Claire and the Boys Next Door Ch. 09 by janscoM

Claire and the Boys Next Door Ch. 09 by janscoM

For the rest of that afternoon and evening I just couldn’t keep still. I’d had various kinds of emotions after my adventures but I’d usually been able to process them mentally after a little while, but this one was possibly just too much. Every time I tried to be still and consider what had just happened I felt an overpowering urge to be up and doing something.

I gave into those feelings without too much worry, and despite talking with parents and friends and visiting my Gran I still thought about things, mostly on the drives or as my mind wandered watching TV that evening. I wasn’t feeling bad or ashamed, or at least it didn’t seem to me to be the case, it felt more like it was just too conflicting to get my head around. To take just one example I couldn’t decide if I was properly angry at Jim for pushing things too far, or if we had both just played the parts I’d very obviously wanted to perfection. The moment in the car park when I was naked was by far the most vivid thing that had happened all day.

That seemed ridiculous given what Tom and I got up to in the car. I couldn’t ignore what we’d done and I knew it could be quite a big deal. It was, however, hard to reconcile what I thought I should be feeling, that giving someone a blow job was much more important and exciting than taking your clothes off, with what I actually did feel, which was that it really wasn’t. I had already kind of given one to Owen in the changing room, but I’d been more than happy to not dwell on that at all. Tom was different given we were now friends of a sort, but as much as I genuinely liked him it felt like a fluke that it had been him and not Jim.

Every moment of my naked dash seemed burned into my memory, but the frantic sexual encounter had just left impressions. Very pleasant impressions but the more I made myself consider it it felt like just an inevitable release of tension, and in no way the main event we’d been building towards. One important guide was how the events felt when I remembered them. Every look I’d received from the group of guys by the car now seemed to have lasted five minutes, and I knew it was likely going to fuel my fantasies for the next few days. In contrast thinking about the car didn’t particularly fire me up again, and the moment right at the start of the day, when Tom had rushed upstairs to catch me changing and I’d knowingly left my boobs out for him, got my juices flowing again much more obviously. It was obviously just the way I was wired.

As I went to bed I started to think about tomorrow, and the fact that I’d likely have to interact with Tom and Jim again. At first that seemed tricky, but I quickly realised it likely wouldn’t be at all. I know Tom wouldn’t push things, and besides, it’s not that I was unhappy with what had happened between us, I just knew it wasn’t anything I wanted to get in the way. I was vaguely aware that I could probably turn his desires to my advantage if I figured it out correctly, but that seemed something I could happily leave for the future.

As for Jim I worried how I’d reconcile my annoyance at him with his inevitable jealousy of Tom and likely expectation of the same treatment. However, now that the calmness I’d lately found about my new life was returning, I realised there was no need to reconcile them at all. I was still peeved about his lies earlier, but the idea he might come calling in expectation didn’t anger me in itself and I realised that me starting out annoyed was usually the way Jim and I had fun together. In the back of my mind I knew I would give him what he wanted, I always did, but I was content to let the part of me that thought I might resist or persuade him to do something more fun continue to fool itself. I was ready for either or both of them.

Which, of course, made the fact that the morning passed without any word from either of them all the more aggravating.

Around ten thirty I tried to do some more college preparation work. I told myself that until a few weeks ago then I spent every day not showing off to men so one was hardly a big deal, but despite how ridiculous it was I knew it was all I was interested in at the moment. I found myself dwelling again on the very public exposure I’d had yesterday and how that was something pretty new and exciting.

Being naked in the car park was perhaps the highlight, but I also thought about the ridiculous dress Tom had got for me. The last time I’d decided to buy some more revealing clothing had been right at the start of my new adventures, and back then even clothes that most women wouldn’t think twice about had seemed daring. Now, however, I knew I was ready to push boundaries by anyone’s standards. The clock ticked forwards slowly and still no one got in touch, I again felt the urge to be doing something and before I knew it I was in the car heading to buy some clothes.

Compared to my last mall visit this one was pretty uneventful. I’d made a quick pass and identified a shop that seemed like it would be selling what I was after, which was still just about normal party clothes but the ones that most girls would never consider and gossiped meanly about the sort of girls who did.

As it turned out there were maybe more of that sort of girl about than I thought, or at least the shop was pretty crowded. It wasn’t that big, though, and it was really only a handful of dresses and skirts that struck me as being as daring as the tiny thing Tom found for me. With the crowds and the impersonal hubbub I decided I wanted to get in and out as quickly as possible as it didn’t seem like there would be any opportunity to try things on in a way that might be fun. There were almost no men in the shop, and the few that were were clearly just waiting for one of the other women.

I grabbed a black glittery dress that seemed very similar to the one from yesterday, just a tiny tube of thin material, and then another black one that seemed like it would hang with just two, thin draping folds of material across my breasts. They reached down to the waistband, which had a very short flowing skirt beneath. My stomach lurched slightly at the idea of wearing either in public and the second seemed very probably intended for someone with much smaller boobs than me, but I hurried to the counter and paid and was on my way.

I checked my phone again when I got to the car, there was nothing but I made sure it was sat in the hands free cradle in case anyone called me. I even wondered about driving past the restaurant where I’d met Nick and seeing if I could get his attention in one of the dresses. It felt promising but also as if the idea needed some more work before I could put it into action. I would also have had to change in the car, though that idea was hardly something I’d hesitate to do given the right circumstances.

As it was, though, I found myself heading home. I resolved that, as I had with the lingerie survey, I would come up with a solid idea of my own and stop hanging about waiting for someone to call me. Obviously, almost as soon as I made that commitment my phone rang.

I glanced at the screen and it was from the fake profile I remembered Geoff had set up. He was someone I’d been thinking of at the back of my mind for a while, it had seemed that since he’d set me up with Brad he’d possibly been avoiding me. But then it was still only last week and, unlike Tom and Jim, he was a man with a wife, a job and, presumably, lots of other things to do other than just trying to persuade me to take my clothes off again. I can’t say I hadn’t had moments where I resented his not having been in touch, but I had tried to be philosophical about it. I’d also had several pretty big distractions.

All that flashed through my mind and I even had a slight moment where I wondered if I should take the call. Although we’d only really had one proper encounter things had always felt a little more intense and out of my control with Geoff. With Jim or Tom it felt like I was voluntarily giving up control sometimes, with Geoff it was more that he was taking it. I did get the impression he was being fair to me and, in his own way, had my best interests at heart. Or, at least, what he thought my best interests should be.

Although I let it ring a little longer than usual I did tap the green button and a split second later Geoff’s cool, assured voice came through.

“Claire, is that you?”

“Hi, Geoff, it is me. I’m just in the car.”



“And are you alright to talk for a moment?”

“I think so.”


It was a usual style, clam and measured but no small talk.

“I’ve got another proposition for you.”

My stomach fluttered again, this was exactly what I needed. I told myself to keep calm, the last time with Geoff had lead to me getting instantly flustered and agreeing to become a restaurant stripper before I really knew what had happened. I can’t say I regretted it, but I wanted to be able mirror the way he was able to approach these situations.

“I see.” I forced myself to pause slightly before I carried on. “Has Brad been back in touch?”

“No, no, nothing like that. He was very pleased with your work but I don’t think he makes too much of a habit of hiring, ah, people like yourself.”

It was a very rare occurrence, Geoff had stumbled over the end of the sentence clearly not quite knowing how to refer to me and perhaps worrying he’d say something wrong. I tried to capitalise.

“Strippers like me?” I said the words coolly but with what I hoped was a hint of amusement. It was fairly easy as I did find his reticence at least a little amusing.

“Well, perhaps not quite what I meant.” He sounded genuinely slightly contrite.

“Don’t worry, Geoff, I knew what you meant.” There was a small silence before he continued.

“Good, where was I? Ah yes, a proposition. Well, it’s really just me asking if you’d care to meet a few friends of mine.”

“Right.” I waited, it seemed clear that it was in fact more than that and I wanted Geoff to spell things out for me.

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