Don't Go into the Basement by Sexystoriesforyou,Sexystoriesforyou

Do not enter the basement.

That was the number one rule of house sitting.

I opened the trapdoor and as I peered in, it grabbed me and I was stu-

Narrator: Yup, that’s me. You might be wondering how I got here. It all started when a stranger asked me to house sit for her. I know I know that sounds dodgy so why don’t we go back to the beginning and I’ll explain.

Friday morning

Ring ring

Samantha: Hello?

Strange woman: Hi Samantha Fox I am looking for a house sitter while I am away for a business trip and I am offering $500 to do so would you be interested?

Samantha: Hold the fuck up ho-

Strange woman: I know everything about you you are a Latino Australian 22-year-old woman living in Melbourne Victoria.


Strange woman: That right there $100 sent directly to your bank account you can walk away if you want but the offer still stands come to 1 Edinburgh St, Oakleigh South if you are interested and remember, I’m watching you.

The stranger hung up

Samantha felt shivers down her spine. How did this strange woman know who she is? Who would be crazy enough to even consider this offer? And that’s when it hit her. This could be a trap. Somebody is already watching her but why hasn’t anything happened yet? Samantha starts to feel sick but reassures herself that if whoever’s watching her wanted to do something it would have already happened.

Samantha goes to the gym later that afternoon and in-between her sets, she looks at her bank balance.

Samantha: Damn I nearly spent $500 on shopping!?! So much for saving up for the future I guess.

That’s when she thought of it.

Samantha: Maybe this is a blessing. Maybe I can just sit the house, collect the money and act as if none of this happened. No I shouldn’t.

Samantha decides to take her mind off of things in the shower, showing her fit, athletic body in the mirror as she cleans herself off. In the shower, Samantha brings out her toy. Her vibrating hitachi.

Samantha: Ohhhhh.

She places the vibrator on her pussy.

Samantha: Ahhhhhhh.

The vibrator creeps towards the clit.

Samantha: Waaaaahh, Agggggh.

At this point Samantha was on the floor we in more than one way.


Samantha cums and still in her shower during her post nut clarity, it is decided. Samantha was going to take the deal.


Samantha arrives at the house to sees a note taped to the door

Note: Key is under the rug the money will be transferred on Monday morning and do not go into the basement or else.

Samantha: Sheesh or else what.

Samantha walks into the house and opens up her laptop to watch some porn.

Actress: Ahhhhhhh.

At his point, Samantha was mesmerized by the woman in front of her strapped to the bondage chair. Dildo going in and out of her pussy repeatedly without mercy. Oh if only she could be in the same position as that woman.

Later, Samantha gets, up, walks across the room, into the kitchen and makes herself a light snack.

Samantha: By the way, where is the basement anyway? I’d really like to go check it out.

Samantha goes back to her laptop and as she crosses the living room, she feels a hard bump under the carpet. Samantha rolls up the carpet and finds the handle to the trapdoor.

Samantha: Ooh so this is where the basement is interesting.

As Samantha reaches for the handle, she hesitates. Samantha thinks of the notes and wonders if she really should do what she was about to do. Samantha opens the door and then she was grabbed.

One tentacle shoots out of the door grabbing the helpless girl by the waist. Just as she was about to grab the tentacle to free herself, two more shoots out and wraps around each wrist.


Frozen with fear (and the tentacles holding her in place. Samantha gets pulled into the dark basement and blacks out by the fear.

Samantha regains consciousness and finds herself in a room with red lights shining down from the ceiling. The tentacles are still holding her waist, wrists and now her ankles as well. Her hearts skips a beat. Samantha struggles but it was no use.

Samantha screams.

Out of the dark corners of the room, tentacles shoots towards her and wraps around every inch of her body while excreting a warm liquid that arouses her. Samantha’s eyes goes wide in fear not knowing what is happening.

Samantha: Oooough

Across her entire body, tentacles are rubbing, squeezing and holding every part of her body. Samantha stops resisting and goes limp, relaxing in the warmth and pleasure the tentacles provided. Across her entire body, the suckers on the tentacles starts sucking every part of her body making Samantha moan. Soon, a pair of suckers travels to her nipples. Without being able to move, resist or protest, Samantha lets out a great deep moan. Never in her life has she felt such pleasure. After several hours, Samantha’s breathing momentarily stops. A tentacle with suckers on every surface on the tentacle enters her with another tentacle placing a sucker directly on the clit.

Samantha: W-w-wait a-a s-second.

The tentacles at her pussy a clit gets to work. In every part inside her pussy, the tentacles are sucking. Directly on the clit, the tentacle is getting down to business. Obviously not to defeat the Huns. But to break her spirit.


Samantha, in a delirious state. gets laid down on the couch. The tentacles creeps back into the trap door. Samantha wakes up to a notification.

Samantha: Ugh what happened?

Samantha receives a flashback of her time in the basement.

Samantha: Did I at least get paid?

In the bank account a thousand dollars pops up and confused Samantha goes to call the strange woman.


Strange woman: Did you enjoy yourself?

Samantha: WHA-

Strange woman: Same time next month?

Samantha was stunned.

Samantha: You knew about this?

Strange woman: Answer the question. Did you enjoy yourself and same time next month first Saturday of the coming month.

Samantha takes a moment to think.

Samantha: You bet I am.

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