Her Secret by Nakedcraving,Nakedcraving

I looked over at her as she read on the couch. Sitting with her feet crossed, she looked fantastic, sedate and tranquil, and satisfied with her life, and I thought about things we had done together when we were young and she was one of the most exciting people sexually I had ever met. She still is a beauty to me, but the years have taken much of the light from her aura and the fire from her spirit, and she dismisses with a laugh any excitement I still have for those wonderful looks.

I think back to the days when we made love everyday, and I remember some memorable moments of lovemaking that made their way into my memory bank of sex. The marvelous file of passionate and vigorous sex that had to rate as some of the best ever experienced on American soil, maybe even Europe as well.

I remember when we made love on the beach below the cliffs and next to the ocean. I think of orgasmic deep breathing in the dunes close to the railroad tracks and the sand in our clothes after leaving. Then I remember the day we brought a beach friend home from our favorite nude coastal cove and the afternoon went from visiting to sexual in less than an hour.

Claire became flirtatious and I saw the possibility of an old fantasy of mine coming to fruition. She and James became playful and I began to realize we were getting amazingly close to my favorite sexual fantasy. When we all went to the backyard pool and took off our clothes and dove in, it was clear that Claire was turned on and things were moving forward at breakneck speed.

When she began fooling around with James, putting her arms around his neck and kissing him I knew we were close to the main event. I told them I was going inside and they hardly noticed I was gone. I stood at the window watching them and things were heating up. They were both nude, and as they were positioned his penis was at her stomach, and I knew the proximity was exciting her to fabulous heights.

When the kisses got longer and more heated, my pulse began to rise at the same time. When it was clear his penis had hardened and I knew she was feeling it, I began to get aroused myself. When their movements became slower and more deliberate, I knew they were feeling the heat, and the excitement of the moment was causing them to feel the high temperature coming off each body and arousing each of them to levels so close to intercourse that I could not see them resisting putting his now erect penis in her compartment that was made for such things.

I had watched for ten minutes when it was clear his erect penis was actually inside of my wife’s body cavity. They still stood in the water holding one another, but by that time I understood that he was truly fucking my wife as they stood in the pool, his erection inserted in her terribly hot pussy and I could see his hips moving slightly as he humped into her slowly.

Then, when they could resist no longer, they moved out of the pool and went to the lounge chair where she crawled on top of him, carefully putting his penis back where it had been. I watched them fuck in my backyard and realized my own erection had grown to full size. As I watched them I took hold of my own penis and began moving my hand up and down my shaft.

She had fucked him for twenty minutes when she pulled him out, scooted back in the chair and took his still hard and now wet penis into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down on his erection. It was fantastically erotic to watch them make love next to the pool in my backyard. As they forgot my existence, they began to fuck with an intensity that had their bodies slapping together and had them grunting with no thought of being quiet any longer, forgetting that I had been around and simply concentrating on their sex.

When it became clear they had both come, they seemed to look around and realize what they had just been doing. My wife lifted herself off of him and slipped back into the pool. James rose to his feet and followed her back into the water. They began to regain their composure, and within minutes they stayed a part and tried to act naturally. I have never mentioned that afternoon of sex to her since, it has simply been my secret fantasy to recall when I need a memory to stimulate a sexual moment. I have not mentioned it because it was obviously an exciting moment for her and there is no reason for me to speak of it.

It is not the only time she has been sexual with another person, but it is a private time for and her alone. It was very exciting for me, and remembering it privately is enough. To know she could be sexual with someone else is exciting and encouraging to me, and I don’t have to mention it to her.

We were, in 1985, with another couple in Costa Rica and we had been drinking. Each guy had been flirting with the other man’s wife and by eleven it was clear things had moved past the point of no return, and I was sure Claire would be in his bed and his wife would be in mine before too long. Claire was dancing with Jacob and I was talking quietly with Elaine, when their dancing became close to sex on the dance floor, I nodded towards Claire and Jacob and his wife smiled knowingly and took my hand, leading me towards their bedroom.

In the morning, after a great night of sex, most likely for each of us, I found Claire in the kitchen and she gave me a gosh-did-I-just-do-that look and kissed me, as if making an apologetic kiss that would acknowledge her moment of indiscretion and passion, and see just how far I had gone with Elaine without asking directly. I smiled and kissed her, asking how her evening had gone.

“Really nicely,” she said with an embarrassed grin. “I don’t know what got into me.”

“Probably Jacob,” I said, grinning back at her.

On the way back to our hotel, in the back of a cab, we talked about the night. “The important thing,” I said, “is whether you had a good time with Jacob. You like sex, and he is very sexy, I would think,” I said. She nodded, agreeing with my assessment of Elaine’s husband’s sexual attractiveness.

“You had fun, right?” I said.

“I did, yes,” she said with an embarrassed grin. “Was I a slut?” she asked.

“Not at all,” I said. “You are a very sexy woman. You gave as well as you got, I believe. I think Jacob would verify how sexy my wife can be. I didn’t ask him, but I am sure he would confirm it,” I said.

“Are you saying you are okay with us having sex with other people?” she asked timidly. I thought back to the scene in my backyard with James.

“I am, yes,” I said. “We are adults and I think what we do is up to us. I was with Elaine last night, you know,” I said. “It was not only you. We both were with other people,” I said. “Are you okay with that?” She nodded, then smiled.

“Did you have fun,” she asked. I smiled and nodded. “Well, good,” she said. “That is good,” she added with a grin. “I guess we both feel it is okay some times,” she said quietly.

Again I thought about James, smiling to myself and thinking how much I enjoyed seeing her having a good time with him. It still is one of the sexiest things I have ever seen. Ever.

The third thing that happened to make me smile at the memory someday occurred when we were in France and were traveling back to Paris when we were sitting by a group of people from England and Claire got to talking to a woman named Wendy. She was very tall and really quite beautiful, but more important she was able to speak a number of different languages, especially French and German. I could see she fascinated my wife.

Claire and Wendy were chatting and it was clear that Claire was quite taken with the other woman.

Wendy asked Claire to help her with something and the two women went off together. When they returned I could see that Claire’s neck was flush and she seemed agitated.

At least she was nervous about something and I wanted to ask her what was the matter, but then she moved close and whispered something to me that I didn’t catch.

“She kissed me,” I finally heard her say again, certain I heard right this time. “And I kissed her back.’

“Was it a good kiss?” I asked.

“Fantastic. Maybe one of the best I have ever had,” she said softly. “She has asked me to come to her cabin. I would like to go,” she said. I put my hand on hers.

“Then you should,” I said. “You may have a good time. Go, have a ball.” she stood and kissed me, then she went to Wendy and they went off together without hesitating. Wendy put her arm in Claire’s and I thought they looked sexy together.

I didn’t see Claire again for nearly two hours, and when she came back she had a big smile. “Wendy is bi,” she said. “She showed me… she showed me what women do, to another woman,”she said softly. “I liked it,” she said. “Am I a… does that mean I like women? I mean, I really liked it,” she said with sad face.

I told her one lesbian experience didn’t make you gay. “Years of heterosexual sex is not washed away with one pussy eating,” I said. I smiled and she kissed me. “Do you still love me?” I asked. She nodded. “That is all that matters,” I said.

“She wants me to go to the concert with her,” she said. “I would like to go. We won’t be back until tomorrow,” she said. I told her to go, to have a good time, and then I said her friend was a remarkable looking woman. She nodded and smiled.

“I didn’t see this coming,” she said with a melancholy face. “Thank you, sweetheart,” she said, then kissed me and her face brightened. Claire was gone until the next morning. When she came to our hotel, she brought Wendy with her. “This is my husband,” she said introducing me to Wendy. I took her hand,

“You have shown my wife some good times,” I said. “Thank you,” She took my hand and looked down at the floor.

“Your wife is a very special person,” she said.

“Yes she is,” I said. As I sat on the leather chair I looked over at Claire reading and I remembered the day she had gone off with the bisexual woman who taught her how to eat pussy, I remembered vividly her day with James that I have never told her I had seen, and I thought about her night with Jacob. I remembered all the nights we spent in heated sex that kept me interested in her and excited to be able to spend my life in her presence. I thought about how sedate she had become and how hot and sexual she had been, how sensual, how fiery and intense, and I thought of the afternoon I watched her fucking James in the backyard, and I remember her total commitment to the men she was with.

Could it be the same person, the same hot-blooded woman who had fucked so wildly without thought of who was around, who could be watching, and I wondered if she had known I was there, watching them, savoring her passion and her total lack of control. Could that have been possible, that after all these years she had known I had seen them? I imagined her naked again, thought of her fucking in the pool, and I realized she had to know I was there watching them have sex. I smiled at the sight of her reading peacefully, tranquilly, and I knew she had known her husband had been watching her with another man. Her secret wasn’t that she’d had sex with James all those years ago in our backyard, but her secret was that she knew I was watching them have it. It was that which helped lift her excitement so high. Knowing I was watching had made it even more exhilarating for her. I smiled to myself as I went back to my own book and climbed back into the story.

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