Virgin Hooked On An Older Man by sleepyhousewife

I remained quiet as he put his arms around me.

We left the mall and it was dusk out. As we headed towards his car he asked if I was hungry. I told him I was. We stopped off to get a bite to eat. The whole time at the restaurant he couldn’t keep his eyes off of me. We finished eating, and he offered a movie. I agreed and asked what movie. All he said was a new one that came out recently.

We got out to the beach and he parked the car. He held my hand as we walked down the street. We came upon a building. I was so busy talking I didn’t even see the name of the movie. It was a weird looking place, but I didn’t pay no mind to it. They asked for my I.D.

“I never been carded to see a movie!” I replied.

“Just give them your I.D.!”

I pulled out my card and showed it to them, they looked it over carefully. They handed it back to me as he took my hand and walked inside. “Why did they ask for my I.D.?”

Then I heard screams and moans coming from the theater doors. When George opened the door, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, I was speechless and frozed at the same time.

“Pick up your mouth from the floor and walk please!”

I walked with him inside and we sat down. I sat there looking around and to see the men in the theatre stroking their penis. Some of them were starring at me. I looked up on the screen and saw a woman being ripped apart by a large penis while another penis was up her butt and while she had another penis in her mouth. I watched and felt my stomach turn. I became so nauseas that I had to leave. I found a bathroom, I went into the stall closed the door and puked my brains out. Then, I noticed holes in the wall, one of them had a penis coming through it. I ran out.

George was just outside the bathroom. “Get me out of here, NOW! I demanded.

George apologized all the ways home as I changed out of my clothes while he drove. I didn’t say one word to him. When we got back to the house, I got out. He followed me and begged for me to forgive him. I told him that I would call him when I was no longer upset.

A few days had past but, I couldn’t get those images out of my head. I became more curious about what I had seen. I even started looking in the mirror after I had showered and caressed my body. I. at times, felt a sensation coming from my vagina.

A week had passed, I finally started accepting George’s phone calls again. Now, I was curious so I asked him to take me back to that place. My parents went out for dinner that evening. So, I dressed up in that outfit that he bought me. Packed a change of clothes and waited for him to pick me up.

When he came, he asked if I was sure about going back. I confirmed that I was. We got to the cinema and sat down. After a few deep breaths, I started to watch everything. This time, my stomach didn’t turn. I also watched as the guy 3 seats away was pulling on his penis. I turned my head and the guy behind us licked his lips at me.

In the movie, it was 2 females inserting a long plastic penis into each other. I couldn’t believe that I was feeling my own vagina getting wet. I began to move some in my chair. That is when George started caressing my leg. He also took my hand and placed it on his penis. (Which I didn’t even notice that he took it out of his pants) It felt smooth and was alittle sticky. His hand moved closer to my vagina until he was able to reach it.

“Your not wearing panties!….Good girl!” He said.

He took off his top shirt and told me to stand up for a second. When I got up, he spreaded it along my chair. Now sit and lift up your skirt and open your legs. I did what he asked. Again, he proceeded to touch my pussy as I continued to stroke his cock. Then he touch an area that felt really nice. I let out a soft moan. Now the movie had a woman with 6 men around her placing their penis everywhere on her body. Then Justin exposed my breast and started flicking the nipple with his tongue. He took his finger out of my vagina and sucked the wetness off of it. He inserted it again and took it out and placed his finger in my mouth. It tasted sweet. I began to stroke him harder. I looked around to see we had an audience. I did feel a bit uncomfortable with that, but, the way he was touching me…I didn’t really care. He kept looking at the guys around us and kept shaking his head no.

Then I felt his penis stiffening up and shortly after he shot out this milky white substance as he moan….”Oh! yes, baby girl!”

Alot of his sperm was on my hands. He told me to taste it. So I did. It was a bit salty.

He opened my legs a bit more and began to rub that one area I liked the most harder, as he sucked on my nipple. I heard moans all around me and milky white substance squirting all over the place. Finally, I myself felt my whole body shake and moaned out loud. He slowed down gradually as I felt that feeling subside. We watched the movie for another hour or so before we left.

That was it, I was hooked. I wanted more. As we drove around, I was leaning up against my door with my vagina exposed to him. He told me to masterbate by using my own fingers. He would drive and watch me at the same time. At times, he would insert a finger and then lick it clean. He watched as I did the same. I had another orgasm. Then he asked if I would suck his cock like the girl from the movie. I said o.k. He took out his cock and I bent over and took it in my mouth. With him instructing me on how to do it. Within minutes he shot his milky substance deep down my throat.

I couldn’t believe what I had been doing. He taught me words like, pussy, cunt, cock, cum, etc… Before him taking me home, he pulled over so I could change. He told me that he would pick me up in the morning. When he drove up to my house. We kissed for at least 15 minutes. I finally said “goodnight”.

The next morning came so quick. He was already at my door. My father knocked on my door and said that George was here. I flew out of bed and showered put on my swim wear, grabbed my pack and went to the living room. George and my folks got along great now, they still didn’t know his real age.

“So you guys are headed to the beach, I see”…my father stated.

“Yes, and I thought I might take her shopping aswell.”

“Well have fun…you two.” My father added.

George took me to the motel along the strip. Were it seemed he had already rented it out prior.

When I entered the room, the T.V. was on a porn station. He closed the door behind him and walked over to me. He picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He held me tightly and kissed me forever. He placed me on the bed gently. He began to remove my clothes mostly with his mouth, as he kissed my entire body. Once I was completey unclothed, he removed his clothes.
I watched him and the T.V., I was scared, but, I did feel comfortable with him. He began with my feet, kissing every inch of the way up my thighs, my stomach, my breasts, my neck, my chin. Then he went down again til he reached my pussy. He opened my legs up and pulled apart the lips of my pussy. His tongue licked the clit. I moaned enjoying every lick of his tongue.

He turned his body around, we were in a 69 position. I began to suck his cock while he lavished my pussy. He fucked my mouth inserting it deep down my throat. It stiffened again and began to pulsate. He dumped his cum deep in my throat. Shortly after he was semi soft. He measured at least 10″ hard and wide. This is what scared me the most.

We laid back for a bit watching the porno on the tube. We continued to stroke each other. When he became hard again, he asked if I was ready. I said yes. He told me to get on all fours and face the T.V. I did, he came up behind me and moistened the head of his cock with the juices from my pussy. He stuck his cock in some, slowly he continued moving in and out. Then he stopped for a minute. He threw me a pillow and told me to hold on to it, because he was ready to bust my cherry. Ready? He asked. I shook my head yes. He pulled out some and then rammed it in. I felt it rip which sent me into a scream. He stopped for another minute. He asked if I was o.k., again I nodded yes. I had tears in my eyes, he began digging deeper and deeper. The pain started going away. It became more pleasurable, we were at it for 35 minutes, before he had cum again. He buried his seed deep into my womb.

The entire day he showed me every position there was. I was sore and I could tell he was tired. We fell asleep for a while.

He woke up first I heard my name faintly several times because of the deep sleep I was in. When I did wake up, he was sitting in the chair next to the bed. He was dressed and asked me to come closer. I crawled over to where he was. He looked me deep in my eyes and told me he loved me… that he had been waiting patiently since we met to get me into bed. (It sounded as if he was ready to say goodbye)

He told me he wanted more and I could start by giving a blow job. I went over to him and unzipped his pants. Once opened, a small box popped out. I picked it up.

“What is this?” I asked.

“Go ahead open it!” He replied.

When I opened it it was a 3.5 carat diamond engagement ring.

I looked at him and was speechless.

“With you being a catholic and been to a catholic school. Since, I was the one who deflowered you, it would be the proper thing to do is to marry you…and of course with your dad’s permission.”

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