A Gift for Scott

An adult stories – A Gift for Scott by 6EroticWanderingMind9,6EroticWanderingMind9 A Gift for Scott – by 6EroticWanderingMind9 — Copyright © 2023

During the period when our son Scott was growing up, I continually told him how handsome he was and he would always respond by saying thank you, but that he didn’t think he was any different from many of his friends.

I lightheartedly told him, that if he kept on the course he was on in the ‘good looks’ department, that any number of desirable young woman would more than likely be lining up wanting to date him.

As time went on, not only did he continue to become more handsome and strikingly so, a real Adonis in my view. Unfortunately, due to a freak injury he incurred while rock climbing, he became crippled below the waist and was confined to a wheelchair and my prediction of the young women lining up to date him never materialized.

I didn’t fool myself and fully realized that Scott’s physical limitations and needs resulting from his injury would require a uniquely special woman, for her to be interested in becoming involved with Scott romantically. She would not only have to be someone willing to take on the responsibilities of assisting him with his daily physical needs, but just as importantly accept his limitations in satisfying her sexual desires and requirements.

Due to his warm and friendly nature, Scott did however have several very attractive female friends, but they unfortunately were not to become anything more than platonic friendships.

Following his accident, I took special care to stay clear of any comments regarding female companionship and it had not become an issue until Scott began having nocturnal ejaculations several times a week.

One morning as I was cleansing Scott and stripping his bed in order to cleanup the results of what appeared to have been a night of several such emissions, he lamented that he’d never felt deprived of anything until it became apparent that he would never have the opportunity to actually experience the joy of sexual relations with the opposite sex. This had been the first time that he ever voiced ‘it’s just isn’t fair’, at least out load. He did mention however that his ‘wet dreams’ did at least provide him with some measure of gratification and pleasure.

One afternoon several days later while I was sorting through his semen stained pajama bottoms and bed linens in the laundry room, it occurred to me that I could possibly attempt to help increase his level of gratification that he experienced from his nocturnal dreams and subsequent emissions, by providing him with some visual stimulation. I knew that my husband considered both ‘girlie’ magazines and soft core porn as part of his preliminary foreplay routine, which on those occasions I also found them to be personally beneficial. So I thought, why not provide Scott with similar materials to view before retiring each evening, in the hope of helping to increase his nocturnal imaginations.

As I wasn’t sure how my husband would react to my plans, I thought it best not to ask him if I could utilize some of his ‘stash’ and decided that I’d obtain a number of these items myself. Not wanting to be seen purchasing any of these items by anyone who might recognize me, I traveled to a neighboring town. I prayed that I wouldn’t be seen entering the adult ‘porn’ establishment or worse yet, while either selecting or paying for the items at the register.

I thought it prudent at the outset to remain with Scott as I began to introduce him to the adult rated videos and subsequently to several internet porn sites, telling him that it was normal that he do so. It was awkward for us both at first, especially when he had questions during some of the more erotic exchanges as they were happening on screen. It was my hope that in introducing Scott to porn, that it would help to increase his nocturnal imaginations during his dream sequences and hopefully attain a higher level of sexual release and accompanying gratification.

As I was loading the CD player for him to watch a purportedly explicit 3X video, he asked if he could watch it by himself, but this time uncovered from the waist down while lying on his bed. I was elated by his new found interest and helped him prepare and then retreated to the living room in order to provide him with a measure of privacy, telling him to call me when he needed help ‘cleaning up’. I had not noticed any attempt on his part to arouse himself by fondling his genitals, trying to ‘get it up’ while viewing any of the previous videos, but I was hopeful that he might attempt to masturbate himself this time.

Knowing that the video he was going to view was 55 minuets long, after waiting for an hour and 15 minuets I went to his door and when I didn’t hear anything, thinking that he might have fallen asleep, I knocked lightly and asked “Scott is everything all right?’

With an exasperated voice, he responded “Nothing happened, so you might as well come in.”

Now, I’d seen my son in all states of dress and undress, but not until I opened his door and saw him lying there with the head of his semi-erect phallus sticking out of his hand with his fingers still lightly curled around it, did I ever think of him in a sexual way.

I felt so bad for him, here he had for the first time attempted to masturbate and he sat there sexually dejected. I asked him “Do you want to discuss it?”

He responded “What good would that do? It’s just no use, I’ll never know what it is to feel a real sexual release, at least not with a female. How could I, I can’t even properly arouse myself after what, almost an hour?” And then he pleaded, “Whatever you do mom, please don’t ever mention this to anyone, I don’t need any pity or worse yet, I don’t want dad to know, it’s bad enough that you know.”

“Wait a minute young man, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, a lot of men can’t ‘perform’ whenever they want.” I responded.

Without a second’s delay Scott shot back “Oh yeah, I’ll bet dad never had a problem, especially having someone like you as his partner.”

Responding I said “Be careful Scott, that’s one bet you’d lose. I’ll tell you something and don’t you ever share this with anyone either, but your dad disappointed me on our wedding night. I think it was a combination of his being exhausted, as well as his nervousness wanting to ‘satisfy’ me, that he was unable to ‘perform'”.

Scott chuckled at my comments, then he asked, “If you don’t mind my asking mom, was dad able to ‘perform’ the following night?”

Smiling I answered “Not only did he ‘perform’, but he made up for it in spades, especially with some special assistance from yours truly.”

“How so?” he inquired further.

“Whoa, this is getting a little too personal mister!” I replied. Then, after a short period of reflection I added “Well, being that you and I have this special relationship, I know I can share some of these things, things that I wouldn’t even consider sharing with anyone else, because I know you appreciate their confidential nature.”

After a short pause I continued “Well, as you’ve seen in many of the erotic videos you’ve viewed, a sexual partner can become aroused and satisfied vaginally without direct penile penetration, their partner can perform various other acts that can be the impetus to help them climax.”

Looking dejected Scott said “Yeah, but I’ll never be in that position, no pun intended, where I’ll have anyone willing to be my sexual partner, especially since I wouldn’t easily be able to return the favor.”

I immediately responded “Whoa Scott, haven’t you been paying attention to the videos, there are a number of ways for partners to pleasure one other. Your fingers young man work just fine and you are quite capable of digitally pleasuring a partner sexually. Additionally, your tongue can be utilized to sexually arouse and pleasure a partner in several ways.”

Without missing a beat, Scott shot back “That’s true mom, but you’re the one who is now missing the point.”

I responded by asking “And that is?”

Scott answered simply “The one important point, the ‘Partner’ you kept mentioning”

I guess that up until this point, I had been somewhat oblivious and had not fully realized that by having watched a number of the videos with Scott, that I too had become sexually aroused along with him. Being that his response struck me so deeply, after an excruciating long pause I said “OK Scott, you can never divulge or share with anyone what I’m about to discuss with you, for a number of reasons. First and foremost, what I’m about to propose to you could be considered to be improper and would definitely cause serious difficulties between your father and I, should he ever find out. Additionally, it could also lead to some legal difficulties, as some might think that I took advantage of your situation and could possibly be considered as sexual abuse on my part.”

Then I asked, “Scott, do you think that if you were able to view a naked woman right here in your room as you attempted to masturbate, do you think that might possibly help to stimulate and arouse your sexual desires and help you attain a climax?”

Not actually picking up on what I was proposing, Scott responded “I guess, but we’ll never know, will we mom? What are you going to do, call ‘Babes Are Us’ and schedule a ‘house’ call?”

Continuing I said “Scott, can we agree that what we discuss or do here together is strictly confidential between just you and I, and that you promise to never divulge or mention it to anyone, not ever, not for any reason what so ever? Can you agree to that?”

Looking even more bewildered, Scott answered “Yes, of course I can, and do mom, but what exactly are you referring to?”

I checked my watch and saw that Scott’s dad wouldn’t be expected home for at lease two hours, so I said “Get ready handsome, but if you don’t approve of what I’m about to share with you, just tell me and I’ll stop and we don’t have to continue and I promise that I wouldn’t be angry with you if you don’t want me continue.”

Scott’s eyes brightened and a smile widened on his lips as I unbuttoned and removed my blouse, followed by my unclasping my bra. His jaw dropped as I allowed my bra straps to gently lower along my arms, closely followed by its cups that were covering my breasts. Then tossing the bra next to him on his bed I said “Get busy fondling yourself young man, we don’t have all day, and we certainly don’t want your dad walking in to see any of this now, do we?”

Continuing to smile broadly without taking his eyes off of my breasts, Scott immediately began to fondle his manhood and I was pleased to notice a slight rise in his normally flaccid member. After about 30 seconds I offered “It appears that you might require a little more encouragement in order to become fully aroused Scott.” I then unbuttoned the waistband of my skirt, followed by the lowering of its zipper and then allowed the skirt to fall gently to the floor.

As Scott continued stroking his now semi-rigid shaft, he glanced down and noticed the dampness on the front panel of my panties, which I believe was the added impetus that helped him reach a somewhat rigid erection.

Not until I noticed my son’s reaction was I made aware that I too had become aroused. Scott smiled broadly as I stood after bending to remove my panties, providing him with his very first view of my neatly trimmed vaginal mound. After what couldn’t have been more that six or seven seconds, but seemed much longer, Scott raised his eyes and met mine in what I can only discribe as a loving, erotic and approving smile.

I then reminded Scott of our agreement of complete discretion and confidentiality saying, “Remember Scott, what happens between us here behind closed doors, is between you and I only. It’s our very special secret and ours alone.”

Scott immediately responded “Why would I ever do anything to jeopardize what you’re willing to share with me like this mom?”

My having now fully exposed myself to my son, helped to cause my defenses to diminish further and allowed me to begin to consider a more ‘personal relationship’ with him. The incest nature of what I was now seriously contemplating sharing with Scott, caused my thoughts and desires to think of nothing other than how we might satisfy one another sexually.

I began using Scott’s needs as my justification, or was it really just a lame excuse for my desire to having direct vaginal intercourse with him. I began to rationalize that if I was able to stimulate Scott properly, that he just might be able to have a full and completely rigid erection leading hopefully to a climax while experiencing direct skin to skin contact. I further reasoned that my pleasuring him would not only be enjoyable for him, but also provide him wit,h his first ultimate male/female bonding experience, even if it was with his own mother.

The more I allowed myself to accept the notion of my being intimate with and pleasuring Scott, the more sexually aroused I became. I realized I had to proceed without delay before I let reason be my guide and chicken out.

Having been on birth control, I knew I couldn’t become pregnant and therefore we could ‘enter’ into this ultimate act without any regard to timing, other than to avoid at all cost the possibility of being caught by my husband..

For several weeks previously, my husband had been discussing the possibility of going to our lakeside cabin in order to begin to prepare it for the approaching summer season, but that due to his heavy work load at the office he would be unable to do so.

Realizing that spending several days alone with Scott at the cabin would provide me with the perfect secluded environment for what I had in mind for Scott and I. I took advantage of the situation and offered to do the preliminary cabin clean-up and preparations for the upcoming season myself, reasoning that this would provide the perfect cover to travel there and be alone with Scott for a period of time without being suspect.

The remote cabin location would provide the perfect environment. I could wear whatever I thought appropriate to seduce Scott by arousing him sexually to the point that he would want me, as much as I was now aware that I wanted to pleasure him sexually. So during dinner that evening, I mentioned to my husband that I was scheduled to travel to the cabin in the coming days in order to ‘open’ it and do the initial ‘airing out’ and cleaning, in order to get it ready for the approaching summer season.

Then, just to make certain that my husband didn’t get the idea of surprising Scott and I as we were in the midst of being intimate with one another, by coming up unannounced, I suggested that being that he has been working extra hard at work on his current project, that he consider calling his brother and arrange for their annual golf outing as soon as he was caught up at work. I assured him that Scott and I could handle all of the initial cabin preparations and urged him to begin thinking about the golf outing. He accepted not only my offer to open the cabin, but emailed his brother that evening also.

As I contemplated on how best to go about seducing my loving son, to provide him with the pleasures he had no inkling of, it occurred to me that if I ceased my birth control regimen right away and that if I decided to, I could have Scott’s baby. The more I gave it serious consideration, the more I became aroused. However, I knew that to be fair I’d have to somehow get his approval before doing so. I rationalized that it was the best way that I could prove to him, that he indeed was not really any different from any other man.

Of course, I realized that the best possibility of getting his approval would be when we were in the throes of passion, him riding me bareback without protection and then tell him I wanted to have HIS baby, but discarded that approach as I felt it would be too underhanded and could backfire causing untold feelings of betrayal.

So, I decided that I would mention it to Scott as we became ‘involved’ during our visit at the cabin. My plans were to schedule our trip to the cabin during my ‘fertile’ period, so that I would be at the peak of my ability to conceive and hopefully have Scott’s first load of sperm deposited in my womb fertilize one of my receptive eggs, at the same time as I also helped him lose his virginity. And yes, I still planned to bring protection just in case he didn’t agree to ‘father’ his son and brother.

I moved forward with my planned seduction of my son under the guise of my continuing desire to satisfy his sexual cravings. It’s true, my initial reason to satisfy his needs were altruistic, admirable some might even think. Then I allowed my personal desires to enter into the equation and now I not only wanted to satisfy his sexual thirst and desires, but now I was more than willing to cross that invisible line of incest, big time. I not only wanted to mate with my son Scott for mutual sexual gratification, but I now wanted him to plant his seed deep in my fertile receptacle of love, in order to begin a new life that we will have created together.

So, having compiled a list of the various items I needed to accomplish my planned seduction of my unsuspecting son, I purchased the items during the next weeks shopping trips. I wasn’t stressed to find the perfect place to squirrel and hide away the various items I purchased, which if my husband saw them would wonder why I was bringing them along with me on a trip with our son during our visit to the cabin, especially since my husband wouldn’t be there. I simply put them in a container on the shelf in my closet marked vaginal wipes.

To make certain that I covered any and all contingencies, I purchased both male and female contraceptives, even though I had hopes that Scott would eventually agree to impregnate me during this trip. With any luck we wouldn’t require any of them! However, in order to assure that I did indeed cover all contingencies, I even made sure to obtain a supply of the ‘day after’ pill, just in case Scott initially acquiesced to my desire but then had second thoughts.

During the days leading to our departure, I made sure to replay some of Scott’s favorite young and middle-aged amateur couple videos exhibiting loving exchanges in a full range of sexual positions and activities. I also incorporated several videos of a new genre of porn that I had been holding off introducing Scott to, Mother and Son incest videos. I made certain to choose titles in which the participants exhibited respectful but passionate loving exchanges between the Mother and Son with no vulgarities, mindless banter nor any disrespectful language. It was my hope that these videos would subconsciously provide Scott with sufficient food for thought about considering the idea of such a relationship with me.

The phone rang on the evening prior to our planned departure and Scott answered it. “Hello. Oh hi dad, yeah we’re just about packed and will be leaving early tomorrow morning, we’ll give you a call from the cabin once we arrive. Yes, of course, we’ll leave a message if your unavailable and we get your phone mail so that you can check it when you can. Oh yes of course, go ahead to keep your appointment. Bye.”

I used the phone interruption to change into my somewhat sheer nightgown and when Scott noticed me, he smiled his approval. I positioned myself behind Scott’s wheelchair and grasping the handles I began pushing him toward his bedroom saying “Time to get you ready for bed handsome, so you can get some shut eye.” As we entered Scott’s bedroom I asked, “Do you want to get right to sleep and pass up on tonight’s video?”

Scott responded immediately “Hell no mom, I’d never be able to get to sleep. What did you have planned for tonight?”

Answering I said, “I found an interesting selection where a mother and her son engage in satisfying one another, after the father has long gone to bed.”

After undressing Scott and positioning him on his bed and preparing to put his pj bottoms on, Scott asked “Would you mind if I slept without putting anything on?” to which I responded “Of course not.” then added “And don’t worry about staining the sheets!” to which Scott simply smiled.

It was my intention to load the video and then excuse myself for the evening, saying that I needed to prepare for our early start the following day. I wanted Scott to view the video in private, hoping it would increase his libido and help keep him horny even after he masturbated. I knew I was being selfish, wanting him to be horny as possible during our ride together the following day as we traveled to the cabin.

I was up extra early and dressed in what I like to refer to as ‘provocative casual’ attire. My clothes were just loose fitting enough to be comfortable for our journey, but I thought draped nicely to highlight my feminine attributes. Wearing no bra, my silk blouse flowed in such a way that it was impossible for Scott not to notice the shape of my orbs and the arousal of my erect nipples. I knew that by my wearing shorts that likewise displayed my slender legs and ankles, would cause Scott’s trousers to prominently display his arousal throughout the day and hopefully provide us with a discussion point along the way.

Although I made sure to avoid the elephant in the room by constantly redirecting our verbal exchanges, both during helping Scott to dress and while sauntering in front of him in the kitchen, it was difficult for me to remain calm noticing his constant visual attention to my breasts and my prominent camel toe displayed in the crotch of my shorts as I moved about.

We were on the road about 25 minutes after we finished with breakfast. Initially, we exchanged the standard banter of how nice the day was, how we have been looking forward to the trip and spending a few days together away from our normal surroundings, as well as how long the trip was going to take.

Needless to say, I was looking forward to our time together and couldn’t wait to be alone with Scott at the cabin without any concern of being ‘interrupted’ or worse yet getting caught, should the proceedings go the way I had hoped and planned for.

It was easy to see that Scott was enjoying his view of me, as he sat next to me in the passenger’s seat during our road trip. He thought he was clever when he would point and ask a question about something down the road ahead of us, hoping to direct my attention there so that he could take a slightly longer look at my womanly charms, thinking that I was unaware of his attention. He should have only known that it was his attention to my ‘charms’ that caused my nipples to become aroused and remain erect. It wasn’t difficult for him to notice how the fabric of my blouse displayed my mammary arousal, which in turn enticed me to spread my legs to award him for having done so.

At one point, after having traveled for about 15 minutes without any verbal exchange, I broke the silence by asking ‘innocently’, “So Scott, did you sleep well last night?”

He answered “Yes I did, but not right way. That was one thought provoking video you selected.”

“How so?” I asked.

“I felt guilty masturbating as I watched it, you know, because of the content. The mother and son satisfying one another. I couldn’t help but think of it being you and I, you know satisfying each other like they did.”

Then before I could respond, Scott asked me a number of questions regarding the on screen Mother & Son relationship he had watched. What I told him in response to his inquiries was “When a Mother and Son already have a longstanding close personal and loving relationship, whom better could provide each other with truly intimate and love based sexual satisfaction? Neither has to go seeking a partner that truly has their best interests at heart, they already have that in each other.”

With a questioning cock of his head, Scott asked “But what about, you know the incest nature of such an exchange?”

Responding cautiously, I answered “Well that’s one hurdle that only each Mother and Son couple entering into such a relationship need to address and grapple with. I don’t expect that it would be an easy decision for them to make Scott. However, should they find that such a relationship is personally rewarding and they both acknowledge and accept that the incest considerations could have potential negative ramifications should their relationship become known, then why not. It goes without saying, that it would be best if they were extremely cautious and kept their clandestine relationship secret, not only for their own sake, but also to protect those close to them from being hurt.”

Scott then queried, “Who else could get hurt mom?”

I responded, “I guess those that could be considered ‘collateral damage’, the other family members, the husband and any other children if there are any and other close family members.”

Showing concern on his face, Scott asked “Are there any situations when collateral damage might be acceptable?”

I answered “Wow, that’s truly a mature question Scott. I’m not sure if collateral damage could ever be considered truly acceptable. However, I believe that a spouse should never feel cheated upon, if that spouse has held back sexually in their relationship, causing the ‘wandering’ spouse to seek affection elsewhere due their sexless marriage.”

I began feeling guilty realizing that Scott was displaying concerns and was conflicted by the erotic nature of our incest related discussion. I realized that I was being unfair to him by my allowing my selfish personal erotic desires to enter into the equation and decided that if nothing else, I would not broach the subject of my desire for him to father ‘our child’.

I knew that I still desired our becoming sexually involved as lovers, but I decided that I would not push Scott into anything that he might not be comfortable with. I did decide however, that during our time together at the cabin I would not try to dissuade him of our mutually pleasuring one another should he respond favorably to my enticements for us to enter into such a rewarding exchange. I further decided that I was willing to wait to satisfy my desire for Scott to impregnate me with his virgin sperm and planned to go back on the pill once we arrived at the cabin.

Scott and I talked so intently during the balance of our trip as we covered a number of his concerns, that I hadn’t realized our location until we were turning onto the private road leading up to our cabin.

It took several more minutes of driving to reach the cabin, during which I felt nervous and anxious like a virgin knowing she was going to seduce her beau and hopefully lose her virginity.

During the unloading of our vehicle, I purposely placed all of our luggage and other items on the bed in the smaller sleeping quarters, so that only the bed in the master bedroom would be ‘available for sleeping’ on this first evening. I also made certain that during my unpacking, that I removed only the bare essential sleepwear for us to wear that first night.

I had planned and looked forward to our ‘sleeping’ together for the first time, but was unsure how Scott would react to these sleeping arrangements, so I explained that I would have to rearrange the suitcases the following day, but that we would have to share the one bed in the master bedroom and sleep together.

I immediately turned and left the room after announcing our sleeping arrangements and explaining that I wanted to bring in the free-standing electric mica heater into the bedroom and plug it in to begin warming the room right away. Although that fact was true, what I really wanted was to give my sleeping arrangement announcement time to register with Scott.

When I returned, Scott hesitantly asked “Do you really think it will be all right for us to sleep together in the same bed? What would dad think if he found out we slept together?

Feigning innocence and ignorance, I replied “Why not Scott, you’ve slept with us in our bed for years when you were younger. Why wouldn’t your father approve?”

“Yes, I know I’ve slept with you and dad before, but I’m not that little boy anymore.” Scott responded

Responding to Scott’s concerns, I said “If it disturbs you that much Scott, I can clear all of our belongings from the other bedroom, but it’ll take some time and to be honest I’m beat and think we should turn in as soon possible.”

Although Scott agreed saying that wasn’t necessary and came to accept our sleeping arrangements, he awkwardly asked “Even though we have to sleep in the same bed tonight, would it be OK if I slept without my pajamas, as I’ve sort of gotten use to sleeping that way?”

Responding, I explained “I only have a chemise and my panties to wear to bed tonight myself, everything else is in the other luggage, but the bed is large enough, so your sleeping ‘au natural’ shouldn’t be a problem.”

What I didn’t mention to Scott was that the chemise was none too long and both it and the panties were made of an extremely sheer, almost transparent light blue material and yes, I actually preferred his sleeping au natural.

This night was the most difficult for me getting Scott ready for bed. My visions of our lying beside each other, caused my pulse to increase incrementally as I first removed his shirt and undershirt and then positioned him on the bed. I could feel my nipples become erect as I unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned the waistband of his trousers. My mouth became dry as I unzipped his fly and gently removed his trousers over his hips and worked them completely down and off his legs.

Being that I had positioned myself on the mattress to remove Scott’s pants and briefs for bed, I was now facing him with my butt cheeks resting on my legs. I felt flushed as I rose to ‘kneel walk’ closer to him in order to remove his briefs and realized that my panties had become extremely damp. I hesitated when I was in position as I gazed at the opened flap of Scott’s briefs. It was like I had never before seen his flaccid member and was mesmerized at its sight.

I noticed that Scott was now smiling at my hesitant reaction and I hoped that I hadn’t telegraphed my intentions, so I immediately slipped his briefs down and having removed them, I tossed them to the side and removed myself from the mattress. I then went about finalizing getting Scott comfortable by covering him with a sheet and fluffing his pillows. I leaned in and kissed Scott on the forehead and said goodnight.

As I was about to exit the room Scott asked “Didn’t you forget something mom?”

I responded “No, I don’t think so Scott, what do you think I forgot?”

Somewhat shyly Scott replied “Uh, like the CD player and the CD’s, you know, so I can….”

I interjected, “Oh. dam, yes, the CD player and CD’s. Sorry Scott, unfortunately their all packed away with everything else. You’ll just have to try to entertain yourself by recalling some of the scenes in your favorite videos or just try to go to sleep without tonight.” and left the bedroom saying “I’ll be in later.” without looking back to see his reaction.

I waited patiently and about 15 minuets later I heard Scott frustratingly call out my name.

As I entered the bedroom Scott said with a measure of disappointment “Mom, I’ve tried to fall to sleep but can’t and I really need to… you know, ‘pleasure myself ‘ in order to relax so I could finally fall to sleep.”

I responded saying “Come on Scott, can’t you get by this one night without…”

“No mom, you know I’ve become accustomed to relaxing myself by” and he finally said the word “‘masturbating’ before falling to sleep. Isn’t there something you can think of?”

Suffice it to say that I was anxious to begin my seduction of Scott and I realized that a large part of my anxiety was due to my wanting to ‘get the ball rolling’ with Scott and see where ‘things’ would progress.

Scott smiled as I approached close to where he was positioned on the mattress, the very same mattress that I planned to seduce and pleasure him on. His smile broadened as I was now providing him with an unrestricted view of my scantily clad body. He moaned softly as I gently placed my left hand onto his leg and fondled his inner thigh with my fingertips.

Looking into Scott eyes with a passion that I had long since forgotten I was capable of, I said “Sweetheart, do you remember that I had promised you something special for your last birthday. I said anything you wanted, but you were never quite able to decide exactly what it was that you wanted?”

Scott curtly responded “Mom, what has that to do with my current predicament?”

Continuing to look at Scott passionately, I said “Well Scott, due to your present dilemma, I’ve decided exactly what you could benefit from as a very special birthday gift from me. I won’t wait any longer as I believe tonight would be the perfect time for you to receive it, especially since our current situation of being here alone at the cabin has afforded us the opportunity for me to do so without our being interrupted.

Scott was wide-eyed but silent as I began to massage further up his inner thigh. I told him in as sultry a voice as I could “This is the something that I think might help you to ‘rise to the occasion’. Just relax and let me do all the pleasuring that you’ll need tonight. If you aren’t interested in what I’m about to do just say so and I’ll stop.”

I continued to methodically massage my son’s inner thigh. working my hand up without the slightest hesitation. His cock reacted positively to my touch as my palm caressed first the surface of his scrotum and then the warmth of his no longer flaccid member. Scott enthusiastically voiced his approval as I gingerly wrapped my hand around his stiffening shaft and began to stroke his erection. His initial response was “Oh mom yes, yes.”

Taking my other hand, I lightly caressed the surface of his scrotum and letting it rest in the palm of my hand, I asked in a sexy whisper “Does this feel as good as when you pleasure yourself Scott?”

He responded “No better, much better mom. Who needs videos, when I have you like this?”

I continued stroking his manhood for a number of minutes and in an effort to prolong his pleasure, each time it appeared he was about to reach his peak, I would pause for several seconds and then begin to slowly stroke him again. Explaining my actions I told him “I want this time to be extra special for you Scott, I want you to remember this, the first time I brought you to a climax.”

Scott smiled and said “I promise I’ll never forget this mom, but please just let me come mom. Please!”

Then, as I had him at the point where he was nearing his fifth ‘peak’ and what was to become his point of no return, I stroked his shaft with several slow long strokes, ending each upward stoke by caressing the mushroom head of his ‘cock’ with the palm of my hand causing him to shudder. Paying special attention to how he responded both physically and orally, I determined that he was at the crescendo of his point of ejaculation. Smiling as we were staring one another eye to eye, I said in a raspy sexy voice “Happy Birthday Baby!” and immediately took his pulsing cock between my lips and began sucking him deep and lovingly.

Almost immediately, Scott’s body began to spasm as I felt his shaft throb in my mouth and his scrotum tighten in my hand, indicating his accumulated ‘man essence’ was about to burst forth. Scott excitedly cautioned me saying, “Mom, mom I’m going to cum.” I happily tightened my lips around his girth and increased the suction as I continued sucking his cock, pleasuring him as best I could and simply responded “Ummm hummmp!”

As I continued providing Scott with his special birthday gift, I noticed a slight movement in his legs causing his hips to rise almost imperceptibly off the bed. I thought I noticed a shallow upward thrusting action to meet my downward oral ministration on his climaxing manhood encased in my oral cavity of delight.

Sometime during our sexual exchange, Scott placed his hands on either side of my head holding it in place, indicating that he didn’t want me to release his throbbing cock from between my lips.

As Scott came down from his first mom induced climax, I kept his slowly deflating pleasure pole between my lips for several minutes, as I lavishly licked and sucked up the lingering baby making fluids. Scott moaned and said “That was by far the BEST birthday gift you could have ever given me mom. I’ll assume that dad wouldn’t approve of your selection, would he?”

Not hearing any response from me, Scott then asked “And what did you mean when you said ‘I want you to remember this first time I brought you to a climax’. Can I really hope for an encore and repeat performance and if so, do I have to wait until my next birthday or another special occasion?”

I responded “No, your dad is definitely not to know of my special gift to you here tonight, and if you promise not to mention this to anyone, and I do mean anyone at all about tonight, you’ll only have to wait until tomorrow morning for us to pleasure one another again!”

“You have my word, I won’t ever mention what happens between us. As far as I’m concerned ‘What happen here in this cabin, and hopefully at home after we return, stays just between you and I. And I hope that at some point, nothing comes between you and I mom, if you know what I mean!”

“Yes, I know what you mean Scott” and of course I did.

The days following our first night were indescribable. Being that I was truly in total agreement with Scott’s wish for us to go ‘bare back’ when we consummated our special relationship,

I began taking my birth control pills that evening. However for these initial mating’s, I also made sure to take the ‘morning after’ pill each morning following those times that I was blessed with Scott having climaxed in me during this period at the cabin.

I’m please to report that we had intimate relations every day, sometimes several times a day during this visit at the cabin. Sometimes I would pleasure Scott orally, other times we would mutually pleasure one another orally and I am pleased to repeat that I was indeed required to take the morning after pill, several times.

It was during our stay that I decided to no longer even consider having Scott father our child. I now had hopes, that because of his new found feelings of sexual worth, that at some point he would meet and become involved with someone special and possibly even get married.

I did however decide that I was willing to continue our intimate relations for as long as Scott desired, married or not, even if it meant we only consummated our relationship a couple of times a year. I made sure to make it abundantly clear to Scott, that I’d happily satisfy his every sexual need and erotic desire, any time and in any way he wished. I made certain that he realized my offer would stand for as long as he wanted us to continue our special relationship, no matter what else transpired.

This is not the end. It is only the beginning of what I anticipate will be a life long series of mutually rewarding mother/son exchanges of support and yes sexual intimacy. Our intimate rendezvous will take place both at home when it is appropriate and at what will become our clandestine hideaway. This love nest will afford us with limitless opportunities to be free to indulge in gratifying each other’s carnal desires, while limiting the potential of our being found in what might be considered an unlawful embrace or intimate position. I have to end now, my undies require changing as they’re soaking wet!

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