Leigh Trains For A Triathlon Pt. 02 by JohnRocker272,JohnRocker272

This is a continuation of part 1. The story builds on itself, so I’d recommend reading part 1 first. This was initially a 2 part story but this part got too long so I decided to cut it off and continue it later with a final part 3.


Leigh continued training- and training hard. She still worked out with Jim and Nick sometimes, but she trained alone a lot too. I got the impression she was putting lots more hours in than the guys.

Her body was getting even more amazing if that’s possible. One day I walked into the house after work to a nice surprise, Leigh sitting bare ass naked on the floor of the living room. She didn’t even seem to notice I’d walked in, and then as she moved into a stretching position, realized she was doing Yoga. Hot yoga, apparently. It was 85 degrees in the house. I watched longingly for several minutes, feeling myself grow hard. Finally, she noticed and startled slightly, but recovered quickly. “Hey babe,” she said, getting up and walking toward me.

“Hey- uh… what are you doing?”

“Hot yoga,” she said. “Apparently a lot of triathletes do it. Keeps your core strong and decreases the recovery time you need between workouts.” She was standing right in front of me now, her petite, lean body glistening with sweat.

“Yeah but why are you, uh-,”

“Naked?” she asked? “Well Nick told me he does his yoga naked. Apparently he read that Marc Van der Loop does yoga naked. And he’s the best.”

I didn’t like the fact that Nick was talking to my girlfriend about naked yoga, or the fact that she was thinking about other men doing yoga naked. “Who’s that?” I asked.

“Only the best triathlete in the world. He’s Dutch. Do you want to talk about that or do you want to come help me relax in the shower?” Easy choice there.

The next race that Leigh and the guys had signed up for was several hours away, in Nashville. We’d planned a weekend trip, Steph, Jim, Nick, Leigh and me. As we departed in my car, I couldn’t help but wonder if there’d be sexual tension. After all, last time these 4 had been in a car together it had gotten pretty wild. I was curious if anyone would bring it up. Nick answered that question about 30 minutes in when we pulled up behind a slow moving double wide with an “Oversize Load” sign on the back. “Speaking of oversize loads,” Nick deadpanned, “what’s the wager this week Jim?”

Leigh and I both suppressed laughs in the front seat. This guy wasn’t afraid to say anything. Steph kept her cool and forced a smile at Nick. “I don’t think Jim will be making any other wagers. And just, so we’re clear, my husband and I are happily married, we’ve forgiven each other for what happened, and I never want to see your little dick again.”

“That’s fine,” Nick said, smiling. “But we all know it’s not little. Right Leigh?” This guy just loved making people uncomfortable.

“Right- well, um, I don’t really remember,” Leigh stammered.

“Sure you don’t,” Nick said.

I did not like the turn this had taken, and I was relieved when Steph said, “Ok Nick, enough.”

The weather the next day was perfect for the race. It was a half Iron man, the longest race Leigh had ever done. Steph and I cheered everyone on and actually had a pretty good time walking around. I noticed that Marc van der Loop was there. After Leigh had mentioned him, I had done a little research. Very few people could make a living doing triathlon, but Marc was one of them. He was an Olympic gold medalist, a 3 time Iron man world champion, and had his own brand of fitness apparel, called Loop. He easily won the race, and I was shocked to see how many fans he had at the finish line. He was a legitimate celebrity.

Dozens of other pro triathletes trickled in starting several minutes later, and about 40 minutes after Marc finished, the first woman came across the line. Professionals started first in a mass wave, one for the men first and one for the women about 5 minutes later. Amateurs started in a rolling start, jumping into the water in 5 second intervals, and were timed by computer chips worn on their ankles. With thousands of amateurs starting, Leigh had started about 30 minutes after the pro women. She’d lined up with Nick and Jim, so they’d each started seconds apart.

It didn’t seem like much time had passed when suddenly Leigh showed up at the finish line. She’d beaten Jim and Nick! And it was over 5 minutes before we saw Nick and another 5 before Jim came in. They all exceeded their goals, and they were all happy at the finish line- the guys seemed surprised but genuinely proud of Leigh for surpassing them. But the real shock came when Leigh’s time was posted. Steph’s jaw dropped. “Um, Leigh, you finished 2nd.”

“2nd in my age group?! That’s amazing in a race this big.” Leigh was beaming with pride.

“No, second overall. I’m comparing your times to all women, even the pros. You started way behind them obviously so you didn’t physically cross the line 2nd. But you beat all but one female.” We were all speechless. Leigh had tears in her eyes. I was happy for her- I knew she was a gifted athlete and that she worked hard but this was the first time I’d realized just how good she was.

Other people at the event noticed too, and we heard several people near us talking about the girl who had beat most of the pros. As Steph and the guys sat around reliving the race, hydrating, and stretching, there was a sudden buzz in the crowd near us. People were standing up and craning their necks to see something. I realized quickly that it was not “something”, but “someone”. It was Marc van der Loop. He was accompanied by a 40s-ish man and 2 beautiful 25-ish girls, a redhead and a blond. All wore matching Loop branded polos, and the girls’ shirts were tight on their impressive chests.

It took a minute for us all to realize the entourage was headed directly toward us. The older man pointed at Leigh and said something to Marc.

Leigh straightened her shoulders as she realized who was approaching her. “Hello,” he began, “sorry to disturb you Mrs. Leigh Turner.” His English was perfect with only a hint of a Dutch accent. “I am Marc van der Loop, and this is my coach, Stan. Also this is Callie and Lorelei, two of our Loop brand ambassadors.”

“I- um… how do you know who I am?” Leigh asked.

“Everyone here is talking about the beautiful girl who beat the pros. How long have you been racing?”

Leigh blushed and said “I started about 3 months ago, but I ran track in college before that.” She regained some of our composure and introduced me and our friends. Marc’s eyes lingered over Steph a beat longer than anyone else as he shook hands with each of us.

“Look, my Loop brand is doing well but it needs a female spokesperson. Our whole sport needs a female to become famous. If I may be frank, our marketing machine combined with your looks could make you famous even without your abilities. We’ve already made several models very wealthy. But your unique talent and the story of your unexpected rise out of nowhere could really make you a celebrity. I’d love to speak with you about the possibility of a sponsorship.”

Leigh blushed even more and stammered, “I’d… ok I’d love to talk.”

“Loop is throwing VIP a party tonight and you’re invited, along with your friends. Callie will get your phone number and text you the details,” Marc said, indicating the blonde standing next to him.

After a bit more small talk, Marc and his crew walked away. “Oh my god, he is so good-looking,” Steph said. Leigh nodded her agreement, and they started squealing in delight as soon as Marc was out of earshot. I had to admit the guy was handsome, but I wasn’t thrilled about my girlfriend affirming this right in front of me.

The party was at a mansion on the edge of town. We got there around 7:30 and it was already in full swing. Around a huge pool area, people were mingling, swimming, and generally having a good time. These were Loop executives, employees, and friends of Marc’s all celebrating his victory. We made for the bar and got drinks, and around that time Marc noticed and came walking over.

“Leigh, I’d like you to meet Jonas, our photographer, Marc said. “What we had in mind for you today was perhaps a little photoshoot in Loop apparel for our Instagram. Once our marketing team has a chance to measure interactions and impressions on social media, we’ll talk about a full-blown sponsorship. We’ll pay $1000 for tonight.”

“Wow, ok, that sounds good but I’m a little nervous,” said Leigh. Could I split the $1000 with Steph if she’ll agree to pose with me? She has experience modeling on Instagram.”

“Absolutely not,” Marc said, smiling. “We’ll pay you $1000 each.”

Leigh giggled excitedly and looked at Steph, who quickly nodded.

“Please go with Jonas, and he’ll get you in wardrobe.” Steph and Marc followed Jonas into the spacious mansion. I was trying to be cool on the inside, but I was pretty concerned that Leigh didn’t seek any kind of approval or even reaction from me.

Callie and Lorelei came bouncing up in revealing red bikinis and I forgot my concerns temporarily. Jim and Nick perked up as well. We made small talk with them as well as we could, both were Dutch and didn’t have a ton of English. Callie was very much a toucher, putting her hands on my shoulder as she spoke to me.

Soon, I saw Leigh and Steph come back out and my jaw dropped. They were in red bikinis that matched Callie and Lorelei’s. I watched for 20 minutes as they were pictures in and around the pool in various poses. The sun was setting and the evening was beautiful. Jonas made various adjustments between each shot, having them put their hair up for a couple. In one, he put backwards Loop hats on them, and they pressed their tits together and made a silly face with their tongues sticking out. A few shots were of Leigh alone.

For the last shot, Jonas called Callie and Lorelei over. All 4 girls got in at the end of the infinity pool, looking down the scenic hill the mansion was situated on with their backs to the party goers. After whispering something to each other, the girls all 4 removed their tops! They took a few shots with their backs to the camera. Though Leigh never turned around, all 4 girls definitely revealed some side boob to anyone who happened to be looking at various times. When the shoot was over, the Dutch girls never put their tops back on. They climbed put of the pool and mingled topless. Leigh put her top on with her back still to the party (thank goodness for that at least). Steph had tossed her top to the side of the pool and climbed out to retrieve it before sitting on the side of the pool and putting it in. I got a great view of her amazing tits for a few seconds.

Leigh ran up to me, clearly excited. “That was so much fun!” she exclaimed.

“Yeah fun for everyone who just saw you topless,” I said. Despite my frustration, I hadn’t meant to come across so harsh.

“Babe are you being jealous? I never turned around and I only had my top off for like 5 seconds.”

It had been well over a minute but I took her point. I decided to try to let it go and just enjoy myself the rest if the night. We had a good time, the alcohol was flowing and Callie and Lorelei were not the only party goers that ended up topless or even completely naked. Lorelei, the redhead was one of the naked ones and the carpet matched the drapes. I guess Europeans just do things differently. To my relief, Leigh kept her swimsuit on.

We returned home the next day, and as we neared our hometown, Leigh got a call from Marc. She excitedly hushed everyone and put the phone on speaker.

After greetings and a mutual exchange of empathy about their general soreness from the race the previous day, Marc got straight to the point.

“The numbers don’t lie, Leigh, the set of photos Jonas posted on Instagram last night had triple the impressions of anything we’ve ever posted. The Loop brand is better for having you affiliated with it. We want to offer you a full time sponsorship.”

“Ok, wow so what’s next? My next race is in Austin in 2 weeks,” Leigh said. I could tell she was ecstatic.

“No it’s not, cancel that. You’re doing a full Iron man in Mexico with me that weekend. I’ll fly you down on Wednesday before the race on Saturday, and we’ll get a sponsor’s exemption to enter the race for you and any of your friends that want to come. We have a full-blown photoshoot for Outside magazine already scheduled, and we’ll negotiate your contract while we’re down there. But I promise you’ll be pleased with it.”

“But I’ve never even done a full Iron man, I was hoping to work up to that in a few months. I’m not ready,” Leigh protested, but she hadn’t stopped smiling. It irked me just a little that the race length was what she was immediately objecting to and not going to Mexico with a man she just met.

“You’re ready, I promise.” By her expression I could tell that the confident tone in his voice had convinced her. Perhaps it could convince her of anything.

“Can my boyfriend come?” she asked.

“Of course,” said Marc, and Leigh beamed at me. “I’ll be in touch with more details.”

But I could not come, as it turned out. Work was not cool with me missing 3 days on such short notice. Nick couldn’t go either for the same reason, but Jim, Steph, and Leigh would all go. Marc apparently called Steph about a separate modeling gig after seeing her previous modeling work.

For the next 10 days, Leigh trained even harder. As the day of her departure approached, a knot slowly formed in my stomach. I was worried about her leaving with a good-looking celebrity without me. I voiced these concerns to her but all she heard was jealousy and insecurity. “Just be happy for me,” she said. “I’ll only be gone 5 days.”

Wednesday morning came and I drove Leigh, Jim, and Steph to a small regional airport. After a short wait we saw Marc’s ridiculously nice Cessna Citation land and taxi toward the hangar.

Marc and the pilot came out first and helped them with their bags and gear, they didnt need their bikes be because Mark was hooking Jim and Leigh up with ridiculously expensive bikes that would be custom fit and adjusted exactly to them in Mexico. I saw Callie and Lorelei through the window serving everyone champagne through the window as the plane taxied away. Moments later, my girlfriend was in airborne in a private jet headed for another country with our neighbors, a celebrity athlete, and two bombshells who had been topless when I’d last seen them. And without me.

Leigh’s photoshoot was Thursday afternoon and I didn’t get a chance to talk to her until late that night. She was very non-specific about the shoot when I talked to her, and said it went well, but she quickly had to go because Marc was taking everyone to dinner. I fell asleep early that night and woke up to a missed call from Leigh and a few pictures- it looked like Leigh, Steph, Lorelei and Callie had gone clubbing- most of the pictures were just various combinations of the girls drinking, having a good time, and making silly faces at the camera. The final one was a group picture all of them, Jim stood on the left between Callie and Steph, and Marc stood on the right between Leigh and Lorelei. It was impossible to tell for certain but it sure looked like his hands were resting casually on each of their asses. Each of the girls had on low cut dresses that were fairly revealing but nothing too crazy.

I was busy at work Friday, so I didn’t have time to think much about what Leigh was up to. She kept me updated via text, it sounded like a pretty boring day. A massage, being fitted for her new bike and for some Loop gear to race in, and some stretching and light cardio workouts. I was almost glad I wasn’t there, it sounded like I would have had nothing to do all day.

A few minutes after I arrived home on Friday night, there was a knock at my door. It was Nick- he’d brought a 12 pack of beer and some pizza over. “Bored as hell with everyone out-of-town man, you want to hang?”

We had a decent time hanging out over the next couple hours. I’d felt weird around Nick ever since he saw Leigh naked at the lake, but I also had to admit part of my resentment came from jealousy over what I’d seen in the car video, and Leigh’s reaction to his admittedly impressively sized dick. But he was a pretty nice guy in this setting, and I even mentally forgave him at one point.

However, just before he left, he went to use the bathroom and his phone rang while he was gone. As I glanced down at it, the picture that flashed up on the screen made my stomach flip. It was Leigh calling, and Nick’s contact picture of her in his phone was of her sitting completely naked with in a car. I could tell that the photo had caught her mid laugh, as if someone had just said something hilarious. Her perfectly fit body and perky tits were on display for the world to see. Cropped out of the picture to her left was another naked girl, and unless I missed my guess it looked like the fit but still voluptuous figure of Steph. I could see the unmistakable redhead Lorelei in the background, clothed in the dress I’d seen in the photos the night before. This picture was taken not even 24 hours ago, in Mexico!

What the hell? Why would Nick have such a recent naked photo of my girlfriend? Who took the photo? And why was she calling him now?

I got my answer to at least the last question shortly after, Leigh called my phone next to see if by chance I was with Nick- she wanted to ask him a question about his nutrition plan for during races. Nick walked back into the room right then and I handed the phone to him without saying anything, still feeling sick from what I’d seen on his phone. I listened to them drone on about electrolytes and calories for a few more minutes and then Nick went home. I thought about confronting him about the picture but wasn’t sure what good it would do.

The race was early the next morning, and I got some updates and pictures from Steph as the race went on. Leigh came into the run section in 5th place. It got even better from there, it turned out that Marc won the men’s race and Leigh placed 3rd in the women’s, unheard-of for her first full length Iron man. Jim evidently set a respectable time as well, good enough to qualify both of them for the Iron man World Championships in Kona, Hawaii.

After she’d had a chance to recover a bit, I finally got a FaceTime call from a still breathless Leigh telling me excitedly about the race. I was proud of her despite my misgivings about her recent behavior, and I shared in her excitement. As we were talking, suddenly I heard some shouting, and she barely had any time to react before she was hit in the face by a stream of white liquid.

Champagne, as it turned out, being sprayed on her by a jubilant Marc. “Let’s go Leigh! It’s time to get drunk!” he shouted.

The call ended. A few minutes later I got an apologetic text from Leigh saying her phone had gotten all wet with champagne, so she’d hung up while trying to dry it off, but she didn’t call back. I’d wanted to confront her about the picture I’d seen on Nick’s phone but it didn’t feel like the time.

I tried to calm myself down and tell myself not to be jealous while I wondered what Leigh was doing as she got drunk in another country. I tried to tell myself that Steph wouldn’t let things go too far. I tried to tell myself that Leigh would be too tired from her race to get too crazy. I tried to avoid contacting her. None of it worked and I broke down and texted her “Hey how’s it going?”

She immediately texted back 1 word, “Drunk.” Great.

“What are you guys getting into tonight?” I texted.

It took a few minutes, but she responded “I think just hanging out in Marc’s suite. No one feels like going out.” It made me feel better that she’d be in a more controlled environment than a bar or nightclub but I didn’t love that it was a famous athlete’s hotel suite.

I pondered this for a few minutes and while I was still thinking on how to respond she texted “babe Steph is sooo drunk.” A video accompanied the text. It was Steph, on the expansive balcony of the hotel suite, facing away from the camera and twerking at it, laughing hysterically, looking back at the camera with her cute little smile. Her bikini bottoms had been bunched into her ass crack, so they looked like a thong and her back was bare- she was topless. On one side of the frame, I could see Marc sitting on a couch looking on appreciatively. He looked hammered. In the background I could see Jim leaning on the railing of the balcony, shirtless and enjoying a drink with the setting sun behind him. He was talking to Callie and Lorelei who stood with their back to me. They had his undivided attention and at one point I saw Callie lightly touch his chest with her palm as she laughed at something he said.

“Wow, I hope you aren’t thinking of getting wild like that,” I typed.

“I’m too tired to get that wild right now. Steph just gave me a Red Bull and vodka just, so I won’t fall asleep.”

“Careful with those,” I warned, and then added, “love you.” I only got a thumbs up emoji in return.

I managed to distract myself with TV for a couple hours, but I still couldn’t help but think every couple minutes about how I hoped a certain party a thousand miles away was winding down.

“Still doing ok?” I texted after another couple hours.

“Hey babe! Yeah! How r u? I am having so much fun! Doing way better than Marc anyway lol- look at this party pooper,” the reply said. She sent a picture of Marc who was now passed out on the couch.

While the Red Bull and vodka seemed to be hitting her pretty hard (she’d never use that many!’s unless she was drunk), it made me feel better that Marc was down for the count for some reason. Jim was the only other guy with them, and his wife was also in attendance.

“Ok well don’t get too wild. I’m going to bed.”

In response, I got a selfie of Leigh and Steph. Leigh was wearing a bikini but Steph was still topless. Her round tits looked amazing, and they both looked very drunk. Once again, her unique combination of athletic, petite and curvy was sexy as hell.

I felt my cock stir and slid my hand down my pants. It only took a minute to rub one out to Steph’s spectacular rack and it only took a minute after that to fall asleep.

I awoke 90 minutes later to my phone buzzing indicating a text. I’d apparently slept through a few alerts because I had 6 texts:

(55 min ago)

“Omg babe Steph is such a drunk slut!”

(54 min ago)

“Lorelei dared her to see if she could get Mark’s dick out of his pants without him waking up. She did and now its just hanging out. It’s looong”

(42 min ago)

“Steph is such a little devil when drunk and a bad influence! She just admitted to me that she crushed up aderall in my drink and something called Spanish Fly that is supposed to be an aphrodisiac! I don’t think it really works though!”

(29 minutes ago)

“OMG babe Steph and Jim are in a huge fight bc she touched Mark’s cock. She’s sooo drunk and trying to calm him down by saying he can hook up with someone else.”

(24 minutes ago)

“Holy shit I think they are gonna have a threesome!”

(2 minutes ago)

“Shit babe I’m sooo horny wish you were here”

My pulse quickened as I read these. I panicked and face timed her immediately. She answered on the second ring and I gasped at the image that filled my screen. Jim was laying on his back in a massive bed. Steph sat naked on Jim’s face, while Callie sat on his cock. The girls were facing each other and playing with each other’s tits. Callie and Steph had both put their hair halfway up and looked sexy as hell. The camera angle was slightly behind Steph but I still could see the side of her tits as she wiggled with pleasure while getting her pussy eaten. Callie’s big natural tear-drop shaped tits were bouncing steadily and audibly clapping together as she rode Jim, making cute little yelps each time she landed. She looked incredibly hot.

I shook my sleepy mind awake and recovered from my stupor as the reality of the situation set in. My girlfriend was in this room and filming this!

“Leigh what the hell is going on?!” I asked. Leigh turned the camera around and her face appeared in the screen, shushing me. I could see her face was flushed, and she had a wild look in her eyes. “Be quiet and enjoy the show, or they’ll make me hang up.”

The camera turned back around as Jim stood up on the bed, and both girls rose to their knees in front of him. Leigh pivoted around to one side of the bed to get a side view. Callie was enthusiastically stroking Jim’s shaft with her petite hands, Licking the head of his cock with her tongue lightly. Steph was enthusiastically cupping his balls. Jim’s dick looked to be about the size of mine, maybe slightly thicker.

Steph then stood and started kissing Jim while he played with her tits and Callie slowly slid his dick further into her mouth. Soon she was giving him an enthusiastic blowjob, working hard with both her hands and her mouth. I was obviously wildly uncomfortable with my girlfriend being so close to such a depraved sex act, but at least she wasn’t participating. I couldn’t deny that it was hot.

Steph eventually sat down at the foot of the bed, reclined on a pillow and started masturbating. I caught some motion in the background in the space Steph had vacated. As I looked closer, I realized there was a full length mirror mounted on the sliding door of a closet next to the bed. I saw Leigh’s reflection in it, and to my horror l realized she was topless. As I processed this, she moved from a sitting position on the edge of the bed to a kneeling position to get a closer camera angle of the blowjob and I realized via the mirror reflection that she was actually completely naked. As she filmed with one hand, the other moved seemingly involuntarily toward her pussy and began stroking her clit.

“Leigh, are you fucking naked?!” I shouted, despite the answer being obviously right in front of me.

She turned the camera around, shushing me again, and I could tell as the room spun she was walking away from the bed. “Babe, chill out. I’m not cheating on you or anything. It just seemed weird and creepy to be filming with clothes on while everyone else was naked,” she whispered. “I’m being good but I’m just really drunk and horny.”

“Being good?!” I shouted, incredulous. “Leigh, masturbating naked on a bed while 3 other people have sex is not being fucking good.”

Suddenly Leigh disappeared and Steph’s face and tits came into view as I realized she’d grabbed the phone. “Ted, sorry but you are straight up killing the vibe. We gotta go,” she said, then blew a kiss and hung up.

I screamed in rage. I called back and Face timed multiple times. No answer. I waited 5 minutes that felt like an hour while I tried to calm down. I typed some awful things into text and forced myself to delete them. Finally, I tried again and Leigh picked up, still naked.

“Sorry babe, I warned you though not to talk.”

Trying to keep my voice calm I pleaded, “Leigh just get out of there. Can you leave so we can talk?” Naked people were moving around in the background, laughing and horse playing.

“Yeah in just a minute babe, we have to go take a shower. Jim got a little messy.”

“What the fuck does that mean? We?”

“Yeah, Lorelei just took a shower while we were, ha well you know… and she said and said the hot water is running out, so we’re gonna need to share. Oh look who is awake!” She flipped the camera to show a groggy looking Marc walk into the room, removing his shirt. “Did someone say shower?” he asked.

“Leigh please don’t get in the shower with 2 guys. What to you mean messy? What hap-”

But Steph had the phone again, and she turned it just in time for me to see Leigh giggling as she walked away from the camera into presumably the bathroom, following Callie, Jim, and a now naked Marc.

Then she flipped it back to show herself as she mouthed something to Leigh. In her drunken state she probably didnt realize that I could see her silently mouth, “Just go have fun. I’ll distract him.”

As I protested Steph calmly made her way to the bed. “Look Ted, I like you, so I’m gonna help you out. You need to chill.”

“But..” –

“No buts. You and Leigh can discuss it tomorrow.” She leaned the phone on something just beyond her outstretched feet as she reclined in as sitting position against the headboard. She started playing with her tits.

“Steph can you just tell me why Leigh said she was messy?” I pleaded.

“Leigh took some friendly fire accidentally. It was innocent on her part. She slid her hand down her belly. “Now Ted, I’m going to finish getting off. You have 2 choices. You can say one more word about Leigh and I’ll hang up, or you can chill the fuck out and watch and jerk off if you want. I’d highly recommend it- you seem like you need to release some tension.”

I gave in and obeyed. I dropped my pants and started jacking off to Steph for the second time tonight. She masturbated and moaned. I took it slows and tried to enjoy it despite the ever-growing pit in my stomach.

“Let me see your dick Ted,” she commanded. I obeyed. “Mmm thats a nice dick. I don’t think dicks need to be big to be nice, as long as they are pretty.” I took the backhanded compliment in stride. She switched hands and it was spectacular watching her rub her tits with her newly made wetness from her other hand. It was incredible watching her belly suck into a concave shape and then flatten again as she shuddered. It was amazing watching her toes curl in the foreground as she screamed through an orgasm in the background. But even as I orgasmed and sprayed a couple ropes of cum onto my phone, I never escaped the thought in the back of my head, “what the hell is Leigh doing right now?”

Steph waved goodbye and hung up. I passed out shortly after.


Leigh was hung over the next day when I picked her up from the airport. In the car, she at least seemed to show some contrition and regret about her behavior on her trip, but said she was still wrapping her mind around things and wasn’t ready to talk about it. This was very irritating to me as I felt I was owed several apologies and some assurances about the way things would be going forward, but I sensed that she was working up to it and the best thing I could do is give her some time.

She went to bed around 6pm, leaving me with my confused thoughts. On one hand I obviously still loved Leigh, she was still the girl I hoped to marry one day. We had a long history that had been good, until the last few months. I’d never felt insecure and jealous about our relationship, but now I did. I felt like Leigh’s star was on the rise, and I was going to be left behind.

As I sat there thinking through all of this, things got worse. An Instagram notification came across my phone. Loop’s brand Instagram account had posted a new picture set. It was Leigh’s photoshoot from the previous week. I’d forgotten all about it.

The first photo was just a picturesque beach, presumably in Mexico. The caption read “Our shoot with @outsidemagazine got a little too hot to handle! Proceed at your own risk but you may need a cold shower after. Our stars @MVLoop and @LeighTriGirl made ESPN’s body issue look tame!”

Immediately I was concerned. Wasn’t ESPN’s body issue the one where the athletes all posed naked? Sure, the photos were “tasteful”, mostly just showing a bunch of muscles and maybe a butt or side boob here and there. But even if none of her most sensitive parts were displayed, I definitely didn’t want my girlfriend’s posing naked online and in some magazine. Surely she wouldn’t, I told myself.

There were 10 pictures in the photo set, including this cover photo. I held my breath and swiped to the next one. It was Marc, and he was definitely naked, leaning forward on a tri bike. It was taken directly from his right side, and his right pedal was at the top of the pedal stroke, so his thigh covered up his junk. You couldn’t really see anything except a body that was absolutely shredded.

I swiped again and my jaw dropped. It was Leigh, in the same position. Just as I’d feared. Exact same picture, and she was just as naked. Her bicep and elbow were in the way of any view of her nipples, but a large portion of the side of her right boob was visible. What the hell? I couldn’t believe this. It was plenty bad enough for Leigh to be misbehaving with people she knew without her broadcasting her body to anyone and everyone on the internet. The gut wrenching feeling of betrayal, which had become all too familiar in recent days started to creep in again.

The next picture was Marc on the bike again at a slightly different angle.

Swipe. Leigh, again on the bike, again naked, this time from the front. The handlebars just barely obscured her nipples, the rest of her tits and stomach were visible. Her crotch was only obscured by shadow and her forward leaning position.

Swipe again. There she was from behind, this time standing up on he bike as if peddling up a hill. Her bare ass was on display, and as always looked toned and muscular but still shapely. But I couldn’t enjoy the view- all I could think of was Leigh, naked in some studio, surrounded by photographers and who knows how many other people, all of them staring at her, like a porn set. Was Marc there for Leigh’s pics too? Was he seeing it all, even what the camera angles wouldn’t reveal? Seeing what only I was supposed to see?

The next picture answered my question, as both of them appeared in it. Still naked, of course. They were running, Leigh slightly ahead and slightly more in the foreground. Taken slightly from behind so their butts and some more of Leigh’s side boob was revealed but nothing else. Marc’s eyes were straight ahead in the picture, but I knew during this shoot he’d probably gotten many chances to get an eyeful of her amazing body, her best parts bouncing ever so slightly as she jogged. I felt sick, but I kept swiping.

The next 2 pictures were of Marc and Leigh, respectively, swimming nude, taken from an underwater camera. The bubbles caused by their motion in the water were all that obscured their intimate parts.

The last picture was the worst of all, Marc stood with Leigh, both of them standing in knee-deep water on the beach from the first picture, facing the camera. Each had swim goggles pulled up on top of their heads. Leigh’s hair was wet, and she was wearing it down. Her arms covered her boobs but also kind of squeezed them together, creating some visible cleavage. In her hands, over her crotch she held a kick board, the top of which was well under her belly button, it had to just barely be covering the top of her slit. The same kick board hid Mark’s dick, as they were standing close enough together for it to give them both cover. It looked like the sides of their bodies were pressed together.

A caption on the photo said “Check out our story for behind the scene footage!”

I clicked on the story, already dreading it. The first video was of Leigh and Mark, both naked, laughing hysterically. Their naughty bits were pixellated like some old episode of Howard Stern, but you could clearly tell they were naked. Leigh looking directly at Marc’s crotch. She put a hand to her mouth, still giggling. “What do we do with it? I could whack it with these!” she said, swinging a pair of swimming flippers toward his blurred dick. Marc dodged and laughed, looking a little embarrassed. “Sorry,” he said, “I guess being naked on a beach with a beautiful girl has this effect on me.”

As Leigh continued to stare, a voice from off camera said, “Leigh just pick up that kick board over there. I don’t think the flippers are going to do the job anymore.”

Leigh laughed and jogged over to a kick board on the beach a few feet away, the camera following her every move. I noticed Marc missed nothing as she bent to pick it up. As she started walking back toward him with it, the story ended.

The second (and thankfully final) story was a video of Leigh on Lorelei’s shoulders, chicken fighting in shallow water with Callie who was on Marc’s shoulders. All of them naked and once again pixellated. The video was only 8 seconds long.

I put my phone down, feeling enraged. Somehow the casual nudity and horseplay was just as hurtful as what had happened the other night. I’d seen Leigh naked many times obviously, but she had never just hung out naked around me for an extended period of time. It seemed like she had spent more time in Mexico naked than clothed, and all without me.

It took me forever to get to sleep that night, and because of this I overslept a little. By the time I got showered, Leigh had left for work. I hurriedly got myself headed toward work as well.

When I got home, Leigh was there waiting. She normally would be out training this time of day, but when I walked in she grabbed 2 beers out of the fridge, sat down in the kitchen table, and motioned force to sit next to her. She was ready to talk.

Over the next hour or so, I aired all my grievances. The first and foremost was her behavior in the hotel suite on the night after the race. I asked her to fill me in on everything that happened, leaving nothing out.

“Well, I mean you saw most of it, there’s not a lot to tell. Steph had made those drinks for me and I guess she told me it had that aphrodisiac in it, but-,”

“Yeah that was pretty messed up of her to drug your drink,” I said. I’d almost forgotten that part.

“Well, um… I found out the next morning she made that up,” Steph said sheepishly. Apparently Spanish Fly is kind of old wives tale. But she didn’t really put anything in my drink.”

“So wait, if you weren’t drugged, why did you get so turned on?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I think I was just drunk, and had energy from the Red Bull, and then when Steph touched Marc’s thing, it just looked to naughty. I mean her husband was right there and I could see her wedding ring on the same hand she fished it out of his pants with. And I- I mean babe I never feel like I want to cheat on you or anything, but I found myself wondering what it would be like to be as carefree with my body as Steph. And I mean when she pulled it out, I just wondered what it would feel like in my hand, if I had been the one touching it.” She blushed at this confession. “I don’t know, it just looked so… thrilling and naughty, I just haven’t felt thrilling and naughty in a while. And I guess the fact that I thought I’d been drugged just gave me a rationale for feeling the way I did, like a placebo effect. Then Jim found out she touched it and confronted Steph, and they got into this big argument. For whatever reason it was just kinda hot, Steph standing there topless next to a guy whose cock she’d just touched, while Jim ranted at her about how she had gotten way too carefree with who she touched and showed her body to.”

“Well yeah- I’m on Jim’s side obviously. A girl in a committed relationship shouldn’t be getting naked around other guys and touching their dicks,” I interjected. “Especially when they are married.”

“Well I think Steph started to see his point and felt bad about it. So at one point when Jim stormed out of the room she and Callie started whispering and plotting. By the time he got back they both had stripped totally naked and when he walked in they just went after him. He didnt put up much resistance as they stripped him down right in front if me and neither did his dick.”

Once again my stomach turned at the mental image of Leigh, horny, intoxicated, and vulnerable, drinking in the sight of another guy’s dick with thirsty eyes.

“They just kinda played around right there in front of me in the main room of the hotel suite. Right before they went to the bedroom, Steph motioned for me to follow and handed me her phone with the video ready to record. She said Jim would want to remember this. I filmed them for 5 minutes or so before you called. Then I set her phone down so it could see the whole room and answered mine. You know the rest.”

“Well when did you decide to get naked? And how did you do that while filming them?” I asked.

“Its hazy, and I was so horny I couldn’t think straight but I think I took my clothes off in the main room when they first started hooking up. It wasn’t a decision I consciously made, more like a compulsion I felt. That’s why I didn’t even try to hide it from you. I’m not even sure I remembered that I was nude.”

None of that made me feel any better at all. The thought of my naked girlfriend in an aroused and almost hypnotic trance was the kind of thing that would have been hot if I’d been around but it was gut wrenching to hear her recall knowing it was other people she was turned on by. I hated every minute of this and decided to skip ahead.

“So tell me the truth, why did you need to take a shower?”

“Well… um,” she stammered, looking uncomfortable. “Promise you won’t get mad?”

“I’ll promise nothing,” I said, stone faced. “Out with it.”

“Well after Steph hung up on you, I picked up her phone again and started filming. When Jim was, you know, almost there, Callie told him to let it go on her face and boobs. Steph told me to come get a close up of that. Well, right as I got over there, Jim let loose a little sooner than anyone expected. Callie had tilted his thing upwards to lick down the bottom of it and I guess that set him off. It got me right in the chest and chin.” She paused, actually looking ashamed for the first time. “Steph started laughing but I was mortified. I think it sobered me up a little because I realized then that things had gotten a little out of hand.”

“THAT’S when you realized it?” I asked, now incredulous and angry. “Leigh it really took another guy spraying his load all over your naked tits to make you think ‘hey maybe I’m being kind of slut?'”

I paused, regretting my words and expecting anger but instead she just looked down in shame and began crying softly. “Are you going to break up with me?”

“No,” I said so quickly that it surprised me, but when it came out it sounded like a question. “No,” I said again more affirmatively, realizing I meant it. This was my long time girlfriend who I had a history with, who I loved. Surely we could work through this. I’d need assurances on her future behavior but right now I was just so relieved that she regretted her decision and still wanted me. I did need to hear the rest though.

“Babe, we will work through this,” I said. “We’ll talk about what promises I need from you in the future. But I need to know what else happened. Did anything happen in the shower? With Marc or Jim?”

“No, no I didnt touch either one of them, I swear.”

“Did they touch you?” I asked, searching her face for answers.

“No, well yea, I mean Callie did but just to clean me off. Marc did later, but he was just making a joke.”

“What the hell does that mean?” I asked, trying not to lose my temper.

“Well, I was still pretty shell shocked and regretting my decisions a little but everyone was just drunk and joking around having a good time, so I was trying to act like I was cool with everything and not be a party pooper. Callie was cleaning off my boobs for me with soap and Jim said how hot it was. I was conflicted, and I was like ‘you guys, I can’t believe I’m doing any of this, y’all shouldn’t even be seeing me naked, I have a boyfriend.’ Then Marc, who was standing behind me kinda covered my boobs with his hands from behind and said ‘there, now no one can see them’, but Callie told him to knock it off. I got out if the shower after that.”

“What a dirt bag,” I said.

“I don’t know, I think Europeans are just different about nudity and… touching.”

I had plenty to say about that and did not like Leigh defending Marc but I decided to just keep moving. I had other questions.

“What about the photoshoot? I saw those pictures. You were naked and horsing around with Marc.”

“Ok babe I swear I didn’t know it was a nude shoot. It’s another Euro thing, I think Marc just didn’t mention it because he didn’t think it would be a big deal. Everyone was so professional and once it got going it was just natural, I forgot I was naked because I was just trying really hard to concentrate on following directions.”

“Well why were you naked again in the back of some car that night, and why did Nick have a picture of it that I didn’t even have?” I asked.

“Ugh he showed you that? That was nothing, after we went out that night we were pretty drunk and Lorelei made some comment that American girls weren’t comfortable with their bodies enough to get naked around other people. Before I knew it, Steph was naked to prove a point and egging me on to do it too. I mean if you think about it, the only guys there were Jim and Marc and after the photo shoot they had both seen me naked before.” So I just did it. No one touched me and I put my clothes back on after like 10 minutes. Jim took the picture because he joked that we hadn’t sent our “accountability photos” in a while like we used to in our underwear. So he sent it to Nick. It didn’t seem like a big deal. I’m sorry I should have sent it to you too.”

“No Leigh, you shouldn’t be naked with other guys having pictures like that taken in the first place.”

We talked for another 5 minutes or so but eventually I could see Leigh getting tired of it. So she did a maneuver that always works, she leaned close and started to stroke my cock through my shorts. “So did you like seeing Steph and me all naked in that car?” I stiffened at the thought and the friction of her hand, and we had a pretty good fuck session after that. But even in the throes of it I never fully escaped my sense of unease with what had happened and my dread of what was to come.

To be continued…

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