Blue Bloods The take down of Erin by Tealer

Essentially their phones were disassembled an anything they had on them was dropped at a dumpster on the South side. The suburbans were ditched and two Excursions were used to transport the two Westward and completely out of town. An hour and a half later they were in a sort of sound studio well away from prying eyes. The IT guys had done an amazing job and any signal would be bounced around the world originating in Rio. No trail and what there was would lead nowhere fast. NYPD could never use electronic intel and this was a very hush hush operation Jack, and the gangs had devised and financed. It was as diabolical as it was secret.

There we were….

Erin began to come to and had no idea where she was. Something throbbed in her ear. She looked around and she was sitting on a toilet with her hands cuffed in front of her. Someone cleared their throat yet no one was around. Erin looked around in panic. She was in a bathroom. She looked up and down and realized she was sitting on a toilet naked. Panic began to set in when the voice in her ear said. “Erin Reagan you’ve been out for about 12 hours. You need to use the facilities as I’m sure you have to go by now. Next to you is some bottled water since I’m sure your thirsty. Make yourself comfortable for a little bit and we’ll come get you.” Erin was in full panic mode and yelled at whoever. A voice boomed in and said “Piss, shit, and shut the fuck up, NOW!” Erin looked around totally confused. After a short while she realized she did need to use the facilities so she did. The water began to sound good so she drank some and began to settle down. Her mind raced. “Maybe there something in the water, where am I, what do they want, etc etc etc. She was feeling a little light headed but maybe she hadn’t eaten for quite a while since she was going to lunch when….? Hmmm… Who cares…. the drug had taken affect.

Erin was sitting there in kind of a euphoric state trying to figure things out but nothing seemed to piece together. The door opened and a large thick terry cloth robe was tossed in. Erin grabbed it and wrapped it around herself. As she stood there looking around the voice in her earpiece said. “Go to the door. You’ll be escorted.” Erin opened the door and two men in dark clothes and hoods grabbed each arm and lead her down the hall to a room. It looked like a law office (books, desk, chairs, etc). They sat her in a chair and stood behind her. A man in a black suit sat at the desk wearing a white annonymous mask. He began speaking after looking her over for a minute. His accent was hispanic (maybe Columbian) “So you are the Puta ADA Reagan who’s giving me and my organization such problems?” “You’ve been warned before, again and again. Your Reagan family can’t exactly help you now, so you had best listen very very close to my instructions” His voice began talking to the earpiece in her ear.

Erin heard him chuckle as he said “Your dear daughter Nicky is here and safe too (for now).” He let that sink in as she began to object he snapped “Silence! You will not speak unless instructed to PUTA!” Erin kind of cringed at the loud voice in her ear. She straightened up and glared at him. He laughed. He turned a computer monitor on his desk to face her. Erin’s eyes about popped out of her head. She began to yell as the masked man held up a finger and said “Silence” in a quiet tone. Erin’s eye were huge and panic set in by the image playing on the screen. Masked man said “You will remain silent. Now let me explain.” The image on the screen was Nicky tied spread eagle on a large four poster bed. She had a tiny white thong and a tiny white lacey push up bra that barely covered her nipples. Nicky was blindfolded and gagged with a nice red ball gag. Along each side of the bed was three large naked black men. Each had an erection at half mast that was bigger than anything Erin had ever seen. She was in horror. Her daughter…. like this…. Oh my god. She looked around in panic and started to say something. Annonymous held up a finger and hissed “silence”. Erin looked at him pleading with her eyes. Annonymous tapped the side of his head and said Step 1. then tapped the side of his head and spoke to Erin. He said “Dear Ms Reagan. Your going to do exactly as we say or the gentlemen will take many more steps than just step 1.” At that point one of the black men leaned forward with a pair of scissors and cut both shoulder straps and the center of Nicky’s bra and tugged the remains out from under her. She howled and struggled as her nice little C cups were exposed. Annonymous said “Do I have your attention?” Erin shook her head Yes. “Now that we know your daughter is in our possession and in quite the compromised situation are you going to behave?” Erin Shook her head yes. Annonymous shook his head “Good” “Now listen…. Your cuffs will be removed and you will be provided another robe. You will be given instructions and will follow along with exactly what you are told in this earpiece. If you fail to do EXACTLY as I say I’ll say another number like “Step 2″. Do you understand?” He tapped the side of his head and said Step 2. One of the black men stepped forward with the scissors and cut the thong off Nicky and threw it to the side. Erin struggled and Nicky struggled. To no avail for Nicky and Annonymous held up a finger and said “Do we have an agreement. She doesn’t have too many numbers before one of them is fucking her….. I wonder… Do you think she’s a virgin?” Erin’s eyes went wide. She shook her head Yes. Annonymous whispered “Say it out loud.” Erin said in a quiet voice “OK I’ll do what you want, please nothing illegal and don’t let them touch my daughter.” Annonymous laughed and said “OK then…. Here we go”.

ACT One…..

Two men helped Erin stand and undid her handcuffs. Erin felt drained and disoriented. The strain/stress of the situation and of seeing the position her daughter was being held hostage in had her overloaded. Something was definitely wrong. Her mind felt fuzzy. One man handed her a bottled water and she drank some. It helped but she still felt fuzzy. After a few minutes it got worse and she couldn’t focus. She was handed a black judges type silk robe and the men left the office. The voice in her ear said “Lose the terry cloth and put on the black robe.” Erin did as told. The silk rubbed her nipples and she felt almost electric type stimuli going through her. She tipped her head thinking how wierd. That should not happen, certainly not in this situation. Then her mind moved on. The voice said “Sit in the chair you were in. Rise when the judge walks in his chambers.” Erin sat and looked around. Judge, what judge.

A large black man walked in dressed in judges robes.Erin did as instructed and stood. He was followed in by a hispanic man neatly dressed in a suit and two hispanic men in orange prisoner jump suits. The judge orders everyone to sit. He began talking about prosecutorial misconduct. Erin was fuzzy and kept drifting to the robe rubbing her nipples. She just couldn’t focus. The judge asked her about evidence and the voice in her ear said “SAY Yes… I did your honor” and Erin blurted it out. He said a few more things and she heard the words mistrial and some more about compensation. The voice said “Focus on what the judge says and do what he says”. Erin listened. The judge said “In my opinion you, the prosecutor were about to fuck these two men with jail terms for being hispanic gang members. You falsified evidence and had them falsely arrested. I think the tables should be turned. Ms Reagan approach my desk.” Erin did as she was told. The judge said “Lean forward over my desk and look at me.’ Erin did as she was told.

The judge looked at the two men in orange prisoner suits and said “Time for turnabout is fair play. Miss Reagan raise your robes.” Erin began to object when the judge pointed to a computer monitor on his desk displaying Nicky and he whispered do “I say step 3?” Erin swallowed hard and raised her robe. The first prisoner dropped the front his orange prison pants and kicked her feet wide apart. Erin knew what was going to happen and closed her eyes. The prisoner placed his cock at her pussy entrance and pushed inward. She was not ready and let out a discomforted groan. The prisoner enjoyed that and pressed on. He began long deep strokes into Erin’s pussy and in a very few strokes the wet slurping sounds of a wet pussy being fucked could be heard. Erin could hear a womans voice groaning and the sounds of sex. It didn’t register right. The prisoner fucked her for several minutes before groaning and dumping a load in her ass crack. The next prisoner took his place and began fucking her quite roughly. Erin could hear a woman moaning but she didn’t know who. She felt a knotting in her core and began pushing back as she was fucked deeply. She had a strong orgasm while being fucked by prisoner #2. As he finished he came all over her pussy lips. The judge pointed to the lawyer and he took his turn. When he was done the judge told them to leave.

The judge then instructed the fuzzy headed Erin to sit on his desk and spread her legs wide. The voice in her ear said “Now” very loud and she complied. The judge opened his robes and pulled out a large black cock. The voice said “Spread your pussy wide…. Now”. Erin tried to fight it but did as she was told. She felt the judge run the head of his big cock up and down her sloppy pussy opening. He said “This is for being a bitch of a lawyer. From now on you’ll fuck every judge before, during and after trials like the slut you are. Say it! Your a prosecutor slut!” Erin hesitated as she heard the voice in her ear say Step 3. Erin said loud and fast “I’m a prosecutor slut. Fuck me fuck ME!”. The judge obliged as he slid the head of the big cock into her. She could barely take it and felt incredibly full. She glanced at the moniitor from the corner of her eye and could see one set of black hands rubbing Nicky’s right breast. She groaned in frustration but it came out a groan that became one of pleasure. This judge was filling her and hitting all the right places as he went deeper. Erin tipped her head back and groaned loud as he bottomed out and began fucking her in long deep strokes. She felt that sensation again as another strong orgasm hit her. She moaned and groaned as her legs clinched then she felt a recognizable sensation as the judge pushed deep and groaned as he filled her pussy with cum. Erin closed her eyes and whimpered “Oh god no please.” The judge just chuckled as he finished and pulled out.

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