Part 2: New Airplane Friend by davesmith3766,davesmith3766

This is a continuation of Part 1, so I would advise reading that part first.

I sat there clenching the arm rests of my seat in complete fear as we were caught. My mind was racing and wondering what the flight attendant would decide to do. Luckily, she just pretended not to notice the situation we were in. This is when I started to notice how attractive she also was.

Her name tag said Claire, and she was about 5’8″ and on the skinnier side. She had long blonde hair that reached just past her shoulders, held together by a hairband. On top she had a white button down blouse with a cute little black blazer over it. On the bottom she was wearing a black skirt that reached midway down her thighs with stilettos covering her feet.

She asked if we would like any snacks and drinks, and this is where my new airplane friend decided to push the limits. I didn’t want to ask for anything, but Nikki insisted on some pretzels and some water. When the Claire was handing her the pretzels, she strategically removed her hand from covering my dick to take the pretzels. This gave Claire a complete view of my dick throbbing and vibrating with a complete erection. Nikki also did nothing to cover herself up, so Claire had a direct view of her pussy and tits that had spilled out of her top. Next Nikki reached for the water and as she was taking the water from the flight attendant, she let it spill slightly. It was a strategic spill onto my pants and the bottom part of her stomach all the way to her pussy.

I was still in complete shock, so I had not moved but Claire was quick to react. She handed Nikki a napkin and then started dabbing my pants which were right under my dick. Nikki took this moment to also start dabbing at her pussy with the napkin, drawing attention to it. While doing so letting out some slight moans and moved her handing back and forth. Claire had very obviously noticed and was mesmerized by Nikki’s boldness while also enjoying the show.

Claire continued cleaning off my pants and would intentionally keep bumping her hand into my erection. At one point she even made an upward stroke on the underneath side of my dick with the napkin she was holding which sent visible shivers up my body. When she noticed this, she decided to examine the water stain on my pants a bit closer to where her face was right next to my pants which also meant it an inch away from my visible erection. It was so close that Claire could’ve stuck her tongue out and licked my penis if she had wanted to.

I finally got to my senses and noticed that Claire had also not buttoned her blouse all the way. In fact, it was clearly visible that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and you could see her perky pink nipples underneath.

Nikki finished cleaning herself and handed the napkin to the flight attendant. However, she didn’t extend her arm at all which meant the Claire had to reach over me in order to get the napkin. In doing so, she partly tripped and ended up falling on top of my lap, with her head landing right on the Nikki’s pussy. While she tripped, she had also pulled the bottom of her skirt up, so when I looked down there was a nice bare ass there to great me. In between the bottom of the cheeks, you could also see a part of her pussy peaking out. What’s up with these people and not wearing any underwear?

Claire was somewhat embarrassed and quickly got back up to squeeze by me to get the napkin from Nikki. She decided to face me while doing this and kept falling forward into me every little step she took. And each time this happened, her pussy would smack into my nose.

Once she acquired the napkins, she tried to exit our row and squeeze by me again, except this time with her ass facing me. Also this time she tripped and fell backwards into me. It was positioned so perfectly that her pussy landed right on my dick. It felt like it happened in slow motion, and I could feel her warm pussy slowly encompass my dick inch by inch until I was fully penetrating her.

I wasn’t sure what to do next, but then Claire made a quick move. She unbutton her skit which had buttons down the side, took it off, and start to slowly move up and down over my dick. When I climbed on the plane, I did not think I would be having sex with a flight attendant. Nikki watched in awe as she was treated to the show.

Unfortunately this only lasted a few seconds because the captain came on the intercom and said “Flight attendants check in”. Claire then quickly got off of me and made her way to the phone in the center of the plane. What she hadn’t realized though was that her skirt was still with me, so she walked across half the plane completely bottomless like it was nothing. What surprised me even more was that no one actually reacted, and everyone was treating it as the norm.

Then Nikki put a naughty thought in my head. She bent over into my ear and said “what if we also walk down the aisle naked? would anyone say anything?”

To be continued…

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