw41,Howardw41

This is the story of who saw Alice’s and Howard’s exhibitionist visit to a hotel described in “A Covid Journey Part 13”.

This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

Main Characters;

The exhibitionist woman is Alice. She is a 45-year-old widow who has started a kinky submissive relationship with Howard.

The exhibitionist man is Howard. He is a 64-year-old widower. Howard wants more than just a submissive BDSM playmate; he wants a companion.

Hotel Staff:

Hotel Security Manager Swing Shift: Dave, Assistant: Jerry.

Graveyard Shift Manager: Sally

Parking Control: George

Grounds Security: Frank

Hotel Reservation Office: Roger

LAX Operations Center Workers:

Supervisor: Penny – 40 something.

Workers (20 and 30 somethings):

Guys: Carlos, Sam, Andrew, and Lucas

Gals: Maya, Tiffany, Angela, and Jasmine

405 Freeway.

Gary: Just a guy on the freeway at the right time.


Swing Shift Starts

Dave arrived at 5 pm to head up the swing shift security team at one of the largest hotels near LAX. He is a divorced, 50-year-old retired LAPD sergeant. He was glad to have a job still as the pandemic had reduced the hotel’s occupancy rate to five percent of what it was normal. Some departments had laid off ninety percent of staff. Security had reduced everyone’s hours but had not let anyone go.

The Hotel has two large towers and two short wings built to shield the back swimming pool and gardens from the road noise on Century Boulevard. In 2010 LAX decided to consolidate all its backroom operations into a single building on the hotel’s property line. One suite comes within 20 feet of the LAX operations building. The suite has floor-to-ceiling windows that look directly into the operations center. Dave has been dating Penny, the LAX operations center manager, since they met at an airport area security manager’s lunch before the pandemic started.

Dave booted his computer and noticed an email from his friend Roger from the hotel’s reservation department. He opened it and read;

Hey Dave, NGG booked his special room for tonight. I hope you can get a video as good as last time. It’s been a year since he last showed up.

Dave smiled and then said to Jerry who was manning the monitor station tonight. “Jerry, Remember I told you about Nude Girl Guy, the NGG?”

Jerry, a 35-year-old, single guy, had done one tour of duty with the navy in their military police before joining the hotel chain’s security staff and transferring to their LAX hotel a year earlier. He liked being told what to do and following rigid rules. He had no interest in managing others.

Jerry replied, “Yeah, The stories you’ve told me are fantastic, but you said he hadn’t been back in over a year. The video clips have been entertaining to watch. ”

“Well, Roger in reservations sent me an email saying he booked his room for the night.”

Jerry asked, “That’s the suite on the 3rd floor of the east wing that is only separated from the LAX ground operations building by twenty feet, Right?”

“You got it in one. I need you to check the East Wing 3rd floor elevator, hallway middle, and hallway end cameras. Then check all the cameras in the stairwell east wing east stairs. And the cameras on parking levels 2 and 3. Ensure they are all in HD mode and that the ability to save the video to a different file is operating.”

Jerry then questioned, “So this NGG exhibitionist character is for real. I thought you were making up the story and using film from a porn movie to pull one over on me. Tell me more, how did this start? How do you get the video from across the alley?”

Dave replied, “That is a long story, but briefly, we called him Nude Girl Guy or NGG because that is what we saw when he started using that room. The same man, but often with a different woman, would check in after sunset, and about two hours later, the man would come out of the room dressed like when he arrived but wearing a mask. The man would be leading a nude woman. She’d be wearing heels, stockings, and a mask, but nothing else. They’d go down the nearby stairwell, making out at each landing. Then in the garage, he would put her into the back of the van and take off.

About four years ago, I was having dinner with my girlfriend Penny. I’ve told you that she is the swing shift manager next door. Anyway, It was the night after the NGG had performed his act. She remarked that the strangest thing had happened the night before. A couple in the room directly across from their operations center had put in quite a sensual exhibitionist show. I told her that we always knew when the NGG was coming and what happened after they left the room, but not what went on in the room. I told her we had videos of them going down the stairwell to their van. Penny shared that she had a video of their antics in the room. We decided to share videos of what the other side saw, and that’s how the edited NGG videos started.”

Jerry remarked, “I assume that you work hard to hide these videos. Wouldn’t someone like Sally, report you and get you fired if management found out?”

Note: Sally, is a single, 41-year-old who heads up the graveyard security team. She had joined the hotel chain’s security staff three years earlier, after she retired, as a Sergeant first-class with twenty years in the Army’s Military police. Dave knew that she enjoyed bossing people and led a not-so-secret life as a dominatrix.

Dave laughed and said, “She’d be pissed if we didn’t share it with her. She’s into that whole domination and submission sex stuff.”

Jerry first was shocked and then a thoughtful expression on his face and replied, “Really, she knows about this? As you know, Sally and I have had many shifts together. We spend our breaks together. I enjoy our time together. We have so much in common.

We have often taken our hour-long meal breaks together away from the hotel. I like that she’s an assertive woman. She always plans where we will be eating and insists that I pay. I’m good with that. I like it when a woman makes the decisions. I just don’t like making decisions that affect others. I would hate to be a manager and have to make decisions as you do. I know she isn’t dating anyone. I have been thinking about asking her out on a date, but I’m a chicken.”

Dave grinned and said, “I wouldn’t recommend you approach her for a date unless you’d enjoy following her lead.”

Jerry replied, “I would not mind some quality time with her. Plus, I like dominant women.”

Dave checked his computer and then said, “Sally is off tonight. I’m going to text her and tell her what is going on.”

Dave sent a text and got a reply almost immediately.

“Dave, thanks for letting me know. Can I get all the footage like last time?”

Dave texted back, “Sure. I’ll put it on a USB drive and give it to you when you’re next in.”

Sally texted back, “Is there any way I can get it tonight?”

Dave replied, “I see what I can do. I need to check with the LAX folks and make sure their camera will be ready.”

“Thanks! TTYL!”

Dave logged off his computer and told Jerry, “I need to go down to George in the parking control office and make sure he is ready.”

Dave smiled and thought, “I think Jerry will approach Sally. Saying she is a dominatrix turned him on.”

Dave went down to the parking and grounds breakroom and greeted George and Frank. Frank was the ground security guy for tonight, so he wouldn’t have any role in the filming, but he’d get a copy of tonight’s video. George, however, was responsible for the parking garage cameras, so he had some work to do.

David greeted them, “Good evening, Guys. NGG is back. George, I need you to place that HD camera once he parks his van so we can see into it.”

George smiled and said, “Can do! That is great news! I’ve been missing them. I thought we’d missed the chance to finally see what goes on inside that van. They take a good amount of time doing something after they get in the van, and when they drive out, he is in the front seat. We just see a silhouette of the woman sitting on a straight chair in the middle of the back of the van. Maybe tonight is the night we get a clear shot.”

Dave said, “I’ll contact you when he checks in.”

“Thanks, Dave. I’ve got a good feeling about this.”

Dave headed back up to his office on the second floor and called the LAX Ground Operations center in the next building.

The phone was answered by his girlfriend, shift manager Penny..

“Good evening, Penny my love! Guess what? After a long absence, NGG is back tonight.”

Dave could almost hear Penny’s smile over the phone.

Penny replied, “Okay, I’ve been waiting a long time for this. Thanks for helping me find that flower pot that has the micro HD camera with the mic in it. We are going to get our best shots ever. I will place the pot in the normal place and send you the video after their show is over. I’ll talk to you later.”

Dave smiled. All the pieces were in place for what could be the best video capture yet of Nude Girl Guy exhibitionist displays.

She then got up from her desk and brought the flower pot over to the sill when no one was paying attention. She said to the six in the room as she walked back to her office. “Looks like another boring night.” She smiled as she walked into her office and thought, “They have no idea what they will see tonight.”

First Act

At 7 pm, Dave got a phone call from the front desk. “They have just checked in. When will the video be ready?”

Dave replied, “Depends on much usable video we get. If I don’t finish editing it all together on my shift, I’ll need to finish it tomorrow as Sally is off tonight. Normally Sally finishes it during her shift. So expect it tomorrow late or the day after.”


Dave got off the phone and turned to Jerry. “Jerry, when we are capturing the video, make sure that you only transfer the video files after they put on their masks. Every ten minutes, put a copy onto the external drive.”

“Got it, boss!”

Dave texted Penny with the words, “Showtime.”

A few minutes later, Dave got a text from Penny. “The windows have closed. They are setting up. It will be fun to watch the reactions of the staff here. None of them have been around for the NGG show before. Their reactions should be hilarious.”

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