My College Roomates by JackParth,JackParth


Sophomore Year

My second year of undergrad I moved into an apartment with some guys that I knew freshman year. We weren’t close but lived in the same dorm and knew a lot of the same people. We first bonded over going to the gym and talking about all the chicks we saw there. I am a 20 year old with brown, average height but pretty lean. I’v had abs since high school but have never been super bulky. My roommate Luke is skinnier than me, a ginger a few inches taller than I am; he has green eyes and features like a statue. My other roommate Ben is the buffest out of the three of us, and the tallest too, he has brown eyes and pure black hair.

During move in day Ben and I’s parents showed up to help us move everything into the new apartment. They didn’t leave until late afternoon, but Ben’s mom bought us a couple bottles of Jack for us to celebrate the new apartment. I walked into the living room wearing flannel pajama pants and a sweatshirt, Luke was sitting on the new couch, wearing just boxers and a wife beater. I had always been a little self conscious of my arms and chest, thinking I wasn’t big enough to be proud, but Luke was stick thin and didn’t seem to give a shit what anyone thought. His skinny arms covered in freckles, he put down his drink and jumped up when I walked in.

“Dude”, he said motioning me over to the couch, “We need to break this place in, wanna do shots?” That was exactly what I wanted to do at the moment, so we each did three shots of jack, I could feel myself warming up with each one.

“Fuck bro we need to open a window” Luke said, and I remembered that it wasnt just the Jack making me feel hot, our apartment didnt have AC. I got up, already sweating, and opened the living room window. Fuck it, I thought, he was barely wearing anything- so I took off my sweatshirt.

“Haha are we gonna get a showwww?” Luke joked from the couch, already starting to slur his words- I realized I had no clue how long he had been drinking. I wasnt gonna let him fuck with me, so I sat down next to him and said “Careful now, if you start getting hard im gonna go back to my room”.

“You wish I would,” Luke said, and grabbed his crotch through his boxers for a second before returning back to his drink.

“Am I interrupting something?” I jumped as I heard Ben and looked up to see him standing in the doorway of his room, I hadn’t even heard him open the door. He was shirtless and wearing nothing but boxers. Weighing something above 250lbs of muscle at 6’5, he had a long trail of thick black hair coming up to his belly button and disappearing in the boxers. He stood there for a second, staring, then walked over to the table and grabbed a cup to fill. I couldn’t help but notice his obvious dick print in the boxers, swaying like a pendulum before he sat down and it was hidden from view. I looked up and saw him staring and smiling at me, he must have realized what I had been looking at. Instead of saying anything he just winked, and took a swig from his cup.

Luke reached up to dap him up as he sat down next to him on the couch. Luke’s armpit was covered in bright red hair. “So you guys wanna go to the gym tomorrow morning?” Ben said, finally breaking the silence of us drinking. “I’m down, I wanna get big before next summer” Luke said, and we laughed. He always had some plan, usually pipe dream of him reaching bodybuilder status within the month. “How bout I make you a workout plan firecrotch” Ben said to Luke, “See if you can keep up with what I do”.

I glanced over at Luke, who was smiling, he clearly didn’t mind the light condescension. “Don’t worry”, Luke said, “I have a feeling I can go just as far as you can” he winked and reached his hand out to high five me.

“It is hot af in here” I said, ignoring them and wiping off the sweat that was gathering on my chest. I could see Ben was in the same state, his massive chest bright red and the hair over him looked damp. I thought about taking off my pants but didnt wanna be stuck wearing compression shorts. “Take off the flannel man,” Luke said from next to me. Fuck, I thought, but didnt wanna look like a pussy so I pulled them down and tossed them on the floor in the corner.

Not gonna lie, I am pretty proud of the way I look, but have always been insecure about the size of my dick. I know I’m not the smallest by any means, but a few of my girlfriends have made jokes about it when they saw me soft. I looked down and noticed the tiny imprint of my dick in the shorts, and quickly shifted positions so it disappeared. I looked up to see Ben staring at me from the side of the couch, grinning and on the verge of laughter. I couldn’t tell if he noticed the imprint of my dick or not, Luke wasn’t even looking at me so I knew he hadn’t seen it. We all took another shot then Luke stood up, swaying, and sat down on the floor next to the couch. He looked over at Ben and said “Damn man, I never noticed how much bigger you are then me”, without warning he laid down and seemed to immediately fall asleep on the floor. I realized his soft dick was poking out of the hole in his boxers, only the head visible.

I made eye contact with Ben and we both grinned as we realized it must’ve been an accident because of how drunk Luke was, his tank top had rolled up and revealed a thick bush of ginger pubes. The head of his dick looked pretty big from what I could see, making it clear he was at least twice my size soft. “Of course he has a small dick, ” Ben said, startling me. I had gotten so focused on Luke’s dick I had forgotten Ben could see it too. Only his dick didn’t look small to me, it had to be at least 4in soft from what I could see. I laughed along, not wanting to admit Luke’s dick was definitely bigger than mine. Ben got up and announced he was going to bed. I stayed on the couch until he was out of the room, not wanting to risk him seeing my tiny bulge in the compression shorts. Once he left me alone I looked back down at Luke, still passed out on the floor, and his dick trailing out of his boxers. I went to my room, leaving him on the floor, and stared at my dick in the mirror. The heat had made it seem bigger than it normally looked soft, but it still couldn’t have been longer than 2 inches.

That night I woke up around 4am needing to pee, so I ran to the bathroom, this time wearing just a pair of loose boxers. I pulled my dick out and started to pee when the door crashed open, and Luke stumbled in and walked over to me and the toilet. “Fuck bro Im pissing here” I said to him, trying to hide my still peeing dick with my hand. “I just have to go” Luke mumbled, still clearly drunk, he pulled his dick out and started peeing in the toilet right next to me. I looked over to see his eyes were closed as he pissed, so I looked down and got a real view of his dick for the first time, right next to mine. I had been right, it was at least twice as long and seemed to be a lot thicker too. I hadn’t realized from just the head but it was as thick as a red bull can even be soft. I may have been bigger than Luke in my chest and arms, but I had nothing on him down there. I stood there trying to quickly shake off the pee and re-hide my dick, he didn’t even seem to notice. I left the bathroom and went back to bed, trying not to think about how big his dick looked up next to mine.

The next morning I walked into the living room to see Luke passed out on the couch, and Ben sitting at the bar wearing only boxers and eating a bowl of cereal. He nodded at me when I walked in, “Looks like this lazy fucker cant handle his booze, you still down to hit the gym with me?” I nodded and walked over to make a morning protein shake, still half asleep. “Careful with the creatine bro”, Ben said, ” I’ve heard that shit will shrink your balls”. I practically jumped and avoided his gaze, had he seen the imprint of my dick the night before or was he just saying that. “I’m not worried, I’ve got more than my share” I winked at him and grinned, hoping he would buy the cocky approach. He smiled back and kept eating. I left to get changed and walked back out in gym shorts and a loose t-shirt, Ben had left to change for the gym. I looked over at Luke and noticed despite being asleep, his dick looked hard and was pressing against his boxers creating a clear bulge. It looked much longer than me but I barely had time to register it before I heard Ben’s door open and he walked out. I immediately noticed that he was wearing a wife beater and long john style compression shorts leaving little to the imagination. I gawked as I realized that his dick looked like the size of a banana, full curving and making it clear he was soft despite its size. I swear he saw me looking, but didnt say anything until he looked over at Luke and noticed his hard dick poking up out of the boxers. It had shifted and gone right through the slit, going straight up in the air.

“Now we know who has the smallest dick in the apartment” Ben laughed and looked at me, I laughed too hoping it was convincing. Trying to pretend like Lukes soda can dick didn’t fully dwarf mine. He started to stir on the couch, and his eyes opened to see us still looking at him. He looked down and must have realized he was still hard, because his face went red and pushed his dick down so it was hidden in the boxers again. “Sorry” Luke said, looking otherwise unphased by the public exhibition he unknowingly performed. “I was dreaming about this chick I hooked up with last week, she fondled my balls like they could grant wishes” He joked and stood up. Not seeming to care that his dick pointed straight up and pushed past the waist of his boxers, the head poking up to his belly button.

He looked at me then and smiled, “Jealous?” he asked, “I don’t know if I was just drunk or not but I swear I remember seeing your little acorn last night”. My cheeks flushed and I looked over at Ben, who was back in the kitchen and didn’t seem to be paying attention. “You couldn’t even stand by the end uo the night, you must have been remembering how you flashed us your dickelt last night” I said, trying to save face. Ben looked over at this and nodded, “Dude I feel bad for you, we both saw it”. For a second I thought he was talking to me, but realized he had been talking about Luke. I wondered how big Ben must be for Luke to seem small, I wasn’t sure I wanted to find out. Luke smiled and looked at me for a second before walking over to his room, he turned around and pulled his underwear down, mooning us and laughing before he closed the door to his room.

Ben and I left for the gym, the whole time I was struggling to not stare at what had to be at least a 6in dick print in his compression pants. At the gym we split up, me doing mostly cardio and him doing almost only weight lifting. I walked over to him about an hour and a half in and told him I was gonna leave. “How about you do a set before we go? I’ll spot you” Ben offered. I layed down on the bench and realized he had over 350lbs on it. I lowered the weight to 150lbs and started lifting. I was struggling and he had to help me a few times. I looked up as he helped me raise the bar and realized his dick was fully above my face. I couldn’t even see the tip because it stretched down his leg past my field of view. He must have been at least three times my length, maybe even bigger. I started to feel something stirring in my gym shorts and jumped up, announced I was done, and we walked to the locker room. I grabbed clothes to change, planning on leaving the same pair of underwear on and just changing after class, when I noticed Ben pull a towel out of his bag and start stripping. I tried not to stare as he turned to me and asked where mine was. “I didn’t bring one, I’m not gonna shower until after class” I told him, to which he made a sour face “Dude I’m not gonna lie, I can smell your sweaty ass from here, you can borrow my towel”. I watched as Ben turned around and stripped off his underwear, his ass was muscular and thicker than I had realized, with a light dusting of hair frosting his cheeks. I fought to make eye contact with him as he turned around and looked at me, trying not to let my gaze look down because I knew he would see. He wrapped his towel around his waist and stood there waiting for me to strip. I got down to my underwear and hesitated. He must have noticed because he smiled at me and said “Haha are you scared to shower, don’t worry, no way you are smaller than look” He laughed to himself like he had made the funniest joke ever, I laughed along I try and sell it. “Nah I don’t have a micropenis”, I just need to get some homework done before 9am”. He nodded like I said something fair, and said he’d see me after class before walking out of the lockers to the shower area. I went to the building my class was in and waited in the bathroom until it was time. I realized it was hard for another 30 minutes, and I couldn’t get the idea of the vague outline of his dick I had seen in my periphery. I realized how badly I wanted to see it all.

I got back to the apartment that night to find it locked, knowing neither of my roommates are the type to worry about home intruders, I assumed I was the only one back yet. I walked into the bathroom and stripped to my underwear, I stared in the mirror at myself. I wasn’t nearly as buff as Ben but I was pretty big, definitely nothing to be ashamed of, and definitely bulkier than Luke. I stripped off my underwear and looked at my dick in the mirror. It wasn’t the smallest I had ever been, but the tight shorts all day had left me with about an inch. I opened the shower curtain and almost shat myself to see Luke laying in the full bathtub grinning up at me. “Fuck bro” I jumped, so startled I completely forgot that my dick was out. Instead of saying anything I saw his gaze shift to it and he burst out laughing. “Seriously? Is that all you got?” Luke asked, and my face turned bright red as I realized what he was talking about. He was completely naked in the bath, and I could see his red pubes and dick floating upwards across the water, at least three times bigger than my current barely above inchlong size. “I haven’t seen a dick that small since middle school” Luke said, hysterically laughing while still naked in the tub. Each laugh made his dick jerk around, I realized mine was starting to grow, “Shut up” I said and turned around so he couldn’t see my hardening dick. I hurriedly put my towel on and ran back to my room.

I stood in my room staring at my now rockhard dick, measuring in at barely under 5in. I was acting like a fag, getting hard when another guy saw my dick, I had no idea what was going on with me. A few minutes later I had gotten dressed and heard a knock, and Luke walked in wearing only boxers, he had his hand out in front of his face blocking his eyes “Is it safe to look? No stray AA batteries out?”. That asshole. I stared at him feeling my face flush, I wanted to punch him. He put his hand down and looked a little apologetic “Sorry dude, I should have said something when I heard you in the bathroom, I thought it would be funny, I didn’t realize…”, he trailed off, making his pity obvious. “There’s nothing wrong with being small..” he continued, “Im not fuckign small” i said to him “I am just a grower”. He seemed to accept this, nodding and acting like I had solved something in his mind. “Deadass due, all that matters is how big it is when it’s hard, wanna come out and have a drink?”. I decided he seemed to have bought it, at least for now, and joined him. We opened up the second bottle of jack and I tried to forget the whole afternoon.

Ben came home after dark, me and Luke were still sitting in the living room watching tv, halfway through the bottle and both feeling it. Luke was still in nothing but boxers, and I was wearing only a t- shirt and boxers. Ben immediately threw his shirt to his room and walked over, grabbing the bottle and taking a log sip directly from it. “Fuck this place is hot as hell”, he said and started taking his shoes off. Next thing I know he was standing right in front of the couch and pulling his jeans down, revealing his tight compression shorts he had underneath. There was no definable dick, but they were clearly stuffed to the point of bursting, I noticed me and Luke openly staring at Ben’s bulge. We had just started game of thrones, and the scene with naked Roz and Theon talking in the brothel was playing. Luke reached for the remote, knocking half the shit on the table off, he was clearly drunk. He paused the TV on the shot of Roz’s tits and his hand reached down into his boxers. Ben and I made eye contact as we realized what Lukes drunk ass was doing. I was just about to make fun of Luke when I saw the look on Bens face, and then saw his hand reach down into his own compression shorts, a massive tent beginning to form. I realized then that I was hard too, and did the same. Luke started breathing heavily, and all of a sudden yanked his boxers down revealing his hard dick, tight balls, and orange pubes. His dick was as thick as I had thought, pale and veiny. This seemed to startle me and Ben back into some form of sobriety, and we both pulled our own hands out of our pants and stared at Luke. Eventually his whole body began to lightly shudder, and his hard coke can sized dick spurting cum on his chest. He looked around without any obvious embarrassment, and tucked his softening dick back in his pants.

“I needed that” he laughed out, “I havent fucked in almost two weeks”. He reached for the remote and hit play. Roz was talking about Theons dick, and all of a sudden she pushed him back and brought it into full view. It was big, bigger than mine, closer to Lukes size. “It’s funny how small the actor is, when the character is supposed to be hung,” Ben said from next to us. I realized it was the exact opposite of what I had thought, I once again contemplated just how big Ben’s dick must be. “Haha, it’s clearly big enough for her ” Luke said, “and anyway, it’s not like I have the smallest dick in the apartment”. Fuck. Ben snapped up to look at me, a strange expression on his face. “I thought you said you were bigger than Luke?” he asked me, still staring.

“I mean… I am bigger than him, just not soft” I lied to cover for myself, “I am a grower”. Ben gave me another look, but did not press.

“No way you’re bigger than me” Luke said, pointing to me dick and looking over at Ben, “I saw it earlier he’s like half my size”. Ben grinned and seemed to be suppressing a laugh, “really?”.

“No!” I said, “he’s lying”. Luke stared for a second then reached down and pulled his dick out once again, jerking it off. He started to get hard, barely two minutes after cumming, and was soon back at full mast. “Go ahead then” Luke said, “prove it”. I realized what he was doing, he was gonna make me show my smaller dick in front of Ben, and I had no idea how to avoid it. “Nah, that’s stupid” I said, but one look at Ben made it clear who we believed. “Just prove it then”, Ben said.

I tried not to panic. My dick wasnt even that small, just when it was soft. Sure look was thicker than me but it didn’t seem like he was that much longer, so I started rubbing my dick through my pants, hoping to get hard before I had to show it off. I pulled it out and immediately Ben and Luke both burst out laughing. My face turned bright red and I looked down to see my dick at its normal erect size. Luke moved up so our dicks were next to each other, and I realized that even hard he fully dwarfed me. He placed his dick on top of mine so that it was fully covered. “I thought you said you were bigger than me” Luke joked as he pushed his dick into mine, “you look a lot smaller”. I was mortified, here I was as a man shamed me for having a smaller dick, Ben still fully watching and clearly trying to suppress his laughter.

Ben stood up and walked away, and for a second I thought he had decided to go to bed, but then came back holding a ruler. I stared at the ruler. No way, I thought. Then he did what I was afraid of, reached down and set the ruler against my cock. “4.5inches” he announced with laughter in his voice. Him and Luke were both hysterical now. I tried to push his hand away but Luke reached out and grabbed the ruler from him, holding it up to his own dick. “6.5in” he announced. “I told you I had the man dick” he said to me. I couldn’t believe this was happening, being humiliated in front of men I considered equals.

“To be fair, your dick is pretty small too” Ben said, startling me. I couldn’t believe he was saying Luke was small, while my 2in smaller dick was out and hard af right there. I felt it twitch and saw both Luke and Ben notice. “Oh my god you like this?” Luke said. I saw him and Ben make eye contact before they burst out laughing. I pulled my underwear up and looked at Ben “If you are so big why don’t you show yours” I dared him. I knew he was bigger than me, it was obvious, I could see his now softie clearly in his compression shorts. Honestly, I just realized I wanted to see it. Luke looked at Ben expectantly, and Ben grabbed his underwear, slowly lowering them. I am not sure what I was expecting, but it seemed to go on forever.

Ben’s soft dick hung at least 6 inches straight down, literally looking like something that would belong to a horse or donkey. He and Luke were fully naked now, sitting on either side of me as all our dicks lined up in a row. He was still soft, his dick laid across his bulky abs and his shaved black bush surrounded it. I noticed I was the only one who was shaved, they must have too because Luke announced “It’s funny how you go bald, gotta make sure none is hidden” and kept laughing. “He doesn’t have any dick to spare, ” Ben added, while I sat there wishing I could disappear, but my dick just kept getting harder. Luke started jerking off again, I realized he still had dried cum across his chest and dusting of red hair across his abs. But I wasn’t looking at his dick, I was staring at Bens. Not only was it the longest dick I had ever seen outside of porn, it was thicker than Lukes, and his balls seemed to be the size of lemons. He didn’t even bother touching it, yet it was bigger soft than either of us were hard. I started jerking my dick off with Luke, still staring at Ben’s monster cock. The funny thing was, even with his huge frame and massive thighs, it didn’t just look proportional- it looked huge. I came then, on my abs and chest like Luke had done, and was about to pull my shorts up to cover up my softening dick when Luke grabbed me and turned to face me, still jerking off. Ben must have realized what was happening because he grabbed me and held me down as Luke came on me, all over my dick and abs. They both then stopped and started laughing, not just at the situation, but at me. After he came Luke got up and went to bed, I walked wirelessly to my room, covered in cum and mortified over the embarrassment.

The next few days went without anyone mentioning it, though I made sure to lock the door while I was in the bathroom. I haven’t stopped thinking about Ben’s dick, how even soft he was so much bigger than I could ever be. I couldn’t help but stare when he wore boxers, at how it swung like a pendulum when he walked. A week after it happened, Ben asked me in the kitchen if I was busy that day and I said no, and agreed to go work out with him. We worked out and met in the locker room after. I went to change but Ben stopped me, “I thought you said you weren’t busy today” he reminded me when I claimed I didn’t have time to shower. “Well I don’t have a towel” I said, hoping he would let it be. “Don’t worry just air dry, ill do it too if you want”. I didn’t know what to say. Ben began stripping and I realized how much I wanted to see it again, so I did too. Ben got fully naked right there, no towel. His giant dick swayed back and forth lightly like it was caught by the wind. I was only wearing compression shorts at that point, and my total lack of bulge is probably obvious. I am being a pussy, I thought, and yanked by compression shorts down in one fluid motion. Ben looked down then and laughed at me, so loudly that people began looking over and snickering too. The worst part is I wasnt even that small, still bigger than when Luke had seen it in the bathroom. It didn’t matter, he leaned forward so our dicks touched, his looking like an eggplant and mine like a baby carrot. I walked to the shower, and Ben followed, dick swinging as he walked. I stared at his dick while we showered, and I think he was too busy laughing at mine to notice. Near the end of the shower two more guys walked in and joined us. I was mortified to see them look over and notice our size difference.

“Hey guys” Ben called to them. I realized by the look on the their faces they didn’t realize how obviously they had been staring. Both were shorter than me, and looked to be freshmen, they looked alike too. Both were brunettes, one was slightly taller and had a slightly bigger dick to match. The taller one spoke to Ben first “That shit is funny” he said, “You have one of the biggest dicks I have ever seen, and he has one of the smallest”. My heart dropped. “His dick is tiny,” said the other. Ben laughed at this and wiggled his own dick with his hand “I think he has the smallest dick on campus” he explained. The taller guy spoke again “My name is Joshua, and this is my little brother Blake. He is eighteen and still in highschool, but staying with me for the weekend”. “And my dick is bigger than the grown mans” The younger brother said laughing, looking straight at my dick.

I stared, not saying anything, fighting for the life of me not to get hard and embarrass myself further. “He has tiny balls”, the older brother said. I noticed then that not only did I have the smallest dick, my balls looked shrovered and tiny compared to their low hangers, and especially Bens. The brothers continued joking to themselves but me and Ben walked out shortly after, changing and leaving back for our building.

“Sorry dude, it’s just wild to actually see a dick that small”, he said as we walked back inside the apartment. “I’m not small” I exclaimed, I am average. He stopped and pulled out his phone, “Actually the average penis is 5.4in according to google, you are a lot smaller than that”. I stared, here he was hulking over me, and telling me that my dick was smaller than average. I quickly realized I had already gotten hard. “Okay little guy” Ben said as he walked into his room and shut the door.

That night I walked out to see Luke and Ben drinking in the living room again, this time vodka that they offered me. “Let’s go to the Sig Nu party tonight” Ben said, “my econ partner is a brother and he says he can get us in”. We both agreed, as it was pretty hard to get into frat parties as a guy unless you wanted to pay a cover. We pregamed some more, until we were all thoroughly drunk, and then walked over to the Sig Nu house. Ben’s friend, whose name was Hunter, let us in and introduced us to some of the brothers. We also met women from all the campus sororities, who had come to the party. This was one department I could handle. Ben’s charm was his confidence, massive arms, and surprising intelligence- but I am pretty charming too. I rizzed up everyone I could in thathouse trying to redeem myself in my mind, doing my best to keep people laughing, and trying to flex just the right amount so the sorority girls knew that I wasn’t just some skinny kid. Everything was going great until we were in the house’s living room, in the middle of the party, and I noticed Luke and Ben surrounding me. They were both drunk, and I felt Ben grab my arms behind me, so strongly I had no chance to fight it. Luke walked to my side and grabbed my sweatpants, and I realized that was about to happen. I tried to kick away but he pulled them down with my underwear, and left me standing in the middle of the party with my dick out. The worst part was I was smaller than either of them had ever seen me, it looked like an acorn and must have been less than an inch long. I looked ahead to see everyone frozen, then the silence broke and everyone began laughing, some people even getting out their phones to take videos. I fought Ben but he wouldn’t let go no matter how hard I struggled, he held me out for everyone to ridicule my acorn sized dick and balls.

I heard Luke scream from next to me “Three cheers for peanut!!!” and quickly realized what he meant. I was mortified when it caught on and people began chanting peanut over and over. I felt Ben’s grip on me loosen and took my chance to run out of the room. I ran outside and all the way home, just trying to think about anything else than what had happened. I got home and layed down in bed, and then I looked at my phone. I opened the 50+ twitter notifications to discover that someone had posted the videos of me naked and tagged my personal account for everyone to see, with the hashtag “#Babycarrot”. I started crying as I realized everyone would see this, and know about my smallest secret.

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