Role Playing Ch. 11: Saving My Job by yellowjacket66,yellowjacket66


My wife and I were driving on our way to our local bar. We were about to do another role play adventure. At my request, my wife was wearing a white, sleeveless blouse, slacks and underwear, of course.

“What are we doing tonight?” she asked.

“Well, Galdys (not her real name), we’re meeting with that new boss of mine I told you about, Solomon.”

“In a bar?”

“Yes. He asked for a place near where we live to meet. I suggested a few places and he said the bar would be fine.”

“What’s he like?” She asked.

“I don’t know for sure. They’re cutting people at the office and he’s the guy they send in to fire people. Then they bring someone else in to try to get things going after the bloodbath.”

“You told me they were cutting back. What does it have to do with us?” She asked.

“There are five analysts in my section. Word is they are cutting it to one or two and using a contractor to provide market analysis instead of us.” I told her.

“Well, they wouldn’t fire you, you’re the best analyst they have. You were employee of the year two years ago.” She said.

I went on, “They’ve already let Kim Roberts and Dave Akers go. They won’t fire Pat Thomas. He’s only been there a short time and makes less money and he’s a minority.”

“What kind of minority? He’s white.”

“Yes, but he’s gay or something. He might’ve been a woman at one time.”

She laughed

I went on, “So, there’s Johnson and me left. Johnson and his wife went to dinner with Solomon last night.”

She asked, “What happened?”

“I asked Johnson and he wouldn’t say a thing.”

We got to our favorite neighborhood bar and found a booth on the side. I sat beside ‘Gladys’. After a moment, took off my jacket and went to the bar to get us each a drink.

When I came back, I sat across from Gladys and introduced my role-playing self. “I’m Solomon, people call me Sol or Solly. You’re Gladys, it’s nice to meet you. Your husband and some of the guys in the office have told me about you.”

“What did they tell you?” She asked.

“Just guy talk.” He chuckled and looked at the empty seat where her husband was ‘supposedly sitting’.

I went on, role-playing as Solomon. “As you probably know, the home office has ordered some reductions in staff. We have to cut from five analysts to one or two. We might reclassify one to a lower pay grade.”

Then he said, “I had to let Kim Roberts and Akers go. I tried to find a way for Kim to stay, but she wasn’t open to my suggestions. Thomas stays. He’s the lowest paid and it saves money to keep the lower paid guys. It also avoids pension costs, since the newer employees are not in the retirement system we used to have.”

I was laying it on thick. “So, it comes down to your husband or Johnson. I had dinner with he and his wife Honey last night. Do you know her?”

Gladys said, “Yes. I’ve talked with her a few times.”

I (Solomon) went on, “If it’s not inappropriate to mention, she is a beautiful young lady. I think they are a few years younger than you two.”

Gladys said, “Yes. She’s quite attractive.”

I said, “She has a nice figure. Her breasts are very nice and she shows them off with the clothes she wears.”

“Yes, I’ve noticed.”

‘She showed them to me, you know.” I said.

“Really? When did she do that?”

“Last night at dinner. We got to talking about things and somehow we got talking about the attractiveness of various women in the office and she showed me her breasts.”

“Were they impressive?” Gladys asked.

He said, “Oh yes.”

“Did she let you touch them?” she asked.

I nodded and said, “You have nice breasts too. By talking about hers, I didn’t want to imply that yours weren’t just as nice, at least as far as I can tell.”

Gladys said, “I’ll bet you’d like to see mine?”

I nodded again. “Maybe if you didn’t have a bra on, I could get a better idea of what you have under your shirt.”

Gladys looked at her husband (an empty seat) and then reached under the back of her shirt and unhooked her bra. She pulled the straps out of the arm holes of her shirt and reached under her shirt and pulled it down and off. She set it on the table. I picked it up and dropped over the back of the booth seat onto the adjoining booth.

Gladys put her hands behind her head and wiggled her chest. Her breasts swayed under her shirt and her nipples poked through the thin blouse.

“Show me.” I requested.

She lifted her shirt and let me gaze upon her breasts. They hung nicely on her chest and her brown nipples stood out. She was obviously aroused because it was not that cold in the bar. I reached over and put my hands on her breasts and played with the nipples between my fingers.

“Are they as nice as Honey Johnson’s?” she asked.

While I fondled her titties, I said, “Indeed they are.”

Then I sat back and said. I think you have nicer legs than Mrs. Johnson.

“Oh, did you see her legs?”

“Indeed, I did. Why don’t you show me yours?”

“How should I do that?” Gladys asked.

“Take off your pants and show me.”

She hesitated for a moment and then proceeded to slide her pants off her legs and pulled them over her shoes. Some other people in the bar were beginning to take notice. They surely did when I directed her to get out of the booth and stand where I could see her legs. She was now wearing her blouse, without a bra and just her panties, which were not covered by her blouse. It was not long enough. I rubbed her legs a bit and put my hand on her panty covered ass.

Then I said, “I need another drink. Gladys, would you go get me a beer.”

She said, “I need money to pay for it.”

I said, “I don’t have any more small bills. Why don’t you see if the bartender will trade a beer for your panties?”

Gladys looked at me and slyly smiled. I was pushing things.

She did it. I watched her walk up to the bar. There were two guys on stools drinking, and a group of three guys in a booth. A couple was in another booth. Gladys (my wife) was about to give them a show. I couldn’t hear what was said. The bartender, Skip was a friend and had seen us role-play before. He nodded and drew a draft beer from the tap. He set it on the bar. Gladys bent at the waist and pulled her panties down her legs. She lifted one foot, pulled them off her shoe and then did it with the other foot. The patrons had different views, but they all got a good sighting of my wife’s bare ass and her hair covered pussy. I’m sure some got a good view between her legs too. She set the panties on the bar and picked up the beer, returning to the table with it.

“Did Honey Johnson do that?” She asked.

“Not quite, but she did something similar.” I said.

Gladys was doing her best to save her husband’s job. I was thinking about what to do next when she said she had to go to the bathroom. I suspected that she would want to play with her pussy in the lady’s room. She was obviously highly aroused.

I went to the men’s room. When I came out, I waited in the hallway. When Gladys came out of the lady’s room, I took her by the arm and led her into the men’s room. With a light push on her shoulders, she dropped to her knees. I unzipped and pulled out my cock. She took it in her mouth and began to give me a blow-job on the floor of the men’s room.

“Mrs. Johnson didn’t do this.” I told her while she continued to lick my cock.

After a few minutes a man came in to take a leak. He looked at us while he used the urinal. When he finished, he washed his hands and looked for a paper towel. We were blocking the towel machine, so I pulled Gladys’ top up over her head and threw it to the guy to dry his hands. Now she was naked except for her sneakers. The guys asked if she was just doing me or if others could have a turn.

“Just me.” I said.

The guy threw Gladys’ top onto the floor and left.

I locked the door so everyone in the bar wouldn’t come in.

Gladys did her best to get me off, and I finally came. She pulled my dick out of her mouth so my cum spurted onto her neck and chest. She had a little in her mouth. She looked up and gave me a cum-filled grin.

I told her, “I have to go write a memo firing Johnson.”

I walked out. There was a line of three guys waiting to go in. I stood by the door to give Gladys a moment to gather herself. She came out and quickly dashed into the lady’s room.

I went back to the booth and put my jacket on, resuming my role as Gladys’ husband.

A few moments later, she came out of the lady’s room. She was naked, except for her shoes, of course. She was holding paper towels in her hands with one hand covering her pussy. The other hand and her arm were covering her tits. Everyone in the bar was ogling my naked wife (Gladys).

“Hi Honey.” I said.

She said, “I’m not your honey and I’m not Honey Johnson. For gosh sakes, give me something to wear.”

I jumped up and took off my jacket and gave it to her. She put it on to cover her nakedness. The jacket covered her chest, but it only covered half of her ass. The slit of her pussy was peeking out too.

I asked, “Solomon left; what did you do to him? Where are your clothes?”

She asked, “Did he look happy?”

“Come to think of it, he did.”

We quickly walked out of the bar to a hearty round of applause from the patrons.

Our car was parked in the lot. While it was dark outside, the bar was next to a package store and there was a lot of traffic. When we got to our car, my wife surprised me when she hopped onto the trunk.

She spread her legs and said, “That was so hot!! You made me suck a cock in a dirty men’s room!! That guy who was pissing was playing with his prick while he watched me. Eat my pussy.” She pulled my head into her crotch.

I proceeded to put my tongue in her cunt. She was soaking wet and I could feel the heat from her body. She pulled my face in and squeezed her legs around my head. I was having trouble breathing. She could’ve suffocated me. I was gasping for breath, but she pulled me back into her dripping pussy. She pulled the jacket off her shoulders and then reached down to remove one, then the other shoe. She wanted to be completely naked. She was jerking as each wave of her orgasm pulsed in her. She was gushing her come on my face.

She finally started to calm down and said, “We’d better get out of here.”

I looked around and we had gathered and audience. There were six of seven people watching me eat my wife’s cunt. I was fully clothed, but she was naked. We were laughing while getting in the car. I backed out of our space and sped away before the police might come and arrest us.

“I’m not through with you yet.” She told me as we drove home.

She was still naked. I had retrieved my jacket, but she had left her shoes. The remainder of her clothes were still in the bar. The bartender, Skip had a whole wardrobe of my wife’s clothes boxed in his office. She said she wondered what she would have to do to get them back.

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