Misty 1 by Texas Jammer

I was crying, “Look, my father is very wealthy and will pay more to get me back than anyone could pay you to hurt me. I won’t say anything about what has happened so far. Call him at 555-9875, tell him you have me and he will pay you.” He started laughing, “He warned us you might try something like that. Sorry cunt, that story won’t hold water. Ok, girls, she is all yours.” The men began leaving the warehouse and I began to scream. One of the women picked up something that looked like a cop’s night stick and brought it up hard between my legs; pain burst through my body like an electrical shock. “Shut up long enough to hear me, bitch. We can’t fuck you and Snake will not let us kill you, but you are about to find out what it is like to snack on about fifteen cunts after we have a little more fun.” She looked to one of the other women, “Bring that belt over here,: she was brought a long leather belt which she doubled over and slapped me across my lower belly, then my tits and then began beating my entire body until I was red and bruised. I can’t even describe the level of pain I was feeling. “Bring her down a little,” said the ugly cow to the other cows.

When my tits were about even with her face she ordered one of the other women to bring something to her. On a tray was a pair of pliers and something that looked like thick ear studs. She picked up the pliers, grabbed my left nipple and squeezed hard and pulled it toward her, I let out a screech that could be heard for miles. She took one of the posts and began forcing the sharp point into my nipple; my nipple burned as blood began oozing from the wound. I thought the worst was over until the point began pushing through the other side of the nipple, all I could do was scream as she attached a ball to the other end. Then she grabbed my right nipple and did the same thing, I was certain I would pass out but darkness would not come. “If that hurt you are going to love this. Lift her up a bit.” I was raised so that my pussy was now aligned with her face, she grabbed my clit with the pliers and I thrashed about, trying to escape the pain, “Hold her still,” demanded the woman. Five pair of hands gripped my body and held it in place and she began forcing the last post up through my clit. I just knew pain could not get any worse but then she took a knife and began removing the hood from around my clit, leaving it completely exposed. The last thing I remembered was someone pouring alcohol on my wounds and I passed out.

When I woke up it took me awhile to get my bearings. “Good, the bitch is awake. Hey, cunt, are you ready to eat some pussy?” came a not too feminine raspy voice. A hard kick to my crotch from a work boot clad foot caused me to scream and grab for the damaged area, “I asked you a question bitch, you better start answering more quickly or your pussy will be a bloody pulp before Snake gets his dick in there. Are you ready to eat some pussy?” I was laying on the floor on my back trying to catch my breath from the kick, still in severe pain but I was not about to give in to this bunch of hags, “If you want someone to eat your pussy why not get one of the dogs I saw running around outside,” I screamed. “Somehow I knew that was the kind of answer I was going to get. You will eat my pussy, and every other cunt that is put in your face. You will be eating so much pussy you will think you were born to do it.” I didn’t see the fist coming but it landed hard on the left side of my face, “Snake said we couldn’t stick anything in your cunt or asshole but he didn’t say anything about you needing any teeth.” Through the tears I saw a distorted view of the next fist before it landed on my lips, splitting then and sending blood into my mouth. My father said my mouth would get me in trouble one day but I never imagined this. Someone grabbed the studs in my nipples and pulled me to the sitting position screaming, then twisted my tortured nipples sending pain through my chest the two hard punches landed on my breasts. “I better get a different answer from you this time or I am going to spend the next two hours causing you so much pain you will wish you were dead, then I will still have you lapping our cunts. Are you ready to eat some pussy now?” I considered my options, of which there were few and looked at this fat, ugly bitch, “Go fuck yourself.”

I knew I had just invited this bitch to beat me near death, but I figured I was as good as dead anyway and I was not going to give them the pleasure of defeating me. I was hauled to my feet and, once again secure to the ropes that had held me earlier; my arms and legs spread wide. “I think I will enjoy this even more, you would probably do a lousy job anyway,” she said just before her fist landed on my right kidney. I saw four women walking toward me with long thin rods in their hands, “In Taiwan when someone breaks the law they have a number of punishments that they employ. One of them is caining, you are about to discover why it is so effective.” The first blow landed on the backs of my thighs, then one across my lower abdomen right at my pelvis. Then they began striking in random order all over my body, even the souls of my feel. I don’t know how long this went on, at some point I passed out from the pain.

When I came back around the women were standing around; there were buckets of a white substance that looked like sand in front of me. “One of the ways leather was treated was to rub salt into it, I am not sure why but that was a method. Of course the animal never had the pleasure of feeling the salt being applied because they were dead. You, on the other hand, will get to feel every grain,” with that she reached a gloved hand into the bucket and brought a hand full of salt to my face, then began rubbing it into my wounds. The salt seemed to sear my skin, burning as though hot coals were being pressed to my body. After covering my skin with salt the beating began again, each blow driving the salt into my skin. They stopped before I passed out then began again, stopping just before I went out and then began again when I was alert. Fists then began pounding my body, striking me everywhere. With my head hanging down I could see the welts all over the front of my body and blood on the floor beneath me. Punches rained on my kidneys and stomach, driven into my crotch and stomach. At one point I felt my bladder let go and a stream of bloody piss shot from my body, then I passed out again.

When I cam too I found myself tied to a filthy bed in the middle of a small room. The temperature in the room had to be well over a hundred degrees and the sweat from my body caused the wounds to sting even more. I lay there for what seemed like an eternity, my throat parched, my tongue and lips swollen and my mouth as dry as the dessert outside. Snake came into the room, “You gave the girls quite a bit of trouble, I hope you fight me that hard when I get my turn with you; the more you fight the tighter your asshole will get while I rip it in two with my cock. If you happen to live through that, and the boys having their fun your pain will be even greater when we rip your gut open from inside your asshole.” He poured a cup of warm water into my mouth and I quickly fount it was piss, I tried to spit it out but he quickly held my mouth shut making me swallow “I am going to untie you. You will remain here until I am ready for you. There is one thing I want to make sure you understand; you are going to die here but before you do I think you should know why you are here. Your husband has paid us a lot of money to kill you and to leave you in the dessert to die painfully. He also wants us to make sure you suffer as much humiliation as possible before that happens. I didn’t ask why, and really don’t care; fifty thousand dollars is enough reason for me.” I almost choked, “Is that all:” I managed to say through my damaged lips, “my father would have paid ten times that, even more to bring me back home. Before you go through with this you better find out who my father is; he isn’t like the cops who will give up after a while, he will hunt you down and you will suffer more than you can imagine. As a lawyer he has represented some of the biggest names in crime and there is no end to what he will do to find out what happened to me and who was responsible. I may die here, but there is nothing you can do to keep yourself alive; there is no place in the world you can hide so you better enjoy that paltry amount you are being paid, you will be dead before the money is gone.” “Yeah, right, he told me you would make up any story to make us stop. Nice try but I am not buying it,” he said then cut my bonds and left.

Time passed slowly as I lay in that room. The temperature seemed to climb by the minute; it was so hot I could hardly breathe and my tongue was swollen so much that it didn’t seem to belong in my mouth. I heard the lock on the door being removed and Snake came into the room, “Ok, cunt, lets go. My dick is so hard I could poke a hole in a tree and fuck that, but your ass will do much better.” He dragged me from the room by my hair into the hot sun and into the old shack. The shack may have been old but it was cool and fairly clean. He pointed toward a chair and told me to sit down then brought me some cool water. I almost choked on the cool liquid but soon had that glass and two more downed in a matter of minutes; it caused my stomach to cramp but that was a small price to pay. “Ok, get your ass in the shower and get back out here sparkling clean and ready to fuck.”

The water hitting my body was almost as bad as the salt had been but the stinging soon stopped and I was beginning to feel better, I was even hungry. When I stepped out of the shower and looked in the mirror I was shocked; my face was bruised, there was a cut under one eye, my lips were puffy and split in three different places and my whole body was covered with bruises and welts. I don’t remember my hair being pulled out but there were bare spots where large clumps had been ripped from my head. I have never been a beautiful woman, not ugly but not a runway model either, now I looked like an add for “Beaten Women Weekly” magazine. I would have laughed if the thought of what was yet to come hadn’t flashed through my mind. “Get your fucking ass in here,” Snake yelled so I returned to the room.

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