She Doesn't Pt. 02 by barnabus,barnabus

Chapter 3 – The Next Date (Continued)

What did he do to me? No man had ever done that before! NOBODY had ever done that before! How should I respond to him? What should I do? Whatever he had done, I wanted him to keep doing it! Is this love? I did love him, and I didn’t want what I was experiencing to stop! I wasn’t confused . . . I wasn’t thinking!. I was just feeling! And I didn’t want it to stop. Gradually, it dawned on me that I was on my back on the sofa and that he was over me. I had no idea how this had happened! Slowly, I became aware of his fingers moving again, and once again, I felt the excitement growing within me. The warmth spread throughout me, and I realized I was getting wet! I knew he couldn’t feel my dampness through my panty girdle, but I felt embarrassed all the same. But soon I forgot the wetness as my internal tingling spread from my backbone throughout me, and I knew I would have screamed if his kisses hadn’t been covering my mouth!

I had thought she was maybe cold or shy, but her innocent response was unbelievable! It seemed she didn’t know what was happening to her!

For some silly reason, my mind replayed a conversation I had had with my roommate in college. He was much more experienced with women that I was at that time. I had commented that sex was a virgin was the most desirable experience, and he had responded that he really wasn’t interested in virgins. Yes, it was enjoyable to take a girl’s virginity, but he said that he would prefer an easier score, rather than spend the time and effort that was necessary to get a virgin. I let her come down from her climax. Gradually her breathing returned to normal, and her stranglehold around my head began to relax. I kissed her softly on the mouth, eyes, ears, cheeks, everywhere on her face, as she returned to this consciousness.

“I love you,” I whispered into her ear, and her arms tightened around my neck.

He loves me! He just said so! He really said he Loves me! But then . . .

I started kissing her again. I kissed every inch of her face and neck. Then kissed my way over her blazer and breasts, making no effort to open any buttons. She held my head to her as I kissed my way over her breasts.

This time, after kissing every inch of her breasts, I let my kisses continue over her ribs, downward to her navel, then to her hips and lower stomach until I reached the “V” between her legs. Although my hand was still under her skirt, lightly caressing her panty girdle, I kissed her through the heavy material of the skirt. My elbow gradually moved between her knees forcing an opening between her thighs, as I continued to kiss and let my hand rove further.

His kisses just seemed to make my mind shut down. I love his kiss and his touch . . . it does marvelous things to me!

He loves me! He said so! But, Ohhhh! He’s kissing me down there! I should stop him! But somehow, my arms just won’t move. I like it. I like Him. . . I like the kisses and attention.

I’m afraid. But excited, too. . .

My shoulder moved between her knees and I began kissing down her legs to her knees and wrapped my hand around her leg as I settled the rest of my shoulders between her legs. I kissed up the outside of her legs, gradually pushing the skirt ahead of my lips. By now my shoulders were beneath her bent knees and my hands wrapped around her legs holding her hips. My kisses covered over her stomach and gradually moved downward. As she realized my destination, she gasped and her hands held my head pulling upward. It wasn’t a panic effort, but rather an attempt to guide my movements. I continued kissing her stomach for a few moments, then continued kissing downwards until I was kissing her womanhood through her panty-girdle.

Oooh! My heart is racing! What’s happening? I can’t think straight. I can’t let him kiss me . . . there! I just can’t! But he’s so insistent and he’s holding me soooo tight. I’ve got to stop him! But if I push him away . . . maybe he’ll stop kissing me . . . maybe he won’t love me . . . He said he loves me.

Maybe if I pull his head up to my lips, I can give him my lips to kiss instead! I’ll kiss him SO hard and so much that he’ll be happy Ooooh! I can’t pull his head away . . .

What am I going to do? What can I do? Oooooh!

She thighs clamped against my head and I felt her tremble! Her hands knotted in my hair as she tried ineffectually to pull me away. I kissed some more through the thick rubberized material and let my nose apply what little pressure it could over her clit and waited for her to relax.My mind just doesn’t want to work right. I can’t think . . . and my legs seem to have a mind of their own! By grabbing his head with my knees, I was able to stop him . . . at least a little. I don’t know what I should do.

What’s he going to do next? He’s not doing anything! He’s just kissing me! I guess maybe it’s all right for him to kiss me . . . nobody says it’s wrong to kiss! But . . .

She didn’t relax, and the trembling started to get worse. I don’t want to overdo things, so I moved my head away from her and immediately her grip in my hair started pulling me upward, and her thighs released. When I was over her navel, I kissed it and looked upward to meet her eyes. She looked like the proverbial frightened doe in the headlights with eyes as wide a Japanese cartoon figure. She licked her lips and put her hands on the sides of my face.

I let her hands guide me back up her body, kissing everything as my lips moved slowly toward her face. I moved to her side as I reached her neck, but I kept one hand on her womanhood through her panty girdle with just enough pressure that she would know it was there.

When my lips got to hers, she devoured me, kissing me every way she could, lips open and all, but still no tongue. I knew I would wait for her to decide when the tongues would come into play. Meanwhile, she continued to kiss me all over my face, eyes, neck, and back to the lips with a long, opened mouth kiss.

Has he stopped kissing me there? I’ll pull his head up to my lips where my kisses will hold him. Oooh! He’s kissing my belly button. Now he’s looking into my eyes. I’ve never seen so much love in anyone’s eyes! Not even in the movies! On! I love this man! Do I dare tell him?

I have to kiss him! I have to kiss him all over . . . his face, his neck . . . his lips!

Ooh, I’ve never kissed a man like this before! I like it! I feel so close to him. I love the way he tastes! I love the way he smells! I love the way he feels! Is this what it feels like to be in love?

I had moved my hand from her panty girdle to her hip above her girdle to her hip, gently pushing up the band of her skirt until I found some bare skin above her girdle.

As her eyes opened and she gazed into my eyes again, I whispered to her: “I reallyhate panty girdles. Do you reallyhave to wear it? You should get rid of it?”

Was he asking me to undress? No. He was simply telling me of a preference. He didn’t like panty girdles. Neither did I! But somehow they seemed like protection! Did I need to be protected? Against HIM? Did I care? He didn’t like panty girdles! I really wanted him to be pleased! Did he ask me to take off my panty-girdle?

I didn’t know if I had overstepped the bounds It was a bold step. For a long time, we gazed into each others eyes. Then I leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips. Her arms closed behind my head, holding my lips to hers. Then she released her hold on me and started to rise. I sat up to let her move past me as she picked up her purse and walked to the bathroom, turned on the light and closed the door. After a short pause, I heard the toilet flush and the water running in the sink. Moments later, the door opened and the light flicked off as she returned to me, dropped her purse on the table, and slid back into her position on the sofa, under me. Her arms encircled my neck as she whispered into my ear, “I want to do what you want. I want to make you happy. I want you to be pleased.”

I kissed her lightly on the lips as my hand slid down to her hips. I didn’t have to move any further. I could feel that the panty-girdle wasn’t there!

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