Secrets and Fantasies Surface Ch. 01 by machotobeta,machotobeta

Five years ago, at the age of 53 my life took an unexpected turn. My name is Daniel Ferguson and I’ve been with the same engineering firm since graduating college. I am married with two children and am currently a partner in the firm where I began. I stand at 6 feet tall and am considered in decent physical shape for my age. Outwardly I present a in charge type of guy and my wife whom I met in college viewed me as such and a real catch. Over the past years I have become highly respected in the community and live in a upper middle class neighborhood. Though my wife never complained about my penid size,being a virgin when we married with limited experience gave her nothing to compare with. InternalIy I have always been self conscious of my penis size, particularly on my 6 foot frame and still vividly remember my high school sweetheart allowing me only to come into my underwear and having to perform oral on her as my dick was a dud (her words). In the early years of marriage I bought porn magazines centered on spanking and humiliation of both men and women as I found it highly erotic.

I kept my treasure trove well hidden and life went along smoothly for 25 years. In the early years of marriage, I’d take a hour or two a few times a week to pleasure myself, when no one was home by reading stories like Men in diapers or Punished for dribbles. I’d fantasize about being the poor pussy-boy depicted in the magazine being mocked for his tiny dick and treated like a child over the lap of a superior person with my bare ass on display and scolded for dribbles/stains in my tidy whities and for other childlike behavior. (My dominant image was clearly not in my fantasy on occasion I’d even wear panties and shoot my load into them). My wife was unresponsive to anything but vanilla sex.

With the explosion of the internet, my access to such sites/stories was just a click away and my magazine usage at home diminished as my time increased via internet, at the office, with the door well secured. Thus by my late 40’s, if not years earlier, my inner self accepted I was a inferior male with a baby dick but all outward signs continued to reflect that of a macho male.

Thus at the age of 53 life was fantastic. I was earning good money, an expense account that was very respectable, a loving wife and two kids in college. I had become less flirtatious with the office female staff so as to keep up with the current acceptable standards and avoid any negative attention which the firm would find unaccetable.( To be honest the flirtation/inappropriate touching was in many ways my way of hiding my own insecurities.) Everything seemed perfect in my life 5 years ago. Unbekownst to me the hiring of William Delane was going to change my future in ways I could not have dreamed of (or maybe I had dreamed of).

William entered the firm about 7 years ago. At that time I called him Billy/Willy as a joke. He was right out of college with knowledge in accounting and IT. Senior staff would pass him there expense statements and utilize his computer knowledge and expertise. He rose to a top position in his department within 18 months replacing a gentleman who had started at the same time as me and my best friend at the firm, Steve Montgomery.

It was the first day of Spring in 2017, early morning, when Billy told me he wanted to talk to me at the end of the day in my office. I thought little of it and joked with Steve over lunch how I’d put the little twerp in his place if he was trying to deny any of my expense sheet. Steve requested that I not be disrespectful as he’s just doing his job and that “William” was actually a nice guy. Such a remark was not the norm for Steve but I thought little of it after lunch concluded.

At 5:00 PM I entered billy’s ofice with the expectation to be in and out in 10 minutes or less. Billy was on the phone telling whomever it was to be prompt arriving at 5:45. He ended the call and thanked me for my ariving on time and quickly told me the length of the meeting would be dependent on my attitude and following his directives. I quickly tried to be assertive and said “Willy you have no authority over me and don’t be a ass.” With that Billy slammed his hand on his desk and told me to listen and not interrupt if I knew what was good for me. Taken back my stomach took a flip.

William began saying, First, from now on you will address me with a proper title or there will be serious consequences. My response, ok little willy.

Second, he tossed me forms I had signed authorizing unlimited monitoring of phones and computers owned by the business. This caused me pause as I was fairly sure I did not always use safeguards when browsing certain sites.

Third, I have gone over two years of expense sheets and fraudulent expenses exceeding $10,000.00 have been detected reaching the level of a felony. I was about to argue but his piercing eyes caused me to just nod my head.

Fourth, you have been using the company computers to chat/exchange messages with men and women that reflect poorly on you and thus on the company.

You have two minutes from this point to either leave this office and expect both serious personal and criminal reprecussions or you will change your attitude and take my guidance to evolve from your infantile behavior into an adult which will be a slow and at times humiliating process.

I was speechless. Though he talked in vague terms I knew he had discovered info that would personally and professionally destroy me. I reponded by saying “William, I do regret that I may have crossed some boundaries and will respectfully seek your supervision in the future.”

His immediate response was you have one minute to start answering all questions I ask until you finish this large 32oz. drink he put forward at the edge of the desk. I knew I was beat while at the same time my little dick was getting aroused. Start answering, truthfully or I will end this and you can consider yourself terminated for cause.

1) What is your favorite porn site. Literotica

2) Favorite topic.( I was now trying to drink as rapidly as possible as these questions were humiliating yet regretfully turning me on.) I decided to deflect by saying SPH.

He responded back by saying be more precise and start using SIR in my response if I knew what was good for me.

With a sigh I responded “Sir William, it means small penis humiliation..”

William then asks why that topic and I attempt to avoid crying as I say “Sir William, my penis is tiny.” William pressed back by asking is it what some would refer to as a clitty for a man. Lowering my head I respond Yes. He then replies to be more specific.

Clearing my throat I say “Sir William my dick is so small that real men would laugh at it and call it a clitty.” Is willy also another way to mock the penis. I took a gulp but still had a few ounces left so my response was “Sir, I deeply regret that I used that term and except that my penis is the little willy.” By this point I was crying and feeling as if my dick was going to explode. (Either little boy goo or pee)

I flailed requesting to be allowed to use the “boys room” before I peed in my pants. I was hoping my humiliation and verbalizing it would work on his sympathy. He roared with laughter and ordered me to stand up. As I stood, I grabbed at my crotch like a little child does when they do what is considered the peepee dance. At this precise moment (5:45) Steve, my friend entered. He tried to stay neutal, looking ahead, and asked William what exactly can he help with.

William told Steve that he was to take Danny by the hand and to the restroom, I was mortified. William went on to say little Danny was not allowed to touch any part of his clitty/baby dick or clothing but that Steve could assist him with his free hand. They had 12 minutes to return and any wet.stained undies of either of them would result in a spanking. He asked Steve to repeat it and that Danny had to ask nicely to be taken to the potty. By now Dan was broken and said “Please Sir Dan take me by my hand to do pee pee and help me lower my little boy undies to avoid us both getting spanked on our behinds by Sir William.”

The laughter of Sir William could be heard in the empty hallway as Danny and Steve rushed along afraid not to follow the explicit directions.

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