Stuck on the High Mountain Pass by gregscott,gregscott

I managed to stay on the road, but I did 3 donuts, trying to stop when I got into the bowl. God, it scared the shit out of both of us.

I then remembered LOW GEAR.

I put it in 4 wheel low and proceeded back up the hill. I was really feeling good about our chances when I saw the steep part right near the top. I stomped on the gas and roared to a stop. That was it; there’s no way this truck can get up this last part; it’s too steep. If I can get back down in one piece, I thought we could bring the shovel up here and dig out this steep section later.

So that was the next plan; backing down in low was much better; we started to slide on a steep section, and I couldn’t let it go because I was in low gear. I had no control over where we were going, so I hammered on the brakes and felt the back end slide over the bank. FUCK FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.

We were fucked. One back tire was hanging over the edge, and we were screwed.

I wondered how we could get out of this mess; ok, let’s dig out the Jack all Jack.

A Jack all jack is 4 ft tall and solid steel, but how can we jack the truck back on the road. I had an Idea to jack the back of the truck up and then push the jack over. The higher we jack up the truck’s rear, the farther over the truck will fall.

I’m brilliant, I thought; we jacked the truck up, but the hill was too steep, and the jack kept slipping off the bumper.

How can we pull the back end over and back on the road? Timmy said, “Mom, if we tie the rope to the Trailer hitch, we can drag the rope up the bank on the far side to that tree.

“Timmy, how does that help us.”

“We can put the jack behind the tree, and the tree will hold the jack while we pull the truck straight sideways, mom.”

I never thought of that, and I’m supposed to be the fucking smart one.

This worked, but we could only go about 3 inches on the jack before it wanted to pull us around the tree. It took 4 hours to get the truck back on the road. I took it out of low gear and flew back down the hill. Tomorrow is another day.

It snowed 6 inches overnight, and I cried when we got out of the canopy the next morning.

“Timmy, today we have got to get out of here, or we are in trouble,”

We headed up the hill with a round-mouth shovel and started making a path for the truck. We finished at 2 pm and trudged back down the mountain. 3 times we tried to make it up the hill. All three times, we got to the steep part near the top and couldn’t get up that steep stretch. Ok, now we are in trouble, I thought.

I needed to figure out how much food we had. We had a few road snacks and a gallon of nuts. 1 -12 can case of Chef Boy R Dee Timmy’s food of choice, and 12 cans of Mushroom soup that Timmy could not live without in Mexico. Not a lot, but we wouldn’t starve to death just yet. We had a small cook stove, a couple of pots and pans, and some paper plates.

Fuck, the snow is coming down hard and fast. We climbed into the canopy and waited. It snowed for 20 hours. There was snow up to the hood on our truck, 36 inches. “Timmy, where is the shovel.”

“I don’t know, mom,” he replied back. Shit, I thought to myself.

We rooted around by the back of the truck and found the shovel. We shoveled for hours to make a spot around the truck that we could work in and have room to move around. We were going to be here for a while.

Dec 5 th We have been here 5 days, we have been rationing the food and fuel like crazy. Timmy is scared and just wants to go home. His parents will be going crazy, wondering what’s taking us so long to contact them.

But we are on our own.

Tonight Timmy is crying on my chest. he says, “Mmmom are we going to die here?”

“No, Timmy, someone will find us!”

“Mom, I don’t want to die out here,” He says. “I’m still a virgin in a small whisper.”

I smiled at the things a teenage boy thinks of when he might die. I snuggled close to him, and he put his arms around me, don’t worry, baby, you won’t die a virgin.

Just as I started to smile, I felt a poke in my ass; the buggers got a hard-on.

“Good night Timmy,” I said. His hard-on poked me all night.

I woke up in the morning, and he was crying, “It hurts, mom,”

“What hurts?” I said.

“My Pee Pee.” Timmy replied. I reached down and felt his rock hard cock and felt bad for him,

“Come on, Timmy, get out of this truck and go pee. You have a morning, woody.” Timmy got up and went out to go pee.

“MOM, It won’t come out.”

With tears streaming down his face, “MOMMMM, It hurts.”

His innocents on the subject was surprising.

I got Timmy to point his penis strait up and to push his pee out as hard as he could.

only a dribble came out and ran back down the shaft and wet his under ware.

Timmy was in pain and I didn’t want any health issues so I said “Timmy show me your Penis.”

Timmy slowly turned around and this monstrous thick cock was pointing right at me. My mind was going holy fuck he’s huge, 7 inches long and fatter than a coke can. I got down on my knees and looked at his Penis very closely. His cock was so hard the tube for his pee to come out of ( urethra ) was squished flat as a pancake.

“Ok, Timmy, have you ever masturbated,” Timmy looked at the ground and shook his head.

“Well, you are going to learn real quick. Take your hand and stroke your penis.”

“Mom, I can’t; it hurts.” Goddamit, I thought to myself, there’s no lube for him.

DAM DAM DAM I slowly got back on to my knees and took his cock in my hand.

“Now, Timmy, I will help you go pee, ok.”

I tried to think of any other way possible to get him relief, but I didn’t want him to have a medical problem out here in the mountains.

I slowly took his cock in my mouth and rolled my tongue around its head. He looked at me. His eyes were as wide as I have ever seen eyes go. I closed my eyes and sucked his cock. I was going fast and steady when he suddenly blew his load in my mouth. It was all I could do to swallow and not gag. I swallowed the biggest load of come I have ever seen. It was quick and efficient.

Timmy was bouncing around like he was getting shocked to death. Finally, he stops moving. As I take his cock out of my mouth, Timmy falls into my arms, his eyes are rolled back in his head. He is twitching slowly. Timmy opens his eyes, and he hugs me soooooo hard.

“Timmy, you’re hurting me,”

“Sorry, mom,”

“Ok, can you go pee now,” It took Timmy 5 minutes to push out some pee. We ate our meager breakfast, and I said to Timmy, “Do you know what happened to you today? You had an Orgasm.” Timmy smiled. He’d heard of an Orgasm before, but He had never had one. His smile was contagious, and I smiled back, Timmy stood up, and his cock stuck out like a flag pole in the front of his pants. All I could think of was this is going to be a huge problem.

Timmy’s hard-on was there, morning, noon, and night. He kept complaining, “It hurts, mom, it hurts.”

Timmy’s cock was almost always hard. I tried to work him by shoveling snow out from around the truck as far as possible, but the minute he stopped exercising, his woody came back.

I blew Timmy in the morning, at lunch, and before bed to keep his hard-on from hurting him. The more he came, the more stimulation his penis seemed to need.

When I woke up in the morning, my mouth was so sore I couldn’t talk.

Timmy woke me up with his cock pressed against my ass. “Fuckkkkk” I cried, with tears in my eyes.

If My mouth wasn’t so sore, I would not let this happen now.

I would never have thought that I would be forced to have sex with Timmy to relieve the pain in his cock, but that’s what was about to happen.

I rolled on my back and told Timmy what to do. As I explained to Timmy what he was to do, he had this weird, scared look.

God Dam it, he doesn’t get it or what needs to be done. I don’t have time to explain infinite detail.

AARRGGGG, my mouth is sore, fuck it. “Timmy, come with me,” we went out to the front of the truck. I opened the hood, reached in, and took out the dipstick from the motor.

“Give me your hand Timmy.” I wiped the small amount of oil on his hand and repeated it 4 times, “Ok, Timmy get the oil slathered on your penis like this and slowly stroke it back and forth.

Now I don’t know what a guy does to jack off. I have only touched one cock in my life, and that was a long time ago. “Timmy, do what feels good to your penis, rub it whatever way feels really good. Timmy was rubbing and tugging, but he didn’t know what to do, and his cock was starting to hurt instead of feeling good. I took the dipstick out of the motor and wiped the oil on my hand.

Ok, Timmy, let me have a try. I have never really jacked a guy off before, but how hard can it be? 15 minutes late, my arm fell off when Timmy finally said, “I’m coming Mommmmmm.”

I stopped and looked at his cock; it was beet red, “Mom, my skin on my penis Hurts.” His cock was soft yet purple and within an hour the skin was really swollen up.

Maybe engine oil is not good for the skin on a cock I thought to myself.

“Mom, it hurts,” Timmy said. The only good thing about it was he didn’t have a hard-on anymore. Timmy’s cock was blistered by nightfall and rock hard again.

Dam, Timmy’s cock is gonna kill me. I slowly gave the head of his cock a blow job. I was careful not to touch the shaft. That took 15 minutes to make him come for the night.

” Go to bed, Timmy. I have to sit up and think a bit.”

“Ok, Mom, love you.”

“I love you too, Timmy; now go to bed.”

I went and sat in the cab of the truck and Cried for a bit, then I said fuck it, we are gonna make it thru this, or I’m gonna die trying. What are all my options?

1, I can try walking out to get help; it is about 20 miles back to where I Might find help

but I don’t have any way to last the night in the snow, and there’s 4 feet of snow to trudge thru, so we are not walking out.

2, We will need more food to survive, so I will work on that tomorrow.

3, Timmie has an erection that hurts like hell if he doesn’t cum 3 times a day,

I have no Lube, and my mouth is sore as hell.

I don’t want to fuck him, so I’ll think about a solution tomorrow.

4, I got to keep the truck running each day, so the batteries are kept charged. Maybe we can Hike to the top of the mountain to get cell reception.

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