First Oral by bratcumslutkitty,bratcumslutkitty

I gasp, then glance down and see he’s placed his hand on my forearm. “Would I invite you swimming and get us juice and snack if I didn’t like you?” he says, with a slight chuckle.

My shoulders slump in relief and my tears vanish. A sudden swell of hope and breathless excitement envelopes me with a noiseless rush of sensation.

I dare to look up and he’s smiling at me softly. I manage admire in return. “I just, um, needed to know,” I mumble.

He runs his hand reassuringly along my arm, having no idea the contact is sending electric waves through my already heated body.

“It’s OK. I know you’re nervous. I’m nervous too.”

*YOURE NERVOUS??!! You have got to be kidding me! wow, is he serious, yikes, is this really happening? Oh help me!*

His voice continues, “I’ve been wanting to spend time with you for awhile now, I’ve just been so busy with work. You’re so good to the boys, special needs kiss are a handful. You’ve stayed the longest as their babysitter you know. it really means a lot to the family. And, ah, you’re pretty, funny, smart, and sexy. um, oh fuck, sorry!”

His voice faded away. He looked down, suddenly quiet. I put my hand on his shoulders.

“I know how boys look at me,” I say. “You do too, they all do, well, most of them, but you don’t seem as crude about it, it’s like you don’t care?”

He laughs this time, surprising me. “You think I don’t like your body? I, um, think you’re hot, but nobody deserves to be stared at like they’re a dish at a buffet. My sisters dealt with that crap, I’m not doing that to anyone else, even if I can’t get enough of girls with big ones. Oh, um, I mean…”

Now it’s my turn to laugh, and I do, giggling hysterically.� We both laugh, and it helps to release the tension that feels like a thick fog surrounding us.

“Ooooh,” I murmur in wonder, and look at him again. He has a relaxed smile on his face and he’s openly exploring my body with a long studied gaze that fills me with excitement.

“You really are lovely, ” he says. “I’m not sure you really believe that but it’s true, you have such beautiful eyes, they shine when you’re excited about something, like when you were talking about the science club trip you’ve got coming up. You smile and say so much when you do, it’s so cute when you are happy about something.”

*Awwwww, that’s so sweet!*

He moves closer, subtly, yet it doesn’t escape my attention. I roll my body towards him as I lay on the long cushioned lounge chair. His hand then slowly brushes along my arm until he’s resting it along the oh so sensitive nape of my neck. I shiver and hope he doesn’t notice.

A long moment of anticipation as he gazes at me and opens his mouth slightly as if to speak. I look up at him curiously.

He pulls me towards him, slightly. I barely notice, yet, subconsciously allow myself to be gently steered. His fingers slide until he’s cupping my cheekbone.

I’m trembling, heart racing, and if I were standing no way could I keep my balance. He turns my face towards his and says, as I knew he would, “May I?”

– – – CHAPTER 5

I tense, awaiting the touch and blink my eyes open at the sudden butterfly kiss to my cheek. *THAT was a kiss???*

He nestles his head next to mine and whispers in my ear, “Only if you’re sure.”

His eyes search mine as I struggle to speak, and can only nod weakly, my pleading eyes gazing into his for what seems like an eternity before I gasp as his lips warmly brush against mine, my mouth opening. He slips the tip of his tongue inside for just an instant, holds the kiss for a moment then releases me and looks into my eyes. “Like that?” he asks.

Again, I can only nod and realize my arms are clutching his shoulders. *Somehow I must have done that and not noticed?*

*”Oh, wow, I’m floating! My heart feels like it’s going to fly out of my body, I’m not shaking, just� � � �…floating. This is new.”*

I manage to somehow meet his eyes again, and whisper, “please.”

I pull myself closer to him, feeling my breasts crush against him and don’t care, I *need* this. I sigh, a long coo.

His response is immediate, his arms wrap around me and he pulls me even closer, tightly holding me to him. I can feel his heart, it too is racing.

We hold this embrace for a long time and then he shifts slightly and I stifle a moan as his breath warmly stiffens the hairs on my neck. A moment later he nips quickly and softly, then again, before a kiss.

This time I do moan and don’t much care, my fingers grasp him firmly as his lips tease and increase my dizzy sensation of floating, a thrill of heady giddiness sweeps through me as my head falls back naturally. I sigh again.

He whispers, “Sensitive neck? I’ve heard that about girls. How about this?”

His teeth close over my ear lobe, nibbling hotly, his ragged breath very apparent in my ear. “Ohgodohgodohgod!” I keen involuntarily, ending with a strangled whine.

He laughs, “Guess so! Enjoy it, you need it I think.”

*Oh, he has no idea. I hope.*

We kiss again, longer and a little more exploration with tongues thrills me again. I find his hand, grasping it for a long moment before moving it to rest against my side, letting out a slow deep breath before letting it fall against my breast, cupping it softly.

His breath catches, I smile, this isn’t new, few boys, actually none, have ever resisted this. I push myself into him, now letting my mouth explore his neck, kissing and nibbling.

A pause, no worries, it always happens. His hand finally begins to move, slowly examining me with languid patience. It’s forever until his thumb brushes roughly over my nipple and I encourage him with a squeal of delight, biting his shoulder playfully.

I reach backwards and try to pull at the string holding the bikini top in place but somehow can’t, and twist my upper body, whining in frustration.

He seems to understand and I feel his hand on my back and a sudden slight pull on the string, his eyes finding mine. “This?” he asks, eyes gleaming.

I nod, wondering why I can’t seem to speak, but decide it isn’t important and pull away from him as he tugs on the string, shrugging it over my shoulders, and letting the fabric slip from my breasts.

I moan softly and lean backwards, allowing him a full look. His eyes widen and he gasps, uttering what sounds like the growl of an annoyed tomcat, sending shivers through me.

He touches one, cupping it, and as an outside noise distracts me and I glance away momentarily, swiftly dips his head to suckle upon the nipple briefly, causing me to cry out, “fuuuuuuuuuck!” involuntarily.

“Oh, little one, you’re all worked up aren’t you?”

I nod, whispering, “Sorry,” in a small voice.

He laughs, a throaty sound full of joy. “It’s not a bad thing, little one, but maybe you need to slow down, we don’t need you getting all squirrelly. Maybe there’s something I can do? To help?”

His other hand is suddenly on my belly, resting just above the red of my bathing suit. It moves, the fingers drawing lines of cold flame, lowering until its lower edge is just atop my public hair, pressing gently.

Finding my voice I utter a desperate, “please,” subconsciously allowing my legs to fall open to his touch. I have a panicked moment of doubt when I realize he’s going to find out how wet I am but decide my arousal is a wee bit apparent already, uttering a low giggle at the thought.

He responds, but not like other boys, rough and too eager, and instead lets his index finger slide along my hip, the fingernail tracing its way inexorably towards my vulva, but not touching it, his finger merely moving painfully close, teasing.

I groan, and move my hips, desperate for his touch. Suddenly a hand is firmly grasping me, holding me in place. His voice, until now a gentle lilt, is now commanding, sanding a strange thrill through me as I shiver at the new sound.

“Eager girl! Not yet, not until you’re ready!”

I whine, “Noooooooooo!” eliciting only a laugh.

“Easy little one, you don’t want to set yourself off before I get my tongue down there do you?”

*”His tongue? Ohmygodishefuckingserious?”*

I make a squeak, and we both giggle.

– – – CHAPTER 6

His fingernails begin drawing lines all over my body, gliding over my skin, coming close to my most sensitive places but only brushes past cruelly, causing me to arch my back, my breasts aching for his touch, his kiss, groaning.

“Settle down little one,” he says, a hand firmly pressing me back into the chair. I whine, a bratty sound he only laughs at.

“You must need,” a finger scraping around my nipple, “this?”

I whine, twisting my upper body, searching for his hands, his soft laughter my only response.

“I told you not to not all worked up little one.”

I whine, an almost wail of frustration, “But I neeeeeeeeeeded it!!!!!”

“Wow, you really are worked up, maybe we need to take a break?”


“Or maybe you need me to get my tongue inside you?”

“Yeesssssss, yes, please please please pleeeeeaaaaaase daddy!!!”

*Oops. Oh fuck, did I just say, “daddy”?*

More laughing. “You really are a kinky little thing aren’t you?”


A finger runs along the length of my vulva. I squeal, my hips jerking. “Ohmygod oh oh oh oh fuuuuuuuuuck!!!”

“You’re almost ready aren’t you? Maybe you need my tongue?” He pause, his voice dropping to a husky whisper, “inside you?”

“Ohmygod yesssssssss!!!!” I wail.

He moves, and suddenly is kneeling between my legs, his hands sliding up my legs firmly, then grasp my panties, starting to pull them off. A moment of panic comes over me, and I squirm, pulling away but my reluctance is fleeting, and I lift my hips to allow them to be removed.

Then, I shyly cover myself with one hand, gazing up at him, biting my lip. “Are you ready little one?” he asks.

I nod, trembling, watching as he lowers his head, his hands gently opening my legs to his exploration, then gasp loudly as his hot breath blows against me, causing me to shudder and let my head fall back.

“Aaaaaiiiiii!!!” His tongue begins to taste me, here, there, over, left, down, up, right, until I can’t tell anymore where the sensations are coming from, my head shaking from side to side, my hips shaking and jerking as he begins to feast in earnest, becoming increasingly primal in his actions.

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