The Project Trip Pt. 15 by MrStill,MrStill

If you have just joined us, here is a quick recap. With her project work in Germany now complete, Menaka was put on her flight by her German Uni friends to finally return to her boyfriend in Mumbai.


After the excitement of her final farewell party, her mostly nude rush to the airport and her final fuck before she got onto the flight, Menaka felt a little deflated now that she was alone on the flight from Germany to Mumbai, on her way back to her boyfriend Karan and indeed to rekindle her whole life back home. Her time spent at the German university already seemed a long way behind her, with her studies now concluded. There seemed no going back except maybe some time in the future as a visitor, a tourist, or who knows.

She watched Germany fade from her life through the cabin window then turned to see that the middle aged couple between her and the aisle were already engrossed in a movie from the flight’s selection. She wondered maybe she should try like them to watch a movie to kill some time, but she knew that she was not settled enough to concentrate for that long.

Alone on the flight and with her reunion with Karan looming but currently out of her reach, her sexual urges temporarily subsided. She recognised this despite being too aware of how she was dressed. Although to the other passengers she seemed demurely outfitted in a modest dress suit, she knew that not only did she have no underwear on beneath the comfortable, loose fitting suit but that it could easily fold away at the front and the back exposing her arse, her pussy and her breasts in an instant. If only she had some reason to have the thrill of doing that.

One of the cabin crew slowed as she neared Menaka’s row, reread a note that she held and then leaned across the couple to catch Menaka’s eye. “You have a friend in first class,” the cabin crew told her.

“That’s nice,” Menaka replied. “Say hello to them for me.” She assumed that was how things went.

The cabin crew laughed at Menaka’s nonchalance. “He has invited you up for a drink. I’ll tell him if you don’t want to do it.”

Menaka shrugged as she undid her seatbelt. “I might as well.” This was a mystery. She wondered who it could be.

She followed the crew person down to the front of the plane and through a curtain into the spacious first class area. An overdressed glowing Indian businessman turned to look at her then guiltily looked away as if he had been practising not to seem too eager. He looked young, exuding an aura of wealth and success. Menaka did not recognise him, but she smiled as if she did.

The cabin crew member seemed pleased at having effected their connection. “I’ll leave you two to it,” she offered as she almost skipped out of their space towards the very front of the plane. Menaka stepped up closer to her host and noticed despite the old style of his formal clothes, he was even younger than she had originally imagined, although at least a few years older that her.

“Hello,” she smiled when they were alone, “I don’t think we know each other.”

He held out a hand. “Gautam.”

She held out hers. “Menaka.” She looked at him for a moment more but managed no recognition. “I don’t know you?” she asked.

“Sorry,” Gautam interrupted. “Where are my manners? Please sit down.” There was indeed a spare seat facing Gautam’s so Menaka daintily placed herself in it. The cabin crew almost instantly returned with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. She placed them near Gautam and just as quickly left. A high partition near the aisle gave them a sense of privacy. The businessman looked at his phone. “Your friend Kat mentioned to me that you were on this flight as I was boarding.”

“That was nice of her.” Menaka’s reply was a little sharp.

Gautam did not seem to notice the nuance. He scrolled through his phone and stopped to click on a photo and handed the phone to Menaka. It showed Adam fucking her arse in the airport carpark. Menaka smiled at Gautam.

“She told me to look after you if you got bored,” he explained.

Menaka shook her head at this impetuous man. “We’re forty minutes into the flight. I haven’t had time to get bored yet,” she countered.

“Well, I am still glad that you came here. Please be my guest for the remainder of the flight.” His sipped at his champagne and reached over to top up Menaka’s glass.

She gave him a dangerous leer. “And I think I can imagine where you are hoping that this might lead.” Gautam again seemed to miss her tone. Menaka drained her glass of champagne in one long swallow. “Thank you for your kind offer,” she smiled as she stood up, “but I prefer to make my own arrangements.” Menaka turned to leave and flicked up the back of her skirt, baring her bottom at the man, keeping just out of his reach. She smiled. “Thank you for the drink. If I do get bored, I know where you are.”

Gautam got up but too late as Menaka patted the back of her dress down again, covering herself up. She turned to face him and took a step back. Gautam stood formally in front of her. “You are the most beautiful girl on this flight. And thank you for your straightforwardness. If, as you say, you get bored, you know where I am.”

What is happening to me? Menaka wondered as she headed back to the crowded end of the plane. Why would I turn him down? Why not just accept the invitation and ride in comfort with this charming man. Or am I actually wondering if the cost would be too high? She squeezed back over the couple who had the aisle to regain her seat near the window. They barely seemed to worry about her disruption. She flicked through the menu for a movie to put her to sleep and drive the questions out of her mind. Finding one, she curled up against the side of the aeroplane and closed her eyes hoping it would be a while before she was next interrupted.

Menaka awoke to notice the wife staring at her. She also noticed that the husband was missing from the aisle seat.

“He has gone to look for the conveniences,” the wife primly advised Menaka as she examined her closely. “That looks like a very comfortable suit you are wearing,” she commented. And Menaka noticed that the wife was bunched up, looking uncomfortable in an outfit that did not seem to properly fit her.

Menaka felt a little naughty. “It is very comfortable,” she told the wife. And she flicked up the front of her skirt baring only her thigh but clearly suggesting that there was a lot more exposure possible. Menaka wondered if the woman would recoil and get upset.

But the wife smiled. “How convenient for you!” she exclaimed. “Where can I get one of those?”

Menaka shrugged, trying not to look too shocked at the wife’s interest. “I am sorry but I can’t tell you,” she admitted. “I had no idea such a garment existed until my friend gave it to me to wear just before the flight.”

But at that moment the husband returned. Menaka quickly flicked the dress back to its demure state and feigned to be once again sleeping. To her delight, she soon was.


I drove by myself to the airport and made sure to get there early. Karan, I told myself, you have to be present when Menaka comes out into the departure area. You don’t want your girlfriend waiting around in that place wondering where her boyfriend is. This was a time when I would have to be early. But I knew anyway that I wanted to be there. Of course I wanted to see Menaka as soon as I could. What could happen? What if her baggage was first off the flight and she was able to walk straight through into the hall? No, I would get there early. I would get there and be patient and I would wait.

I forced my friends not to join me and to let me go alone. They wanted to come with me of course, they all wanted to see Menaka again as much as I did. But no, I was firm with them for once. This was special. They argued but I insisted that I had to do this on my own. Fortunately Meena backed me up, so for once they all actually obeyed my request.

I tried to calm myself now I was in the airport. I was sure that there was something about the outfit that she was wearing that I was meant to remember. But my mind was foggy from all the things I had seen in the broadcast from Germany before she got on the flight. Anyway, it did not matter what Menaka was wearing when she got off the flight, I told myself. I just wanted to see her again.

So I stood there in the arrivals hall watching the board change as the flights landed while I waited. And waited. Then a flight from Singapore arrived and her flight was the next due to land. Then my chest rose when the message flipped over and said that one word next to her flight: Landed. I was not looking at anyone else in the hall. I was just looking at that board and that one word.

Even so I felt a low buzz in near me in the hall as I sensed that others there were waiting for the same thing. To reunite with their friends and family and lovers. We all watched that entrance to our hall but there was no movement. And then someone emerged and was engulfed by their people. And then a moment later someone else came through and wandered around looking to see if anyone had come for them. And then others. And then my tall, proud girl stepped into the hall, looking all around in the wrong direction as I quickly headed to her. She turned and saw me when I was only a metre or so away. I stopped. She stopped. We both stood there face to face.

“It’s unreal,” I said, “it’s you.”

She put down her bags so I could embrace her, hold her in my arms after all this time. “My boy,” she whispered in my ear. And she hugged me. We stayed like that for a while.

“What have you been up to while I was away?” a woman screeched, from right behind me.

“What?” I wondered out loud, letting go of Menaka in surprise.

“What were you up to? I can see it in your eyes?”

I turned around as did Menaka. “You cannot even see my eyes,” I complained and then realised that I was looking at a little old lady and an equally old man both looking only at each other with a glint in their eyes while their younger relatives looked on embarrassed. “Were you chasing all the girls?” the woman demanded of her man. He nodded eagerly, clearly this was a long-played game of theirs.

I looked back at Menaka who was looking into my face with total adoration. “It’s just like Brief Encounter,” I told her, “but the opposite.”

Menaka gave me that smile. “What are you talking about, Karan?” she asked.

“The movie with Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard. They meet for the last time on a railway platform and say goodbye forever because they can’t leave their families for their lovers. Whereas we…”

Menaka shook her head. “As usual, I have no idea what you are talking about.”

I tried again. “It is tragic and unrequited.”

Menaka looked hard at me. “Well, this is the opposite. I am never going to let you out of my sight again.”

I smiled. “I’d hoped you would say something like that.”

Then I noticed that Menaka’s mood had changed. She stared determinedly at a man who had just come into the arrivals hall. “Do you see that man?” she whispered, “I want you to make him jealous.”

I laughed at her. “What is this jealousy of which you speak?” I teased. Although I remembered my feelings the first time my girlfriend exposed her body to my friends when she had returned briefly from Germany on her project trip, the time when we drove her out of Mumbai. Thinking back on it, maybe my feelings were more likely to be guilt rather than jealously since I had been seeing Tarini while Menaka was away.

Menaka gave another of her looks, the one that suggested she knew everything that was going on in my brain. “You know, jealousy. The green eyed monster.”

That got me confused. “The only green eyed monster I know is Meena, Mohit’s sister,” I told her.

Menaka looked confused at that response. “She gets jealous?”

I shook my head. “No, she has green eyes and she is a monster. Wait until you actually meet her.”

Menaka perked up. “Green eyes, eh? How enticing. What colour eyes do I have?”

“Your eyes,” I stammered, “you know what kind of eyes you got.”

Menaka laughed. “But do you?” Then she got back onto her subject of interest. “He’s watching us.” She took me back into a loose embrace and whispered instructions into my ear. “Flick my dress to the side. Yes, like that.” I did not have to look down there to know that a lot of her bottom was now bare. And pointing in this man’s direction. “Now use your finger,” Menaka ordered. “I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how.”

And so I had my hand on my girlfriend’s bare bottom, in the arrivals hall of Mumbai’s busy airport and following her instructions I was moving a finger down between her legs.

When I reached the target, Menaka gripped me a bit harder. “Thank you. That man who is watching us would like to be here holding me and doing what you are doing to me.”

I turned to look her in the eyes and felt a little mischievous. “So why don’t you let him?” I challenged. I looked past Menaka to see the businessman standing behind her, quite a distance away. He glanced around the room but took his time to stop and concentrate each time his eyes returned to Menaka, specifically to where I had my hand. I could see his intent clearly over her shoulder. “Yes, he is interested in you,” I told her.

Menaka lurched against me so I may have been doing something right. “Of course he is. He propositioned me on the plane. His name is Gautam and he thinks he is hot stuff. But I don’t care about him because I have you,” she breathed in my ear. “And not letting him touch me but letting you do THAT is much more fun.” She giggled dangerously. “Mind you, he is very good looking,” she added before she pecked me hard on the cheek to remind me that I was the one.

I looked over at this man who was sneaking looks at my girlfriend’s bare bottom, well I glanced his way pretending not to be watching him. I was sure that he did not see me being discrete. “What is he doing?” Menaka whispered urgently in my ear. He walked across the hall as if he had given up on Menaka and had something or someone else in mind. I watched as he moved, keeping an eye on where he was going.

And then I saw his destination. Standing by herself was an absolutely stunning woman holding out a sign with Gautam’s name on it. She was dressed to kill. Well, Menaka corrected me on that when she glanced over. “She’s dressed to fuck,” Menaka accurately restated. The young woman was in a long black coat with wide lapels and padded shoulders designed to stay open at the front so that you could see that she wore a black lace teddy, knee high black high heel boots, fishnet stockings and whatever was needed to hold them up and not much more. She stood provocatively, her legs wide, as she swished her flowing long dark hair behind her when she recognised her pick up.

We watched as Gautam walked up close to her then leant towards her and simply handed over his wheeled case for her to look after. He gave her no flicker of affection or even attention. The woman seemed unconcerned by his coldness as she walked with him wheeling his baggage, her cape flowing behind her with her barely clad body mostly on display. Then we realised that they were heading towards us. Menaka peeled herself off me and patted down her skirt as Gautam brought his companion right up to us.

He nodded very briefly at Menaka and then held out a hand to me. “My name is Gautam,” he announced. “I had the pleasure of meeting your beautiful girlfriend on the flight. My driver is taking me to my apartment. The car is quite large and she is happy to take you to your destination as well.” The driver smiled professionally like she may well indeed have been as happy to also take us as Gautam suggested. Her cape remained open revealing everything, clearly she wore nothing underneath the transparency of the teddy.

Menaka smiled at Gautam, exercising her feminine power to cancel the effect of the driver. And she put her arm possessively in mine. “Thank you Mr Businessman, but Karan drove here so we do not need to take up your kind offer.”

“Such a pity,” Gautam replied with only a hint of regret. “But here is my business card if I can be of any help in the future. It was very nice meeting you both. Maybe I will see more of you.” He gave Menaka a knowing smile as he handed his business card to her rather than to me, making a show of the attention he gave to my girlfriend. And she made a show of accepting it with her free hand, the one that was not wrapped in mine. And then he motioned to his driver without taking his eyes from my girlfriend. He gave Menaka a final inspection as they moved away. I could only guess at what may happen at his destination although Gautam seemed uninterested in the spectacle of his driver in her outfit.

I looked at Menaka. “What was all that about?” I asked her. But she seemed a bit flustered telling me that she would explain later. “Just as well I drove,” I added.

“Why?” Menaka asked, still looking concerned.

“I don’t know how safe that man’s driver would be driving him dressed like that.”

Menaka laughed. “You men! Always the ones who think they can drive better. Even when you have your dicks out and us women looking after you and your stiff needs. But a woman dresses to impress and you are all, oh she couldn’t look like that and drive a car too!”

“But those boots,” I argued to no avail. “They are not safe for driving.” Menaka shook her head. I tried to make it up to her. “Do you want to show me what women are capable of and drive us to my apartment then?” I asked her.

That got a firm response. “Certainly not! I am jetlagged after my flight and I have just returned from a country where they drive on the wrong side of the road. It’s up to you Karan to get us back to your apartment safely.”

“I can do that!” I boasted.

“It’s a minimum requirement,” she retorted solemnly. I grabbed her luggage and started us towards the car park.


At the door to my apartment, Menaka had that dangerous look in her eyes. She smiled and flicked open her top baring her breasts. I was not surprised as I took my time to open the door that she did not attempt to cover them up. She toyed with the flap at the front of her skirt obviously ready to put on a show for me.

We entered my apartment and Menaka pushed in front of me with her breasts out as I brought in her luggage. She quickly went down the passage, into my living room as I followed her with her bags. As I reached the lounge room of my quiet house, Menaka was heading down the passage from there to my bedroom.

“Karan,” she shouted back at me, “where is everyone?”

I left her bags and started down the hall towards her. “They were busy,” I lied. I was still surprised that my friends had actually given in and agreed not to spoil my reunion with Menaka, to give us a some time, just the two of us, together. Fortunately she couldn’t see my face when I lied. I entered my bedroom where she sat on my bed with her breasts still out but a look of disappointment on her face.

“They are too busy to fuck me,” she complained.

I shrugged. “I guess so,” I tried.

She flicked back the flap at the front of that revealing skirt. “Well, I guess you’ll just have to do, Karan,” she smiled.

Despite her provocations all the way from the airport, I had managed to keep my hands off her pussy and her breasts as I drove. Knowing my girlfriend this would only have got her more worked up. She has to be stimulated by someone else, it is almost an obsession with her, I knew what she wanted. But I felt like playing with her a little bit longer.

“Why don’t you get yourself ready for me?” I smiled.

“What do you mean, Karan?” she asked, wide-eyed. I hooked a finger to give her the hint. “I couldn’t possibly do that with you here to help me.” I shook my head like I did not understand her. But I took my cock out of my pants and stroked it a few times.

“Like this,” I urged her as my cock got hard, trying to hold myself back, knowing how much I was aroused too. I jerked my hard cock a few times then stood there with a smile holding it but trying not to lose control.

“You mean like this?” Menaka relented and ran a finger across her breasts and then through her bush down to her clit. She started to rub it in earnest. “If I do this properly I won’t need you, Karan,” she warned. She was so excited she was breaking her rule!

I let my girlfriend play with herself for a little longer. “That’s enough,” I laughed, “I don’t want you getting experienced at that.” And I leant down to help Menaka have her first orgasm back in India. And of course after that we fucked. And it was so good to have her back in my arms.

Resting against me on the bed, her head on my shoulder and her body pressed against mine, Menaka actually purred. “I didn’t think you would last that long, Karan,” she commented.

“Thank you.” I pretended to be insulted. Then I added “I have learnt some tricks while you were away. I think of things that stop me from coming.”

Menaka drew back so that she could see my face, I guess to see how serious I was. “Like what?” she asked, a little concerned as to what the answer may be.

I tried to look relaxed. “Like your friend Kat.”

“But she’s beautiful,” Menaka retorted.

“But she’s so domineering. I would be scared to do anything around her.” I hugged Menaka as we stretched and pressed against each other under the sheet.

Menaka looked at me and smiled hopefully. “I would like to think that one day, maybe soon, we could put that to the test.”

I pretended to be appalled. “You mean that you would let her come over here and terrorise me and my friends?” I corrected myself just in time. “Our friends, I meant.”

Menaka poked me in the side. “Speaking of our friends, where are they? I am sure that they wanted to see me.”

“They all wanted to see you. And I told them that they would have to wait. Don’t worry, I’ll bet that they cannot wait too long. You know how determined they all are.” I smiled. “I bet that they will be here soon. Well, all of them except for Tarini. She and Mohit have gone away for a holiday.”

Menaka smirked at that. “Mohit, you think that he suspects anything?”

“Well, I have good intelligence from Tarini and from Meena that he does not know anything.”

And the doorbell rang. I smiled at Menaka. “It begins,” I told her. I got up, put on my Hugh Hefner gown, modelled it for a moment to make Menaka laugh and then I went down the hall to see who it was. It was Sam.

“You look wonderful,” he said to me but I think he was being sarcastic. “Where have you hidden Menaka?” he added as he tried to push past me down the hall.

“It’s nice to see you too, Samarth,” I replied, holding him up.

He was taken aback. “You never call me that,” he blustered.

I shrugged my shoulders. “It’s your name.”

He smiled like nothing had happened. “So where’s the woman of the moment?” he urged.

“She’s in my bedroom,” I smiled because I was so happy that my girlfriend was back with me. “It is so great to have to her back,” I told him.

“I’m sure it is,” he smiled aggressively as he got past me and headed down the hall. He knew the way to my bedroom. I quickly followed him.

Menaka was still covered with the sheet as she sat up on my bed with Sam approaching her. I followed right behind him.

“Menaka, you look fantastic!” he effused. “Give me a hug!”

Menaka smiled. “I always look fantastic,” she reminded him.

“But extra fantastic,” Sam insisted. He turned to me for support. “Doesn’t she?” he asked me as Menaka edged towards him.

“She is right,” I cautioned Sam, “she always looks fantastic.”

Clearly that wasn’t good enough for Sam. He got on the bed and took Menaka up in a strong embrace and kissed the side of her face. His action dislodged the sheet and suddenly Sam had his arms around my naked girlfriend. The doorbell rang again.

“You had better see who that is,” Menaka smiled at me as she embraced Sam hard to bring his face close to hers. Of course I knew how well they knew each other but I was still a little miffed as I went back to my door to open it on Dhruv.

“Where’s Menaka?” he asked me right away, with his characteristic boyish smile. I realised then that he could be more charming in that way than I could. A loud moan of pleasure from the direction of my bedroom suggested where she was.

“She’s with Sam,” I told Dhruv.

“Sounds like it,” Dhruv agreed. “They couldn’t wait?” he asked me.

“What sort of question is that?” I asked him.

“I don’t know,” he told me, “but I had better check on them.” More groans came from the bedroom.

So I followed Dhruv there to find that Menaka was on her back on my bed and that in the moments since I had been called away, Sam had stripped off his clothes and was earnestly fucking Menaka who was clearly enjoying it as much as Sam.

Dhruv coughed and Menaka looked at me with a hint of apology from beneath my other close friend. “Sam was just telling me how much he has missed me,” she shrugged.

“It’s true,” Sam grunted.

“I can tell,” Dhruv answered for both of us. He too approached the bed although it was hard for me to guess what he intended to do given the situation with Menaka trapped under Sam.

And the doorbell rang again. I stood there watching Dhruv undressing as he watched Sam and Menaka. “Karan,” Menaka woke me from my reverie, “you should see who that is.”

“She’s right,” Dhruv smiled as now, completely undressed, he sat on the bed close to Menaka’s face. Sam had picked up his fucking rhythm again.

The doorbell rang again, but I reached it before it could ring a third time. It was Abhi. “It had to be you,” I laughed, “you’re always late.”

He tried to look serious. “Why? Who is here already? Did you bring Menaka back from the airport yet?” I looked at him but he still kept that look on his face. We could hear some muffled groans coming from the bedroom.

“Yes,” I told Abhi, “she is in my bedroom with Sam and Dhruv.” We could hear something which sounded like Menaka was trying to say something but was muffled. Abhi looked at me for an explanation. “Sam was fucking her. I don’t know, Dhruv was just watching,” I told him.

“We had better go and see,” Abhi urged. “Maybe she needs our help,” he added with urgency as he started to make his way down the hall.

“I don’t think that is likely,” I responded as I trailed him. “But still I know that she would like to see you again.” I followed Abhi to my bedroom to find that Sam was still fucking Menaka but now she was on her knees with Sam fucking her from behind so that she could take Dhruv in her mouth. She turned and looked to us with a lot of passion in her eyes.

“Hu-wo Ahhh-bi,” she blurted with her mouth full. Then she looked to me with those large apologetic eyes of hers. She freed her mouth as she turned to me. “Dhruv was telling me how much he missed me,” she smiled brightly. Abhi took advantage of the distance of Dhruv’s cock to kiss Menaka on the cheek as he welcomed her back home, which I thought was nice and considerate of him.

And then the doorbell rang again.

“Who could that be?” Menaka asked, clearly perplexed.

Dhruv rolled his eyes. “It’s either Tarini or Meena, looking around here.”

“Or the pizza guy,” I shouted.

Sam turned to look at me. “Did you say the porn guy?” he asked while he pounded my girlfriend. “He has some explaining to do.”

“Pizza guy,” Abhi corrected him as he started to undress. He looked at me. “Really?” Abhi asked.

“Joke,” I said. Dhruv groaned, I guess on behalf of the rest of them as he put his cock back into my girlfriend’s mouth. And the doorbell rang again. “It’s not Tarini, she’s gone away with Mohit, remember?” I pointed out.

“Where did she go?” Abhi asked.

“She made sure we wouldn’t find out,” I told them. “Which seems wise,” I added trying to show serious concern about their relationship.

“It’s hard to believe that Mohit slept through what you were doing to him,” Abhi told Menaka.

She laughed, dropping Dhruv’s cock out of her mouth to his frustration. “Well, he did have a lot to drink thanks to you guys,” she reminded us. She reached up to stroke Dhruv’s cock to placate him.

“You had nothing to do with it, Menaka,” I told her.

“Nothing!” she blurted. And we all laughed.

The doorbell went again. “I better go,” I announced before anyone could add anything else. As I left my bedroom I noticed that Abhi was now undressed and talking rapidly to both Sam and Dhruv while Menaka attempted to follow their conversation. Sam was still fucking her although he had slowed down. And she still had Dhruv’s cock in her hand while Abhi moved close to her other side. But I had another visitor to attend to.

I opened the door to Meena who was dressed demurely in loose jeans and a long sleeve, high necked top. “I didn’t realise that you were coming,” I stuttered.

She smiled with her usual control. “I thought it would be nice to finally meet your girlfriend. Is she receiving guests?”

“Well, when I left the bedroom Sam was fucking her and I think Dhruv was about to put his cock back in her mouth. I’m not sure what Abhi was planning to do,” I explained.

Meena nodded at the wonder of that and started to make her way down the hall. We could hear a lot of groaning both by people and the bed. I speculated what I was likely to see when I returned to my bedroom although I knew that Meena would not be shocked by whatever was going on in there. In fact, she turned to me just outside the door to my bedroom.

“I wonder what they are doing?” she whispered, playing up to me with wide, mocking eyes.

“Let’s find out,” I whispered as I put my arm around her. Meena shrugged me off and went to the door.

Entering my bedroom, Meena held her hand to her mouth in faux shock. In front of us on the bed Menaka was now on top of Sam who was fucking her while lying on his back. Dhruv was back in her mouth. And it took me a while to realise what Abhi was doing, kneeling behind Menaka his legs spread carefully to avoid touching Sam’s legs stretched out straight beneath him.

“Abhi,” I called to him, “are you fucking Menaka’s arse?” Menaka muttered something into Dhruv’s cock that seemed to be “of course he is.”

Meena pulled a strange face at the performance in front of us. “Your friends certainly know how to make a girl feel welcome,” she told me. She feigned concern. “There is no room for you, Karan,” she observed. “What can we do about that?”

I smiled at her as I loosened the tie on my Hugh Hefner robe. “If only there was someone here to help,” I suggested as Meena opened my now loose robe.

“Now, how did that get so hard?” Meena wondered as she took my rigid cock in her hands and moved me back to lean on my dresser so that she and I could watch everything on my bed as she jerked me off.

I reached for her breasts but she shrugged me off. “No need to worry about me,” she told me as she kept working on my shaft. “You just keep an eye on your girlfriend.”

I obeyed and spent some moments watching until Menaka had a big heaving orgasm aided by my three friends. Meena noticed that I was starting to twitch too.

“We cannot have you messing up your carpet,” Meena noted and squatted down to take the head of my cock in her mouth just in time as I spurted a huge load of cum into her mouth. “That was a lot,” she exclaimed after she had finished swallowed and I had flopped out and softened. “Must be something to do with seeing your friends looking after your girlfriend,” she smiled as she gave me a hug.

Menaka was cumming again and surprisingly to me, none of my friends seemed like they were going to finish anything soon. Meena held me while more time passed as Menaka built to one orgasm after another until firstly Dhruv came in her mouth soon followed by Abhi and then finally Sam. They all fell back on the bed.

“I think I need a shower now,” Menaka laughed after she recovered from taking some time to recover. There were grins shared by my friends and me at the thought of where that could lead. Once again there was one shower, Menaka, and my friends.

“What is that about?” Meena asked me.

I grinned. “I’ll tell you later,” I promised her as the others headed for my bathroom. And since Meena and I were now alone I told her about the project trip and how my friends had decided to save water by showering with Menaka and gave her some of the details. Meena looked at me with disbelief. But then she changed her view. “I already have a new admiration for Menaka,” she told me.

Later with all the welcomes done, we sat in my lounge room. Well, all of us except Sam who again insisted on preparing the tea and nibbles we had decided that we needed. I was still in my robe sitting in my large soft chair that faced the large lounge with Meena, still in her jeans and top, sitting on one of the arms, balancing with one hand on my shoulder. In her contrary way Meena had chosen to watch the action rather than participate in the welcome home ceremony in any way except to look after me. The others had not even bothered to put any of their clothes back on after they had dried off. Dhruv lay back on the lounge as if he was exhausted. It was hard to tell but he may have nodded off.

Sitting next to Dhruv, Menaka stretched out on the lounge and looked over to Abhi sitting right near the other edge of that couch. He had now reverted back to his wary self, even to the point of crossing his legs. My girlfriend smiled benignly at him. “Abhi, your arse fucking was really good. Where did you learn to do that?” she asked in that way where it was hard to tell if she was praising or taunting him. Abhi got up from the lounge to try to back out of the room.

Meena was not going to let the regular butt of her own taunts escape so easily. “Yes, Abhi,” she asked with a wry smile, “where did you learn to do that?”

Abhi muttered something about maybe it was beginner’s luck. He backed out of the room and down the hall.

Meena then looked down at me. “You didn’t get much out of this, Karan. Do you need another hand?”

I smiled up at Meena. “Menaka and I had our moment before everyone arrived. And, thank you, then you did help out. But you got nothing out of it at all,” I told her.

Meena smiled back. “Yes, but you know me. Sometimes I like to get off by just watching while you all carry on.” She reached down and opened my robe. “Oh look, you’re hard again. I wonder why that is?” And she reached down grabbing my dick in one hand and deftly made me even harder.

Menaka smiled at Dhruv not caring if he was conscious or not and gestured over at Meena and me. “Aren’t they sweet?” she cooed and as he did not reply Menaka grabbed his limp penis to see if any stimulation there could bring him back round. He gasped, either involuntarily in his sleep or because he was just aware enough to enjoy what Menaka was doing to him.

Meena leant down and took me deep into her mouth. I noticed Sam come in from the kitchen carrying a tray with the tea things and displaying that he was hard again. Menaka noticed Sam come in too. She looked around at us. “Well I think I’ve fucked everyone in this room,” Menaka observed.

Meena looked up, stopping what she was doing to me. “Well, almost everyone…” she corrected. Menaka nodded at that but was clearly too relaxed to consider doing anything about it.

As she stroked Dhruv, Menaka gave me a look and then smiled at Meena. “Hmm,” she observed, “does he like it when you nibble the top of his penis?” my returned girlfriend asked the one who was looking after me.

Meena looked over at Menaka, seeing the challenge. “Let’s see,” she suggested and tried it out on me. Instead of taking me deep in her mouth like before she nibbled on the tip of my dick and then moved her teeth just a little lower. It was good. I groaned. “Karan?” Meena asked, having stopped again. I smiled to assure her that everything she was doing was fine.

Menaka gripped Dhruv’s cock tightly trying squeeze some life into him although that did not seem to change his unconscious state. She kept her gaze on Meena as she quizzed her further. “Does he call out ‘My god, my god’ when he comes? And does he warn you to try to stop you?” Meena chose not to answer but to keep on with her work on me. Sam put the tray down on the table so close to Menaka that he only had to turn around in order to put his dick into her mouth. As she sucked on him, Sam theatrically called out “My god, my god,” as if he was me in the throes of a great orgasm.

Abhi returned having put his pants back on. Seeing what was going on — Meena sucking me and Menaka trying to get Dhruv and Sam hard — he must have thought he could be clever. He looked over my way with a strange, hungry look in his eyes. “So Meena, are you going to join in now?” he asked her bruskly, with some insistence.

Meena sat back up and stared hard at Abhi. She shook her head and looked over to my busy girlfriend. “It’s not my party,” she sniped back at him. But we all knew things would start again.


Note to readers: The previous chapter in this story was written from Karan’s perspective. This chapter, however, is narrated by Mohit’s girlfriend Tarini. Kindly keep this change in POV in mind while reading.


Mohit and I set off for Tamhini Ghat early in the morning. I knew that I had to make myself look fresh so early in the morning. Which was why I decided against visiting Menaka at Karan’s apartment to welcome her back with the rest of them and then God knows what the night before. I would have to wait before I see her — and Karan and his friends — again. Meena went so she will tell me what I missed. I hope that Mohit would be grateful that his girlfriend was bright and unsullied and fresh and awake sitting beside him in the car as he drove us along the highway.

Concentrating on the road, he was not very talkative. I smiled at him. “It has been too long since we have been away together,” I told him, and I really meant it, wanting him to look at me since I had gone to all that trouble. I hoped that he would not mention the time we went away together and ended up at Karan’s guest house. But then we have not ever mentioned that incident since the day that it happened and I was sure that Mohit would not want to bring up any unpleasantness now that we had finally got to go away together, the two of us alone.

Possibly Mobit felt some guilt about what happened. Without trying to intervene he had watched his girlfriend in the drinking games, and he had won the chance to see Menaka take her top off before passing out. So he missed out on seeing me getting stripped naked by Menaka. And then everything which had followed with it ending not only with Karan and his friends enjoying themselves with me (and me with them!) but also Menaka getting Mohit hard and riding him while he was still out of it. And then the trip to the airport…

“I’m getting hot,” I told Mohit.

He turned his head to give me a quick look. “Why did you wear so many clothes?” he asked with a smile.

It was true. I had put on a thick top and jeans in case I got cold so early in the morning. Now with the sun shining hard into the car my choice did not seem such a great idea. “I have to take it off,” I told Mohit. And before he could react or come up with a better idea, I undid my seatbelt and tugged the heavy top over my head. “That is much better,” I told Mohit, with the top safely on the back seat of the car. I adjusted my bra so it was comfortable.

“You’re only wearing a bra,” Mohit suddenly realised when he next looked.

I smiled over at him. “If people see they will think it is a bikini top,” I suggested and he grunted a sort of agreement. “Unless I do this!” I warned and pulled up the bra so he could see both my breasts. I made sure that he noticed before I pulled the bra back down.

Mohit grinned. “Are you planning to be adventurous?” he asked.

I widened my eyes. “I don’t know what you are talking about,” I told him. How do I rationalise all the things I have been doing with Menaka and with Karan and Dhruv and Sam and Abhi, and in company with Meena, with the fact that I am so happy here alone in the car with Mohit, the man I love. I guess I am good at enjoying the situation that I happen to be in at the time. And of all those situations, this is the one I like the most. On holidays going away alone with my man. Something stirred in me and I began to loosen the belt on my jeans.

Mohit noticed that pretty quickly. “Tarini!” he exclaimed.

I was ready. “Oh,” I reminded him, “you are happy to ride with me almost nude and Menaka totally nude? But this is not okay?”

Mohit kept his eyes on the road. “Why did you mention that?” he grumbled.

“Isn’t that what you wanted? Didn’t that get you excited? Two naked women playing with each other when they stopped the cars?” Mohit grunted something that sounded to me like acceptance. So I carried it further. “I really am getting hot. Can you stop the car when you get a chance so I can change into something more appropriate? Then I will really be able feel that we are actually on holiday together.” Mohit grunted his agreement and I could see from his driving that he was looking for a chance to pull over.

I quickly got out of the car and just as quickly I had my jeans down and was kicking them off by the time Mohit got around to my side of the car to see what I was up to. “Do you like me like this?” I asked him and predictably he said nothing. So I reached back to undo my bra.

“You’re not wearing any panties,” he stammered. But I was beyond that now. With my bra off, I was standing at the side of the highway completely nude.

I smiled as a car raced by in the direction that we were going, the driver with his hand on the car horn to let us know that he appreciated what he saw. The tingling in my groin was taking over from my brain. “I need you to do something,” I demanded. I spread my hands on the top of the passenger door so I could bend to spread my legs.

“What do you want?”

I wiggled my hips at him. “What do you think?” Fortunately, Mohit got that hint right away and undid his pants to reveal that he was erect and ready. “Just go for it,” I urged him although his speed at entering me suggested he did not need that instruction. He pounded hard into me and it was clear that we were not going to last long. “Just slow down a little,” I asked to make sure that I came before he did. I got there just in time and it was a good one. We stayed like that for a moment, me naked leaning on the car and Mohit still hard, still in my pussy. He lightly kissed the back of my neck.

“I supposed you want some clothes now?” Mohit taunted me while he was still inside me from behind. I pushed back hoping for more but he was done and he flopped out.

“You’re starting to sound like Menaka’s boyfriend Karan,” I told him with a smirk.

“And you’re starting to act like Menaka,” Mohit retorted clearly enjoying watching me wriggling my bottom at him. But them he looked upset. “Are we going to talk about them all holiday?”

I grinned and lifted one knee to show off my whole crotch to Mohit as I could feel his cum start to leak out. “If it gets you hot, yes,” I replied.

“Ah yes, your clothes,” Mohit reminded me as he clicked open the boot of the car. I wandered to the back of the car and to the joy of a few vehicles racing past I bent over to check through my suitcase until found a skimpy top and some very short shorts that I modelled for Mohit next to the car before we continued on our way.


Mohit and I were alone on a path through lush greenery that was protecting us from the sun. I had my hiking boots on but to keep cool I only wore runners shorts and a skimpy top that did not cover my navel. Mohit had dressed in more sensible shorts with pockets for some important things and a proper T-shirt. He is a good boyfriend. He walked the entire time with me, keeping at my pace by my side.

Suddenly Mohit turned and looked at me. “We’re not going to run into any of your friends here?” He looked worried.

I turned my surprised look into a joke. “No, I hope not. This is just you and me. Trust me, I did not tell anyone where you were taking me.”

Mohit nodded at that and seemed happy with my response. So I rewarded him by taking off my top and then my shorts. I folded them into my daypack and slung it back onto my back.

“Is this better?” I asked my surprised boyfriend.

“Better than what?” he joked. I could see how hard he was trying not to get excited.

“Does it disturb you when I am in public like this?” I smiled, turning to make sure that he had a perfect view of my naked hiker look.

“What if anyone saw you like that?”

“Well, you could act proud for a start,” I offered. Mohit did not seem to be completely convinced but he grabbed me and gave me a kiss on the mouth. “Nipples too,” I requested so he started on those. He did a good job there.

“I didn’t realise how much your nipples stick out,” Mohit admitted.

“That is all your fault,” I teased.

We walked on further with Mohit trying to pretend that it was perfectly normal for him to be hiking fully clothed with his naked girlfriend by his side. He tried to act undistracted by describing how impressed he was with the beauty of the hills and how clean the air was. I studiously agreed with all his comments.

We found a waterfall that looked picture perfect. And it was just me, him and water cascading down rocks. Mohit even took some photos of me standing in front of it.

“Don’t send them to anyone,” I warned him.

“Who would I send them to?” he teased. “Oh, I could send them to Meena.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” But I turned around so he could take a photo of me from behind, obscuring the scenery with my big behind.

Mohit must have thought about his sister. “She is probably wondering where you are. After all you have been having a lot of cups of tea with her recently.”

Was there something in his tone, a hint of suspicion? What should I tell him? “Well, she is my closest friend, so it is natural for us to see a lot of each other. Especially with you always busy with engineering things. Such a pity that she is also your sister.”

“A pity?” Mohit shot back.

I was calm. “Well, I cannot tell her everything. It would be unseemly for me to tell the sister you grew up with how we like doing this.” I got on my knees in front of Mohit, yanked down his pants before he could react and took him in my mouth.

Mohit put his hands on the back of my head. “Well, she is the reason that you and I got together. But I am worried about all that tea that you two are drinking, you will both end up the shape of a teapot.” The sensations of having his penis in my mouth got the better of him and he started to groan.

I took him out of my mouth and looked up at him. “Mohit, that’s not funny,” I started. Then I looked up more carefully. “Are you taking photos of me doing this?” I asked with a smile.


We were lazing on our bed the next morning, half awake and half covered by the sheets. I have to admit that Mohit has quite a nice body. He has no fat, a flat chest and is more muscular that you would think if you see him with clothes on. He is looking at me with that air of possessiveness that sometimes causes me to react against him and do things that I am sure he would not like to know about.

“Why would I want another girl. I have you,” my boyfriend tells me.

I try to warn him. “You don’t really know me. I’m scared that if you do…” He looks at me with a big question mark on his face. At least he seems cured of his previous possessiveness. “I am not as perfect as you think I am,” I tell him, making a point of looking away from his eyes so he really will think that I have something to hide from him.

“Maybe I am not as perfect as you think I am,” he counters.

He seems serious about that. What has he done, I wonder. And how can I find out?

“You are perfect!” I exclaim. As I hope, he has a guilty look on his face. My Mohit is guilty of something. I am so excited. I control myself as I change my expression to that of worry as I absolutely make eye contact with him. I must find out! “What have you done?” I probe, looking as concerned as I can without giving my acting away.

“Menaka,” he starts.

“I thought we weren’t going to talk about them,” I snap.

Mohit ignores that as he tries to find the right words, nervous, very nervous, at what my reaction may be. He is silent as he looks to see if he can work out what I am thinking. And what am I thinking? I am guessing that he does not know about the tea parties and all of that. So what is it? Mohit sits up to face me, the sheet falls onto his lap, and he is looking so serious. “I have to admit something.” He stops for another moment. Then he smiles, I guess with the relief of unloading his burden. “Do you really think I could have slept through getting fucked like that by Menaka?”

I look at him, not comprehending for a moment. Then I realise. “You were not out of it?”

“I was for a while after all those drinks. But I came to pretty quickly. Could you truly believe that I could be comatose while getting fucked like that by Menaka. She brought me back to reality when she started to blow me. But well, I was pretty zonked. So since I was still half out of it, I decided to play along with the other half.”

We stared at each other for a long moment without saying anything. My mind raced as I carefully watched Mohit for a sign of his true feelings towards me.

Eventually I had to say it. I looked pleadingly at the man I love. “What else did you hear?” I ventured nervously.

He smiled. “You seem to know how to enjoy yourself when I am not there to help you.” Mohit seemed very relaxed. But I could see something stirring even as he asked me his searching question. “Is there something also that you need to tell me?” Was he getting excited?

“That depends.” I was still being careful.

“On what?” I was sure that he was teasing me now.

“On what you are going to think of me.” I looked hard into my lover’s eyes. This was getting close to high noon.

And then he laughed. “I have fucked Menaka and you fucked Karan. What a pair we are.”

“Do you forgive me?” I don’t know why I said that. Maybe because I thought that is the sort of thing you are supposed to say in that situation.

“Was it more than once?” Mohit asked. Since he asked gently I did not answer, looked down and away from him.

“When were you going to see Karan again?” he pried.

“When we get back.” I did not dare look at him.

“And what about Menaka?”

“Oh, she knows.” I smiled to myself about the reason why.

Then I sensed Mohit loosen up a bit. “Were you going to take me?” he asked.

“Well, I will now!” I looked at my love and gave him a little smile.

“Were you seeing him when you said you were having tea with my sister?

“I was having tea with your sister,” I complained. After all it was true at least in the narrow sense, and the full revelation of that could wait until another time. One major admission at a time. Then I smiled hopefully. “Are you angry?” I asked.

Mohit reached his hand out to me. “Do I appear angry? So what are you hinting about my sister other than she was covering for you?”

I sighed a long sigh. “Well you have to know that if you are going to come along with me that Meena is also involved.”

Mohit looked worried. “Involved?”

“Can I ask you a favour?”

“A favour?” Mohit wondered, “what?”

I tried to look my most alluring. “All this talk is making me as horny as Hell. Can you please fuck me?”

Mohit lets the sheet drop away. I was right. His cock was as hard and as big as I had ever seen it. I can see how badly he wants me, I know how badly I want him, and I am totally in love.


This is where The Project Trip ends. I intend to occasionally continue their adventures in new stories so watch out for those titles. Until that time, many thanks to everyone for staying with me all the way to here, plus my special thanks to ThePornGuy for starting this off and the great way that he told this story in the first 7 parts before he permitted me to take over. Finally, I hope that you enjoyed reading this version of their exploits as much as I have enjoyed telling it.


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