An Education by Erlikkhan,Erlikkhan

Dear Mom and Dad,

I was really excited to get your letter and hear the news from home. I’m sorry I have not been very good about staying in contact. School is keeping me so busy that I barely have time to write. There really isn’t much to tell that’s new. I still love all my classes and the professors are excellent. My roommate Martha has been so nice to me. She’s from New York and seems to know everyone. This past weekend she set me up on a date with a boy named Brian. His family has a lot of money but he wasn’t at all stuffy. I plan to see him again this weekend.

I have a big assignment due so I better cut this short. Please give my love to everyone. I can’t wait for Christmas when I will be able to come home.

Love – Nancy

“Wasn’t that a sweet letter, Martin? It sounds like our daughter is adjusting to life at Vassar very nicely for a girl who grew up on a farm in the Midwest. And a date with a rich boy from New York! I just hope he’s a nice boy and isn’t trying to take advantage of her.”

“Ethel, you worry too much,” Martin replied. “I’m sure Nancy can take care of herself. She’s a big girl.”

At the very moment Martin and Ethel were having that conversation, Brian Castle was on top of their daughter pounding his cock straight down into her pussy. Nancy dug her fingernails into his back trying to hold on to some semblance of sanity. It was hopeless. Her pussy exploded in a violent climax. Moments later, Brian pulled out, wrapped his hand around his dripping cock, and pumped spurt after spurt of hot cum all over their daughter’s tits and stomach.


Two Months Earlier…

Nancy Brown arrived at Vassar in September 1954. She was a pretty blond of average height with big blue eyes and a shapely figure. Her roommate Martha was a short dark-haired girl from New York City with a cute face and a bountiful chest. She seemed nice enough, but had a New York City edge and used more swear words than Nancy had ever heard from a girl. She talked about sex like it was a common everyday topic of conversation.

Nancy wasn’t a total prude, or at least she didn’t think she was. She had kissed her share of boys and even let a few of them feel her breasts. It was clear Martha had done a lot more than that. Where Nancy came from, good girls didn’t let boys touch them ‘down there’ unless they were going steady.

Nancy had always been curious about how it would feel to be touched ‘down there’, and one night used her own fingers to find out. After that, she

rubbed off almost every night and sometimes during the day. One time, she even used the handle of a hairbrush, curious to see how it might feel to have a penis inside her.

Nancy wondered if Martha had ever gone all the way. The way she talked sure sounded like it. She found out during her second weekend at Vassar. Martha was late returning to the room and almost missed curfew. Nancy was shocked when she arrived in the nick of time with a boy. Boys weren’t allowed to visit girls in the dorm rooms, especially at night. Violation of that rule could get one suspended or even dismissed. Martha didn’t seem to care.

“Hey roomie,” Martha said with a big grin on her face. “This is Roger. We snuck up the back way to avoid the old battleaxe. He has a flask of whisky. Do you want to party with us?”

“Won’t we get in trouble?” Nancy asked nervously. “Surely Miss Grayson will report us.”

“She’s clueless. My older sister used to have boys up to her room when she lived here and never got caught. Come on, let’s have a little fun.”

Nancy didn’t want to seem like a prude and took the flask from Roger when he handed it to her. She had never tasted alcohol and choked when she took a swig. They laughed. Nancy’s head was spinning after two more swigs. She kept waiting for Roger to leave so she could go to bed. He didn’t. Finally, Martha stood and took Roger’s hand.

“We’re going to bed now,” she told Nancy. “We’ll try not to make too much noise.”

Nancy couldn’t believe this was happening. It was scandalous enough to have a boy in the room after curfew, but he was spending the night. Was Martha implying they were going to have sex? It sure sounded like it. Back home only sluts did that. Martha didn’t seem like a slut. She seemed more like a girl who knew what she wanted and wasn’t ashamed to get it.

An alcove wall separated the beds. Normally, Nancy would undress and put on her nightgown, but with a man in the room, even if it was in the next alcove, she felt exposed. She climbed under the covers and removed her dress, then pulled off her panties and bra. She would sleep in her slip. As Nancy lay in bed, she could hear the rustle of clothes and soft moans coming from the other alcove. She could even hear what Martha was whispering.

“Yes… right there. Oooooohhhhhhhh… use two fingers.”

Roger was fingering Martha. Nancy had imagined a boy doing that to her many times using her own fingers. Listening to it happening in the next alcove made her pussy throb. The urge to touch herself was too strong. Nancy slid a hand under her slip and between her legs. She found her pleasure button and rubbed. Her head was pounding and her nipples felt like they were going to burst. Then she heard Roger whisper to Martha.

“Oh god yes baby… put it in your mouth… oh fuck…”

Nancy had always considered oral sex a repugnant act that only whores did to satisfy their perverted clients. Then why did the image of Martha’s lips sliding down Roger’s cock make the throbbing in her pussy more intense? Nancy gasped and felt her body tremble. Juices seeped from her opening and dribbled down her ass.

“Hurry,” Martha begged. “Put your cock in my pussy. Yes, baby, right there. Now push… aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh…”

Nancy’s head was spinning. Her roommate was getting fucked only a few feet away on the other side of the alcove wall. She could hear the movement of their bodies and the soft moans and gasps of pleasure. Even the bed creaked in a steady rhythm. Two fingers plunged into Nancy’s soaked pussy. She imagined they were Roger’s cock pumping into her. Martha’s words made it seem more real.

“Fuck me… fuck me… god I love your cock… deeper baby… oh fuuuuuck… nnnnnnggggghhhhhh…”

Nancy moved both hands between her legs so she could rub her clit and finger her pussy at the same time. She listened to Martha’s shrieks and squeals, and could only imagine how good it would feel to have a big hard cock pounding deep into her own pussy. Nancy threw her head back and bit her lip. Her body jerked and twisted as she exploded for the second time.

“Oh fuck baby… here I cum…”

“Not inside me. Shoot on my tits”

Roger grunted. Nancy knew he must be shooting his stuff. She could only imagine what it looked like flying through the air and landing on her roommate’s tits. Never having seen cum, all she knew was that it was white and thicker than water. She had no idea how much would come shooting out. It didn’t matter. Just knowing this was happening sent Nancy spinning into a third series of orgasmic spasms.

Several minutes later Roger snuck out of the room. Nancy rolled over and was soon fast asleep.


The next morning, Martha was still in bed when Nancy dressed and left for breakfast. She was just finishing a bowl of cereal when Martha came down and slid into the chair across the table.

“Hi roomie. I hope we weren’t too loud last night. I have a hard time holding back when I climax, and Roger knows how to make me do that a lot. I probably should have let you know he was coming to see me, but it was so last minute.”

Nancy did not respond right away. She was too busy staring at Martha’s mouth and thinking that those lips had recently been wrapped around Roger’s cock. Her pussy twitched. She couldn’t figure out why thinking about it made her so excited. It was a perverted act. Only whores did those things. Apparently girls from New York City did as well.

“Um, it’s okay. I fell asleep so I didn’t really hear anything,” Nancy lied. “Your boyfriend seemed really nice. Is he still here?”

“Roger’s not my boyfriend,” Martha laughed. “He’s just a fun guy to be with. My parents sent me here to marry a doctor or lawyer from Yale, but I may as well have some fun in the meantime, right? Anyway, he drove back to the city last night. He just came up for a quick fuck.”

Nancy was having difficulty getting her head around this. Where she came from, girls didn’t use words like climax and fuck, and those who had sex with guys that weren’t boyfriends were sluts.

“Oh, I see,” Nancy said, trying to keep her voice steady, “Aren’t you worried about getting pregnant?”

“Not at all,” Martha replied. “I have a diaphragm and I usually make the guy wear a rubber too, although with Roger I didn’t so I made him pull out when he was shooting his stuff. Do you have a diaphragm?”

“Uh, no. I…I’m a virgin.”

“Oh. I should have known, you being from the Midwest and all. That’s okay. I know lots of girls who won’t go all the way. Most guys are happy with a blowjob or handjob. I guess you must masturbate a lot if you’re still a virgin.”

Nancy turned bright red, giving herself away. Back home girls never admitted it. She always thought she was oversexed because of how often she did it. Compared to Martha, she wasn’t even in the same league.

“Um, it’s not really something girls discuss where I come from.”

“Yeah, but you do it, right? I mean, who doesn’t? I have a plug in device that vibrates and it drives me crazy. You’d love it. I’ll let you try it sometime. Hey, how would you like me to set you up with a date?”

“Um, I…I don’t know. I don’t usually date strangers.”

“Don’t worry, Nancy. You’ll love Mike. He’s a junior at RPI in Troy and a real gentleman, and he’s very handsome. He won’t try to do anything you don’t want. I know him because he grew up in my neighborhood and went to the same school as me. I know you’ll like him. How about it?”

“Well, I guess it would be okay. It’s just a date, right? You’re sure he’s a gentleman?”

“Absolutely. I’ll call and invite him down for the weekend.”

Mike turned out to be handsome and sophisticated. They went to a mixer on campus with Martha and her date. Mike was a perfect gentleman just like Martha had told her he would be. He was also a good dancer. They swirled and spun doing the jitterbug until they were exhausted. After a break to get some punch and catch their breath, a slow dance played. Mike took her hand and led her out to the dance floor.

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