Charlotte’s Dildo by Mystic47

“I hope they do!”

I didn’t get mad like her mother does, “Really? You want me to tell them why you’re mad?” I pulled the box out of my pocket again, “This might not look good for me at first, but after a few minutes of good cop/bad cop routine they would know whose this is; get in Charlotte, I’m not going to beat you or embarrass you anymore.”

With an attitude a mile wide and twice as deep, my daughter pulled open her door then slammed it closed. I got into the car then drove quickly from the woman, who was coming closer with the phone stuck to her ear. As we left, I was hoping she didn’t get my license for the police.

The house wouldn’t be a good place to take her so I headed across town to a city park, we could sit by Loon Lake and talk out the mess her dildo had made. As I drove, my daughter picked up the box then cautiously peeked inside again, she bloomed red once more then put a fingertip on it, like she was saying hello to an old friend. She looked up at me, “Did you take this from my room?”

“It was on the floor when I came in to tuck you in.”

“Did you show it to mom?”

“No sweetheart, so far it’s just me who knows you have that.”

She took a deep breath, sighed it out as relief and resignation combined, “Thanks for not telling her.” Charlotte leaned on the window, staring at nothing, saying nothing, for the rest of the drive to the park.

We sat on a bench facing the lake, watching ducks paddle past, “I guess I don’t need to start a conversation about the facts of life, do I?”

“No, I think between mom and other places I know enough.”

“Other places? Like boys?”

Charlotte grinned cheerlessly, she was becoming less agitated, “No daddy, no boys. Just my friends and movies and stuff.”

I was relieved to hear she hadn’t taken the final step, but I had a hundred questions crowding on my tongue waiting to be asked. I sensed had to be slow, delicate, with her, “How long have you had that, where did you get it?”

“A couple of months ago me and Mallory went online and bought it, she got one too, only it’s black.” She grinned with feeling for the first time, “I had to put in my birthday so I made one up like I was nineteen. After that, I was the first to check the mail every day until it came.”

“Online? I don’t normally see ads for sex toys online, where were you looking, on porn sites?” Once again, she colored from cheeks down her neck, she didn’t need to answer the question. My daughter looked at porn. Sitting beside her, I checked the legs extended from her skirt and felt a tension tighten my balls. I recalled the image of her nude on the bed and the tension extended to my prick. I had to change the subject, “Look girl, your secret is safe, I won’t tell your mom. I know full well if she knew you have that, there would be hours of lectures neither of us would enjoy. You can keep your toy and do whatever you do with it, my lips are sealed.”

She buoyed as if a huge weight was lifted from her, but only mumbled quietly, “Promise?”

“Pinky Promise.”

“Thanks dad.” She caught my eyes with hers for a moment while she thought; her secret was out and since I didn’t throw a fit or condemn her, she felt safe enough to ask, “I don’t do anything with boys, but I get curious, I have questions about them and how they think about girls. If I asked you some questions, would you answer them?”

“Right now?”

“No, later, right now I need to go home and be nice to mom.”

“And your brothers.”

She gave me a fully relaxed grin, “Maybe, but they’re still loathsome cretins.”

There was a cop car in front of the house, Pearl was standing on the lawn talking to an officer; the woman had seen my license. Charlotte and I went to the cop and in a few minutes explained the situation; satisfied I wasn’t some kind of sexual predator or abusing my family, she left. As the cruiser pulled away Pearl asked, “What the hell was that all about?”

Charlotte put a hand on her mother’s arm, “I was fighting with daddy on the street and some woman called it in.”

“Are you two still fighting?”

“No mom, I’m done fighting with everybody, let’s go in the house.” Pearl shot me a look of gratitude that her daughter was again part of the family.

Two weeks went by and Charlotte and I regained our normal comfort level when she and I were together. I wanted desperately to ask her what she was doing when the lights were out, but propriety kept me mum. It was another Saturday when she approached me in the backyard, I shut down the mower as she came to me, “Dad, can we talk?”

“Sure, what about?”

Her eyes flitted from the ground to the sky, “About, uh, you know, about my thing.”


She looked at me annoyed, “Dildo.”

Well at least she was being blunt, not evasive, “What about it?”

She surprised me by asking, “Does mom have something like that?”

“Uh, well, yes, if you need to know.”

“Like mine?”

“Yes, an erection shaped dildo, a bit larger than yours, and it vibrates.”

Charlotte looked around, took a nervous breath then looked back at me, “Do you help her with them sometimes?”

I didn’t know where her curiosity was going but I wasn’t about to tell her to go away, what her mother and I did in the dark was too private, “Sometimes, they can be a fun diversion when we make love.”

She began to blush and I could see her struggling to tell me, “I kind of use mine a little but I haven’t gone all the way.”

Even though I knew what she was saying, the pervert within wanted to hear the words, “All the way?”

Charlotte flustered, sipped a breath then let it out as a rush of air, “I never put it in me, I’m scared to, it might hurt, I might bleed and it would freak me out.”

My daughter and I had been on the same wavelength since she was young, I knew what she was trying to say, “So, what are you saying girl, you don’t want to be alone if you use it properly?”

She was visibly shaking, beet red in the face as she very quietly asked, “Can you help me daddy, if you help mom, can you show me how it’s supposed to work too?”

A hundred different responses flooded my mind, my nuts tightened up, my prick flexed with an erotic shock, my mind’s eye magnified the memory of Charlotte naked and lying on her bed. I felt a shiver run up my spine as she looked at me, pensive, awaiting my answer, “Are you sure that’s what you want?” She didn’t say anything but dropped her eyes to the lawn, her cheeks were still burning when she nodded then turned and ran back into the house. Charlotte left the house shortly after she propositioned me and I was glad because the couple of times I saw her before she left, my prick reacted to her. Not a full-blown, tent my pants erection, but a swelling that tickled with thrills; half hard. If she had been in my sight longer, I would have tented my pants.

Another week passed; she didn’t say anything and I didn’t approach her, but I did sneak peeks into her room after she went to bed. I didn’t see her toy, but I did manage to see her sweet teen body again. Twice I stood by the bed and admired her delightful feminine features as she slept. One of those nights I seduced my wife, which was my unspoken explanation for having an erection when I went to bed. The next Friday night Charlotte was out with friends, Pearl took the twins to an Avengers movie so I was alone. I gravitated to my daughter’s room and sat at the desk and her laptop. I sat for a few moments, absorbing the teen girl environment, then opened the computer and booted it. In moments I was looking at ‘password’. Hmm, what might she use? I tried her name, her birthday, and a couple of obvious words. It was when I typed in ‘Furball’ that her home screen opened. Furball is her cat.

I snooped in documents and found only schoolwork, but the pictures folder was a bit more interesting. I sat and viewed a few dozen selfies of my daughter in several stages of dress, or undress. There were a lot of family album-type pictures, but those didn’t capture my attention like her nudity, partial or all, didn’t matter. There were also a few pictures of her best friend Mallory. Mallory too wasn’t timid about disrobing for the camera either. Mallory was just as riveting in bra and panties as Charlotte, maybe more so, because the enchanting young blonde wasn’t my daughter. I couldn’t decide which girl had the more appealing body so I studied the two teens meticulously for fifteen minutes. I zoomed in on each for closeup perspectives on all parts of their bodies, it was a tossup, both were pretty, both were hot. Charlette had more appealing breasts, but Mallory was taller, a bit leggier. The pretty young brunette could make me forget I’m a middle-aged, married man. My prick was half warm steel when I moved on to the next file.

The next folder I searched was ‘Videos’; there were several, but the ones I paid attention to were three recent videos of Charlotte; Charlotte and Mallory; Charlotte, Mallory and their new dildos. I watched several minutes of the two girls dancing and displaying while disrobing, then playing some non-sexual grab ass. The third video was an introduction to their new sex toys. Both girls giggled and blushed while showing off their dildos then shyly putting them between their lips and legs. While I had a strong physical reaction to the three increasingly graphic videos, I sincerely hoped that the only place they could be found was on Charlotte’s computer.

I didn’t have all day to drool over the two, so I moved on. I didn’t bother with social media accounts but I opened her browser then went to the history file. Charlotte didn’t delete her internet history so two weeks’ worth of web information popped up. I settled down to see what my daughter and her friend surfed. It didn’t take me long to find her porn sites. The most popular seemed to be a site that was suited more for women than men. There were beefcake men in various poses and clothing, including nude. Pictures and videos of male genitals, hard and soft, populated the web page, then I found an assortment of videos that showed just women’s hands fondling pricks until they became erections. Another site offered only women and their toys, for half an hour I sat and browsed my daughter’s fantasies, watching the fair sex fuck and suck plastic pricks of all sizes, colors, and shapes. The only thing I didn’t see was real man and woman action. Maybe she looked at the sex act on another site, but the ones I saw were void of that trend. Before I quit the computer, I went back to the videos; Charlotte and Mallory dancing nude and teasing themselves with dildos, I regained full manhood status as I fantasized about sliding my cock deep into Mallory. I had to quit the computer because Pearl and the boys would be home soon, but I knew I would be back. Back to look for more soft-porn videos in which my daughter and her friend were the star attractions.

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