Peeping Martin Ch. 02 by Gabbycat,Gabbycat

Things proceeded this way for weeks Martin propped up on his stool watching his pet across the street as she bathed nightly. Then one evening she was gone. There was no one home, although greatly disappointed Martin thought nothing of it, he went about his evening as normal. Then, the next night was the same. The following morning he woke up he watched as Teresa got around for work. He watched as she loaded the child into the car. He sipped his coffee and continued about his morning fixing his lunch and heading out to the new construction site. His mind was on the house across the street all day.

When he got home her car was not in the drive, he waited that evening periodically looking out the window just waiting for her to come home. He started imagining himself obsessed. That evening just before dark, as he checked the water saturation of his lawn, he waved to Mrs. Smith next door. The old woman hobbled over to him and they spoke for awhile.

Just as she left back towards her own lawn she said “Oh, you did hear about poor Teresa?”

His whole face lit up, “No I didn’t, please what about her?”

“Her ex-husband was jailed and can no longer pay the child support. She’s now working two jobs, in our day these things didn’t happen did they Martin?

He shook his head no as she walked away.

It all the sudden made sense, his evening entertainment had been ripped away by the normalcies of life. He sighed that night as he fixed dinner. He had enjoyed his evenings so much once he found her. The fact he really wasn’t going to have her often was going to drive him nuts.

That night he slept in his recliner with the door open and the screen window up. Late around one a.m. he heard her pull in her drive. He woke up long enough to watch her carry her sleeping son into the house. He watched as different lights came on and off. He sighed as the bathroom light flickered and died. He felt very confused as he walked back towards his lonely bed.

Normally his bed didn’t seem so empty. Lately it just seemed to get emptier and emptier. The next day was Saturday hopefully Teresa wouldn’t have to work. Maybe he’d even get the nerve to talk to her. The thoughts of a conversation with the wonderful woman sent the dreams rippling through his body all night.

The following morning he didn’t feel very rested. He decided the weather wasn’t too bad he’d mow the lawn. He could get something done and maybe Teresa would be outside. He got his morning rolling and went out to the tool shed. After fussing with the old mower for a bit it started and he proceeded with the mundane task of yard trimming.

He’d been at his task for over and hour when he heard a car horn honk. He turned around in time to watch the car swerve to miss a small child in the road. The car sped off. The child stood there in shock. Martin realized it was Teresa’s son. He silently damned himself for not introducing himself to the young family he didn’t know what the child’s name was.

He walked out into the street towards the boy, “Hey kiddo.”

He smiled at the kid and reached out his had. The child shaken out of shock at his voice reached his hand up to the stranger. Martin smiled at him and the kid smiled back. “Good” he thought to himself.

“Where’s your momma?”

The kid pointed to the house.

“Don’t you think we should take you inside sport?”

The little boy smiled and nodded.

Martin and the little boy walked up the back steps to the house. He stopped at the door and knocked. The child looked at him and turned the door knob. As the door swung open the boy dashed inside. Martin carefully thought about this for a moment. Child is outside, mom isn’t answering. This isn’t really breaking and entering. So he stepped inside as he walked through the entry and into the living room he didn’t hear anyone. Sport had sat down in front of the television to some cartoon with odd characters.

Martin started to wonder where Teresa even was. He walked into the adjoining living room, then into the kitchen. Teresa was slumped over the table she was surrounded by envelopes and her checkbook was beside her on the floor. She was quietly dozing. Martin smiled. She looked so sweet, but her brow knitted in her sleep. He hated seeing her in so much stress.

Funny, he tried to figure out when he’d came to care for this girl in such a way that his heart ached to see her hurt. He’d never even spoke to her more than the neighborly chit chat.

He wandered around the house getting the lay out. He sighed at the repairs that needed done. Maybe she’d let him help her at least with those. He could offer. He walked back in the kitchen and scooped her up in his arms. She snuggled close to him. She was still in an oversized night shirt. He looked down at this woman asleep in his arms and his heart started thumping. As his gaze passed her pretty lips, and her luscious neckline, her breasts were even perfect. She was light in his arms as he carried her up the stairs. He laid her down in her bed, and tucked her in. She snuggled down without ever waking.

He smiled to himself as he shut the door. It was nearly noon, but he didn’t blame her she’d been working long hours. He walked down, it had been a long time since he took care of a child, and he felt odd being in her home, but it was the neighborly thing to do wasn’t it? After all, the child was almost hit by that dumb driver.

He walked into the kitchen and scrounged around until he found the coffee, he made a pot. He found sandwich makings in the fridge and fixed Sport a snack. He walked back into the living room and sat on the couch with Sport to watch television.

Sport giggled over the sandwich with a “tank you”

The old man smiled and slouched back into the worn down couch. When the program was over Sport got up and went upstairs, Martin followed he picked up a basket of toys and wobbly brought them back down the stairs.

Martin laughed as he poured them out and started playing in the middle of the floor. He’d say something and Martin would nod and say “Yes, Sport, if you say so.” A few minutes later Sport crawled up on the couch beside Martin and snuggled to him. Martin flipped on a ball game Sport laid his head against the old man and went to sleep.

Martin watched the ball game and soon he heard the door upstairs. His stomach flipped. She would either be angry with him, or happy with him and apologetic. He sighed as he didn’t really know what to do right then. There was a sleeping child on his lap. He watched as she came down the stairs. “Sammy?” she called.

Martin cleared his throat “He’s here. He had a bit of a mishap this morning.”

Teresa ran down the stairs he swore two at a time. “Oh Mr. Thompson, oh, is he okay?” She was leaning over him looking at the child and Martin could only cuss himself for wanting to touch her.

He cleared his throat again. “Yes, he got out in the road, I brought him in and you were asleep, I um….”

He trailed off as her eyes pierced his. She was nearly in tears. God he didn’t know what he said, he didn’t want her to cry. This wasn’t the reaction he expected. He just wanted to hold her and he was afraid to move that Sport would wake up.

“I don’t know what to say, I’m so sorry. I don’t normally fall asleep like that. I guess I was just so tired. I was at the table…………” it was her turn to trail off as things dawned on her.

“I saw. I carried you to your room. I know you’ve been working a lot of hours. I mean, it’s sorta a small neighborhood.” He was blushing he knew it.

She nodded and looked at the floor. “I’m going to go get dressed. I’ll be back in just a few.” She started to leave then turned. “Would you like me to move him?” this time she at least smiled.

Martin nodded.

She walked over scooping the boy off his lap and laying him on the other side of the couch. Martin stood up. He couldn’t help but smile at her.

“I think I’ll take my leave”. She went to walk him to the door.

“I’m sorry to have troubled you today.” She spoke softly.

He looked at her, her eyes were so sad. “You’re no trouble. He’s a wonderful little boy.”

She smiled and nodded. She was nearly in tears again.

He didn’t know why but he pulled her to him. He just wanted that look gone. He wanted her to feel comforted. He didn’t know how to do that but he was going to do his best to make it go away and never come back.

She started sobbing. He wondered what he was doing wrong. She snuggled tighter to him and he stood there holding her.

“Shhhh, it will be okay.” He kept repeating over and over. She felt so good in his arms. He knew he wasn’t supposed to feel that way, but she did. He didn’t want to let go. He was in such a dilemma, if she stopped crying she might pull away. He didn’t want her to. He wanted her to need him.

She stopped sobbing, it was like she just realized where she was. She pulled away and his heart nearly broke.

“I’m sorry. I’m making a fool of myself.” She tried to smile while wiping the tears from her eyes.

“Its okay, we all break down from time to time.” He smiled even though he wanted to carry her backup the stairs and truly make her happy for even a few minutes. He reached to her face moving the few strands of hair still sticking to her tear stained cheek.

She laid her cheek in his palm and gently kissed it. The reaction was electrifying.

He stammered over himself. “Do you want to talk for a bit?”

She nodded, and walked back towards the kitchen table. He poured two cups of coffee. He looked at her, her long slender legs showing beautifully under her night shirt. His groin twitched.

He cursed himself for looking as he went back to the table.

She thanked him for the coffee and pushed the envelopes across the table into a pile. She attempted a smile for him.

“Thank you for taking care of Sammy today.”

Martin made mental note of the name. He smiled and nodded at her. He sipped his coffee trying to will his body from wanting her.

He tried to concentrate as she told him about what was happening with her and the kid, he sighed a few times, as she spoke about the past. He hated hearing some of the things she had went through. His protective side was starting to show.

When she mentioned something about not dating because no man wanted a single mother, he looked at her in shock.

“Teresa you’re a beautiful woman, its taking everything I can do to sit here and be a gentleman. Personally I’d like to kiss you silly.” He spoke very brazenly.

She smiled slightly and blushed. “I don’t think I’d stop you either, Mr. Thompson.

He didn’t need any other invitation. He pulled her chair and all towards him, then sliding her into his lap he pressed his lips against hers. Softly at first then more hungrily, his hands moved up her legs to her tight ass. His fingers pinched softly as she moaned against his lips.

His tongue searched hers, fueling the hunger. The kiss seemed to last forever. He pulled away from her nearly shocked by what he’d just done. She looked at him, feeling the same hunger.

She changed positions on his lap, now straddling him. She pressed her lips back to his, running her tongue over his for a brief minute, she moved to his ear, gently nibbling, she ground her hips into his and his cock was already at full attention. He ached for her. Already he didn’t know how much more he could take. He hadn’t been touched in a long time.

She placed his hands on her large full breasts, she smiled as he gently squeezed. He was starting to imagine this was all a dream. He started unbuttoning her shirt exposing her skin slowly. He drank her in. He pressed his lips to the base of her neck. He ran his tongue down her breast, he sucked in the nipple. He ran his tongue over her sweet nipple. It was so hard against his lips. He sucked gently. He’d forgotten how good a woman tasted.

The past ten years of pent up hunger unleashed. This was no place for it to happen. He stood up and she wrapped her beautiful legs around him. She continued kissing him. He carried her up the stairs, trying to concentrate on the task at hand. He walked to the bedroom and closed the door. He laid her on the bed. She giggled at him.

He unbuttoned the rest of the buttons on his pet’s night shirt. Her stomach exposed he leaned over and kissed it. His groin was telling him to hurry but he wanted to taste and touch all of her, to explore her body. He nuzzled closer to her nicely trimmed bush. His tongue darted in her sweet slit, tasting her flowing juices.

Now his cock was begging. He pulled his shirt off, then undid his trousers. He leaned back down snuggling his face between her legs he parted her lips then plunged his tongue in. She whimpered beneath him. He licked her clit, swirling his tongue over and over it. She started begging him for more. She told him what she wanted next.

“Please baby, bite softly.”

This dirty talk made his cock even harder. If it got harder he was going to just blow his load and it would be all over.

He softly bit her clit and she came for him. Her juices splashed against his chin. He smiled and stroked her cunt with his fingers. She started whimpering again, He moved up her body, kissing her supple breasts. He thrust his manhood into her sweet abyss. She was tight, wet, and warm, velvety. Everything he missed about a woman’s body rushed back to him. He wanted to feel her body scream for his. He started slowly stroking her snatch.

He wanted her to build up again, he wanted her cunt to suck his cock. Everything else in the world didn’t matter right then, just hearing her want him. He increased his pace as she moaned and bucked beneath him. He leaned into her neck, smelling her, tasting her, she moaned as his lips grazed her.

She arched her back against him. He felt it, he felt the orgasm come. He thrust deeper into her now letting his go. The wave of pleasure neared the threshold of pain. It had been so long, he’d forgotten how good this was. He collapsed on her kissing her passionately anywhere his lips landed. He rolled over onto his back and sighed.

She snuggled to him. Just then they heard the little steps coming up the stairs.

Teresa giggled, “So much for mommy’s play time huh?”

She sat up recomposing herself before Sammy darted in the room. Martin was a bit dismayed by the interruption. When he watched Teresa’s face light up he forgot why.

“Sammy and mommy go to park?” the boy looked at her.

She turned to Martin still wrapped in her bed sheets. “Coming?”

He didn’t know what to do but nod.

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