Fantasy Meets Reality Ch. 01 by Whoiam43,Whoiam43

He looked directly at her and said with a terrifying calm, “You know what I think Julia? I think you have been a very, very bad girl.” He let that sink in for a minute before continuing. “In fact, I think you’ve been a SNEAKY, DIRTY, FILTHY LITTLE SLUT who needs to be severely punished for her bad behavior. Wouldn’t you agree?”

It suddenly all became too much for Julia. She didn’t find the situation funny, she really didn’t. But at the same time she couldn’t accept that her husband was seriously treating and speaking to her in this manner, it was just so out of character. So even though she knew it was a mistake, she couldn’t help letting out a nervous little giggle. Julia watched helplessly as his expression suddenly took on dangerous edge.

She never even saw it coming in fact. She briefly registered a cracking sound, followed quickly by a sharp sting on the side of her face.

Oh. My. God. He had slapped her! Her husband had NEVER before laid a hand on her. Before she was even done fully processing his act of violence against her, he grabbed her by the hair this time and forced her face back up to his.

“You must have lost your fucking mind if you think I find even ONE aspect of your deceit and lies to be amusing!” he spat out. He forcefully let go of her hair and Julia felt the first tears fall, not because he had really hurt her, but the situation was just so emotionally overwhelming.

“What is HAPPENING right now?” she finally managed to ask in a small voice as she braved a look back up at her husband. If she had expected to find pity or remorse there, she would’ve been very disappointed. He just answered her coldly, “Exactly what you wanted to happen, Julia.”

And it was true. She had fantasized about being controlled and being punished accordingly. Those fantasies included everything from spankings to whippings and slapping. She had even gone so far as to fantasize about rape. She didn’t know why those things turned her on.

But she wasn’t sure she wanted THIS. This was much, much to real.

She was scared and she felt completely vulnerable.

Julia knew he would never go this far over finding erotic stories she had read. As she sat there, her heart racing, contemplating this new reality,

Julia’s brain immediately began shifting into damage control mode. She searched for words- any words- that might diffuse the situation.

She desperately pleaded with him, “James, I know you’re angry. You have a right to be angry. I don’t know what got into me. I just…I just don’t know what’s wrong with me!” She looked helplessly up at him before continuing, “All I can say is I’m so very sorry and I swear I’ll do anything to fix this. Just tell me what to do. Please, PLEASE give me a chance to fix this!”

And she meant it. She meant every word.

He let her get out her apology first. He had expected it and he knew she was sincere. What he hadn’t expected, however, was how strongly seeing her like this would affect him.

Reaching down, he tenderly wiped her tears away with his hand and tucked a piece of hair back that had fallen over her face. God she looked amazing like this – on her knees looking completely vulnerable before him, begging for his forgiveness.

“That was a good start, Julia. But let’s try that last part again, with a “sir” at the end,” he challenged.

She hesitated for a moment, processing his request and then seemed to make a decision.

Looking up at him, eyes locked on his, she said,

“Please forgive me. Please will you just punish me so I can make this right…Sir.” The last word was said barely above a whisper, but it was there. James could see something else there too. His wife’s breathing was quick and ragged and her eyes had that look. He could see she was getting completely turned on by this.

But more surprising than that was his own reaction. He couldn’t remember is cock ever feeling more hard than this. The desire to just take it out and feed it down her little throat was almost too hard to resist. But his dom persona of absolute control, though perhaps a bit rusty, managed to hold and he replied with a calm authority, “Okay Jules. Since you asked so nicely, I think we can work something out. But you should know, bad girls like you don’t get to show they’re sorry by just saying it.”

He waited for that to register before continuing.

“Bad girls like you show they are sorry by suffering for their masters. Are you prepared to suffer for me, little girl?”

She swallowed hard, eyes showing a little apprehension, but she didn’t back down. In fact, he was rather impressed with the confidence in her reply.

“Yes sir. Please. I want to suffer for your forgiveness. Show me how.”

James gave a little sadistic laugh before bringing his mouth to her ear and whispering “Oh, don’t you worry about that, my little slut. I will give you many, many opportunities to suffer for my forgiveness.”

And before she had time to reply, he did something he hadn’t planned on. He turned her face toward him and roughly pressed his lips against hers- possessively claiming what was his and would always be his. She yielded to him completely and he allowed another last moment to enjoy and appreciate her this way. The way they were. The way they had always been- before this event had so unexpectedly catalyst their relationship into these uncharted waters.

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