The Neighbour's Daughter by ReclaimingLostTime,ReclaimingLostTime

Let me start off with a bit of background. My name is Ben and I have just, reluctantly accepted that I have now crept into my sixties. I’ve been retired now for a year, and sadly, my wife having died a couple of years ago, I have accepted that my life was one of golf, a few beers and solitary evenings.

I live in a 4 bedroom detached house in a road of similar properties, although over the years each one had been extended so they bore very little similarity to each other. I rattle around in the house a bit, but it is useful when my kids and grandkids come to stay and it has a great garden with only fields behind. I should have moved to something smaller and more manageable really, but the house and garden contained so many memories that I knew to leave would be heart wrenching.

The garden in particular was my wife’s pride and joy, she would spend hours in it, on her hands and knees, planting, weeding, tidying and it had grown into a haven over the years. I struggled to keep it as immaculate, but I tried all the same.

I had good neighbours on one side, Pete and Mary who were a bit younger than me. They had two daughters who were now grown up, the elder Becca had moved to New Zealand with her boyfriend, now husband, and Gina who was just finishing university. I would play the odd game of golf with Pete, and was on good terms with Mary, we’d chat out the front when we saw each other, but there was a six foot fence running down between our two properties so conversation over or through that was kept to the odd “Morning, how’s it going?”

They had suffered particularly badly in lockdown as Becca had given birth to their first grandchild and they had not seen him yet in the flesh. Plenty of Facetime calls, but they hadn’t held him and were impatient to get out there as soon as New Zealand opened its borders.

One day they excitedly collared me and announced that they were actually going! They’d booked flights and were going for two months over our summer, leaving in July. “Is there anything I can do for you while you’re away?” I asked.

“It should be fine thanks, Gina will be home and will look after the place, but can I just ask you to keep an eye on her. You know she can be a bit scatter-brained at times. You know the sort of things, make sure the right bins are out, and prod her to cut the grass occasionally. You’ve got a key anyway, she’ll be constantly locking herself out if past experience is anything to go by.”

“No worries, make sure to have a good time won’t you?”

Summer arrived and Gina returned home from university. She was now 22 and had matured into a lovely young woman, she was about 5 feet 6, with a beautifully lithe body, perky bum and a fabulous pair of what appeared to be B or C cup breasts. Her hair was shoulder length and light brown/dark blonde. She had a gorgeous smile and a lively personality. She was going to make someone a good catch one day.

The day came and Pete and Mary set off. By way of a bit more background I have to admit to having always been a bit of a voyeur. I find it arousing to see people in intimate situations. Not that I’m a peeping Tom (too scared of being caught), but nothing would give me greater pleasure that seeing a bit of flesh exposed unintentionally. Beaches had always been a good source of material for the wank bank. Boobs slipping out from under towels whilst changing, and especially the odd flash of pubic hair gave me an amazing sexual charge.

Our two houses had been built in mirror fashion and both had large windows on the half landing, facing each other. Pete and Mary had opted for privacy and had changed the glass for frosted glass, but we just had a light muslin curtain draped over half the window. They had also installed an en-suite shower room at the back of their bedroom and this had a smallish frosted window, also overlooked by our landing window. I had often seen that window illuminated and could vaguely make out shapes behind it, but nothing really distinctly. However the thought of Mary, naked behind it had occasionally sprung to mind.

The landing window also overlooked part of their back patio and garden. They were not great sunbathers, but there was the occasional glimpse of flesh from Mary in shorts and boob tube or similar, and given the impending summer I wondered if I might be getting more than an eyeful of the delectable Gina.

A week or so after their departure I was hanging around the house one afternoon, doing a bit of reading, when there was a knock on the door. It was Gina dressed in a pair of loose fitting shorts and a baggy crop top shirt, the bottom of which hung perpendicularly down, not quite getting as far as her waist. Trying to stop my tongue lolling out of my mouth and hastily drawing my eyeballs back into my head, I greeted her, “Hi Gina how’s it going?”

“I’m sorry to disturb you Ben but I’ve got a bit of a problem and I don’t know what to do. Could you possibly help?”

“Sure, what’s the issue?”

“Well something seems to have sprung a leak in the kitchen and I can’t find it, and even if I could I don’t think I’d know what to do to stop it. If Mum’s kitchen gets damaged there’ll be hell to pay.”

“Let me just grab a key and I’ll come round.” So saying I found a front door key and closed the door behind me, and following her, trying not to focus on that sweet derriere, I went next door. The problem seemed to be under the sink, there was a small puddle on the floor, Gina had emptied the cupboard below the sink and the door stood wide open. Bending down I peered into the cavity but really could see little from that angle. “You may have to help me up from this,” I said and went down on my knees, rolled over and wriggled on my back headfirst into the cupboard.

The drip was coming from the waste pipe rather than the mains pipe which made it all a lot simpler. I reached up and unscrewed the plastic fitting, seeing that a washer had become pinched slightly. I released it and carefully reassembled the joint. “Let’s see if it works before I get out of here. Can you turn the tap on please Gina?” She stepped astride me and leant forward to reach the tap. My heart skipped a beat as I realised I was looking straight up the leg of her shorts at a pair of white panties fitted snugly around her crotch. I could also see up her shirt to the bottoms of those breasts, bra enclosed, but nevertheless an enticing sight. My cock began to tent in my own shorts and I knew I was going to get out of there fast before she saw.

The leak seemed to be fixed and wriggling swiftly out I held out my hand and she helped pull me to my feet. “All fixed I think, but keep an eye on it.”

“Thanks Ben, that’s so helpful. I don’t know what I would have done had you not been around.”

“No worries, anytime. I’m around most days except Monday, Wednesday and Friday when I play golf.”

“Look I owe you, so can I get you a drink? Tea, coffee or would you prefer a beer?”

It was a bit early, but a beer in the company of this young woman seemed a good idea so I accepted. She poured herself one and we went out onto the patio. She was good company and we chatted about university and life in general. She wasn’t planning on getting a job over the summer, her parents had agreed to cover her living costs in exchange for house sitting and she told me she was planning on getting a good tan. Perhaps I was going to get to see a bit more of her than I had first thought. The problem was, she confessed that her garden was pretty exposed and she was not sure how comfortable she’d be lying out in the sun. Her other neighbour she said, was a bit of a perv and seemed to be continually undressing her mentally. “Sounds like a normal well-adjusted bloke.” I thought.

“The only secluded spot is this patio really,” she continued, “and it only gets the sun between about 11 and half past.” I looked up and saw my landing window and wondered how she did not consider it overlooked. Another beer would have been good, but I didn’t want to outstay my welcome and returned home.

The sun was just leaving my own patio and I sat down in one of the chairs having got myself another beer. The view over the field in the sun was magnificent and I knew I could never leave this place. My thought turned to Gina and out of the wank bank sprang that image of her from below. Idly I rubbed my cock through my shorts and laid back slightly. My cock rose to become a little uncomfortable in my shorts and looking round, I undid the button and slid down my zip.

My patio was not overlooked at all. Yes, a couple of windows in Gina’s house were visible but you’d have to be hanging out of them to see anything. I pulled my cock out of my boxers and began to stroke it, that vision of Gina foremost in my mind. Faster I stroked, then suddenly I was cumming. Long gone were the days when my cum would squirt miles in front of me, but there was a healthy amount, and my face scrunched up in pleasure. I reached in my pocket for a tissue and as I did I caught something out of the corner of my eye. A knot hole in the fence had suddenly gone light. Surely my imagination I thought.

Life rumbled on until a few days later I was sitting having coffee on the patio, reading my book when I heard the sound of a lawnmower being started. Well, actually not being started. The cord was being pulled but the motor would not kick into life. Listening carefully it became apparent that it was Gina. “Having trouble?” I called over the fence.

“Dad says there’s knack to this and I clearly haven’t got it. Do you know how these things work?” I had an electric mower and didn’t really know anything about motor mowers but offered to go round anyway. Gina was getting a bit hot and bothered and kept ripping away at the cord. She must have forgotten, but it was apparent that she was braless under her shirt and the action was causing her tits to wobble in a most attractive manner.

Standing up straight she looked imploringly at me. I had a few goes but it was clear that the motor was flooded or something. “Look,” I offered, “I’ll go and get my electric mower and you can borrow that to cut the grass.”

I’ve never used one of those,” she said, “I’ll be afraid of cutting through the cable and electrocuting myself.”

“It’s easy,” I replied, “I’ll go and get it.” With that I disappeared and returned pushing my trusty mower. I set it up for her and demonstrated mowing up one strip and down the next. She tried but was getting in a right mess with the cord. Resignedly I offered, “Look, I might as well do it all now, it won’t take long.”

“You really are too kind,” she said. It was a pretty hot day and by the time I had finished I was in a bit of a sweaty state. “Would you like a beer as a thank you?”

“I’d love one,” I replied “but do you mind if I have a quick shower first?” I fumbled in my pockets for my house key but couldn’t find it. “Shit!” I exclaimed, “I locked my house when I came out and must have left the keys inside. I don’t really want to sit here in front of you smelling like this, we’ll have to postpone it.”

“How will you get back in your house?” she enquired.

“I’ll have to wait until Jim from over the road comes home from work, he’s got a spare key.”

“That’s hours away. Why don’t you have a shower here and a beer and we can wait for Jim in a bit more comfort. I’ll get you a towel.”

She led me into the house and up the stairs to her parents’ en-suite and handed me a towel. There’s soap et cetera in there. I’m going to have a shower myself in my bathroom, but I expect I’ll take a bit longer than you so just come down when you’re ready and grab a beer.”

I went in the shower, stripped off and started lathering myself up. Suddenly a bolt went through my brain. Gina was but a few yards from me, in the same house, probably stark naked and covering herself in soapy liquid. My cock sprang into life and I began instinctively to stroke it. “I can’t,” I thought, “this is Pete and Mary’s shower and I’m about to redecorate the walls with cum.” Forcing myself to stop, I turned the shower to cold and managed to get my erection under control.”

Towelling off I wondered what I was going to dress in. My shirt and boxers were soaked in sweat although my shorts weren’t too bad. “It’ll have to be topless and commando,” I thought. I left the shower room and walked across the landing. I could hear running water coming from one of the rooms. I know I shouldn’t have, but I couldn’t resist the temptation. I gingerly peered into the room and saw that it was Gina’s bedroom. Clothes were scattered over the floor, her shorts, top and a pair of panties. A door was slightly ajar from which a waft of steam was emerging. Cautiously I peeked through the crack and nearly went into cardiac arrest. There behind a shower screen was Gina, naked and soaping herself with a sponge, just as I had imagined. I could not see with absolute clarity, given the water splashes and steam, but I could see enough to know that her body was indeed fabulous. Her tits seemed to jut out at right angles from her body defying gravity.

As I watched she flexed her knees and washed her crotch, front and back. She bent forward to put the sponge down and her arse pressed against the shower screen momentarily. My cock was rock hard and I so wanted to whip it out and wank myself stupid, but then common sense prevailed and taking a long last look I crept from the room and downstairs.

I sat on the patio with a beer and tried to calm down. Finally I got everything back to normal as Gina reappeared carrying her own beer. “Sorry about this,” I apologised indication my bare torso.

“No worries,” she said, “I’d join you but I don’t think our relationship has quite reached that stage yet!”

I enquired how her sunbathing was going on. “Barely started,” she replied, “What with that perv next door and the limited sun here I am as white as a sheet under all this,” indicating her clothes.

“Look you may think this is wholly inappropriate, but I’m gone to golf three days a week from 9 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon. My garden is pretty much totally secluded and you could sunbathe in there if you wanted. You could climb over the fence from the field behind us and no-one would be any the wiser. There’s a lounger in the shed you can use. As long as you’re gone by about 4 then even I wouldn’t know you’d been there. It might be easier if I gave you a backdoor key, then if you needed the loo or wanted a drink you wouldn’t have to traipse round. And if I lock myself out again I can come and call on you. Remember golf is on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.”

“Are you sure? Would that be really OK? I could do some gardening for you to help out or something, as long as it doesn’t involve cutting the grass,” she indicated the two lawn mowers in the garden. We laughed and sat back to enjoy our beers. The time came for Jim to arrive back home and I gathered up my belongings and, collecting my key from Jim’s made my way home.

That night was a bit of a wank fest. The images of Gina kept running through my head, the view up her shorts, her tits bouncing and the sight in the bathroom. I came long and hard and settled into a deep contented sleep interrupted only by dreams of Gina running naked through the wheat field at the back.

Next day was a home day, and I was going up the stairs late morning when I glanced out of the landing window to see Gina lying on a sun lounger face down with her back bare. Quickly I ducked back from the window to a position where I could get a better look without being seen myself. She appeared to be wearing a pair of panties rather than a bikini bottoms, and was indeed naked from the waist up. I pulled out my cock and began to stroke it, thinking of the other times I’d seen her. She was gorgeous.

Before I could orgasm she sat up suddenly, and although I thought I caught a glimpse of boob, she had quickly put her arm across her breasts as though to hide them. Did she know I was there, was she looking up slightly at the window? I moved further back and she got up and went inside. I waited for a while but she didn’t reappear.

Monday came and I went to golf. There weren’t many of us playing that day and it was a quick round. Normally we’d hang around and have a few beers, talking a load of bollocks. That day we didn’t and I found myself driving home a bit earlier than usual. To be honest I had half-forgotten I had made the offer to Gina about using the garden, and in any event I didn’t think she’d take me up on it so it was not at the forefront of my mind. By the time I got home I was busting for a pee and rather than opening the garage and unloading all my gear, I just went in the front door and headed for the cloakroom.

I could see out of the kitchen window and saw Gina lying there. My heart leaped into my mouth. She was on her back, topless wearing only a pair of skimpy panties. I rushed into the cloakroom and had my pee then, without flushing crept out again. She was still there and without thinking I whipped out my cock and started wanking. Her tits were as I expected, firm and almost sticking straight out of her chest. She had puffy nipples, so there was no real bud-like nipple, just an areola that melded seamlessly into her breast. It really didn’t take long and I was cumming hard. It poured out of me and dripped to my kitchen floor. I really didn’t care. Nirvana beckoned.

I went back out the front door and loudly slammed the car door, and pressed the garage door opener. The door clanked open and noisily I started unloading my stuff. By the time I had finished the garden was empty.

Next evening my doorbell rang and opening it I was surprised to see Gina. “Hi Gina, “I said trying not to appear to be undressing her mentally, “what’s up?”

“Can I come in,” she said, “I need to have quick word?”

“Shit!” I thought, “She saw me and I’m busted. “Of course, come in I’m just about to have a beer, would you like one?” I got the beer and we moved into the lounge and sat down.

Nervously she asked, “Did you see me yesterday in your garden?”

I had to come clean, I couldn’t lie, so I admitted that I had indeed just caught a glimpse of her. “I am so sorry,” she said I really cannot apologise enough. You were kind enough to let me use your garden and I’ve abused your hospitality by going over the top and embarrassing you.”

“Gina, Gina I wasn’t embarrassed in the slightest.” Relief coursed through me. “In fact I ought to be apologising to you. You have nothing to be ashamed of, you have a lovely body and to an old man like me it was a rare and pleasant sight to see someone like you in my garden.”

“You like my body? Really? I’ve always been bit self-conscious of these,” indicating her breasts, “they are such a funny shape compared to everyone else’s.”

“Gina, your breasts are beautiful and natural, not artificial and pumped up like you see in pictures and in films. They are unique to you and you should be proud of them. If I had to see them every day for the rest of my life I would die a very happy man indeed.”

She perked up at this and we began talking about body shapes in general. “Everyone looks so perfect in porn,” she said, “it can get to you a bit.”

“You watch porn!” I asked, a little stunned, “What sort?”

“Yes, mostly PornHub or XHamster, nothing too extreme, just straight sex mostly, I find that gets me off best. What do you like? You must watch it, all men and most women do.”

I found myself feeling a little uncomfortable discussing this with someone who could be my daughter or even granddaughter at pinch, but admitted that I did watch some although I tended to prefer reading erotic stories. “Porn films are too stereotyped for me,” I explained, “it’s as if there’s a formula they must follow, whereas stories were more varied although there was usually explosive sex in them somewhere.”

“Where do you find them?”

I explained there was an excellent website called that had thousands of them in different categories, in different styles by a myriad of writers. Some were “Wham, Bam, Thank you Ma’am” types, but the ones I preferred were slow burn stories.

“Have you ever written one?” I confessed that I had and told her the title. She promised to read it.

“I quite like vintage films,” she said, “not the real old black and white ones, but 70’s, 80′ and 90’s stuff. People looked more normal in those. Unshaven and dressed nicely.”

“Debbie Does Dallas type stuff you mean?”

“I thought that film was just a myth,” she said.

“No it’s real, although the star Bambi Woods only ever made that then disappeared. To be honest it’s a bit of a favourite of mine.”

“Have you got a copy? Could we watch it?” Whoa, this was getting out of hand!

I got my tablet out and opening up some sites found a full copy. I started the film then screen mirrored it to my TV. Bambi Woods in 55 inch glory blazed out. “I think we’d better pull the blinds down don’t you, Can’t have the whole neighbourhood watching.”

I settled down in my usual recliner and Gina into an armchair and we started watching the action. She started off sitting cross-legged but soon stretched her legs out and slumped down in the chair. It starts with the shower scene and despite myself I was getting hard. Where on earth was this leading I wondered. One of my favourite scenes of all is when Bambi, aka Debbie opens a box of candles and masturbates with them and is discovered. When this came on I glanced at Gina and was totally surprised when I saw she had her legs apart and was slowly rubbing circles around her pussy through her shorts. Emboldened I put my hand down my shorts and started rubbing my cock. “Take your shorts off if it makes you more comfortable,” I said. Gina looked round in surprise and saw my hand down the front of my shorts, the top now open. Smiling, she undid her shorts and pushed them down her legs. She resumed her gentle rubbing over her panties and we watched on.

The action got steamier and I felt an orgasm approaching. I looked over at Gina, she had her hand inside her panties now and was strumming at her pussy. I couldn’t help it. I pulled my cock out which promptly erupted with cum and I leant back in the chair my hips up in the air as if in spasm. Gina shot a glance at me then uttered, “Oh My God I’m cumming,” and thrashed about in the chair shuddering.

We looked sheepishly at each other and I said I had better clear this up and rose to get some tissues. When I returned Gina had her shorts on again and the TV was off. “Let’s have a drink,” I said, “wine?”

“Please. Red if you’ve got it.” I got two glasses and we sat to sip them.

“I’m sorry about that,” I said, “I didn’t mean to expose myself to you and do that.”

“It’s OK,” she replied, “I’ve seen you do it before. I saw you that day on your patio after you’d fixed my leak. I peered through a knothole in the fence. It was so exciting I had to go and get myself off afterwards.”

I’ve a confession too. I peeked at you in the shower last week.”

“I guessed you might, that’s why I left the door open! I like watching and being watched sometimes, not by that perv next door, but by nice, kind people like you.”

It was time I confessed my own voyeuristic tendencies, and that I had not only glimpsed her in the garden but had also wanked off to her. “If only I’d known,” she said.

She rose to leave and said, “We ought to do this again some time, now we know each other’s weaknesses it might be fun.” More days passed and I became used to coming home and seeing her in the garden topless. Sometimes she wasn’t there and my life felt a bit empty.

I came home one day, not expecting to see her as I was “on “time”. To my surprise she was there, as usual in just a pair of panties, but this time she was lying feet towards the house. I stood just inside my lounge window and watched her for a while, absent-mindedly playing with my cock. She looked so relaxed, and as I watched her legs parted slightly showing more of her panties. Her hand slipped down to the outside of her panties, where her fingers started sliding up and down stroking lightly. Her movements quickened and changed to a circular rubbing motion and I could see her labia squashing as she rubbed. I undid my shorts and shucked them off together with my boxers. My cock was hard and I began to stroke, up and down and as my pre-cum seeped out lubricating the end, my hand swirled round and round.

Another hand crept down and a finger slipped into the side of her gusset and I glimpsed part of her outer labia. Slowly the finger went further in and I could imagine it sliding into her pussy. Her other hand moved inside the waistband of her panties and began to move faster, exciting what would appear to be her clit. A damp spot appeared on her gusset and I could imaging her pussy leaking, the musty smell arising from her womanly core.

Faster and more frantic became her rubbing and my hand was matching her for pace. Suddenly her hands became a blur and she tensed as her orgasm ripped through her, her panties flooded with pussy juice.

I came, spurting over the lounge window, more forcefully than I done for some time, watching her in the throes of passion. I realised her eyes were open and she was watching me intently. We smiled and she blew me a kiss, then got up and picking up her towel casually sauntered down the garden and hopped over the fence, leaving me with a window to clean.

The next day a parcel came for her when she was out. I took it in and when she came round to collect it and I invited her in, “Did you enjoy the show yesterday?” she asked impishly, “I hope you didn’t make too much mess of the window.”

A little embarrassed I replied that I had very much enjoyed the show and I hoped that I had not gone too far by getting myself off so blatantly in front of her. She reassured me that I hadn’t.

“Wine or beer?” I asked moving away from the subject.

“Wine please. Beer just makes me want to piss!”

“Now that would be a sight to behold.”

Looking a bit sheepish she said she had an idea. “Given our voyeuristic tendencies,” she started, “I’ve been wondering how we can explore them a bit more. Cameras would be fun, but impractical so I’ve come up with the “fly on the wall”. I want you to be there when I wake up tomorrow morning and then I want you to be a fly on the wall and follow me around.”

“But you’ll see me!”

“I’ll have to pretend you’re not there. It’ll work both ways.”

Creeping into her house the next morning I stopped just inside and stripped down to my boxers. Quietly up the stairs until I could just peer into her room, a figure visible under the covers. The radio came on and the figure stirred. Back went the covers and Gina got out of bed. I was disappointed to see tee shirt and panties but this was supposed to be realistic. Stretching she made her way to the bathroom and I followed a yard or so behind. She went over to the toilet and pulling down her panties sat and peed. The splash of her urine in the bowl started me off and my cock started to poke out of my boxers.

Her stream stopped and she half rose and bent forwards to look down at her pussy. To my astonishment she reached towards it then started pulling a tampon out. I was totally blown by this. I had so rarely witnessed such an intimate act and now this gorgeous girl was giving me a bird’s eye view of her pussy opening as the tampon emerged. She examined it and dropped it into the bowl. She had a neat triangle of crinkly brown hair and I was glad she was not shaved completely. Grabbing what seemed like two yards of toilet paper she carefully wiped her pussy and stood up. Turning on the water in the shower over the bath tub she stripped off her tee shirt revealing those magnificent torpedo tits with their puffy nipples. She stepped in, then having washed her hair soaped up a sponge and began rubbing it all over her body paying particular attention to her pussy and arse crack.

She had left the plug in the bath and there was a couple of inches of water in the bottom. Grabbing an aerosol can she squirted something on her hand and rubbed it well into her muff creating a mass of white shaving foam. She took a mirror and picking up a razor sat down on the edge of the bath and began the delicate task of trimming her bush. When she started shaving around her labia I got my first real close look at her pussy. Her inner labia were small and neat, starting pink with a delicate darker edging to them. If I had to choose the design for a pussy it would look just like that. Her clitoral hood just covered the small bulb inside and her arsehole was a delicate pink.

By this time my cock was rigid and I have to say I thought I saw a little trickle of moisture seeping from her pussy. Finished, she stood up and rinsed the residual foam off and examined herself in the mirror. Perfection peered back.

She dried herself then wrapping the towel around her went back into her bedroom followed by her invisible shadow. Drying briskly off she grabbed a tub off the dresser and putting a dollop on her fingers began to massage it around and into her pussy. Clearly this started to have an effect on her as she slid her middle and ring fingers all the way in and commenced frigging herself. A woman standing masturbating is another fantasy of mine and she was doing it right before me.

Stopping, she carefully arranged the towel on the bed and reached into her drawer for an object that she placed carefully on the bed. A bullet shaped gold vibrator! Getting on the bed, propped up against the pillows she opened her legs and began once more to masturbate, slowly rubbing her pussy in a circular motion. Her finger would dip into her vagina every so often and it began to make a squelching sound as she got wetter. Her other hand reached under her and a finger pressed against her arsehole, stimulating herself from both sides.

She knelt and turning her backside to me, picked up the vibrator and inserted it in her pussy, it started giving off a humming sound. She moved it gently in and out and continued to touch her crinkled hole. Her arousal was growing and her movements became faster. She turned over once more onto her back and the vibrator began to pick up more speed. Suddenly her finger pushed knuckle deep into her arse and she came, violently bucking her hips. She pulled the vibrator out and her pussy exploded with a gush of clear fluid, once, twice, three times before she subsided onto the bed totally spent.

Silently I left her, and putting my clothes back on with some difficulty went back home. I’m not ashamed to admit that I masturbated furiously as soon as I was inside the door, cumming bucket loads, reliving that experience.

An hour or so later a message, “Will you write that into a book one day?”

“A best seller already,” I replied.

We found ourselves increasingly comfortable with each other and her topless sunbathing often became nude sunbathing and I would join her on a lounger in the garden sipping wine or beer, and getting all over tans.

“I know you like watching and being watched, “I said one day, “what other fantasies do you have?” We sat and chatted for a while longer exchanging fantasies, one common one between us was being taken by a stranger. “Not rape,” Gina clarified, “but out of the blue, reluctance at first perhaps, then consensual and explosive at the end.”

We parted and after she left I realised we still hadn’t even touched each other.

A couple of days passed and an idea crept into my mind. I messaged her, “Are you free Friday night?”

Back came, “Yes, what did you have in mind?”

“Be in bed ready for sleep at 11pm.”

Friday came and I sat impatiently watching TV and having a beer whiling away the time. 10:50 and I rose and put my plan into action. I grabbed a torch and pulled a woollen hat over my head. I was already dressed in black jeans and sweatshirt. As quietly as possible I crept next door and opened the front door with my key. I used the torch rather than turning on the lights and crept up the stairs. All was quiet and I pushed open the door slowly. A voice said, “Is that…?”

I silenced it with a “SShussh. No talking. Sleep”. Carefully I crept around the room keeping the torch low, the light pooling below face level. I opened drawers and rummaged inside. I found her panty drawer and took out the top pair, holding them to my nose and inhaling loudly. I slipped them into my pocket and removed an object from the drawer which I slipped into my pocket as well. Moving over to the bed I shone the torch on the inert form under the covers, and slowly pulled them back revealing a “sleeping” Gina. Her tee shirt was bunched up around her breasts and she was breathing regularly. Slowly I lifted the bottom of the shirt and her breasts came into view, the underbreast then those gorgeous nipples. I touched her breast and then lowered my mouth to her nipple and sucked gently. She shivered slightly but didn’t move.

Pulling the covers further down, her panties came into view, clinging tightly to her form. Her legs were apart with one knee raised up. I reached down and cupped her pussy, pushing one finger into her slit through the cotton. I began to massage her pussy and her hips undulated slightly meeting my touch. Putting the torch between my teeth I leant over and using the other hand I pulled aside the gusset of her panties, exposing her beauty. Briefly I planted a kiss on her pussy and then I put my fingers to her nether lips and began to massage her, then slid one finger inside and then two, three. She began to moan and move more rapidly. I removed my fingers, feeling the disappointment. Dropping the torch on the bed, I reached for the sides of her panties and slid them down over her legs. I took out the object in my pocket and switched the vibrator on. A gentle buzzing filled the air and I touched it against her clit. She jumped, then relaxed as I moved the wand over her lips and down to her anus. Constantly moving that shaft around I teased and tantalised her. Gently I pushed the pointed end to her waiting hole and slid it in, deeply, then withdrew it and pushed it in again. I could tell her orgasm was building and increased my pace with the dildo. Her hips suddenly bucked as her orgasm washed through her. I put one hand to her breast and squeezed it hard, marvelling at its firmness, twisting and gently pinching her nipple. I continued to move the dildo in and out, slowly decreasing the pace until both she and it were still. I turned off the switch and leaving it still in her pussy I gently pulled her tee shirt down and the covers back up over her. Retrieving my torch I crept out of the room, down the stairs and out again, locking the door behind me.

Back to my house and straight into bed, my cock as hard as rock. I stroked myself to orgasm and fell into a deep sleep.

I was awakened the next morning by the message tone on my phone.

“Wow! Where did that come from?”

I replied, “Sorry about that, couldn’t make it, fell asleep watching a film.”

I didn’t see her for a few days then we bumped into each other at 7 one morning putting the bins out. We were both in our dressing gowns which could have been awkward but for our secret past. Looking at my bare legs and exposed chest she asked, “No pyjamas?”

“Never worn them. You?”

“You know what I wear in bed you’ve seen it.”

“Sorry? You must be thinking of someone else.” and I turned back.

Later that day my phone went off, “Be in bed and ready by 11pm”.

It was a long day waiting, but at 10:45 I went to bed and turned the light off. My bedroom was still illuminated, just by the streetlight outside. I lay there on my back and listened. The clock struck 11 and I heard the click of the front door then soft footfalls on the stairs. Clothes rustled and I could hear gentle breathing. A hand snaked into the bed from the side and moved along my body until it found my penis, already starting to stiffen, gently it massaged my cock until full erection had been achieved. The hand withdrew and I felt the duvet being lifted at the bottom of the bed and a weight was pressed down onto the mattress. A body slid up my legs and once more a hand grasped my cock, which was suddenly engulfed by a magnificent warm wetness. A tongue began to swirl around the head and fingers began to caress my balls, so gently. The hand began to stroke my cock and the lips moved back to the head where they sucked and teased.

It was starting to get close to when I was going to have to warn of an impending eruption when all contact with my cock ceased. The body slid further up my body, and came to rest astride my hips. The covers were thrown back and in the dim light I could see a stunning body with firm, proud tits. I looked at the face to see that it was covered by a Venetian mask, the lips drawn back in a familiar gorgeous smile. My cock was sandwiched against my stomach and pressure applied to it by something soft and wet. I could feel warmth as it began to slide up and down. It was so difficult preventing myself grabbing her hips and ramming myself inside her pussy which I knew was just inches form my cock. I knew I wasn’t going to last long and again just as I was on the verge of cumming my cock was released from its entrapment and replaced by a hand which began to move up and down my shaft. My hands reached for her tits, but after allowing me a brief caress, they moved out of range of my grasping hands. My balls contracted and I spewed my cum all over my stomach until I was spent. Relaxing I jumped again when the mouth engulfed my cock and began to clean it, licking and sucking. Finally the body slid back down the bed and disappeared from sight. A mouth briefly touched mine, “Sweet dreams,” it whispered and she was gone.

I slept and woke wondering if it had all been a dream. My stomach and pubes were crusty with cum and I knew it had been no dream.

The weeks were slipping by and we became really comfortable together. She would still surprise me though. I sat one day in the lounge reading when there was a knock on the window. I looked up and there was Gina, naked, body pressed hard against the outside of the patio doors, arms and legs outstretched like Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, laughing like crazy. I got up but she ran off giggling and hopped over the fence. As my gaze came back off her, I saw that she had clearly been smothered in sun cream and there was the definite impression of her body on the window. You could see the imprint of her body, her legs, her tits and even make out the nipples. I meant to clean it off straight away but decided to leave it for a while.

What I had forgotten was that the next day was the day for the window cleaner, whom I had known for 35 years. “Did you want the patio doors cleaned Ben?” he grinned, “Quite an artwork.” I coloured up and told him to clean it off, but to enjoy the moment if he could!

On another occasion I could see her sitting on the patio with a cup of coffee. I got my 4 inch hole saw out and attached it to my power drill. Standing by the fence I dropped my shorts and jacked myself into an erection. I placed the drill against the fence and pulled the trigger. The saw went through the fence like butter and as the middle fell out I thrust my cock through the hole.

I heard, “Look Christine, just in time! Look what’s come through my fence!”

Shit! Quickly I pulled my cock out to gales of laughter and, “Don’t worry, there’s no-one here! Put it back.” I did so and was rewarded by a hand caressing it and then without warning a warm mouth surrounded it and a mumbled voice, “My own personal glory hole.” Quite how I was going to explain the repaired fence to Pete was beyond me.

The last week of the two months arrived. One morning after a strangely settled night I awoke to find, spooning against me, a naked Gina. Moreover my stiff cock was pushing up against her arse cheeks and my hand was cupping a breast. I jerked back in total surprise, “What…….?”

“I came home late last night and didn’t want to be alone,” she said, “in fact I don’t think I ever want to wake up alone again. Can we be together so I can wake up like this every morning?”

Stunned I backed away and stuttered, “Gina, Gina, Gina my darling, no I’m sorry…..” She pivoted out of my hold and lifting a leg sat astride me, my erection pushing up against her backside, those magnificent breasts pointing straight into my face.

“You don’t love me? Is it your wife? I’m sorry I didn’t realise, sorry. I’ve made a fool of myself.” Tears streamed down her face and I pulled her down to my chest. We had never been so close physically and my body was reacting.

“It’s not that I don’t love you, I-I can’t. I’m at the end of my life and you are just starting yours. Society and your parents and my children would never fully accept us.”

“I don’t care as long as we have each other.”

Quietly and patiently I explained that I had lived a great life with my wife, learning and experiencing new joys together, the children, the grandchildren, something she deserved to have with a soul mate of her own age. Our time together was unexpected and we truly had something other than fantasies and exhibitionism between us but I could not let it go further.

Slowly, reluctantly she accepted my position and the tears stopped. “Can I have one last fantasy?” she asked, “Will you make love to me tonight as though it was the first day of our life together?”

I nodded, “Be here for dinner at eight dressed appropriately.” Without a word she slipped off me and gathering her clothes left the room and went into the bathroom. I heard the tinkle of her pee in the toilet and thought how that young woman had found the best way to punish me.

Eight o’clock came and Gina knocked politely on the door. I greeted her and she came in. She had a calf length dress on, with no straps and bare shoulders. It highlighted her breasts magnificently. There was no mention of this morning and we chatted happily as we had always done, sipping some wine. I had prepared a simple dinner of chicken and pasta, which we ate slowly, relishing each other’s company. She told me she had now decided to return to university to complete her Master’s in the autumn.

The main course over we nibbled at the sweet, a lime cheesecake, she started teasing me with the spoon, slipping it into her mouth full of food and seductively sliding it out between her lips. Her eyes sparkled in the candle light and I had to stiffen my resolve to let her go and be free. I cleared the last of the table and took the dishes into the kitchen. Returning I came up behind her and laid my hands gently on the top of her arms. I touched my lips to her shoulders and began to rain kisses along them, then up her neck to the bottom of her ears and back. She shivered quietly and reached up to put her hands over mine. She looked back to me and our lips met, our first real kiss. We began to explore each other’s mouth aggressively and she stood, turning into me and our bodies pressing hard against each other our kisses became more fervent.

Taking her hand I led her up the stairs into my bedroom where the lighting was dimmed and the bed already turned down. I turned her once more away from me and began again to kiss her shoulders. I reached around and put my hands over her breasts relishing their shape and firmness without a bra. Her bum pushed back into my erection and her hands covered mine. Releasing her breasts I reached for the zip at the back of her dress and pulled it slowly all the way down to the small of her back. She shrugged her shoulders and it fell to the ground around her ankles.

Stepping out of it she turned round and I gasped. Her naked tits jutted out from her body, her nipples pink, melded into the flesh of her breasts. She was wearing a suspender belt with pale stockings and a high cut pair of lacy panties through which I could just about make out her trimmed bush.

I pushed her back against the bed and lowered her backwards on to it. Her legs dangled over the edge, her high heels still on and I knelt between her opened legs. Lowering my mouth to her panty covered crotch I began to nuzzle against her pussy. Touching her inner thighs with my tongue, tracing the edge of her panties and pushing into her waiting core. She was pushing her hips against me and her hands came down to grasp the sides of my head.

Looking up into her eyes my hands reached for the sides of her panties and began to pull them down. She lifted her hips to allow easier passage and they slid down her nylon covered legs with a whisper. Her legs rose straight into the air exposing her pussy lips pushed together as I lifted them over her feet. Legs once more lowered I pressed my face into the juncture of her thighs. My tongue went to the lips of her vagina and then into its waiting maw. I licked around the entrance and teasing tantalisingly up and over her clit, then back down over her perineum to her pink rosebud.

Her hips began to undulate forcing my face harder into her pussy. Her hand grasped my head harder and she began to writhe. Sensing her moment was near I pushed first one, then two fingers into her soaking pussy, the knuckle of a third finger hard against her arsehole. With a muffled scream she came, her pussy gushing fluid over my face and down my shirt. I lapped at it greedily, then rose and ripped off my shirt. Maintaining eye contact I removed my trousers, boxers, shoes and socks. My cock stood out before as proud and erect as it ever had. I leaned forward and brought the head of my cock up to her soaking vagina. “Please,” she whispered and I pushed gently in. She was tight, but so wet and warm and I slipped in easily. Her eyes opened wide at the welcome joining of our bodies. I slowly began to move in and out and her hips moved with me again.

I stopped my movement and slowly slid my cock out of her, disappointment writ large on her face. I picked up her foot and started taking off her shoe, sensuously kissing her toes and instep. I repeated on the other foot and released it to the ground. I stood her up and turning her round indicated that she should move onto the bed in a kneeling position. She did so and her backside was before me, framed by the stockings and suspender belt, her pussy lips pushed together at the top of her thighs, her rosebud pink above them.

I knelt behind her and lined my cock up with her opening, feeling for the way. Before I could move she had pushed hard back and her pussy enveloped my cock in one swift movement. We gasped at the sensation and began moving as one, totally in synch. I reached round and cupped her breasts which were swinging in time with our rhythm, tweaking those fabulous nipples. I felt her arousal rising again, but knew that if I allowed her to cum I would not be able to stop myself, and I wanted to make this evening special for both of us to remember for ever.

Reluctantly I withdrew from her and laid down on my back, my cock firm and straight in the air. I indicated she should mount me and she did so, her gaping pussy flashing in front of me as her leg lifted over me. We had been in this position before, but tonight she grasped my cock and guided me into her waiting pussy as she lowered herself onto me. Her hips moved forward and back, my cock sliding effortlessly into her, my hands on her hips aiding and guiding her movement. My hands reached up and held her breasts, squashing them against her body marvelling at their firmness. I could see and feel the desire in her building and building, matched by my own. Suddenly her head went back and her pussy clamped down hard on me and she came with a howl. My balls boiled and I came, filling her with my love seed, warm and wet inside her. She collapsed onto my chest and I held her tightly for all I was worth.

Slowly our passions lowered and calmed and she sat up again, still impaled on my softening cock. Looking into her eyes I reached into my nightstand drawer and pulled out a gold chain which I put round her neck and fastened. “Wear this always against your skin in memory of this night.” She leaned forward and kissed me tenderly.

“I promise I will never take it off.”

Gently she eased off me and my cock slipped out of her pussy, accompanied by our combined love juices. She nestled into me and I put my arm round her. In this position we went to sleep until morning when I found her spooning against me, her breast in my hand, my cock pressed hard against her backside. Realising I was awake she started pushing back against me and my hand sipped down to her pussy, fingering her into wetness and re-awakening her desire. I rolled over on top, her legs opening in welcome and after a minor adjustment I slipped into her warm pussy again. We made love slowly and gently, not with the raw passion as last night but with quiet desire. Our movements quickened, but not with haste, and our orgasms came upon us together and again we drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.

I awoke to an emptiness in my bed. She had gone and had left me with a small wet patch and a huge hole in my heart. I wept uncontrollably.

By unspoken agreement we didn’t see each other again other than in passing, the pain being evident in our eyes. She left for university in the back of her father’s car, looking up at me in my bedroom window, tears in our eyes.

Life settled down again and Mary told me one day she had a boyfriend. I felt as though I had been kicked in the stomach, but knew it was for the best. “He is quite nice, “Mary said but she thought that Gina was really wanting someone more mature.

Summer came and she arrived home with boyfriend in tow. He was nice and I could see a growing attachment between them. It didn’t really stop the pain though.

One fine warm day my phone pinged with long unseen number. “Window now!” was all the message said. I went up to the landing window and looking out I saw Gina on her knees on the patio, naked with her tits swinging below her being ploughed from behind by her boyfriend. She looked up at me in the window, grinning as the gold chain around her neck shone in the sunshine. I smiled.

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