The Prisoner Pt. 17 by Jamie77917,Jamie77917

Tuesday (Continued)


It was 6:30am Tuesday morning. Far too early to be getting up.

The door swung open. “Can I help you?” asked Danielle, having opened her front door, now looking at a male figure standing in the doorway. She was dressed in only her dressing gown that she clasped tightly to keep herself covered. She was tired and it was too early for her, but still, she managed to look radiant. This man certainly noticed.

“Erm. Sorry to get you up, Danielle, but I am really concerned about Martin. I am due to go up north today at 9am so I figured it was best to see you before I go. I had to come over.”

Danielle looked back at him, without replying. She knew exactly where Martin was. Martin was where she and Catherine had put him.

“No one has seen or heard from him since he left that note to say he was going on extended leave. And it is just not like him, Danielle” he continued, clearly concerned for his friend’s welfare. Steve had been Martin’s friend through school and university. They had been though thick and thin together, which was why it surprised him that Martin had not told him he was going away for a while.

“Look, Steve,” Martin is a full-grown man. I am sure he can take care of himself. Would you like a cup of coffee? I certainly need one — it’s too early,” Danielle noted.

She casually walked away from the door with Steve now following her inside, closing it behind him.

“I just think…,” Steve continued, “… that it is not like Martin to just up sticks like that. What is he thinking? Surely, he knows people would be concerned about him?”

“Black or White?” Danielle asked, regarding the coffee, ignoring Steve’s comment.

“I’m…. I’m fine.” Steve replied. Danielle turned back around to continue making a coffee for herself.

“Did he say anything to you the last time you saw him? Did he sound ok?”

Before she could reply, the door to the living/kitchen area opened and Catherine appeared, also half awake, wearing her dressing gown.

“Oh, I thought I heard talking. Hi Steve,” she said smiling. “How are you?” Catherine had always liked Steve. He was a handsome guy, well built. She had seen him shirtless once and was quite turned on by it.

“Hi Catherine,” Steve replied. “I’m good, but a bit concerned about Martin to be honest. He has gone missing. I am just trying to figure out … ”

“He is hardly missing. He has gone on holiday; a vacation,” Danielle jumped in, knowing that Steve’s question may cause Catherine some concern. She couldn’t afford to let Steve suspect that they knew something. She knew Catherine and she knew that she would start to feel discomfort. She felt protective of her little sister.

Catherine was indeed feeling discomfort at someone asking about Martin. But it was more than that. Because Catherine had noticed that sitting on the living room table was the ipad they were using to select the punishments for Martin. It had certainly locked itself overnight and the screen was dark. But underneath were papers where they had made some written notes. They had enjoyed talking the evening before about their upcoming visit to see Martin. And they wanted to enjoy the day and see him takes some punishments. They made some notes together last evening near a warm fire whilst sipping a glass of wine on what they may want him to have to do. All the while knowing that Martin was at that moment locked in his cell. And they knew this for sure as they had the livestream on the ipad. They had just watched Warden lock Martin’s cock in chastity and the girls got so giddy at him now being trapped in that device. Martin, of all guys. To have his cock locked like that. And a woman take the key away and leave him in that state. It drove them wild as they sipped their wine together. Locked in a device and locked in his miserable cell while they sit here cosy by a fire and drink wine. They also knew that Martin didn’t know why he was there or who put him there. And it gave them a sense of enjoyment at the frustration Martin was displaying, gasping for answers. The Warden was clearly enjoying it too, giving him only snippets. Warden would not reveal it until the client wished it. Their upcoming visit was going to give Martin the shock of his life, no doubt.

Last night, they were so relaxed, and placed the ipad and notes down without a care in the world. But now it was of concern. Steve was hovering, walking back and forth nearby as he was continuing to talk about Martin. If he looked down, he might see something. She had to get him away from that area. She wasn’t sure if Danielle had realised the notes were there. She was so desperate to signal her.

“Steve, when did Martin say he would be back?” Danielle asked, already knowing the answer written on the note that had been left. A note that was not written by Martin at all.

“He wasn’t specific. He just said he had to get away for a while and do some travelling and he would be in touch”

“Well then,” Danielle replied, “Nothing to worry about. I’m sure we will hear from him soon.”

Steve walked toward the table area whilst thinking about his response. Instinctively Catherine moved over to that area, but now getting very close to Steve, who seemed startled at her getting closer than one would expect.

“Steve, that is a nice coat you are wearing. Do you mind if I feel the material?” Catherine said, making up an excuse for her presence.

Danielle looked across, knowing that something was up, but had not worked out what it was. Then she glanced down and saw the ipad and notes. For a second her heart skipped a beat, but then she realised that Catherine had him distracted. So she moved towards him too.

“Yes, I like that too.” She positioned herself behind Steve. “Steve, turn around and show the back to Catherine,” Danielle requested. As he did this, she took the front of the coat in her hands as if to examine it, but really just to stop Steve turning back around. Catherine, sensing an opportunity, grabbed the ipad and notes and headed for the bedroom and casually said,

“I’m just going to put some clothes on.”

Steve reacted to the notion that he was disturbing two young ladies wearing next to nothing but their dressing gowns.

“Oh, erm, I’m sorry ladies. I need to be leaving anyway,” Steve said hurriedly.

Danielle let go of Steve’s coat as she saw Catherine safely exiting the room.

“Are you sure,” Danielle asked, trying to sound casual. “You still haven’t had your coffee.”

“No. I’m fine,” Steve replied, still a little flustered at the predicament that Catherine had brought to his mind. He started for the door and Danielle followed.

“Look, if you hear anything from him, please let me know. You have my number.”

“Sure,” Danielle said, “I’m sure he will be in touch soon. I know how close you two are.”

With that, Steve departed, and Danielle closed the door behind him and let out a sigh of relief, resting herself on the back of the door. She had not expected this man turn up. He caught her half awake and unawares. However, she figured it went quite well and he did not suspect anything.

“Oh my god!” Catherine exclaimed reappearing. She was now wearing just her underwear as she was in the middle of dressing when Steve departed. Her bra hugged her breasts quite firmly. She had a great figure, a body so slender. “We were lucky there Danielle! Do you think he suspected,” she asked?

“Not a chance Catherine,” Danielle replied.

“Why did you say Martin will be in touch?” Catherine asked? “We are not letting him out anytime soon are we?” she asked, sounding disappointed if the answer were to come back as yes.

“No.” Danielle replied. “Of course not. But I have an idea to get Steve off our back.”

“Send him there too?” Catherine asked, with a giggle. “Yea, we should also have Steve stripped naked, cock locked and stuffed into a cell, performing tricks for us. That will stop him asking questions.”

“Oh, my, goodness, Catherine!” Danielle exclaimed, but with a giggle herself at the thought of what they could do. “I think Steve’s wife would miss him!”

They both were now walking towards the living area to sit down on the sofa.

“What I mean Catherine is, we can set it up, so we get Martin to deliver a video message that he is OK and having a great time travelling. I’m sure Warden could get Martin to say anything under threat of shocks to his penis and balls. That shocker they locked on him will get him to say and do whatever we want.”

“That’s a great idea, Danielle. Let me grab the iPad and communicate to the Warden what we need,” Catherine felt better that they could now weather this mini-storm. Even a bit excited at the idea that they could get Martin to commit to his own suffering.

Danielle turned and left Catherine to take care of it. She headed out of the room towards the shower, closing the bathroom door behind her as she reached it.

Catherine was busy writing a draft on the ipad of what they needed Martin to say and do on the video. And how he should act. She knew the Warden and Officers were breaking Martin, slowly but surely, day by day. But he still needed to act like his normal self for this video. Not a dominated man. So she hoped he wasn’t too far gone as yet. ‘Once we have this video’, Catherine thought to herself, ‘we can degrade Martin all we want. Break him!’ Boy that thought sounded so good to her. She loved seeing him kept naked via the pictures and videos uploaded to the portal. Herself and Danielle had caused that anguish for Martin.

Even now, she knew it was Tuesday morning and his day with Officer Anna would soon be beginning. They had read her profile. She loves electrics. Control. Pure obedience from her males. Having them perform for her exactly how she wants. Catherine was getting hot at the thought of reviewing Tuesday online later this evening. Anyway, back to work. She continued with her email.

In the bathroom, Danielle turned the shower. While waiting for it to heat up she took off her dressing gown, letting it fall to the floor. Now standing there naked she looked at herself in the mirror. She moved her hands over her slim body and onto her firm breasts. She thought of Martin. ‘Oh, you are a silly, silly man,’ she thought. ‘You never should have done what you did. Finding out about this place was a dream come true for us. To have you taken and sent there to experience what we have seen so far is so hot.’ She moved her hands slowly down her body as her thoughts gathered pace.

She smiled as she thought of the additional punishments that she and Catherine were thinking up the night before over a glass of wine. She knew Martin had his week of shame in progress with each Officer having their wicked way with him. Danielle and Catherine had put him forward for that. They were enjoying seeing the online updates. She thought of Martin in the video, flapping like a bird doing those jumping jacks naked at the command of Warden. He looked ridiculous. Danielle moved her hands over her pussy and started to rub herself. She then thought about what it would do to Martin to have to carry out those new punishments they were thinking of communicating. They only had them on paper but they would soon become reality for poor Martin. All they had to do is decide and he will be living their fantasy.

The shower at this point was pumping out hot water and the bathroom was starting to steam up.

Danielle continued to caress herself quicker and quicker, with her breath quickening. She was looking forward to the visit. The thought of Martin put through his paces by sadistic women while herself and Catherine can sit there and watch, with Martin humiliated, knowing it was them doing this to him, was just too much for her to bear. She couldn’t hold it back any longer. Her excitement was too much. Danielle turned and ran the few steps needed for the shower, getting in just in time as she exploded sexually, shuddering with a massive climax. She sank to the shower floor to catch her breath, as the shower pumped warm water over her back and bottom. The awesome power she had over a helpless Martin was so intoxicating.

“Oh, poor, Martin,” Danielle said to herself, smiling, as she crouched there catching her breath, “You are not coming home anytime soon!”


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