Getting to Know the Neighbors by DawnR,DawnR

The things we learn about ourselves when we meet our neighbors

All the characters in this story are over eighteen.

We just moved into our new house ten days ago. When I say new, I mean new to us. It’s not new, but it’s not that old, twelve years old to be precise. It was move-in ready, not a ‘fixer-upper’, although there would undoubtedly be things we would want to do over time. My husband Jim and I are among those fortunate few, who with good jobs and some help from the bank of Mom and Dad have been able to move from rental to ownership. We’ve been married for almost three years and have been working very hard to save the down-payment. Of course, the bank owns a lot more than we do, but that’s the way with mortgages.

It wasn’t a large house, but it did have three bedrooms: a master bedroom and en-suite at the back and two smaller bedrooms with a main bathroom at the front, which was west-facing. I had taken one of the smaller rooms as my office for now and as such it was the best furnished room in the house because I had simply transferred my desk, office chair, pictures and filing cabinets in as part of the move.

However, despite being able to afford the scheduled monthly payments, it didn’t mean we weren’t ‘house poor.’ Apart from my office we had the basic minimum of furniture we had brought from the apartment and spread where it was most immediately useful it left empty spaces in every room. We purchased blinds for the master bedroom, because being on the back, it was east-facing, and the June light in the morning was insufferable. But luxuries like rugs, curtains, and other furniture and furnishings would have to wait.

Our house was located on a circle at near the end of a cul-de-sac so there was no house to our left. Instead, there was a park, guaranteeing us no development on that side. Across from our back yard were the back yards of houses on a different street, a through road. They were bigger, older, and stood on larger lots, so while one was immediately across from us, and the others were further to the side.

Generally, I work from home and Jim brings me a coffee shortly before he sets off to his office. That particular morning, I woke up earlier than usual and opened the blinds. As I looked out something caught my eye, and I realized our neighbour was also looking out. I would have waved but I sleep nude and as our master bedroom has floor-to-ceiling double doors that lead to a narrow balcony, I was in full view. I was about to back up and get my robe, when I realized that her attention was riveted to the next room over, our en-suite bathroom.

Curious, I slipped away from the window and silently crossed to the bathroom. I opened the door to see Jim standing fully naked, toweling off after his shower. I coughed and he gave a start and turned to look at me. The window in the bathroom is also floor to ceiling, although it doesn’t open, so he was fully on view to prying eyes.

“You know you have an audience, ” I said.

“What? Where?” and he looked out, “You think Mrs. Taylor is looking at me.”

“It sure looked like it,” I turned towards the window, but now she had stepped out on to their balcony and was engrossed in watering her flowerpots. I did see her take a quick look in our direction where there were now the two of us standing naked in our bathroom.

We had met the Taylors, Beth and Lance, shortly after we moved in. A parcel addressed to them was delivered to us by mistake. Their house number was the same as ours only we were on Merryvale Way, and they were on the next street over, Merryvale Road; our backyards backed onto each other. So, we took a walk, introduced ourselves, and corrected the mistake. They thanked us and welcomed us to the neighborhood. They were a couple in their mid-forties.

They had invited us over for drinks and dessert three nights ago. We sat out in their back yard beside a good-sized swimming pool. Beth said we were welcome to come over and use it any time. During the conversation I gathered they did a lot of cycling and swimming, and they had both seemed to be in pretty good shape. They had just the one kid, Joan. She was doing her masters at an out-of-state at college and right now she was vacationing with friends in Europe.

Lance said they were glad a younger family had moved in, because most of the neighbors were elderly. I kind of hoped that by the time Jim and I were ready to start a family some other younger couples would move in.

Turning my gaze back to my naked Jim, I have to admit he is appealing eye-candy, a slim but well muscled six-footer with sandy hair and a beguiling smile.

“Well, she can’t see too much from back there,” he said, “She’d need binoculars if she wants detail.”

“She can see you are naked head to toe.”

“Does that bother you, Melanie, if she’s a peeper?”

Good Question. I hadn’t thought about it. Actually, It didn’t bother me as long as she wasn’t going to report him as exposing himself.

“Does it bother you?” I asked.

“Not in the least. I’ve nothing to be ashamed of.”

I had to agree with that. We both exercise, eat right and have been blessed with good genes.

“Well, we are not about to buy curtains for this monster window right now. So, if she wants to perv you, I guess she can. I think it’s a bit of a turn-on,” I said.

“Anything that turns you on is good with me.”


It was about a week later I pulled apart the blinds to see Beth peering out again and this time I thought she had a telescope until I realized it was the zoom lens of a camera. Surely Jim must be aware she was watching or maybe he was still in the shower.

I opened the door quietly and saw he was standing and must have just finished shaving himself. He was naked with his back to me and was looking down and I realized he was still shaving, just ‘down there.’ I liked him to shave his balls and around his cock. It’s better for when I give him ‘head.’ He trims the remainder of his pubic area and I like that too.

He looked up and saw me watching. As he turned, I could see he was quite aroused. I knew he usually masturbated to give himself an erection before shaving there. It kept it out of the way he said. How much of a show had Beth been watching, or had she been catching him on video? I did not know if her camera took video. Nowadays most of them do.

“Putting on a show, I see.”

He blushed. “It’s harmless.”

“You know she has a camera.”

He paused before nodding.

“She could be filming you to report you.”

“Then she might be in a lot of trouble. I’ve done nothing to indicate I know she’s watching. Just shaving and showering. If she’s taking voyeuristic photos, I think she could be charged with a crime.”

“I see you have thought this through. I assume you are finding it rather stimulating.”

“Well, you said it turned you on.”

“Yes, but that was a one-time thing.”

“You said ‘if she wanted to perv me, she could’.”

Did I say that? I guess I did. Looking at his erect cock with little splotches of shaving cream was a turn-on for me too. I walked over and hugged him. His cock wasn’t getting any smaller. As I stepped away and past him, I did not look towards the window although I was tempted. Instead, I reached in and turned on the shower. I turned back and in doing so snuck a peek. The camera was still pointed our way. I reached out and took him by his mostly erect penis and led him into the shower.

“Enjoy that, you perv,” I thought.

I was originally attracted to Jim by the fact he could talk on a wide range of interesting subjects as much as by his good looks. Plus, he seemed genuinely interested in me and wasn’t full of himself. He did not seem to realize what a chick magnet he was. He had grown up with three sisters, two older, one younger, and they had shown him that men do not rule the roost.

We were in our third year of university when we met. I might have seen him before, but it had not registered. There were twenty thousand students on campus, and we were not in the same faculty. Of course, I had dated a number of guys by then and my virginity was long gone, although I had only had sex with four or five guys.

It was our third date before I let Jim get to feel my puss. We were in a dark cinema with a smattering of other people, none in our row. As his fingers stoked my clit, I undid his zip and felt around. He used his other hand to free his cock. I couldn’t really see it in the flickering light from the movie screen but as I gripped it, I sensed it was larger than I was used to, and it was still growing. I slowly stroked it up and down as I adjusted my position to let his fingers explore inside me.

He felt my body shake as I experienced a shuddering orgasm, and he unclasped my hand from his cock and replaced it in his pants. As he explained later, he was glad I had come but didn’t want to be shooting his seed all over the cinema. I thought this was a bit of an exaggeration until the first time I saw him come. He could certainly shoot a load.


After our shower which had got a little naughty as I helped relieve his hard with my hands and mouth, we talked about our naughty neighbor.

“Do you think her husband knows she’s watching you?”

“I have no idea.”

“Do you think she was really shooting videos of you?”

“Again, I have no idea. Who is she going to show them to, if not her husband?”

“Maybe she’ll just watch them herself and bring herself off.”

“You think a woman her age masturbates?”

“What has age got to do with it? She’s not even fifty. I hope I’m getting horny when I’m eighty.”

“But you don’t masturbate, Melanie. I mean you sometimes do it to add to your pleasure when we are making out, but you don’t do it on your own.”

“Says you. Of course, I do. Probably, not as often as I expect you do. Just because we have great sex together doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes get the urge, even when I’m just tidying the house. It’s one of the perks of working from home,” I laughed.

“And I never knew. Holy shit. Next, you’ll tell me you sit watching porn.”

“Well, we have watched some together, and yes, I have occasionally. I sit in front of a computer all day and sometimes a site just seems to pop up. Frankly, I really prefer reading porn. The imagination is so much better than the reality.”

“Anything else I should know about. You haven’t been fucking the mailman, have you?”

“No, she’s a mailwoman and not the least sexy,” by now we were both laughing.

“Have we got time for a quicky?” he asked, I can get to work a little late for once.

“Sure, if that’s what you want?”

We were both still naked when we went into the bedroom. I looked out of the window and did not see her.

“Shall I close the blinds?” I asked.

“Your decision.”

I left them open and jumped on the bed beside him.

“Good choice,” he said, “Come and fuck.”

He was already pretty hard, so I lay down spread my legs and let his fingers do the walking. He followed that with some tongue work on my clit and in my puss, and then when I was humming, he slid into me. He’s big enough that he goes deep, and I love that feeling.

Fifteen minutes later we were done. Very satisfactory. I hopped off the bed, and immediately saw that Beth was there with her camera. I wondered how much of our love making she had witnessed. Well, no use crying over spilled whatever, and I was in danger of leaking some myself, so I sped back to the bathroom.

Two days later I had just finished the report for a project I was working on. I figured I should go out and do some shopping. Often if I’m feeling lazy, I just wear onesie pjs when I’m working from home. Going out meant I should really shower and change. I went into the bedroom and stripped naked. Glancing out the window I noticed that Lance was sitting on their balcony reading. I turned on the light, and as I went to draw the blinds, he looked up and waved.

Was that right? I must be mistaken. Should I draw the blinds or not? I looked again and he put down his book and stood up. He turned and went into the house, and I was gobsmacked watching his naked ass disappear inside. And before that for just a moment I had seen him full frontal and I swear he had been semi-erect. Was that just from a momentary glance at my naked bod or was he reading something salacious? Did he often sit outside nude I wondered?

I hardly ever came to this side of the house during the day. I was pondering this as I turned off the light again, no point in having it on if I wasn’t closing the blinds. Instead, I went next door and turned on the shower. The image of Lance stayed imprinted on my mind, and I found that the hand that was washing my puss was gently rubbing my clit. The sensation was pleasant, and I pictured his cock getting bigger as I pushed three fingers inside and brought my other hand down to continue on my clit. I brought myself off surprisingly quickly. Not a super orgasm but very satisfactory for now.

When I stepped out, I saw Lance was back in his chair, but now pointing that damned camera at me. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had a post-orgasmic flush that stretched beyond my cheeks to my breasts. God, I looked hot, even if I said so myself. I don’t know why but I found myself standing in front the window vigorously towelling my back. I was giving Lance a great full-frontal show of my assets and he signalled his appreciation by raising his free hand with his thumb up.

I gave a little curtsey, turned around and bent over mooning him. When I stood up, he had laid the camera down and was standing with a towel wrapped around him and I knew why, as he mimed applause.

Why had I done that? It was, I thought, so out of character. I am not an extrovert. On the contrary I think of myself as shy, modest, and bound by social norms. Where had that girl gone? I would have to tell Jim. It would give him a laugh if it didn’t shock him too much.


Despite, or perhaps because of, the way our relationship with our neighbors was developing we decided to invite them over for an early barbeque on Saturday. They agreed so long as we would go to their place for coffee and desert. Our plan was to get chatting, know them better, and normalize the relationship. We could not just go on being their free camera fodder, even if we both found it quite stimulating.

They showed up on time at five o’clock and I noticed Beth had the infamous camera on her shoulder.

“That’s quite the camera,” I said, “Does it take video?”

“Yes, 4K, the resolution is astounding. It also takes great stills. We should take some photos together before the evening is over.”

“Yes, we should.”

We had some pre-dinner drinks and Beth asked, “How did you two meet each other?” and I told her the story with additions by Jim.

“How about you two?” he asked.

“Much the same. We also met at college. I was in my sophomore year, and Lance was a senior. My older brother introduced us, warning me had a bit of a reputation.”

“Ah,” said Jim,” Do tell us.”

“Well, I should tell you his actual Christian name is Frank, not Lance. My brother Pete said that in the locker room he was nicknamed ‘footlong.’ I was a bit naive and asked some of the girls why he was called ‘footlong.’ They sniggered and one girl, Joyce, she was called, said, ‘He’s really hung. You know in the penis department.’ Yeah, ‘foot-long frank,’ get it?’ and finally, I caught on.”

“The girls had a different name for him,” continued Beth, “I thought they said Lancelot like the chivalrous knight, but they explained it was a pun ‘lance-a-lot,’ because a lot of girls dated him just to see if what was said about him was true.”

“Yes,” said Lance, “I was a horny nineteen-year-old from a small town where I didn’t know too many girls, when I came to Princeton. I got on the baseball team and next thing I knew girls were coming on to me and asking me for dates. I soon found out that seeing my dick was more important than my baseball prowess or my charming personality.

So, without too much preamble I was regularly getting hand jobs, not to mention getting sucked off, by girls I hardly knew, often in quite public places. I didn’t have a car that year. If I took a girl to dinner or a dance, as often as not we ended up in bed. I nearly flunked out of college.” He laughed.

“Girls started to brag about it. They weren’t ashamed to say they had had sex with him. Some even claimed they had, who hadn’t. Can you imagine? I had heard all the rumours early in my first year, but I quickly met a boyfriend, and we were quite serious until well into my second year. Then quite by chance I met Lance, well Frank actually, the Lance thing was just a nickname for his dick or his use of it. I didn’t even realize it was him and by his senior year he was not trying to advertise, quite the opposite.”

“We had two or three dates. I did not know she also had a boyfriend,” chipped in Lance.

“Yes, well the relationship was faltering anyway. It was more like friends with benefits. We enjoyed sex together and didn’t have to go looking for it. But that evening I went back to Frank’s apartment and when things progressed, I realized, “You’re ‘footlong,’ I mean ‘Lance’,” I said. He wasn’t happy.

“I nearly threw her out, but by then we were naked, and I was primed. As we had sex, I realized she had not known and that was rather wonderful, But I knew my highly exaggerated reputation had become legendary so no wonder she would realize who I was. I relaxed and she had seen my reaction and did not mention it again. It was many dates later when she said, ‘I prefer Lance to Frank, is it all right if I call you Lance.’ For a while she only called me that in private. Truth to tell I preferred it too.”

“I never finished college. It was careless but I got knocked-up, and when I found out we both wanted to keep it and shortly after Lance graduated, we got married. Joan is about your age now. You’ll meet her if and when she comes home.

There was a pause and then she said, ‘You have an extremely nice dick too, Jim. I watched you groom it. I like a man who takes care to groom.”

Neither of us knew what to say next. I was gobsmacked. There was a long silence.

Eventually Lance filled it by saying, “We were so glad to discover you are uninhibited nudists like us.”

My jaw dropped and Jim laughed and said, “We aren’t nudists, although we sleep in the raw. We just can’t afford curtains right now.”

It was Beth and Lance’s turn to exchange a look.

“Sh..sugar,” said Beth, “we thought you were putting on a little show. Goodness, what must you have thought of us?”

We laughed. “We couldn’t quite figure it out,” said Jim, “but we found it quite sexy, so no harm done. I guess we did put on a little show at one point. Were you recording us the whole time?”

“Pretty much. You can have a copy if you like. I think you’ll like it. ”

“As long as it never appears on the internet,” I said recovering from the shock, “We have never ever even discussed being nudists.”

“We have discussed going to Sandy Hook,” said Jim.

“Just out of curiosity,” I added, but then I laughed, “You thought we were exhibitionist nudists and we thought you were a couple of ‘pervs’.”

“Pervs is probably right,” said Lance, “and happy with it”

“We can show you the videos at our place after dinner,” said Beth.

We enjoyed the barbequed ribs and fresh grilled veggies washed down with a bottle of wine. We cleared away the dishes and Jim brought out one of his treasured Irish malt whiskeys. They both enjoyed that. It isn’t my thing, and I had a small Bailey’s.

That’s when Beth said, “Why don’t we go over to our place for coffee and desert, and Lance can show you the videos?” I wasn’t sure I wanted to watch myself in the company of a couple of self-confessed voyeurs, but Jim seemed quite keen, and we had agreed to go for coffee and desert.

“Are we all ready?” I asked, “Shall we walk through the park?”

“No need. I guess you haven’t discovered it, but there is a gate in the fence. It’s behind your garden shed.”

I guess our new home still held a few secrets we had not discovered. What would be next, a secret passage to Starbucks perhaps? Lance went first and held the gate open, while Jim and I followed Beth into their yard.

The first thing that struck me was the 75″ wide-screen TV in their sitting room. Beth went to the kitchen to make the coffee and get the desert, while Lance seated us on the sofa and hooked up the camera. Then he went into the kitchen and appeared with the tray of deserts; little bowls of fresh strawberries and raspberries topped with whipped cream.

At the first spoonful I detected something potent in the bowl, hard alcohol but delicious. Lance saw my questioning look.

“Mirabelles,” he said, “It’s a clear spirit made from the plums of the Mirabelle tree.”

“It’s yummy but tastes very strong.”

“Eighty percent proof,” he said. As Beth brought in the coffee.

“Jim, would you like a drop more?” he asked my husband, as he drank his coffee and Jim nodded.

“How about you, Melanie?”

I put down my empty cup.

“Well maybe just a drop.”

He brought out four glasses, he referred to as brandy snifters, and poured a little of the clear liquid in each. I could see mine had less than any of theirs, but when I sipped it, I knew it was plenty. Just what I’d had with the strawberries was now making me feel warm and my heart beat faster.

Beth shut the curtain and turned the lights lower as Lance started the video. It already had a title ‘Our Newdist Neighbors’ and an opening shot of our vacant en-suite bathroom showing the shower, the vanity, and the mirror above it. I realized the film was already edited.

It started with a long shot of Jim standing shaving, naked of course, and Beth’s voice narrated, “Start of another day.” He glanced towards the window. Did he know he was on camera? This was not the first day I just saw her watching and told him. He stepped back from the vanity and looking in the mirror began to stroke himself. Of course, I’ve often seen him bring himself off, usually when he doesn’t want to finish inside me and want to give me a facial. He’ll ask me first and if I’m in the mood I like him to pump his heavy load over my face and hair and into my open mouth.

But I have never had this voyeuristic view watching him do it in private. With the mirror in shot there were two images, the actual one of him and the side of his face and the mirror reflection which showed his actions more clearly as well the intensity on his face. Suddenly the picture changed to a much closer shot. The actual zoom in had been cut. The reflected image of his body from his thighs to his naval filled the screen in sharp 4K resolution. His strokes got faster until I believed he would cum.

Then he stopped, squirted jell on his balls and picked up his razor. All of this with no narration and in absolute silence other than a sharp but muted intake of breath just as he began to shave. Obviously, it was too far away for her camera to have picked up any sound. As we watched he moved his erect penis to the side away from where he was shaving, and I could see the practicality of it. I also found it made me quite wet, and I was watching this with him and our neighbours. In the video he was just putting the razor down when I entered the room. Whichever of them did the editing had cut our conversation, and the scene showed me pulling him into the shower by his erect penis. The next scene was in our bedroom. Whereas the last one had been filmed at an angle into our bathroom, this one was filmed straight on as their balcony directly faced our bedroom.

I was lying on the bed with my legs spread and Jim was fingering me before going down on me. From the camera’s position, his naked arse and the movement of his head were really all you could see, but that changed as he climbed over me, and the zoomed camera lovingly followed his cock in and out of me. There was little doubt we were both enjoying it.

That scene closed with him withdrawing from my cum-filled pussy, and me quickly exiting the room. This was followed immediately by the full-frontal scene of me in the bathroom with my post-orgasmic flush turning from the camera and mooning it. Although that had been days later the scene had been nicely spliced in. I don’t even think Jim realized it was not part of the same event.

“Lance, show them one of Gunnison Beach,” said Beth, “that’s Sandy Hook.”

It was quite short showing lots of people naked on the Jersey Shore.

“You can’t walk around with a camera, but you can capture it with your phone if you are discrete. Now show them the beach near Cap D’Agde.”

This was quite different, pictures of couples openly engaging in hand jobs, blow jobs and even full-on intercourse. I realized the scene we were watching had a younger Beth being fucked by some black dude and obviously loving it. I’d never thought I was turned on by video the same way I was by reading, but my pulse was racing. The black guy finished, and Lance came into the picture and with arms extended began to plunge into her as she wrapped her legs around him.

“Holy shit!” I thought, “He’s getting ‘sloppy seconds’ and loving it.”

I was going to have an orgasm just watching, what was Jim feeling. I looked at him and saw the tent in his shorts. Beth saw it too and walked over, while the TV still showed them shagging.

“Stand up and let’s see it,” she commanded, “You too Lance, Melanie and I want to see the goods,” and she was right, I did want to.

Both of them obliged, dropping their shorts. Jim was hard as a rock. He’s not circumcised, and the deep scarlet head was poking from his foreskin. He instinctively pulled the foreskin back. Lance was laughing. I looked over at him. Lance was certainly erect, but perhaps not rock hard. “The longest I’ve seen,” I thought, but nowhere near a foot long, of course. Looking at both of them I could see Lance’s erection, even though he was not rock hard, was maybe half an inch longer and slightly thicker.

“Time for a swim to cool off,” said Beth.

“We didn’t bring swimsuits,” I said, although in my present arousal the idea of a cooling swim was welcome.

“Welcome to nudism. No swimsuits required in our pool. We also provide clean towels.”

It was almost nine o’clock and the sun had dropped below the horizon allowing a bright moon to provide the illumination. Without further words all four of us stripped off. We stepped outside, crossed the strip of lawn, and slipped into the pool. Our movement apparently triggered some underwater lights and I wondered if anyone in the surrounding houses could see us. I could see Jim was still hard and swam towards him.

“Wow,” I whispered, “that was some introduction.” I held on to his stiffy.

Beth had gone over to Lance, and she dropped below the level of the water, and I could see her head bobbing. She came up for air and bobbed down again. I was pulling Jim by his penis into the deeper water closer to them. Once there I too dropped down to take him in my mouth. Almost immediately my mouth was filled as he shot his load, I surfaced choking wiping strings of semen from my hair.

Lance was watching and that seemed to do it for him as Beth also surfaced licking her lips.

After that we swam around a bit. Lance brushed by me, and I could feel he was still quite hard. I put my feet down and he stood behind me his growing erection against my bum. Was he that turned on? Jim still has the recuperation power of a teenager, but Lance was some twenty years older. Perhaps he’d taken on one of those little blue pills. I knew that guys whose only need was recreational could easily get these from complicit doctors.

His right hand reached around and began to gently rub my clit. I knew I should protest but it was more than pleasant, right now it was what I desperately needed, and I pushed down on his hand inviting his fingers into me, as I brought my other hand down to continue stroking my clit.

I had lost sight of Jim and what he was doing. I was lost in my own need. Lance turned me around and lifted my legs and slipped into me easily. I was so ready I adjusted to his extra girth as he slid under my cervix causing me frisson of immediate pleasure. He was bigger but not that much bigger than Jim and it felt wonderful. I feel sorry for women whose men don’t hit enough spots to trigger orgasm. In my present state, however, just about anything or anyone could have brought me off.

I realized I was now facing Jim. He was looking at me in a confused manner even though Beth’s head was bobbing in front of him. Was he wondering what his modest and usually demure wife was doing in breech of her wedding vows? I took those vows of fidelity seriously. I still do, but in this moment, I was overtaken by an irresistible need. A need I clearly shared with a very eager Lance. I felt him start to pull back and used both my arms and legs to hold him in me as his pelvis jerked against me and I felt his release.

Jim was no longer focussed on me. He had now clearly entered Beth and was thrusting away as she held his shoulders and pulled against him. She came very quickly, and he followed pulling out and showering her with a monster load of his cum. Why he produces so much I have no idea. In that respect Lance was nowhere near his equal.

A cool breeze had come up and I realized I was getting cold. Beth must have felt the same as she said

“Come inside and get warm.”

Once inside their sitting room we all towelled off and Beth offered to make more coffee. Jim and I looked at each other. He smiled and said, “I think we’ve had enough for tonight. Thank you.”

I thanked them too and we went back through the gate. I love my husband and have no doubt he loves me. Tonight, I felt, was like scratching an itch, necessary in the moment, but inconsequential in the long term. However, we needed to talk. “Was it going to be a one-off, or was it something we might repeat?”


Copyright: © Dawn Ramble 2022

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