Modesty's Overrated by El_Yefris,El_Yefris

Wow. Another year in the books and now they were heading to college. There was an anxious air of celebration everywhere they saw each other — the jubilation of new beginnings, but also the tacit awareness that many of them would never see each other again.

Yes, there was Facebook, Twitter, and about thirty other platforms they could see each other on. But that wasn’t the same. Regardless, social media was a cheap distillate of personality, these new high school graduates knew that it wasn’t the real thing.

James in particular was more nervous than jubilant. He always had a hard time making friends, and the friends he did have were cultivated over many years. He had no idea if he would be able to make new friends in college. On good days, he thought for sure he would. On bad days…he preferred not to think about it.

He was thin and tall, wore glasses, and would be described by many of his peers as lanky and with a generally “nerdy” air about him. He had dusty, blond hair, numerous freckles, but well-defined facial features and a jawline more mature than his age would suggest. He always wore loose-fitting clothes, not baggy, per se, but definitely not skin-tight.

He wasn’t noticeably muscular, but he had a certain strength about him. He carried himself with confidence if not swagger.

But more than all of his friends, it was Tanya who James was really going to miss. He had known her for years. They had even been close for a while, but James wanted to be closer. His chest would tighten every time he saw her — and he was convinced she felt the same even though she never reciprocated anything remotely romantic.

Except the one time she kissed his cheek — but…well that’s what friends do, right?

James knew that he had exactly one month to win over who should be the love of his life, or they would never see each other again for certain. And the single, best chance would be at the Summer Bash, where most of the graduated seniors went to Florida for a week in the summer. Rumors were always that the Summer Bash got a little crazy, and more than a few hook-ups were had.

Hopefully, James could finally make a successful move on Tanya. There was one big obstacle, however. She was currently dating Eric, that prick from Chemistry who hated him. Every waking minute he wanted to make James’ life miserable, and James desperately hoped that Eric wouldn’t find out about his huge crush on his girlfriend.


They decided to all share a bus to drive down to Florida. It was hot, humid, and the air conditioning was broken, so everyone was sweaty and desperate for the cool water.

James was sitting on the left side of the old, run-down bus, next to his friend Chaz. On the right side of the same row sat Eric and Tanya. Tanya was on the window seat, leaving Eric closer to James who shared an aisle seat.

Despite the fact that James absolutely did not want Eric to know his feelings about Tanya, he couldn’t help but keep glancing at her. Her perfectly straight, auburn hair. Her pretty face with emerald eyes, pastel-red lips, and her light pink tank top that showed just enough of her cleavage to remind everyone that yes, she did have the biggest, and perkiest, breasts in her class.

Even though she was very thin, he knew that her ass (which he couldn’t see because of his position) would have totally filled up the bus seat. She was Russian and very pale, but all of her friends teased her for having a “Black girl’s ass.” James didn’t disagree.

He decided he would try and sleep before he got too frustrated looking at her. But just as soon as he shut his eyes he heard James ask him:

“Yo, you been working out Jimmy? Getting reach for Beach week? You been bulking up?” James asked mockingly.

James tried to ignore him. “It’s James, not Jimmy” was his only reply.

“Hey now, don’t get sensitive on me. I didn’t know it was ‘that time of the month.'”

Tanya interrupted “Hey, take it easy Eric. James is nice and caring, don’t be mean to him he’s not super macho like you.”

Eric smirked. James boiled. He knew she was trying to be supportive, but it felt like yet another jab at him. This was going to be a long road ahead.

There was a bit of a break where everyone seemed to be napping. It was overwhelmingly hot, and everyone just passed out from heat exhaustion. Well, almost everyone.

James awoke and looked over to his right and saw that there was a blanket of Eric’s lap. There was some movement under the blanket and, sure enough, he couldn’t see where Tanya put her hand.

It was way too hot for a blanket, so it didn’t take too much to figure out what was happening. Once again, James tried to go back to sleep, but before he could shut his eyes, Eric spoke to him again, blatantly ignoring what Tanya was doing just out of sight.

“Hey. Man to man, what’s the gameplan dude. There’s lots of hot chicks here. I know you don’t want to go to college a virgin. Who are you after?”

James couldn’t believe that Eric seemed to be talking to him mid-stroke, but he decided to pretend that he didn’t hear Eric. He wasn’t sure what possessed Chaz to chime in, but being his idiot, best friend he decided it would be best to enter the conversation right then:

“You know, your lucky he’s not after your girl Tanya, he used to have a huge crush on her.”

James’ eyes immediately darted to Chaz as if to silently say “What the fuck are you doing?”

Eric’s eyes began to glow menacingly as if he smelled opportunity. “Really? Well, I can’t blame you, she’s definitely the hottest girl on this bus.”

James began to sweat even more profusely and his skin began to glow bright red, boiling in a mixture of rage and embarrassment.

“Wait, no way. She’s still your crush?” Eric asked eagerly. “Man, talk about bad luck. You crush on her for…how long?”


“Oh ok, that long. So you crush on her for years, you never can get anything, then she ends up dating me, and then you end up sitting next to us on the bus where she is…well, you know what she is doing.”

James couldn’t believe it but he could have sworn he just saw Eric winking at him. At that moment, the motion under the blanket stopped as Tanya realized that she was still moving her hand back and forth while they were talking.

At this point, James’ face was irradiated. As if to add insult to injury, Eric couldn’t help himself. He decided to end this conversation with an uppercut.

“And, by the way, don’t worry. If she wasn’t with me, you still wouldn’t have a chance. She prefers bratwurst, not baby pickles.”


The only “chaperone” this trip had was Tom, the rich kid’s fun-loving uncle. Which is to say there wasn’t really any chaperone. Things could get truly wild and no one would do anything to stop it.

This also applied to the dress code.

They had been at the beach for a couple of days, and most people were constantly in a state oscillating between various levels of intoxication and being hungover. That switch which tells most people to not do stupid things? Well that switch was turned off for about 90 percent of the class at this point.

And one could easily tell certain parts of peoples’ personalities based on what they were wearing to the beach.

For example, James went to the beach wearing a white t-shirt which he planned on taking off when he went into the water, and then patterned board shorts. They were striped blue and white. They stretched down to the knee, were very baggy, and definitely not revealing should anyone want to look.

Then, there was Tanya and Eric.

Tanya was wearing a thin, white bikini. The type of white that turns invisible the second water touches it. Forget cleavage, the entire outline of her large perky, tits were visible. They bounced effortlessly as she walked towards the water. The sun glistened off of her tan skin.

She wore what appeared to be little more than a thong that disappeared into her all-encompassing ass. It was large, but firm. There was a cute freckle on the right side which moved side to side as her ass jiggled.

And then there was Eric. He left the apartment he was staying in not wearing any shirt at all. He was very toned, with the beginnings of an Adonis Belt showing. And below that, he was wearing a very soft, very elastic swimming brief. It was light blue, and no pattern. Why have a pattern when there was already a show?

Everyone who saw Eric that day saw everything but his big, swinging cock and hefty balls. The elastic fabric cupped his package and presented it to the world. With every step it was like a miniature competition between Tanya’s tits and Eric’s package to see which could bounce more aggressively.

As Eric approached the water, even the girls who had boyfriends stopped to gaze at his package.

He head one girl whisper as he walked by: “Is that even real?”

Even Eric typically wouldn’t wear something so revealing, except for what he had planned that day. He liked to flaunt his bulge, but this was a special occasion.

James was torn. On one hand, he wanted to be as far as humanly possible from Eric, but he needed to find a way to get alone with Tanya — and as of right now that meant spending time with Eric. So, the four of them found themselves in the water throwing a nerf football back and forth.

James was relieved that the water covered Eric’s bulge, so he didn’t have to see it, but Tanya was soaked. He could barely even see her white bikini — it was practically sheer in the water. He could see her large brown nipples underneath the bikini. Her nipples weren’t aroused, but they featured prominently.

He thought that some of her beauty was that she could be so exposed and not care. James was worried, however. There was a reason he wore board shorts. He didn’t want everyone to see.

James had the ball. He decided to toss it to Tanya. The ball went over her head and she dove or it. She came up and her right tit had fallen out of her bikini completely. James looked at it in all of its glory.

As she was putting on her bikini again, Eric seized the opportunity.

“Damn baby, you’re not making it easy on Jimmy over here. You trying to give him a tiny, little hard-on?”

She finally retorted “Stop. It’s not funny. For him or me. Stop being an asshole.”

“Not being an asshole babe, just looking out for my little man over here.”


Later that evening about twenty of the former classmates were huddled around a beach bonfire. They were loose.

Fun Tom had brought a couple of bottles of Don Julio tequila, and everyone was a few shots in. A few couples long-term and otherwise were making out on the fringes of the fire, light and shadow dancing feverishly over their writhing bodies.

James had found a way to sneak to the corner and talk with Tanya alone. She was still in her tiny bikini, though she was more suitably covered now that her bikini had dried. Multiple times James had to avert his eyes as caught himself staring at her heaving tits.

But she was focused on something else. She was too busy apologizing for her boyfriend’s behavior.

“Look, I don’t know why he has it out for you, but he was a real big dick today. And I’m sorry.”

“Me and him, we go back, for years, I don’t think it really as anything to do with you, and its definitely not your fault, so don’t worry about it. But let me ask you. Why was he showing off today? I think everyone saw his package.”

She began to blush. “Oh, I don’t know. Sometimes he’s just like that. He is….well I don’t know why I feel awkward saying it because everyone saw it, but he is really big. He thinks it makes him better than people sometimes.”

“And does it? Like, is it better?”

Her light glow of a blush turned full crimson. “Well, I honestly do like it. It makes me feel, I don’t know, fuller.”

This piqued James’ interest. “So, if someone was bigger than someone else, would you prefer the bigger guy?”

She knew that he was trying to gauge if he ever had a shot, probably because he was concerned about his own size. She wanted to be honest but not to hurt his feelings. “Honestly, yeah. I’m not sure a smaller guy could satisfy me.”

“So that’s why those swim briefs today?”

“Yeah…and one other thing.” She began to look shiftily to the side.

“What?” he asked sheepishly.

“I’m so sorry, James. I…I didn’t want to go forward with it but it’s like his, I don’t know, maybe fetish, and he really wanted to embarrass you.”

“What? How?”

“Well, by showing everyone your…small dick.”

At that moment he felt his swim trunks pulled down and yanked off of him. He looked over and saw they were burning in the fire. His modesty was literally engulfed in flames. No turning back.

Most men instinctively reach down to cover themselves if they are suddenly naked, and James was no different, he covered himself.

Everyone was watching him. James looked around and it was Eric that exposed him, still wearing his briefs that showed off his huge bulge. He started laughing and pointing at James until…

“Holy shit.” A very tan, skinny girl pointed at him from behind. She saw first his bubble butt, but then below that she saw hanging enormous balls, the size of large eggs. And hanging still below his balls was a thick, light brown cock.

“Wait, what?” Tanya was shocked. She looked down at his crotch and saw the hands covering himself. And, hanging below the full length of his hand, was about an inch of his shaft and then the weighty, bulbous head. “Oh my god.”

“Damn dude!” Chaz gasped. “No wonder you were wearing those board shorts. You didn’t want everyone to see the monster you were hiding.”

This was right. James was incredibly subconscious about the size of his cock. He always wore baggy clothes to hide it. But, as Chaz does, he kept pushing:

“Yeah, you wouldn’t want to embarrass Eric, man!”

It was Eric’s turn to turn red. This wasn’t going according to his plan. He just wanted to embarrass his long-time rival. No one would have guessed he was packing a monster. For the first time, Eric began to get worried. From just the little bit of James’ cock that he saw, he looked longer soft then James did hard.

Meanwhile, Tanya was getting a kick out of this. Originally, she felt guilty for agreeing to be a part of Eric’s prank. But now, part of her was enjoying watching Eric squirm and wanted him to feel a little bit of what he had been dishing out to James.

“You obviously wore those swim briefs to prove to everyone you have the biggest cock here. Why don’t you prove it?”

Eric was shocked. “What? I don’t get it.”

“We can almost see your cock anyway. Take off your clothes and we will compare.”

“Definitely not. I am the biggest and I don’t need to prove it.”

Tanya replied “Don’t be a pussy, Eric. If you walk away we’ll all know who has the bigger dick, and, as I just told James before you pulled his pants down, at this point I’m definitely just going to choose the biggest dick. When I said that, I assumed it was you, but now I’m beginning to doubt.”

At this point, there was no point in James hiding his dick. It began to grow anyway, as he got harder. There was no way his hands could cover it. He moved his hands and everyone watched in awe.

What started out as about seven and a half inches soft grew and grew, defying gravity as it got thicker, meatier, more veiny, and longer. It now was a full ten inches, thick as a monster can with a pulsing vein running down the middle of it.

Tanya looked at that beautiful, pulsating cock and then looked at Eric. “I guess there’s no need for a competition. I will vouch. That is the biggest fucking cock I have ever seen. And I’ve had just enough tequila to do this.”

Tanya got down on both knees in front of James. Eric and the twenty other classmates couldn’t help but watch as Tanya worked both of her hands back and forth over that cock. She kissed the tip and then inserted the shaft into her mouth. She had practice with Eric but not for anything this big, and as such she was only able to get about half past her salivating lips.

She gagged as saliva coated James’ mighty cock. She felt herself get incredibly wet. Her pussy began to throb, begging to be filled by James. She stopped sucking him and looked up at him pleadingly. Saliva was dripping from her lips and precum coated her face.

With doe eyes and a sultry voice she couldn’t control herself. “Please fuck me now.”

“Right now, in front of everyone, in front of Eric? I don’t even have a condom.”

“I don’t care, I need you inside of me.”

Tanya bent down on all fours, exposing her huge ass to everyone, her tits hanging pendulously below her, swaying back and forth. She pulled off her panties and James saw her puffy, pink pussy. Perfectly clean shaven and eager, glistening with her juices.

He wielded his cock with two hands like a heavy longsword and maneuvered in position. He wondered why Eric was still watching, but his eyes, along with everyone else in the class, were intently focused on them. Slowly, but surely, he pushed his mighty cock into Tanya. Every inch that entered her she felt herself become more of a slut for him.

She didn’t care what anyone else thought. She didn’t care if she got pregnant. She just wanted to milk every ounce of cum from this man with a giant cock. This man who was once a boy to her, but now was fucking her.

After making her cum very hard, her legs shaking violently and her bucking hard back against his massive cock, he couldn’t hold on any longer, and he unloaded every ounce of cum he had into her tight, soaking wet pussy, until it was overflowing.

As she lay there blissfully enjoying the feeling of James’ cum inside of her, she realized what a slut she had been in front of everyone. She looked up at Eric and said “I’m sorry, baby, I think we should break up. I don’t date boys with, what was it you called it? Oh yeah, baby pickles.”

James got up, still semi-erect, his cock swinging back and forth with every step, glistening with Tanya’s juices. He didn’t know why he was about to do other than he was tired of the years of humiliation. He was standing in front of Eric, who was staring at James’ enormous, swinging cock.

“I think we all know who is in charge here. You’ve embarrassed yourself and your tiny, inconsequential dick. Now, as you know, I didn’t have a condom when I fucked your now ex-girlfriend. And she needs to be cleaned up. Go over there and clean her up.”

Dejected and obedient, Eric refused to disobey his new clear master. He got on all fours and crawled over to where Tanya was on the floor. She leaned up to present her dripping, creamy pussy for Eric. He first put his tongue against her pussy and was ashamed to say that he liked the taste. At this point, every one in the group was shocked, but filming this on their phones. One person was livestreaming to Twitch.

All Eric could think about was how did so much cum come out of one man. This was like 5 of his own ejaculations. As his rival’s cum mixed with his ex’s juices and poured down his throat he looked up and saw that James was once again getting hard. He walked over to Tanya’s mouth, who eagerly accepted his massive rod past her lips. For some reason, seeing this began to turn Eric on, who’s erection was clear to the camera of the Twitch streamer while he was eating the cum out of his ex’s savaged pussy.

If Eric had his phone on him he would know that this was going viral, as his phone was blowing up. He had at least 10 missed phone calls.

James continued to go deeper into Tanya’s face. She was now taking the whole thing as he grabbed the back of her head and shoved his massive cock down her expanding throat. She was trying to breathe what she could through her nose. She was also getting close to cumming again from Eric eating James’ cum out of her pussy. She felt the pressure building up as she squirted all over Eric’s face while white-hot cum spewed from James’ cock down her throat. James’ and Tanya’s cum mixed together when she squirted and was now covering Eric’s face. His skin was gleaming. His eyes were glued shut.

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