The Girl in the Men's Room at the Bar by schmoe90,schmoe90

My wife had been on about coming out with me, and bringing her friend, Dawn, and her husband Eric. Whatever. She’d talk to Dawn, and I’d have to make small talk with Eric. He’s not a bad guy, he’s just… dull. We don’t really have anything in common, so we end up talking about the weather. “Let’s go to that bar you’re always going to,” she said, missing the fact that I pretty much go there to get away from her. Oh well.

So, the night comes, and we go out. We line up, sitting at the bar, me, Claire, Dawn and Eric. So I don’t have to talk to him, or the women, as they’re chatting amongst themselves. Leaving me to talk to Len, the barman.

There was a football game on, so everybody was watching that, including Eric. I just sat and drank, slowly.

I turned my back to the bar and looked around, and there she was, my redhead, in the bar. She was sitting with a couple of other younger people – well, everybody looks younger to me. Most of the guys at the table were watching the game, and she was playing around with her phone as usual. I vaguely listened to Claire and Dawn yammering away, but I was staring at the redhead and hoping she saw me.

After a minute or so, she looked up, around a little and saw me. She smiled, which made me feel really good. I smiled back. She said something to one of the guys at her little table, and came over to me. I watched her walking towards me, and I noticed none of the guys at her table were watching her go, they were all watching the game and talking amongst themselves.

She looked like she’d lost a little weight since I last saw her – she looked amazing. She was wearing a little strappy dress. It was white, or maybe light yellow, and came to just above her knees. I could see the extra straps of her bra, and I still could remember what she looked like without it. Without any of it.

It’s noisy in the bar when there’s a game on, so she came right up next to me and said “hi” in my ear, as she put her phone down next to my bottle. I bent towards her, close enough to kiss her neck, and said “hi” back again. I had to stop myself from licking her neck.

Claire noticed. Of course she noticed. She leaned around across in front of me and said “who’s this?”

For a second, I panicked… I didn’t know her name. Luckily, I think she realized this, as she leaned across in front of me too, and said “hi, I’m Sue.” I could smell her hair, and see her ear in front of me.

I could feel her tit on my arm. I definitely felt her hand take mine and put it on her butt. I stroked her butt, marveling at how smooth and taut it still was. Not like the wife’s… she’s all lumpy with cellulite and stretch marks.

“How do you know Bob?” said Claire, quite loudly.

“Just from here,” said Sue. “Neither of us likes the football, so we’ve…” she paused. I wondered what she was going to say. Seen each other naked? “…chatted a couple of times.”

I felt her hand brush mine again, and it pulled the dress up and over it, so my hand was on her bare butt cheek. I caressed it, moving my hand up slightly and touching the waistband of her panties. Oh well, she was wearing panties.

Claire was saying something about I hadn’t mentioned her, and Sue was saying that we’d just talked about everybody watching football when they all had TVs at home.

“Do you need a drink?” Sue asked Claire, and turned to face the bar. I almost choked, as I hadn’t been prepared, so now my hand was on her pussy, over her panties.

Claire said no, she didn’t need a drink, and she should really get back to her friend for a minute, and I’m left sitting there, with my hand up this redhead’s dress. She wiggled herself against me, shaking me out of my shock.

She was facing the bar, waiting for Len, and I was caressing her pussy through her panties. I slid my hand down and to the side, then brought two fingers up and slid them under the leg hole so I could feel her skin.

I felt her hand come under her dress, next to mine. I glanced over at her, but she was looking away from me, across the bar. She moved my hand, pulled and wiggled her panties down until they were below her hips, with a slight gap, then removed her hand and put it on the bar.

I slid my hand over her bare lower stomach, stroking down to her sparse little patch of pubic hair. Lower I went, teasing myself with feeling the top of her slit, then I dipped a finger down and started gently stroking her clit, working in little circles. I was aware that my finger was dry, so I didn’t want to rub too hard, but she rolled her hips forwards, letting me just slide my finger into her pussy. She was already wet, and I used that to lube my finger, then went back to rubbing her clit.

I heard her breathing get a little ragged, just as Len came over and pointed to her.

She stood on tiptoe and leaned across the bar a little, towards him, ordering a bottled beer.

I left my hand under her dress, stroking her clit, and she stayed on her tiptoes waiting for Len. I shuffled my hand further into her panties, and started using my thumb on her clit while stroking her pussy.

When Len reappeared and gave her the beer, she settled down onto her heels again, and this drove my finger further up into her pussy.

She took a long drink of her beer.

I felt her shudder a little, and then she turned back to face me, causing my hand to come out of her and slide around to her butt again.

I was sitting there with my hand on the bare bit of her butt, when Claire leaned across to say something. Sue leaned in to hear her, crushing her tits up against me again.

I squeezed her butt and heard Claire say “what does your husband think about you talking to strange old men?”

“Oh, when he’s watching the football, I swear I could strip naked and suck off strange old men and he wouldn’t notice.”

I choked, as she’d actually done that – including me – in this very bar.

Claire turned and looked at me, funnily.

“Something went down the wrong way,” I told her.

She still looked at me for a few seconds, and Sue stood up straight again, drinking her beer. I carried on squeezing her butt.

I turned to face the bar again, swapping hands on her butt as I did so, and took a sip of my beer.

She lifted the leg closest to me, putting her heel on the rail. This gave me more access to the back of her upper thigh, and I could just brush my fingertips over her pussy again.

I felt her hand on my leg by my hip, and it traced its way up and over towards my fly until it reached my dick. She started to gently squeeze the head, and run her nails along the shaft.

She stared out at the bar, rubbing my dick through my pants, with me stroking her butt under her dress, and her drinking her beer.

All of a sudden, she let go and turned back to the bar and put her bottle down on it. My hand was dislodged, and I brought it out from under her clothing.

She grabbed her phone and leaned towards Claire, who leaned in from the other side.

“It was nice to meet you,” Sue said, “but I guess I should go powder my nose then go back to my husband.”

She mouthed “bye” to me, headed over to the bathrooms. I watched her go, and made like I was biting my nails so I could sneakily sniff my fingers. They smelled of her, and it was intoxicating.

I watched as she paused in front of the ladies’ room, then she looked right at me and went in to the men’s room.

I knew what she wanted. What she was offering. I was sitting there with my dick hard and my balls aching for a few seconds, then decided to go for it.

“I’m going to take a piss,” I told Claire.

“Thanks for the update,” she said with a slight look of distaste.

I faced away from her as I passed, so she wasn’t going to see I had a raging hard-on, and I headed to the men’s room. I chanced a quick look back just before I got to the door, to make sure Eric wasn’t following me or anything.

Once inside, I started undoing my pants as I went straight to the disabled stall. It was locked, and I tapped gently on the door.

“It’s me,” I said in a low voice, and Sue opened the door, standing behind it.

I went in, and she closed and locked the door. She was naked, her bra, panties and dress hanging on the coat hook.

She turned back to me, and I was again taken by how sexy she looked naked. I noticed she’d had her tits pierced. I thought that looked a bit trashy, but who am I to judge? She was sucking off strangers in bathrooms…

“They’re new,” I said quietly, pointing to her tits.

She nodded.

“They’re still healing, so no playing with them, I’m afraid.”

I wished I’d had a chance to undress her again, but we were in a hurry. She pushed past me and sat down on the toilet. As I turned to follow her, she handed me her phone, and took over pulling my pants down past my hips.

I started taking pictures and her mouth went down to my dick, just swallowing it.

I took pictures as she pushed her face all the way to my stomach, then reached up and put my spare hand on her head. I just rested it there, but I knew it’d look like I was controlling her in the pictures. She slowly pulled back, then went forward again, licking the underside the whole way. It felt amazing… she always feels like she really enjoys giving head.

She started stroking my balls as she swallowed me again, and I could feel myself tensing up, ready to cum.

She stayed there, with her nose against my stomach, and I unloaded down her throat.

Slowly, she pulled back, letting me go.

“Thank you,” I said as she took her phone back from me.

“Go back to your wife,” she said, smiling at me.

I dressed again, and unlocked the door, and headed back towards the bar. The door opened before I got there, and Eric came in. I swear I heard the lock click on the disabled stall, but didn’t want to look back and give anything away.

I nodded at Eric, then went back to my seat next to Claire. She acknowledged my presence, and I gestured at Len to get another drink.

I watched Sue walk back from the men’s room to her group, and gave one of them, I guess her husband, a kiss on the lips. I smiled a little, knowing where her lips had been just a few minutes ago.

Just as Len dropped off another bottle, Eric got back to us.

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