First Oral by bratcumslutkitty,bratcumslutkitty

He suckles directly on my clitoris for a seemingly endless moment, my arousal rising rapidly, rapidly, then I whine bitterly as he pulls away, the near peak fading into frustration. I hit my hands against the chair, over and over. “STOP TEASING ME!!!” I scream, surprising both him and me.

He looks at me and me at him. I whisper, “please,” in a tiny voice, my eyes glistening with desperate tears.

“Oh, you poor thing, you really are desperate. OK, let’s make sure you cum little one, this time I won’t stop until you beg me to.”

“Thank you, ” I whisper.

He lowers himself again and before I know it he is again finding my most sensitive spots in a firm motion that shocks me as his tongue pokes between my labia, finding my tender opening and slipping inside, beginning an insistently maddening motion in and out.

I am gasping, panting, whining, whimpering, clutching at handfuls of his hair, grasping his shoulders with clawed fingernails, my legs moving rhythmically in concert with his audible enjoyment.

A fingertip presses against my anus. I press back instinctively and moan as another slips inside my pussy and both begin a strange yet breathtaking motion of pressure and slippery insistent penetration that causes me to utter a hoarse scream, not the last of this day.

My need is rising, I’m lost now, nothing else matters, only what is building, shaking, trembling, working itself into every pore of my overheated skin; every hair on my body is afire with mindless pulsating sensation.

My surroundings vanish into a vague grey mist, the only sound in my ears is my own voice crying, screaming its expectations, its purpose, and endless cry for release wailing into the air.

*”I’m close, oh fuck I’m sooooo cloooooose!!!”*

I disappear, falling into a universe of endless noiseless echoing screams, scatterings of powerful flowering explosions that come from deep within in colours I have no name for and no idea of their origin, a thrashing of my body that feels oddly floaty as though I was a fly trapped in honey, bright stabs of ecstacy which shoot through my body in an intricate electric dance, and a hot gush of warmth between my legs as I squirt uncontrollably, my hips bucking rapidly, howling, “fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!! Ohmygod, oh oh oh oh oh oooooooh fuck fuck fuck fuck Aaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!”

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