Memoirs of a Shared Wife Ch. 21 by Pippa76,Pippa76

After daves big reveal we were buzzing. It had been a very interesting and exciting morning, my knickers more than a little moist with the bit of flirting…. all right in front of hubby.

As john drove we discussed what had happened. Obviously dave felt that he could trust us by revealing something so personal.

We had listened to what he had to tell us, been understanding, sympathetic, offering advice and a shoulder to cry on.

Which is exactly what friends do.

Then there was my bit of impromptu flirting, which dave had responded to positively, if a little shyly.

But that wasn’t a problem, i had extensive experience with shy.

Anyway, he was bound to feel a bit awkward with john looking on, at first anyway….

However, this wasn’t the only exciting thing about that morning…..john had something to tell me….

During our walk, dave had been watching me….a lot.

Paying me a lot of attention. So much so that he’d nearly tripped several times while his eyes were firmly glued to my arse instead of watching where he was treading.

This happened when I’d maneuvered in front of them when the path narrowed.

My cleavage too, came under much scrutiny.

During the walk i kept adjusting my laces, usually while the two men waited for me close by.

Deliberately bending over to face them, angled towards dave, giving him an eyeful…

John would pretend not to notice and continue in conversation with our new friend…..all the time watching daves reaction to my show of deep cleavage.

Again, couldn’t take his eyes off me.

Hearing this exciting information was giving me an appetite…..

John too, certainly feeling the need, after watching dave ogling me all morning, then me touching his arm while saying those nice things i said…. and giving him a special look…

So, john got his foot down and we arrived back at our house in record time!

Once inside with the door locked….

Well, i never got the chance to get to our bedroom.

John grabbed me as i mounted the stairs, forced me down onto my knees and pulled my joggers and knickers down in one go…..and that was it….

His power… overwhelming.

The excitement of the morning….flooded out….and into me.

Much to my delight.

There was no obscene name calling this time just a hard going over with some equally hard spanking…..very….. exhilarating.

Apparently, john believed I’d been a very naughty girl indeed.

Afterwards we retired to the bedroom, john soon ready again from the eager attentions of my tongue.

There was some verbal abuse this time, john got a little carried away as he pinned me to the bed, holding my wrists tight above my head.

I love to struggle when he does that….try to wriggle free.

But he’s just too strong…

Poor me.

It took a while to recover from that one. When i did we again discussed our favourite topic, dave.

The main question here was, would he be open to what we had in mind?

I mean, look what had happened with alan?

It was very early days and perhaps we were getting ahead of ourselves.

Letting our own desires and excitement cloud judgement?

Only time would tell.

We weren’t to know it then but it took just 3 more saturdays of time…. before dave gave in to his natural urges.

Both myself and john look back upon that period of time, those early days with great affection and call it, with some degree of humour our, ‘courtship period’.

A time of discovery and intense excitement.

Those first small careful, tentative steps….. getting bigger each time….. pushing boundaries which all too easily yielded, encouraging us forward at a greater rate.

I won’t go into detail about everything that happened during this special period in our lives.

It would take too long, too many things happened to write about here.

What did make it particularly exciting is that my husband was there with me to join in with those first steps. He got to experience it with me, by my side.

With neil for instance the ‘first steps’ involved leaving my used knickers for him to discover in the bathroom laundry basket.

Then later, john did get to see me playing with a very nervous neil in our bathroom, on a secret camera.

Harry? Well, there was no tentative first steps as such with him.

All i had to do was give in to his pursuit of me.

Again, john got to watch on a secret camera. No ‘real’ involvement at all.

Alan was the closest it had come. But with alan I’d already done it with him by the time he and john met.

This situation with dave, was different. Now was an opportunity for john to be involved right from the start, to witness everything.

Perhaps it’s this, that ultimately made the difference….and produced our first success.

Anyway, over analysing aside….

I will now relate a few instances of the behaviour and interaction that occured during this very exciting time.

That next saturday the weather held. Still warm and sunny. I was able to wear my skin tight joggers again, coupled with a skimpy top and practically see through bra.

Getting in front of the guys again, wiggling my walk….just a little.

Once, when i was doing this i noticed both men had gone quiet.

Well, not completely.

I could hear whispers and little sniggers, mainly coming from john.

Then i heard him call my name, “pippa….hey pip?…”

Glancing around i saw both of them watching me closely, dave looked especially furtive, red faced and grinning shyly.

John winked at me and said, “…looking good”

With that he glanced down at my bum with raised eyebrows.

It’s one of those special moments i remember well because of the look on their faces. John confidently grinning at me while dave looked quickly away to my husband, almost for approval….

Dave looked so young at that moment. Like a mischievous schoolboy perhaps….who has been caught doing something he shouldn’t…..such an erotic moment for me to witness that look.

I grinned at john but quickly focused my attention on dave, i wanted to catch his eye.

After the glance at john he looked back at me, and there…i held his gaze in mine…for a brief moment.

In his eyes i could see that playful adolescent mischief that all men seem to possess, but also something deeper in the background…. something serious.

I gave him a cheeky grin and knowing look before tutting and making a mumbled comment, “you guys…. typical”

I know it doesn’t sound like much but it’s these little, subtle things that really get me going.

It was clear that john was getting our new friend used to being comfortable referring to me in a sexual way.

From that point on i recall there was a lot of innuendo from john regarding my ‘ample assets’.

Some of which were a bit childish, others quite smutty.

But it seemed to do the trick and even had dave joining in a little, albeit under his breath. My boobs were a constant target of their attention.

The two of them often having hushed conversations on the subject while i was out of earshot. John later told me that his wife tina only had small boobs. Dave even asked what size mine were, clearly feeling very comfortable discussing such a thing with john and, revealing….a growing interest in me.

When john proudly told him my measurements daves eyes widened, he did a little whistle then commented that john must have his ‘hands full with them’.

Not wanting to waste this risqué opportunity, john then went on to explain how my boobs are very sensitive and how big my nipples get when I’m aroused.

It quickly descended into one of those smutty conversations that men have, about what their wives are like, and like doing, and will do….

Under normal circumstances, most wives would have been angry with their husbands for revealing such personal information…but these were’nt normal circumstances and i….no normal wife. My relationship with my husband, being very different than most others.

During that saturday walk, john got to know from dave that tina had a very healthy appetite, well, with six kids? That was obvious.

She sounded a lot like me in her likes and dislikes, except for the dominant/discipline thing. John didn’t tell him everything about me, not at that stage. But did reveal a lot.

He told dave for instance that during oral sex i swallowed, something that daves wife hadn’t done, she didn’t like it. Hated the taste and texture.

Dave found it fascinating how not only did i swallow but also enjoyed the experience.

He kept asking john, with a sceptical frown, “what….she likes that?… really?”

John grinned back, confidently replying, “oh yeah….loves it….every drop”

Dave then began grinning, still a little sceptical and made a comment about john pulling his leg.

When i heard about their conversation later, it got me so excited to think that dave had never had that with tina…..i was dying to prove to him that my husband was telling the truth.

The next thing that sticks out in my mind happened the saturday after.

We were on our walk visiting another battlefield, our country is littered with them!

And well, to put this bluntly, i needed to pee.

We had been in a rush to set off that morning, late as usual, and hadn’t had chance to go at home.

I thought there would be an opportunity to use the loo once we arrived at the meeting place.

There’s usually a toilet near the car park or sometimes there’ll be a visitor centre or something like that. But this time, nothing.

About an hour into the walk i became desperate. I told john i needed to go, did it privately you know, pulled him to one side.

But in his usual bull in a china shop way, john proudly announced my predicament to our friend

“Hey….dave….wait up a minute….pip needs a wizz”, delivered in a loud voice… adding to the embarrassment!

I was angry with him but mainly embarrassed.

Anyway, john pointed out a copse we were approaching and suggested i go in there, also reassuring me that he and dave would keep watch and make sure nobody was about.

I didn’t like the idea but there was nothing i could do, really needing to go like that.

Looking carefully around i then turned to the boys and said, “alright….but you two keep watch for me….and no peeking!”

I said the last bit in a stern tone while pointing a finger at john.

Johns reply was hardly reassuring….

He grinned back at me, “we…wont”

The words said in an overemphasized, mocking tone.

It was clear john meant to sneak a peek, but there was little i could do.

Giving him a serious look, then turning and heading off into the tree line, looking back a few times making sure they weren’t following….

I got right in amongst the trees and bushes, pulled my joggers and knickers down, squatted and peed.

Needing to go so badly i was there a while.

Conscious all the time that they could be watching.

The thought didn’t turn me on, i was more concerned and embarrassed.

Eventually the stream of pee turned to drops and dried up. Not having anything to blot with i simply wriggled my hips to shake the last drops off, stood back up and pulled my things up.

I honestly thought that I’d gotten away with it, as I hadn’t heard or seen anyone while there.

On reappearing out the woods however, i could tell by the look on the two mens faces, that they had been watching me.

John was grinning like a cheshire cat and dave red faced, also grinning but trying to hide it…partly turned away from me.

I felt so ashamed…..and angry at john.

Aiming a narrow eyed serious look at him was all i could do at the time.

The walk continued and i managed to calm down and still enjoy myself, flirting even more than usual with dave.

Perhaps a misguided way of getting back at john?….who of course…. excitedly welcomed my flirtatious behaviour aimed at our new friend.

It was only when I’d got back to the car, with john to myself, and confronting him about peeking…. that i understood why he’d done it….

Despite what I’d already done in our recent history as a couple i was still very prudish about bodily functions, I’m very personal and private about that aspect of things.

So it took me by surprise with what john had to say…

He freely admitted to watching, both him and dave.

Although dave, had been reluctant initially, concerned about being seen.

It was this concern about being seen that first pricked my ‘angry bubble’…. bursting it.

Why be concerned about getting caught watching…rather than the act itself? It showed to me that dave was very interested in seeing, and only worried about getting caught.

Interesting indeed…

So, john and dave followed me, stealthily into the woods.

The fact that i was being ‘stalked’ was not lost upon me and garnered my interest in what he had to say.

Under johns careful guidance through the undergrowth, they took up position to view me.

And watched, while i took care of my needs.

“It was fucking amazing”, john said.

I could hear the excitement in his voice.

“We were crouched down real low…. could see you looking around… checking…but you didn’t see us..”

John told me.

“…dave was quiet but i could tell he was enjoying it…he was staring at you…and then when you wriggled at the end….oh that was perfect”

John went on to tell me that when i did that dave whispered, “oh yes…..fuck me”

They had scampered away quickly after i had finished but, john had something else to tell me…

As i was reeling from this new and exciting information, he told me that when they’d cleared the woods he noticed that dave….had a hard on..

“What?…”, i asked abrubltly, “how do you know?”

John looked a little taken aback…

“How do you think?….i could see it”

He was clearly making a point and getting one over on me for questioning this behaviour in the first place….. and….for the first time with this incident….i felt a little silly.

It appeared I’d overreacted, underestimating just how much the guys had enjoyed seeing me do that.

“So…. you could see he was happy?…..and you too?”, i asked john, beginning to feel the excitement rising within me as i imagined my husband and his friend getting hard, watching me pee.

John sniggered, “oh yeah…..both of us…stiff as boards…. didn’t you see him?…. trying to hide it?….he turned away from you….when you came out the trees”

I remembered then how dave was facing away from me, he always wears these loose fitting shorts so any bulging would have been noticed….

John aimed a wicked grin at me, “that was the best….I’m telling you his shorts were really tented out….don’t think he wears underwear…you got him good and hard alright”

Any anger i had felt was gone, replaced by a great excitement and burning curiosity.

“So…. you guys….like that kind of thing?….. watching women pee?”, the question was accompanied by a blossoming grin.

John told me that it was one of the most erotic things, and especially so because it happened in front of our new friend…..they had both enjoyed this ‘special moment’… together.

I must admit that the thought of them there, secretly watching me….. getting hard…..was indeed a very erotic image. I’d done a u turn, initially very angry with john i was now very pleased with his decision to follow me…..and….very turned on by it.

Once back home i let john ‘catch’ me again on the stairs.

But this time he indulged me with some quite forceful, greedy oral.

Licking me out from behind…..while i knelt there…. gasping….panting….

I came hard within a few moments, drenching my husbands face….much to his delight…..

After i recovered, in our bedroom, john treated me to another….. vigorous workout….testing the bed springs.

Then, while calming down, catching our breath, we again discussed the burning topic of our new friend.

It was now very clear that dave was interested in me and not only that but comfortable in showing it too.

He was responding well to my flirtatious behaviour and had even begun talking about me in a sexual way with my husband, out of earshot of me.

There were other things that happened but as i previously mentioned, too many to write about here, it would take too long.

That final saturday before things got physical i intentionally made sure i needed to pee again. John had checked out our route on google maps and there was indeed a wooded area near our route where i could make my excuses and go take care of nature.

This time i was so turned on by the thought of them both watching i decided on some special underwear as a treat for the two boys.

Underneath some new extra thin, extra tight jogging bottoms i wore a black thong.

That morning was cooler and cloudy, but the walking soon warmed me up, that and the idea of what i was about to do gave me an inner glow.

Seeing that we were approaching the woods, i again discreetly told john my prearranged predicament. John, also once again, announced my problem to dave.

I noticed them exchange a little, secret look. Sort of mischievous like….

Another of those special moments I’ll always remember.

Off i went into the tree line, found a good spot not too far in and then made a fuss about looking around pretending to make sure nobody was about.

This was to be sure the guys had caught up with me.

This time i did hear a noise from behind, the barely audible dry snap of a small twig.

They were there behind me in the bushes watching….

I could not believe the rush of excitement that swept through me as i carefully peeled my joggers down to my knees then slowly did the same with the thong….taking my time.

I’m sure i heard a gasp at the time which i later found out was daves reaction upon seeing the thong.

Beginning to squat down i steadied myself on a nearby branch with one hand while getting into position, then let the pee flow out.

With the discomfort of my full bladder now ebbing away i was free to concentrate more fully on the exciting situation i was in….. quickly realising just how turned on i had become

I wasn’t just wet from pee down there….

I suddenly became gripped by an urge to touch myself…a need to.

But i knew that if i did i would have to go all the way and despite daves obvious interest, i didn’t want to go too far too soon.

One word….alan.

Me having an impromptu solo session while the ‘new guy’ looked on, might just be pushing things and i didn’t want to ruin our chances again.

My ‘itch’ would have to wait….

Not forgetting that all important wriggle at the end, i reluctantly stood carefully up and pulled my things back up.

Upon emerging from the treeline i found the two guys watching me closely.

John was stood facing me grinning mischievously, dave crouched down rummaging for something in his pack, the pack conveniently covering his groin area.

Both of them were glued to my tits, or rather my nipples which during the recent activity had become hard buds, clearly visible bulging the thin material of my bra and top.

Glancing down briefly at the evidence of my own arousal, there was nothing i could do, no way to hide that fact.

Upon seeing my swollen nipples, did dave suspect i knew they’d been watching? Or did he think it was caused by the cool breeze which blew that morning?

Excitement coursed through me as we made eye contact, and in that brief fleeting second…..i knew it was the former….i could see it there in his eyes.

Yet another of those special moments I’ll remember.

On the way home in the car that morning john revealed that while they were watching me, crouched down in the bushes side by side, dave had gasped when i pulled the joggers down revealing the thong underneath.

He went on to say that his friend exclaimed in an excited whisper, ‘oh fuck!….look at that!’

John described that as a ‘special moment’, just like the ones I’d been having.

Something he too would remember.

Also, when emerging from the trees afterwards just ahead of me, dave noticed that john was looking at the obvious bulge in his shorts…

He was initially embarrassed and apologised to my husband telling him that he couldn’t help it. John put him at ease, grinning mischievously and replying that it was ok…as he too ‘had a stiffy’.

They both found this fact very amusing which not only defuesd the awkwardness dave felt but also strengthened their friendship.

These few episodes that I’ve described here were the last before things got ‘physical’.

What happened when we met dave next paved the way for a long term very intimate friendship that we still maintain in part to this day.

End of chapter 21.

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