Cougar House Ep. 050: MADAMoisHELL by SZENSEI,SZENSEI

Paris France…

For a high honors school for genius IQ’s, studying sure took the fun out of life. While many of the students enrolled here at the Academy took things far more seriously than some, a certain U.S. citizen abroad by the name of Elliot Needy just could not resist mischief. His papers thus far had been exemplary, exceeding a large portion of his classmates in this six-month quest for star power. Only ten percent of these students in a class of 120 brilliant young scholars merged alongside older classmates who existed from prior years of just such a program would make the grade needed to continue on and join them. Elliot thus far was in the top 2 % and killing it. Even when his brain wandered toward his girlfriend Giselle LaPute his intelligence soared, perhaps just wanting to impress her mother Brigitte, a woman who pretty much didn’t like him outside of his brain.

One of his teachers, hottest of the hot, Brigitte was just so high up on the mighty when it came to her occupation that she rarely communicated on a social level. All business except for one thing. She sure didn’t dress like a teacher. The outfits she was getting away with wearing was a true test of her students worth. If their grades were high, then they were dedicated. If they were low, it was pure lust. Psychology! She might have been the smartest person on campus.

“How does she expect us to listen to her lessons? Her breasts are ready to emerge.” Brahms Zoabi scratched his head and murmured to his lab partner Elliot. “I would give anything to lose my virginity to her.”

“TMI Lullaby!” Elliot grinned, wagging his pen between his fingers. “I’ve seen her naked. Fucking her daughter.” Now who was offering too much information. Not smart for someone so smart.

“You have not. Nor are you.” Brahms rolled his eyes, the Israeli boy in total denial over such a possibility. As if taking a dare Elliot quietly sat up straight and took out his cellphone and shared a nude photo of Giselle. Brahms bulged his eyes at the blonde beauty posing on her knees riding a dildo stuck to the floor of the campus library. Hands in her hair she beguiled Elliot when he snapped the pic. In awe, Brahms stared at Elliot, “How is this possible. You are not worthy of her.”

“Sez you, numbnut! I lost my virginity ages ago. Looks has nothing to do with it. Now in your case you better cough up a chunk of your inheritance just to get a piece of ass. No bitch is going to want a class act like you.” Brahms had a humongous nose, almost a beak on steroids. “Polly just wants your cracker. Definitely not you.” Elliot tapped his own nose. That made Brahm’s fume. “Relax! I’m just messing with you. I know I’m not all that, I just know how to get shit done. Giselle’s in love with me.”

“Ms. LaPute allows this love?”

“Oh, hell no! Mommy doesn’t know. She’s too busy with her own social life to keep track what her kid does. All she really cares about is her careers.”

“Careers as in plural?”

“Yep! Not only is she a professor here… ” Elliot lowers his voice, “She’s a bitch Dom at home. Ties guys up and does unspeakable things to them. I’ve never once seen her be taken by a guy, it’s always her in the lead.”

“You lie.”

“Not all the time.” He chuckled. It was then he wished he had taken pictures or video of Brigitte in her basement dungeon the night he snuck on to her property to hook up with Giselle. He was still kicking himself for not being sneaky. Giselle just kept him busy, his feelings for her off the charts. Love came out of nowhere for the both of them. Maybe it was due to Elliot keeping her cam shows secret and even helping her make money. Odd that he didn’t expect his cut for services rendered when he would pimp out his own mother Margo. Of course, he was getting laid. Money in the sperm bank.

Leaning back Elliot tapped the long desk behind him to attract the attention of his roommate Farouk. Quietly, he whispered, “Hey Fuk? Tell Brahms here if I’m lying?” The Egyptian young man swiftly looked at Brahms and shook his head. “I’m getting Farouk laid on his birthday. My slave back home in the states is flying over next week. She looks just like Brigitte up there.” Again, he shared a photo of his adopted mother Margo Needy. “See what I mean? They could easily be sisters.”

“This is beyond imagining.” A nude pic of Margo gave the boy an idea what Brigitte would look like naked. Instant erection the boy blushed and scooted closer to his desk. “I must study.”

“Study her ass cheeks sticking out from under that short skirt she’s wearing? She just loves writing on the chalkboard. Especially, when she runs out of room at the bottom and has to bend over. Heaven, forbid she drops her chalk. Like… right about… now.” As if obedient to some mental will, Brigitte LaPute dropped her white chalk and bent over to pick it up. Her sheer black panties hid nothing. Narrowing between her thighs, a thin section of her labia slipped free. “Countdown… 5… 4… 3… 2… ” Up she went and back to writing formulas. She didn’t miss a beat, even if her students did. Hearts were stopping in the lustful pose. Even the girls in the class were swooning. European girls especially loved their fellow ladies. So, it seemed! Seamed even!

“Work your magic friend Elliot.” Farouk whispered, Brahms hearing him. “Help friend Brahms establish a girlfriend.”

“Whoa! Quit pimping out my talents Fuk. I’m not a miracle worker.” He chuckled then leaned into Brahms, “Now that’s a lie. You want LaPute there?” Eyes trembling the boy shot glances between Elliot and Brigitte as she continued her vocal lessons. Pausing at the chalkboard Brigitte turned on her six-inch stiletto heels and faced the class prepared to ask a question of one of her students. In her scrutiny of candidates, she began to point and dropped her chalk again. This time bending forward her bulging breasts tightened up and strained the buttons on the front of her dress. Holding firm, her chest creeped upward, and a very fine areola slip occurred over both bulging melons. Her bra beneath was only for lift, there were no cups. Ignoring the wardrobe malfunction, she collected one piece of her broken chalk. The second piece had rolled out toward the class. Elliot in seeing that mishap jumped from his seat and gave chase.

Rolling under the desk of a girl with cherry blossom hair, strawberry blonde that is, he crouched to retrieve the chalk and saw up her skirt. No panties on, she even widened her knees for a better view. Piercings over her pussy made Elliot stare. “Hurry if you please, Monsieur Needy.” Brigitte seemed almost jealous of the girl’s actions, taking away her own glory. Elliot stood up with the chalk and looked at the girl. She blushed, he winked, students hurled, well, felt like it. Elliot was no charmer to most of them. The girl seemed fine though. Interesting!

“Special delivery!” Elliot twisted in step as if Fred Astaire and stepped forward to pass the chalk to Brigitte. “May I say your dress is stunning today, Ms. LaPute.”

“As always, Monsieur Needy. Return to your seat.” Whirling in step Elliot started for home base. Flipping his tongue out at the blonde she lowered her head as if humiliated. “Mademoiselle Hunt?” It only got worse; Brigitte was calling on Lydia Hunt to answer her aforementioned query. Stunned the girl pepped up and answered it to the best of her ability. Wrong answer but half right, Elliot jumped in with a rescue attempt. Saved, Brigitte applauded Elliot for his knowledge. “You would do well Mademoiselle Hunt to aspire to be as bright as Monsieur Needy.”

“Yes Ms. LaPute.” Lydia pouted then shot a glare at Elliot. Asshole! Yep! Elliot had that magic touch. So much for another twat shot.

“If you need a tutor, I’m available.” Elliot spoke out. If looks could kill! The whole class would be pointing daggers. “What? I’m just trying to help the lovely Labia… LYDIA!” Everyone suddenly laughed at his error. Now Lydia was smirking. Magic! Elliot was pure mojo. That alone was enough for Brahm’s.

“How much?”

“How much for what?”

“To bend Ms. LaPute to your will.”

“Ah! Hope your daddy is rich.” Like Farouk’s!

“My father works for the Mossad. He is at the Israeli embassy here in Paris.”

“Mossad? As in spy stuff? That must pay good.”

“Oh, yes! He develops spy tech for our country.”

“No way! James Bond stuff? Maybe Ms. LaPute can be the next Bond girl.” He chuckled. “Miss Oui Oui LiQuerre!” Dead audience! “As in Licker? Oui Oui… Dick! Dicker Licker? Oh, come on Lullaby. Where’s your sense of humor?”

“What do bonds have to do with anything?”

“You don’t know who… what Temple Mount did you crawl out from under Zoabi?” Brahms simply shrugged. “Let’s talk over lunch. You’re buying!”

“Lunch is free for students.”

“Off campus! I want Burger King!”

“Ah! Yes, a Whopper you tell.” He chuckled. “Just this once I will.”

“You will not be sorry.” Farouk spoke over his desk, his lab partner, a dorky brunette girl with a bob haircut winced. Solstice Mellencamp had been casually eavesdropping and even seeing pics that Elliot shared with Brahms, being a lesbian, she found Margo Needy extremely appealing. The fact she could be Brigitte’s twin only made her more intrigued.

“I want in.” Solstice reached over the desk and tapped Elliot’s shoulder. “I will buy lunch tomorrow.” Elliot cocked a brow at the girl. She was pretty cute even for a rug muncher. His thoughts! He would still show respect verbally.

“In on what?”

“Brigitte! I want to make love to her.” Bold statement all three boys stared at her. “No, I will not sleep with any of you.” Brahm sighed and faced forward.

“How bad do you want her?”

“Money’s no option. Come on everyone in this class is loaded.” Elliot wished he could say… hold up… meal ticket! Well-crafted plot he could be loaded just like them. Farouk already had him rolling in DOH! “Can you, do it? Can you make it happen?”

“I might need help… from Brahms here.”

“Me? How?”

“Lunch time! You’re buying Bob’s lunch too. Like she said, she’s buying tomorrow.” Brahms just knew he was going to have a migraine. Referred to as Bob, Solstice was already regretting joining the group. This magic show had better be worth hanging with a few wands or she would make them all disappear. Daddy would at least. Mob Boss! Mommy’s girl though. Go figure!


Lunchtime led the four young friends a mile down the street to a modest but not large Burger King built into a mall like atmosphere of older shops. Available to occupy freedom for two hours before their next class wave Elliot wolfed his food down barely breathing between bites. So good! He had missed American food. Solstice tended to agree being from New York City. Brahms was vegan so balked at the burgers and ate a salad. Farouk relished in a crispy chicken.

“URRRRRRRRP!” Elliot belched loud enough that a number of elder citizens dining on the patio with them shared glares of disrespect. He simply burped a second time and told them, “Farts on its way.” Fortunately, they only spoke French. Solstice did like his attitude.

“So… Magic Man… how do you plan on getting LaPute to eat my ass?”

“Such talk!” Elliot expressed insult.

“Yes, Elliot Needy, how will I lose my virginity to Ms. LaPute?”

“Relax Lullaby, I got you Buddy. Farouk can tell you I’m master of my craft.”

“He is indeed! You are all invited to my birthday. I will make Elliot’s slave lick all of our asses.”

“Put glasses on your gal and have her speak French I might be satisfied.” Solstice laughed drawing a drink from her straw, the motion luring in their eyes. “Stop looking at my sucking techniques. This straw is the closest thing to a dick I’ll ever go near. I’m into bitches… bitches!”

“Brahms… ” Elliot swiftly altered conversation, “Do you have access to any of your dad’s spy equipment?”

“Yes, he designs much at home. What is it you need?”

“Micro cameras? Voice distortion tech? For starters.”

“You make my shopping list easy. How many cameras?”

“Spot me a dozen. I sneak over to Brigitte’s house to see Giselle. OH! And anything we talk here is only between us four. Giselle does not know I’m suckering her mom. Do I have your words?” A consensus of yes. “Good! I kind of love that deaf cutie. I’m hoping for a future with her, but I need shit on Brigitte that can clench her not ordering Giselle to stay away from me.”

“So, blackmail.” Solstice shared thoughts, “You and my dad would get along great.”

“Long story behind that statement I bet. Don’t want to know.”

“Good! I’m not telling. I’d be dead by morning if I did. So would all of you.”

“Who are you texting Fuk?”

“My guardians. They watch us as we speak. In case her father has us also being watched.”

“Chill out King Tut!” Solstice chuckled. “My dad only has a nanny at my penthouse apartment. But again, she carries a silencer.”

“You don’t live in the school dorms?”

“Hell no! My dad won’t let me. Says I need my space to study properly and in comfort.”

“Why does not my father do this?” Farouk felt cheated. “I will look for an apartment on the weekend. If only for a week. I wish privacy with friend Elliot’s slave.”

“What’s this slave bullshit about?” Solstice shrugged with a queer expression.

“I own her. Sex slave. My dad left her in my care when he died. Bitch has to obey me it’s in her contract. Iron clad!” As if! Margo Needy simply agreed to honor her late- husband Darryl Needy’s wishes. At least from afar. She had more than enough master’s back in Pennsylvania to keep her satisfied. Elliot her adopted son, just got lucky to call her his slave. For now!

“Can you make Ms. LaPute my sex slave?” Brahms brightened up. “Even after she takes my virginity.”

“You’re awful chatty about being a virgin.” Solstice chuckled. “I had my twat licked when I was… ”

“Can we get back on track here Lickity Slit?” Elliot stopped her, not wanting to hear her admission, she was only eighteen now. Best left unsaid!

“Is your nanny hot?” Brahms asked Solstice.

“Wouldn’t be my roomie if she wasn’t. Best hands in the business. Fingers to cry for if you know what I mean.”

“Brigitte might have Mrs. Doubtfire beat. You haven’t seen what I have. I’m going to see Giselle tomorrow night. If Brahms here can get me cameras that we can patch into my laptop and cellphone so I can surveil her at home, get some fuel to use against her then I can get things rolling. I just need to keep Giselle from seeing me hide cameras and mics. So, yeah listening devices too Lullaby. I’ve never been inside her house before, so I need to figure out my way in. I do know through Giselle that there are no security cameras on her property because of Brigitte’s clients. She’s a dominatrix over some pretty high-powered figures here in Paris. So, if I can get plenty of material, we can control Brigitte.”

“Oooo! Can we make her strip naked in class?” Solstice laughed. “I’ve always fantasized her doing that.”

“Step at a time. Loyalty amongst thieves?” Elliot put his fist out to be bumped. Fourplay at work they did tap knuckles. “Okay! Once we have some shady info, we have to maintain the game. I’ll use a distortion device to talk to her over her cell. After we get our blackmail footage and recordings of her clients, we remove all cameras and evidence from her home. If for any reason they find my fingerprints, I’ll have Giselle on my side. Giselle wants me to tie her up like her mom does her clients. We can sneak into her dungeon and do that, so my prints would be legit because Giselle will say we had sex down there. So, no one else can do this but me. One of you can be my lookout while I’m inside but from outside the front gates. You three decide who.”

“I got that.” Solstice chuckled, “I’ll ride my motor scooter over and look like I’m lost. Besides, I’d never see a jail cell if I did get caught.”

“We good Brahms?” The boy was taking notes on a small flip pad.

“Dozen cameras. Dozen mini microphones. Receiver for wherever we call our base of operandi.”

“Has to be off school property. We can’t risk a raid if we do fuck up.” Solstice added.

“Right! Any ideas?”

“My father has… ” Brahms fidgets, “A tiny apartment he uses to meet women behind my mother’s back. He does not know, I know. He rarely uses it. This could work because he will be out of town for three weeks as of Tuesday. Like Solstice, I do not live on campus either. I would have no school curfew. I could stay there and monitor things. Collect data.”

“Jerk off.” Elliot laughed. “Wouldn’t blame you if you did. Hell, you might see me nailing Giselle.”

“I’d love to watch just Giselle.” Solstice giggled. “Can I lick her too?”

“My cunt! Nobody else’s!” Elliot doubled up his fist. “Well, no dicks at least. I’ll consider letting you eat her if I can watch.”

“You touch me, you die. I’ll have Pita break your fingers.”

“Wouldn’t think of it. Although you do have a sweet ass. Besides I need my fingers to jerk my own Pita.” Elliot had to laugh. Droll crowd!

“That’s what my nanny says when she spanks me. Sweet ass! Quit getting hard you dumb fucks.” It was obvious! “We better head back to school. I have a report on cold fusion to write up. Ranks right up there with cold showers.” She got up and took her trash to the waste can provided by the restaurant. All three boys admired her body, her uniform skirt riding high on her cheeks.

“Wait for it.” Again, Elliot grinned. Psychic or what, he was right, Solstice dropped her drink cup on the concrete then crouched to pick it up. In doing so the boys got a clean shot right up between her thighs. To their shock they found black panties that had white letters saying FUCK OFF on them. Elliot patted Farouk on the shoulder. “That means you Fuk.”

“Story of my life.”



Back on campus the band broke up, classes for Farouk and Brahms, Solstice her paper written in the librarian, and Elliot just wandering the cafeteria area. While his lunch was technically over no one really said much considering he was a straight A student thus far. Not even his head wrapped around his feelings for Giselle kept him from proving his intellect. At a vending machine he purchased a Pepsi in a bottle and scanned about at the hundreds of students and faculty. Zeroing in on a teachers table he found Brigitte LaPute entertaining her fellow academics. Rather, they were fawning over her.

“Hmm? She must have the Dean on her list of boytoys. He’s struggling not to get on his knees in front of everyone. Definitely nervous about slipping up. Another teacher rubbed her shoulders, her dress loosened in the cleavage to accommodate her shoulder padding. Her dress swept to her upper arms made it so her masseuse could perform his task. “Mister Belmondo from Nuclear Physics… he’s drooling all over himself. Dean Gaultier is almost begging to kneel. You go Momma LaPute! If my plan succeeds, I might just have you naked in that seat and those fellas all up on your fine ass. Man, I miss mom. They just look so freaking much alike it’s nuts. Nuts! HA! Brigitte covered in cum as she teaches class.” Oh, yes! On his bucket list.

“Isn’t that messed up?” Elliot heard a female voice behind him. Turning with his bottle to his lips, mid drink, he noticed the girl Lydia Hunt along with a girlfriend, a Hindi girl named Aimala. “Those guys are shameless. It’s like they’re raping her in school, and she allows it.”

“She is pretty hot. Then, again, so are you.” He laughed. “Nice piercings by the way.”

“I knew you shoved your eyeballs up my twat.”

“Hard to miss when you part your knees like you did. Don’t deny it, you wanted me to notice.”

“You didn’t have to humiliate me doing it.”

“Why did you give me a show?”

“I don’t know. You’re so not my type. Maybe sympathy?” Aimala just nodded with a perfect smile, no words. Her friend had it all under control after all.

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