Proclivities – Pt. 06: Back to Work by Mastered_again,Mastered_again

The rest of the afternoon passed quickly enough, as I gloated and cheerfully did my work, but as soon as five came around, I was out the door. Time to pack — I was moving in with George! Nothing could spoil my mood. Even Judy’s looming inquisition. As a matter of fact, along as I was already gloating, I could have some fun with her too.

As I drove home, I contemplated what I should pack. Okay, clothes for work, that was easy enough. Four days of underwear, pants and blouses. And more shoes, of course. Otherwise, some skirts and tops to wear at his place. No underwear required, I sniggered.

As I parked, I saw that Judy’s car was there already. She must have lead footed home from work.

I entered the apartment to find her at the kitchen table once more.

“Couldn’t wait, could you?” I teased.

“After you dropped that bomb this morning, what did you expect?”

“Nothing less. Let’s go to my room and we can talk while I pack.”

“Okay,” she replied and followed.

The duffel was still on my bed from the morning and I knew it wasn’t sufficiently voluminous to hold everything I needed so I found the suitcase buried at the back of my closet, replacing it with the now empty duffle.

As I opened the suitcase and laid it on the bed, Judy said, “Wow, you’re really serious about this!”

“Did you think I was going to change my mind?”

“No, but that’s a big suitcase!”

“I know, but it’s all I’ve got that will hold what I need. So, fire away.”

As I pulled items from my closet and dresser, refolding as needed, and tucked them in my suitcase, Judy began, “Since you were so reluctant to tell me anything this morning…”

“Like I said, fire away,” I interrupted.

“That’s more like it… so…where should I start?”

“Does it really matter? I’m sure you’ll get to everything. Just be reasonably quick about it.”

“Okay, first, how was the waxing?”

“It stung, but that was temporary and it’s definitely a little weird having a stranger rip out my pubes.”

“Agreed. Was it worth it?”

“Most assuredly,” I confirmed enthusiastically.

“Really? Why?”

“Gosh, a number of reasons. Although I was dubious beforehand, I really like the way it looks and it feels so good when he goes down on me. Finally, he’s waxed too and the skin on skin feeling is so…intimate.”

“Whoa! Wait a minute. He’s waxed too?”

“That’s right. Believe me it was a shock on Friday night, but I quickly came around to liking how it looks, plus the other advantages I just mentioned.”

Hmm…I’ll have to talk to Bob about that.”

“Not that I’m an expert on these things, but the place George took me was great. Very clean. Efficient. Personable without being creepy. Obviously, it’s the same place he uses, so if you can convince Bob, I’d recommend it.”

“What’s their name?”

“Hard as Nails. It’s between here and his house. I’d guess about twenty minutes away.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Speaking of his house, where is it?”

“About thirty minutes from here on Squankum River Drive. The lot backs on to the river where he’s got a dock for his boat.”

“Rub it in while you’re at it. So what’s the house like?”

“To me, it’s perfect. It’s a three bedroom colonial with light grey shakes, white trim and black shutters. There’s a huge masonry patio across the entire back, overlooking the river. Fabulous kitchen — he’s a really good cook, by the way. The master bedroom and bath also runs the full length of the back. Same fabulous view of the river. And the master bath — wow! A huge claw foot tub, which I’m still waiting to try, a double vanity, even a double shower, which we have put to good use.”

“Sounds lovely. I gotta admit, I’m a little jealous.”

“Can’t say I blame you. I’d feel the same if I were in your shoes. But I tell you what, we’re having a party in a couple of weeks on the eighteenth. I’d love you to come. And Bob, of course.”

“Sure, but you just said we, as in ‘we’re having a party.’ Did I hear that correctly?”

“You did. He asked me to help him host it. Even take the seventeenth off to help prep.”

“Damn, girl! He really is serious.”

“Told you.”

“Count us in. No way I could pass that up. But getting back to basics, what did you get up to this weekend?”

“I really have to get going soon and don’t have time to give you the blow by blow,” I said, knowing full well that I wasn’t getting off that easily.

“Oh yes, you do! So…you said he has a big cock, how big is big?”

“I don’t know exactly. Taking out a tape measure would have been a real buzz kill, but when I put both hands on it, the head still shows,” I replied, stacking my fists atop one another.

“Wow!” Judy exclaimed, “Hold that, I’ll be right back…”

Judy trotted out of the room and quickly returned with a ruler, holding it against my fists.

“Holy fuck! That’s a good eight inches, at least!” she said with a grin, “So, did you suck that monster?”

“Yes. And I’ve got to admit taking all of it is a real challenge.”

“Say what!”

“You heard me. Especially on Friday night, when I did it the first time.”

“Don’t you gag on it? I know I would!”

“Not exactly, it does make me cough and splutter. I’ve learned to overcome it somewhat, but I doubt that it will ever be easy,” I confirmed with a smug grin.

“Damn, Linda! That’s unbelievable!”

“Believe it.”

“If you say so, I believe it, but still…Okay, next question, spit or swallow?”

“Swallowed. A lot. He’s…prolific.”

Judy raised an eyebrow, “How many times did you suck him off?”

“Five times, swallowed three.”

“And the other two?”

“Umm…on my face,” I replied softly, unsure if I was proud or embarrassed, maybe a mixture of the two.

“Holy crap. I didn’t figure you for that.”

“You and me both, but he’s got a way of pushing my boundaries. More remarkable is that I like it. The second one was self inflicted.”

“Son of a bitch! You are full of surprises. Personally, I tolerate them, but do my best to avoid them,” she said, adding after a pause, “Any other boundaries crossed?”

“A couple.” I replied, letting it hang.


“Well, you saw the bikini he bought me –”

“I sure did. You looked fabulous in it, by the way.”

“Thanks. He photographed me in it…extensively.”

“And how did this come about?”

“You remember the white camisole I wore yesterday?”

“I sure do. It was so obvious you weren’t wearing a bra.”

“Exactly. I wore it to the Mallards game on Saturday and I was really turned on by the attention it gathered. Now let me ask you something.”

“Okay, that’s fair.”

“I’ve noticed that even though you normally wear a bra, your nipples are almost always poking out. Is that intentional? ”

“Guilty as charged,” Judy confessed, and surprisingly, blushed slightly.

“Nothing to be ashamed of, as George would say. Anyway, he also noticed that I was enjoying the attention and used that to get me started modelling the bikini on Sunday. He was right. I really got into it, and…it kind of fell off.”

“Sure. It just fell off. So you posed for some cheesecake pics, no biggie. I’ve done that.”

“We were on the patio, and I masturbated for him. I ended up swallowing for the second time.” I confessed.

“That was bold.”

“Not as bold as it might sound. It’s actually rather secluded. You’ll see.”

“Still brave on your part, especially since you’ve been modest in all the time I’ve known you. Now, you said a couple of things. What else?”

“Well, I think I’ve said enough. Besides, I really should be going,” I said as I closed my suitcase and relieved that nothing further was said about the photos.

“Oh, no! You’re not backing out now!” she insisted, staring me down. “And based on your blushing, this one must be wicked!”

“I’ll give you three guesses and two don’t count.”

“That’s not fair!” Judy protested mockingly. “But, given your reluctance, I’d say he must have fucked you in the ass.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Come on! He’s fucked your mouth and your pussy. Ass is next on the list. Trust me, I know.”

“So you’ve done it? ”


“And do you like it?”

“Yes, but I have to rub my clit to cum from it. But what about you?”

“I must say that initially it was intimidating and hurt at first.”

“With a cock that big, I’m sure it did.”

“But he took his time and was gentle about it. Eventually, I relaxed and rubbing my clit changed everything.”

“So you liked it?”

“Yes. Yes I did.”

“Well fuck me!” Judy exclaimed. “You certainly have developed quite the repertoire. And you certainly weren’t exaggerating about his aggressiveness.”

“Funny you should say that.”

“Really, why’s that?”

“Yesterday, after he’d taken my ass,” I replied, amazed that I could speak of it so openly, all Judy’s fault I rationalized. “We took a shower and before we got dressed, I was curious about his repertoire, as you put it.”

“So what did he say?”

“Turns out, he’s not as experienced as I’d thought. Not that it was his first time, but not that many times either. In reality, he was experimenting as much with me as I am with him. As I think back on all we discussed, several things were new to him too and were previously just fantasies. It was so cute when he got embarrassed admitting it. Turns out I was the catalyst for his living them.”

“And vice versa, don’t you think?”

“Most definitely. It allowed me to act on things that I’ve kept bottled up…and so much more.”

“So, my roomie finally became a real woman. Congratulations.”

“Because I had anal sex?”

“Not really. Okay, maybe a little. What I mean is you’ve allowed yourself to explore your passion and found someone who loves you for it and to share it with.”


“Yes, love. I saw the way he looked at you Saturday and, more importantly, what he said. And your farewell this morning was definitely passionate. Emotionally so too.”

“You could be on to something. I know I have very deep feelings for him and have thought the L-word several times, I just don’t want to screw things up by saying it.”

“Tell me this. How was he at work today?”

“First of all. He normally works remotely from home, but today he made a special point of having his meeting with the owner face to face. Not because of business, but because he wanted to be clear that he and I were dating.”

“See, you’re proving my point.”

“I know, but there’s more. There really wasn’t an issue with the owner. He’d made a point of introducing us and had told George that he thought I’d be good for him, but strictly on an emotional level. He doesn’t want or need to know how physical it’s been.”

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