The Lord of the Manor by opels,opels

She stood and turned. “I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t hear you come in.”

Removing his jacket, he replied, with a sly smile, “No need to apologize. As I said, I was enjoying the view.” Staring at her exposed nipples, he murmured, “And I’m also enjoying this view.” In a low voice, he ordered, “Come here. Stand in front of me.”

Nervously, she stood where he asked. How she wished they weren’t so close to his bed. He moved around behind her and looking down over her shoulder, his hands again reached around her and caressed her breasts. “Suzanna, you are so beautiful,” he whispered in her ear.

Much to his delight her breathing quickened and she closed her eyes. She felt his lips on her throat and she gasped. His hands moved up to her shoulders and began pulling her gown away, making room for his mouth as it moved over her skin. Her nervousness increased dramatically when she felt him tugging at the laces on the back of her dress. He obviously had done this many times in the past, before she could even protest or move away, her dress slipped to the floor around her feet.

“That’s better,” he whispered, his hands once again on her breasts and his mouth trailing liquid fire along her shoulder.

“Please m’lord. Please stop,” she begged, breathlessly.

“Ah yes, you do beg so very prettily,” he murmured. “Do it some more.”

“Please stop, m’lord, please,” she whispered.

In response, however, he quickly removed her petticoats, leaving her in nothing but her drawers, stockings and boots. Sensing her fear, he quickly turned her to him and pressed his lips to hers. He kissed her deeply and sensuously. Her mind swirled with the sensation. She was dimly aware of his hands caressing her body and of being lifted in the air and settled on the bed. It felt like sparks and tremors at the same time were flowing through her veins. She could barely think coherently, she seemed to be simply floating on sensations. The most wickedly delicious sensations.

She arched her back with a gasp as he closed his mouth around her nipple, nibbling gently. He softly squeezed the full, firm flesh with one hand, while the other snaked lower, across her belly and even lower through the opening in her drawers.

She cried out as his finger slid through the soft folds of her pussy. He transferred his attention to her other nipple as his fingers gently explored further. She was writhing on the sheets, her breath coming in explosive gasps and moans.

He quickly tore open his trousers and moved on top of her. Suzanna no longer cared what he did, she knew it was wrong, that it must stop, but she didn’t want it to stop, she wanted him to keep going, to take her where her senses were spiralling up to. “Take me…” she murmured.

“What was that?” he teased. “Take you where?”

“Take me, higher, to where it is,” she gasped.

Thinking she was delirious, he asked, “Where what is?”

Her breathing coming even faster, she sighed, “Ecstasy.”

“Is that where you want to go?” he asked with a sly grin.

Finding the small nub between her now wet folds, he began to caress and rub it. She cried out loudly at this new assault on her already heightened senses. She writhed on the sheets, clawing at his back. “Take me…” she moaned.

“Ask me to fuck you,” he whispered.

Driven beyond all sense of reason, she replied, “Fuck me, Lord Worthington, fuck me!”

“Now, to get what you want, you must ask nicely. Say please,” he purred into her ear.

Breathing heavily, wanting nothing more than to have him take her to that elusive spot she was just on the verge of, she begged him, “Please Lord Worthington, please, fuck me. Please, fuck me, please!”

Her pleas nearly drove him over the edge and he quickly plunged deeply into her. She cried out loudly as he tore through her virginity. He stayed in place for a moment before beginning to slowly pump in and out. Her cries became moans of pleasure as he quickened his pace, soon driving in and out of her. She clutched at him, almost weeping with the sensations whipping through her body.

Suddenly she cried out, her muscles clenching as she found the nirvana she had been seeking. Her orgasms crashed through her body as she lost all control, crying out wildly, scratching at his back.

He also cried out, unable to hold back his own release. He collapsed on top of her, both of them breathing heavily.

Suzanna’s senses eventually stopped reeling and the reality of what she had just done came crashing down on her. “No,” she murmured. “No, no, no…” she said louder. She began pushing at him. “Get off me,” she whimpered, tears threatening.

Propping himself up on one elbow, he looked down at her. “Now, what’s wrong? You can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that?” he asked with a devilish grin.

“It doesn’t matter whether I did or not, it shouldn’t have happened. You took advantage,” she accused.

“I took advantage?” he asked with mock indignation. “Please forgive me, miss, but you begged me to take you. Begged me to fuck you, actually.”

“I didn’t know what I was saying,” she protested. “Please get off me,” she pleaded.

“But you’re so comfortable,” he said, grinding against her hips.

She drew in a reluctant shaky breath as his hardening cock pressed against her swollen clit. He watched the conflicting emotions cross her face, the mixture of shame and pleasure exciting him greatly. He continued grinding his cock against her pussy until she finally gave in and tipping her head back, she moaned with pleasure. He kissed her exposed throat and buried his face between her breasts, squeezing the soft flesh. He left a trail of kisses across her stomach as he pulled her drawers off.

Spreading her thighs wide, up and back, he lowered himself down and placed a wet kiss on her inner thigh. She gasped at this unexpected location. He parted her swollen pink lips and slid his tongue between the folds. She cried out, and arched her back, clutching at the sheets. He continued to lick, suck and nibble at her pussy as she struggled not to pass out from the outrageously delicious and extremely wicked sensations radiating out from between her thighs.

An hour later, they both lay on the bed, thoroughly spent, neither having the energy to move. She had finally shed her inhibitions and he had taught her a multitude of things. Her favourite being how delightful the world can be when one in on their hands and knees. She knew she should be filled with shame, but it all just felt so good. Plus, she was too exhausted to be sorry for what had just happened.

“Well, my saucy maid, did you enjoy that?” Lord asked.

“Mmmmm…yes, m’lord,” she replied.

“Have I missed something I was supposed to do?” he asked, lifting his head, only to let it fall back again.

“You’ve missed your lunch and are most likely late for a meeting downtown with your bank. That can easily be rescheduled. Apparently you miss your bank appointments quite frequently.”

Rolling over to her and lazily playing with her nipples, he replied, “Yes, I can always think of better things to do than go to the bank. Although I must admit this has been the most pleasant diversion so far,” he said with a laugh. He gave her hardening nipple a sharp tweak to which she winced slightly.

“Are they sore?” he asked.

“My whole body is sore,” she replied with a smile.

“Say that again and call me m’lord,” he requested.

“My whole body is sore, m’lord,” she repeated, still smiling.

Pressing his face against her full breasts, he said, “You were so delightful, begging me to fuck you. Fuck me Lord Worthington!” he said with a laugh.

She blushed and smiled shyly. “I can’t believe I did some of those things.”

“You did things, you said things. You’re a wicked, wicked girl, Suzanna.” He looked at her fondly for a moment, before sitting up and saying, “Come on now, we should get up and do.. something. I’m sure I’m supposed to be doing something.”

“Not really, but I’m supposed to be. The entire servants quarters are going to be buzzing with gossip when these sheets appear in the laundry room,” she commented, sitting up and swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. With a smile she wondered if she should tell Mrs. Simms to add this to her list of duties.

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