Flatmates Ch. 02 by stripgnd,stripgnd

I hated sitting around the flat in jeans as they were just not comfortable when lounging around. He had made my bed and properly tucked it in around the edges like a professional job, he is cute. I pushed my door closed and took my jeans and top off so I was only wearing panties. It was still really warm and was not forecast to cool down overnight so I would likely be sleeping naked. I put a t-shirt on and after checking in the mirror removed it and

put a longer t-shirt on. Satisfied that it was long enough I went back into the living room. “Beer?” I offered Alan.

“Yeah sure, just the one,” he said, “Working tomorrow.”

“Me too,” I said handing him a beer and taking my seat. “Anyway, you ready?”

“Yep,” he nodded.

“Between us, the story doesn’t go any further,” I said looking at him.

“Yeah, of course,” he said. “Promise,” he added.


It was my first year at University in the final term before the summer holidays. As was always the case in the first year most of it was social and as long as you didn’t take the piss with the work the lecturers weren’t on your back. They expected the work you handed in to be of good quality and would let you know exactly where you stood if you handed in shoddy work, but it was not a heavy workload and the majority of the year was spent drinking and partying. To be brutally honest and maybe a little too candid I spent a fair bit of time on my back as well. I had a lot of sex during the first year of university. First time away from home with my own living space, a lot of sexy guys around, and plenty of time to kill.

For the first year, I was staying in the student accommodation which was scattered around the campus and consisted of tower blocks. They were all the same. On the ground floor were a laundry room, secure cycle storage and various utilities. Each tower block was eight stories high and on each floor, there were two separate living areas. Each living area had a kitchen, living room and six separate bedrooms. The bedrooms were along two corridors, one to the left and one to the right, each direction having three bedrooms. Each living pod had three male and three female tenants who were randomly assigned when you started for the year.

They were all quite nice and well equipped. They were also totally serviced with a weekly clean, towel and bedding clean. The bedrooms were a decent size and as was usual for a random Tuesday night we had gone back to Chloe’s room to continue the drinking. No other reason than Chloe’s flat was closest to the bar that we usually drank in on Tuesday’s, so we always went back there.

There were four of us in the room. Myself, Chloe, Alison and Jess. We are all 19 years old. Chloe is 5 foot 6 inches tall. Long brunette hair that she has tied back into a ponytail. Brown eyes, slim build, apple-sized breasts, I would guess at a B or a C cup. Alison is 6 foot tall, very slim and slender with hugely long legs that she usually shows off by means of a dress/shorts/skirt. She has blonde hair that she wears in a pixie cut and has blue eyes. She also has rather good tits as well, easily a C cup and has a general body shape that most girls would kill for. Jess is a blonde version of me. She is petite and very slight framed. She has blue eyes and is fairly flat-chested like me. Probably an A cup, or maybe a B if you are being very generous and adding a bit of padding.

Clothing wise. I am wearing skinny jeans and a vest top. For completion sake, I also have high leg panties on and a bra. Chloe is wearing a mid-thigh length skirt and a t-shirt. Alison is wearing a mid-thigh length dress and a cardigan. Jess is wearing jeans and a t-shirt. We had been drinking for most of the day. Our lectures had finished at half 1 in the afternoon and so we had been casually drinking since then. We were drunk, not really really drunk, but as expected after nine hours of drinking we were fairly merry. Drinking over a long period of time is weird, you don’t seem to get sick drunk, you just get less and less inhibited and maybe a little bit louder.

Chloe was sat on her bed cross-legged as was Jess. I had claimed the bean bag and Alison had got the short straw with the garden chair type thing. We were currently working our way through a bottle of Vodka with occasional trips to the kitchen to get more ice and a diet coke from the fridge. We could have gone into the living area and drunk there, but noise-wise we were best where we were. Chloe’s room was at the end of the corridor and the girl who lived next to her was out for the night. Probably having sex as she was fairly promiscuous in that department. Purely conjecture and rumour. She spent a lot of time out, she was always very happy and she seemed to have a lot of male friends.

The guys were all in their rooms, probably furiously masturbating, isn’t that what guys do if left to their own devices for any length of time? Especially if they have internet access. The vodka was reducing and as we poured another drink each it ran out. “Don’t panic,” Chloe said, “I have another bottle.”

“Phew,” Alison said, “Had me worried for a bit then.”

We cracked open the other bottle and continued chatting and laughing. Music was on in the background but no one was really listening to it. The time was approaching 11pm and it was getting to the time when we usually started to head back to our own rooms for the night. We did occasionally sleepover, but only when pre-planned so we could bring some sleepwear with us. The bed was not quite a double and as only Chloe would have pyjamas it would be a bit cosy to be sleeping in the same bed wearing just underwear. Sleeping in jeans is not an option as they are so uncomfortable, may as well just not sleep and continue the drinking. Just to clarify there that underwear would likely include the bra, which is also fairly uncomfortable and another reason to just not bother sleeping.

“Wanna play a dare game?” Chloe asked looking around at us all.

“Errrr… maybe,” Alison said, “What did you have in mind?”

“Spin the bottle or something?” I suggested with a shrug as we had a recently emptied bottle to hand.

“Nar,” Chloe said with a coy smile. “Let’s play a dice game.”

“Okay,” Jess said, “What dares?”

“Is everyone wearing underwear?” Chloe asked.

I looked around the room wondering if any of us were not wearing any underwear. A chorus of “Yes” rippled around the room alongside nods of heads as we all said we were wearing underwear.

“Both bra and panties?” Chloe clarified.

“Yeah. Well, I am anyway,” I said looking around at the others.

“Me too,” Jess said.

“Yep, and me,” Alison said, “Why?”

“How daring are you all feeling?” Chloe asked with a grin.

“Fairly drunk,” Jess grinned.

“Ha, yeah, me too,” Alison giggled while I just shrugged to indicate that I was game.

The dares were stupid and childish. Things like, flash your bra, flash your panties, dance in your bra with your top off, dance in your panties. Those sorts of things. Add in alcohol though, a bit of friendly teasing and peer pressure and it was hilarious. We had only known each other since we had started University which had been just eight months ago. We were all good friends, but none of us was at the stage where we would be entirely comfortable prancing around in our underwear.

There is an odd line between seeing another person in a changing room not fully dressed and it being for nothing else than entertainment. It adds a level of excitement that is hard to describe. It isn’t even sexual, not really anyway, The only reason to be doing it is just to see them embarrassed. In a changing room full of girls I would have no issue only wearing underwear. In fact in a room full of girls only wearing underwear ask me immediately after the fact what colour/type of underwear they were wearing and I wouldn’t be able to tell you. Being dared to take my top off and do a silly dance though, feels very exposed and is definitely embarrassing.

“We are out of vodka,” Jess said holding the bottle upside down to prove the fact that we had drunk a litre between us.

“More in the kitchen,” Chloe said.

“Ooo, who’s dare is it?” Jess asked with a mischievous grin.

“Me,” Alison said looking at her.

“I dare you…” Jess began, “To go and get the new bottle in your underwear.”

A small argument broke out as Alison thought that was a little too daring as there was the potential for three guys and two girls to be in the living room area. We all argued for a while and I thought the game was going to break down as Alison was not backing down. It was Chloe who eventually broke the deadlock.

“Okay, fine, let’s roll a dice for it,” Chloe said, “Lowest score goes.”

We all agreed to it and each threw a dice

Chloe — Three

Jess — Two

Me — Five

Alison — Six

“Ha, well that is karma right there isn’t it?” Jess said.

She undressed slowly. Jeans first, which was how she had undressed all night. Seemed like a bit of a strange order to undress in. She lifted her t-shirt up and over her head and checked in the mirror that she was as covered as she could be.

None of us had expected to be playing a game where our underwear would be on show and so none of us had dressed for such an eventuality. Jess had definitely been the least prepared though. She was wearing a white standard cup t-shirt bra, but the design was a laced pattern. It wasn’t see through as such, but it also wasn’t quite fully opaque and you could see the faint outline of her light brown areola and nipples. Her panties, which were a similar design were also ever so slightly see-through. Not to be able to see any level of detail, but you could see more than a hint of what was underneath them and she was definitely shaved down there. They were also tiny, calling them a thong would be generous, the triangle of material at the front just about covered the essentials. There was nothing at the back, just the string elastic. They looked awesome, and super cute, but not a set I would have chosen for such a situation. I had meant to ask her where she had got them from, but forgot.

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