Capture Team Pt. 02: The Informer by thomas_dean,thomas_dean

Felicity’s car was parked near the club which appealed to the College crowd in River Bend. The flowing sleeves on her flaming orange crop top fluttered as she adjusted her black micro — mini skirt to climb into her new sports car. “Imagine that meeting a pornographer. What do you say to his proposal to play lesbian sisters in a shower scene? You never now where this journey could take you.”

At that two police officers approached the vehicle. An hour or two later, Felicity and I were sitting on a hard wooden bench in a musty cellar huddled up with another woman for warmth. Felicity talked and talked to our unknown companion. Asked to verify Felicity’s story about the porn director by the strange woman whose bare rump butted up to mine I shrugged my shoulders. I drifted off into shallow sleep.

I was awakened from my cat nap when my name was called. “Berke!” Cliff, a tall, blond haired man, one of the arresting officers, standing in front of the cyclone fence enclosure, called out my name, “Which of you deadbeats is Berke, first name Bliss.”.

“Me!” from I raised my hand. Deadbeat I muttered to myself. I was only a couple of days late with my payment. I wasn’t even on a pick — up list just yet. I found myself stripped naked and thrown behind the wire in this dungeon.

What did I do to earn such harsh treatment? Oh, man! All this fell on me because I was out clubbing with my friend and roommate Felicity. As soon as I hopped in her new car, police pounced upon the car. On the passenger side, watching Felicity’s wrists secured by cable ties behind her back, I sent the two cops into a long belly laugh when I snickered, “Now, dear Felicity, you may have guessed why the cheese in the mouse trap is free.”

I wasn’t on their list. The police could have let me off with a warning to bring my account current, but when my id was checked, my late payment popped up.

After I was thrown with other detained naked females behind a cyclone fence in a musty cellar, I huddled with Felicity and another woman against the chill. “Damn, Felicity how did you ever expect to pay for that car?” Sometime, later we were provided with blankets.

“Drop your blanket, Berke and come to the gate,” the guard ordered. As the cool night air hit my bare skin, I felt a tingle. I was hopeful. Possibly, they would re – release me with a warning. Now, in my second year of college, I had been picked up a few times for being a few days late with a payment. Most times, I was released with a warning. Once before I was detained for a few minutes, maybe an hour, but it was decided to release me rather than process me for repossession on my indenture. This time I wasn’t so lucky.

The female cop, I later learned her name was Jane, was inclined to cut me loose as I had been so many times before, but to my surprise it was Cliff, the tall blond haired man who now held my arm decided to bring me in. “Repossessed coeds are,” the male officer noted, “the Institute’s cash cow. Attractive Surrogates are marketed to the a-traditional married couples, unable to do it the natural way.”

Jane, the female officer, shook her head complaining, “Yeah, the Institute can boast that its lending practices promote equality while it hypocritically reaps in profits by encouraging coeds to hyperextend themselves.” When Jane threw me over the hood of Felicities car, felt me up and secured my wrists, I snickered, “as much as you express reservations about policies, you certainly are prepared to enforce them.”

Wrists secured, I was thrown in the back of the waiting van with Felicity and other bound females.

At the gate, I was ordered to turn around and place my hands through a slit. I lowered myself to place my wrists through the gap in the fence. After cable ties bound my wrists, I had to back out of the cage. When the gate slammed shut, a muscular arm pressed on my back forcing me to bend over for a reading of the bar code emblazoned into my butt. “It’s still me,” I told the guard.

Clutching my arm, Officer Cliff led me past the cage holding four or five male detainees. I was trembling. All were on their feet shouting. I noticed the glint of steel of their wire mesh chastity cages ensconcing their barometers. “That lot. Not much to worry about,” Officer Cliff assured me, “they’re runners. The institute prefers to unman runners. Unhung they’re more likely to hang around.”

“Who knows where a journey may lead?” I remarked.

I was escorted down a corridor passed the mirror surrounding the pedestal where earlier upon entering the underground chamber, I was ordered by Officer Cliff to strip.

“Strip?” I questioned when I was brought into the dingy cellar.

“Intake procedure prescribed by The Institute,” Officer Cliff relied.

“Am I under arrest?” I argued, “I didn’t do anything wrong! I was only a few days late with my payment. If you allow me to go back to my dorm, I can make arrangements for payment.”

Jenny, a nurse in a white lab coat, approached. “Like many people today, you signed an indenture pledging your person and property as collateral for a loan. The Institute is entitled to appraise its property to consider an appropriate disposition: release and reinstatement of the loan on conditions, retention by the Institute, allow a relative to redeem your person, or shipment to auction. So, you need to disrobe before I call on Jane and Cliff to cut the clothes off your body.”

Lifting my polka dot dress over my head, I stood in front of the mirror my lacy — frillies, black bra, undies and thigh high stockings.

Noticing the bar code on my hip, Nurse Jenny observed as adjusted my panties to inspect the bar code and to feel the ridges of the brand emblazoned into my flesh of my butt,” Hmm, Branding iron not a tattoo.”

“I went for coding with Felicity my roommate — she,” I shook my head, “and I are like sisters. We do everything together. Felicity was buying the car — the one we were caught in,” I responded, “That finance company believed tattoos are too easy to remove. My roommate sighed. `It may hurt but I’m already stripped bare and I want the car.'”

“The brand has well healed. Lenders insist on coding a debtor,” Nurse Jenny clinically observed, “particularly with a loan for a high – dollar purchases like a car. Why were you coded?”

“It was a condition of reinstatement of my loan,” I admitted, “A few days late too many times. Do I have to get undressed? Can’t I be left off with a warning?”

“OK,” Nurse Jenny ordered, “Then, you’re aware that upon default your person and property become subject to seizure. The Institute exercises its right to seize all property in your possession. Your clothes belong to the Institute. Finish getting undressed. Everything off.”

With a sigh, I reached behind me to unsnap my bra, hobbled on one leg to pull off my stockings, then the other. Standing there in a black frilly bottom, I gently sashayed allowing my breasts to sway. “Everything,” Jenny commanded. To Jane, Nurse Jenny ordered, “Once our starlet has finished giving us some theatre and has dropped her drawers, would you read her bar code?”

“Bend forward, feet apart,” Jane ordered, “I need you present a target.” Gently feeling the ridges in the bar code, before she took a penlight out of her belt, Jane explained, “Brand is a nice with clear easily readable ridges. Hold still,” Jane ordered, “I’ll have my reading in a jiffy.'”

“Identity verified,” Jane announced, “Berke, Bliss, age 19, Sophomore River Bend College, Drama student, 5′ 3″, 110 lbs, 30 — 26 — 30, no scars, no tattoos, credit card debt, pattern of late payments, previous warnings. Upon capture, Institute accepted assignment of debt from creditors and declared her in default.”

“My luck,” Bliss complained, “caught after I met a porn director who could have paid me enough for a few hours work to liquidate the entire debt.”

Jane continued, “5 ft 5 in, 125 pounds, red hair, hazel eyes, 32 — 28 — 30, no scars, no tattoos, birth mark on left butt, photos taken at time of the branding.” Jane shook her head, “Like your roommate you were quite the debutant!”

“Are we about done?” I asked.

“Not quite,” Nurse Jenny answered. To the officers standing behind me, Jenny gave instructions, “When you’re finished, bring Ms Berke into my examination room.” My heart sank when I heard the stretching sound of latex gloves being stretched. In a reassuring voice, Nurse Jenny promised, “Sweetie, once Jane has completed the inspection and we take updated photos, we’ll have a few good laughs in my examination room, comparing your intake photo, mine and Jane’s photos.”

As my escort with a secure hand on my right arm, led me to a door labeled: PRIVATE: MEDICAL EXAM IN PROGRESS: KNOCK BEFORE ENTERING. After my body cavity search, I was brought into the nurse’s room for a medical exam. Looking at the gynecological exam table, I smirked, “Is there any part of my insides that hasn’t been inspected?”

Despite my sharp tone, Nurse Jenny in a calm, comforting voice instructed, “Up on the table, wiggle your fanny down to the edge, dangle your feet off, like a virginal, young woman submitting to her first internal exam, lie back, feet in the stirrups, I’m about to conduct an internal exam. Have you had one before?”

Jenny was remarkably gentle as she explained, “I can’t see your internal reproductive organs, the uterus and ovaries. So, I need to feel you up, kind of like a good finger fucking, hmm? Two greased, gloved fingers inside you while my other hand massages your belly to check your egg crate.”

Despite having been forcibly detained, stripped and inspected, it was hard not to laugh along with Nurse Jenny. “Now I promised to show you some intake photos of me, Jane and other Institute personnel. Look up on the screen above the door: first yours: frontal, profile — left and right and bank: rectangular shape, blanched white, tennis ball shaped cup B boobs — you’ve done some working out –, prominent mound — probably due to your light weight, a belt level white strip running horizonal across your hips, even tan on the butt.”

My face reddened as Jenny appraised my physique. “Not bad,” Jenny complemented me, “no need to be embarrassed. Now let’s compare mine.”

When Jenny flashed a button on a remote, my image faded away. On screen, Nurse Jenny’s image popped up. Head bowed, Jenny presented as a lean woman, cup B breasted woman. Another click brought two smiling women standing back to back. “that’s me with Jane — you met Jane. we’re twins — photographed butt — to — butt. At Jane’s voluntary surrender a year later, the crazy doctor had me strip and stand to compare our frames as if that doc didn’t know identical twins come from the same egg. By definition, we are alike.”

“That’s rather arbitrary!” I commented.

“I’m under an indenture,” Jenny replied. “An indenturee has one right: the right to obey.”

“You’re an–indentured ugh–person?” I was shocked. “How can a person in charge be a slave?”

“Sure am,” Jenny replied, “My sister Jane too. So is everyone on my team — the team that brought you in here. I was under 23. My father surrendered me. The Institute let me compete nursing school. So, none of us is any more free than you. And just what I do if I were free?” Approaching me pointed up to the screen, Jenny added, “I have a few more photos. See if you recognize any one in it.”

On screen flashed a series of the nude photos. I asked, “Were these casting photos for a porn shoot?”

“Porn Shoot?” Jenny questioned, “You’re not the voluptuous type I’d expect a porn producer would want to recruit.”

“Yeah,” I recounted my meeting, “Depends, that man claims he needs extras for various types of scenes, convent school dorms, communal shower, prison intake, alien abduction.” Shaking my head, I expressed disbelief, “I thought that curly haired titan was a scammer, some guy who wanted to get my clothes off. Felicity was more interested in Mr Curly Hair’s proposal of casting us as sisters in lesbian encounter in the shower.”

Pointing to the photo of an imposing male, muscular well cover 6 foot, bursting with toxic masculinity, I recalled, “I was out with my roommate Felicity Bogan when we were approached by this man. He gave me a card and a brochure. Stupid me! I threw both away. Felicity kept the card in her purse — said something about needing a car payment.”

Closing the interview, Nurse Jenny made vaguely promises to review my college program. Looking at her notepad, “in theatre. Frankly, the Institute prefers nursing and scientific backgrounds, but I’ll check.”

Returned to the exam room with hands secured behind my back, I sighed deeply as Cliff cut away the restraints from my wrists and presented me to Nurse Jenny. “All this for being a few days late!”

“Up on the couch, Ms Berke,” Jenny ordered. Behind that white lab coat, Jenny exuded confidence of absolute authority.

I sighed in resignation, but submissively complied. Plunking a bare rump on the table, I suggested, “My butt might not stick to the plastic-coated couch if you covered the table with wax paper like most doctors do.” Taking a breath as I swung my legs over the edge of the table, I tartly asked, “Back in the saddle again. Should I lie back, spread — em, and put my feet in the stirrups?”

“Jane,” Jenny turned to her sister, the female officer “Cliff delivered Ms Berke in the altogether. Could you see to her clothing and personal effects?”

I took a breath. Had my luck held? Would this journey end with release with a new warning? I decided to let Nurse Jenny speak first.

Returning to the examining room with a stack of clothes neatly folded, Officer Jane handed half the stack to Cliff. Cliff placed the stack handed him on a desk in the corner. With my clothing, Jane spread them out on a table along the wall. Last I saw them, they were turned inside out while one officer examined the seams and dropped them in a receptacle.”

Enumerating the property seized from my person, Jane recited, “print polka dot dress, black sheer stockings thigh high, black panties, black bra cup B, heels. Women’s Black clutch bag; Jewellery: Earrings, necklace, ankle bracelet. Accompanied by receipt,” Jane smiled plunking down a pen on the table, “ready for signature.”

“Let me explain,” Jenny introduced the Institute’s proposal, “the terms the Institute offers to restore you to a measure of freedom.”

Surveying the semi-circle arrayed in front of me, Nurse Jenny in the center, flanked by Officer Jane and Cliff, I took a deep breath, allowing my breasts to heave. Their eyes maintained firm eye contact. Even Cliff did not follow the rise and fall of my nipples. I observed, “You three have me at a disadvantage. I’m sitting here naked.”

“Quite correct,” Nurse Jenny replied, “The Institute’s message is simple: Right now, you have nothing,” Jenny reminded me. “At this point, you will determine how this evening’s outing comes to an end.”

“How so?” I asked.

“If you accept the Institute’s conditions,” Jane explained, “your debt including your student loan will be liquidated, you’ll keep your place in school, your clothes, jewelery and spending money will be returned to you. You will be returned to your dorm under the conditions the Institute chooses to extend.”

“And those conditions,” I asked.

“Termination of your indenture 10 years after date of graduation,” Nurse Jenny responded, “In the interim, while in school, you will perform such duties as the Institute assigns you. While in school, you get to keep your name. Otherwise, an indentured slave has no clan and therefore no last name.”

“And if I refuse?” I asked.

“You have every right,” Nurse Jenny acknowledged, “not to accept our conditions and to insist the terms of your original Indenture be observed.”

“And where does that leave me?” I begged, “All I want is to have my clothes back and sleep in my own bed.”

“Think of it as you have full time employment guaranteed for 10 years after graduation.” Jane observed, “Take some courses in police science and asset recovery. You might make it into Institute Security.”

“I’d be a rat, an informant, spying on others and reporting them,” I reached the grim conclusion.

“You have to agree to do that which the Institute requires, regardless of how you personally regard the task, That’s the obligation,” Jenny did not sugar coat the journey I would embark upon.

“And if I say no,” I asked.

“If you decline the Institute’s offer,” Nurse Jenny explained, “You will be returned behind the wire of the Hen House and shipped to the Institute which may retain you in its Surrogacy program, offer your person for private sale to a family member, or ship you to auction. Your choice.”

“And what about my roommate Felicity Bogan,” I asked, “We’re like sisters.”

Nurse Jenny shrugged her shoulders as if unconcerned. “Felicity is our second choice. It’s you or her. I can’t take you both. You’re both drama students but the Institute regards you as brighter and more levelheaded.”

I was handed an agreement. Ordered to read aloud, I recited certain terms, “I acknowledge delinquency and default on my loan and my reduction to indentured servitude. During my servitude, I will perform all duties assigned to me by and obey all the directions of the Institute, its successors and assigns, and any person appointed over me. In consideration of the benefits provided in this agreement. I agree that my indenture will terminate 10 years after my graduation from college.”

“Decide,” Nurse Jenny ordered.

“I assume you have a particular mission in mind. Am I to be clued in?” I asked.

“You haven’t accepted our terms yet,” annoyance entered Nurse Jenny’s voice, “I’m busy. I have an outbound shipment to the Institute to arrange. Sign or Cliff will return you to the Hen House to join the outbound shipment. The missions the Institute may assign you will be disclosed at the appropriate juncture.”

“Can I say goodbye to Felicity?” I asked.

Nurse Jenny called out to Cliff, “Ms Berke needs to be returned to the Hen House.”

Cliff had placed a grip on my shoulder and was about to whirl me around to apply the cable ties when with tears in my eyes I agreed to sign.

I heard the clamor in the corridor outside the examination room. With a flick of her remote the TV screen over the door displayed a procession of naked female indenturees cuffed and shackled shuffling feet with difficulty as they were led away.

My heart dropped when Felicity passing by looked up at the camera. “Oh my God,” I sighed.

“Alright,” Nurse Jenny noted, “The decision is made. Your goodbyes have been said. Jane, show our friend Bliss upstairs to dress and get her ready to rejoin her life.

I carried my clothes up a narrow, hidden staircase behind Nurse Jenny’s desk. I winced when Jane paused at the desk to pick up the other stack of clothes — Felicity’s clothes. Upstairs I found myself in a dorm attached to a communal shower. Floor length windows were shrouded in dark old-fashioned drapes.

“Put your clothes on a table,” Jane told me as she put up prints of Felicity’s picture on the mirror on her vanity table, “You might as well lay down while I make my transformation.” Jane declared, “It might take an hour or two before my transformation from plain Jane into fabulous Felicity is complete.”

To my protest that I felt uncomfortable sleep naked, Officer Cliff who was helping Jane with matching the color threw me a black undershirt, “It’s mine. It should cover everything.”

I pulled the billowing T shirt over my body. It floated down to mid-thigh. “Would it be OK for me to ask to put on my panties.” I looked to my pile of clothes.

Thrown a pair of women’s drawers picked out of a pile, I expressed surprise. Jane shrugged her shoulders, “Is it mine, or Jenny’s or eh–someone else’s? It doesn’t matter. We share everything. Cliff,” Jane called out to the other officer, “I may be away for a few days. Make sure you service Nurse Jenny.”


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“Your sister Nurse Jenny, she prefers women. Doesn’t she?” Cliff asked.

“A man who knows how to use his tongue is acceptable to Jane,” I replied.

“As long as chastity is optional,” Cliff agreed.

Turning to me, Jane laughed. “See, we share everything.”

I drifted off to sleep. I was shaken awake by Jane, now fully dressed in Felicity’s black micro miniskirt and long sleeved cropped orange blouse, her hair dyed to Felicity’s honey blond. Staring at her exposed cleavage, I blurted out, “What a slut! No wonder a pornographer approached Felicity.” I covered my mouth with my hands. Cliff, naked standing under a spigot in the communal shower, wolf – whistled at Jane.

Jane laughed. “One button on the blouse below the bust line leaves little to the imagination. You and Cliffy agree that in this outfit I look slutty. Just part of the sacrifices we make for the Institute.” Tapping me on the shoulder, “Up.” I was ordered. Standing next to the cot as I struggled to my feet, Jane whipped the T shirt over my head. Instinctively, I covered my breasts with my hands. Pointing to the communal shower, Jane ordered, “Drop the panties. Quickly shower, dress. Brush your hair and get ready to go.”

I looked toward the shower hesitantly where Officer Cliff was speaking to another male officer about the nights work. Upbraiding me, Jane snickered, “Quit the drama. In the college dorms today, what modesty do young women have? `Transmen’ frequent the women’s showers looking to pounce upon a woman washing by herself. Here, we do everything together, but we respect your person. Cliff and Logan won’t touch you until you prove yourself and request initiation. So, wiggle that round rump over there and hop in the shower.”

I barely remember getting dressed. Did Officer Cliff wish Jane and me well before he crashed into a cot? Walking out the front door, down masonry steps of a spired Victorian mansion, through a well – kept garden to a concrete slab where Felicity’s car awaited us, I remarked, “When one sets out, one never knows where the journey will take us.”

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