Weekend Work Pt. 07 by 1otty,1otty

“Sorry,” she said, her face close to his, her hand on his shoulder.

“Do you?” James asked.

“Do I what?”

“Like old duffers?” he continued. Lotty was feeling tipsy and naughty by now, she could tell by his flushed face and the way he kept looking her up and down that he wanted her. Lotty smiled as she took another sip of her drink then put it back on the bar. She reach one hand behind her back and placed it on the arm the stranger still had wrapped around her. Then she pushed his arm down slowly, so that his open hand and wide spread fingers glided over her bottom and onto her bare thigh. Then she leaned her body against his and put her lips to his ear again.

“What do you think?” she whispered. His fingers closed around her thigh and moved up under the hem of Lotty’s dress. Her lips opened and she took the top of his ear between them, sucking on it gently.

“Oh fuck me.” the man whispered to himself.

“What right here, in front of everyone?” Lotty answered giggling naughtily. Her hand moved down his chest, over his round belly and pushed down between their close bodies onto the front of his trousers, she could feel him hard inside them already. Lotty looked around the crowded room, if she was careful no one would see, she pushed her other hand between them as well, finding and pulling down the strangers fly.

“Oh my god, this can’t be happening.” James gasped as Lotty pushed one slender hand into his trousers and wrapped her fingers around his hard thick shaft, teasing and easing it out. Even she hadn’t intended taking things this far, but once it got started she just went with it. She began stroking him, right there at the bar, as her tongue played over his ear. The strangers hand moved up and down on Lotty’s thigh, lifting her short tight dress higher and higher, at last his fingers found her panties and his other arm slid off the bar and between there bodies.

“No,” Lotty said catching his arm before his hand could push between her legs and guiding it round onto the back of her other leg. “Grope my ass,” she panted, then slid her free hand behind his neck and planted her soft wet lips firmly against his. He didn’t question it, and his broad hands quickly found their way under her dress and into her little white satin panties, his thick fingers pushing between her soft round cheeks as she stroked him faster and faster. Suddenly she felt him throbbing in her hand and a deep rumble of a groan building in his chest. His thick cock twitched and spurted in her fingers, filling her hand with his orgasm.

“ooh fuck, ooh fuck,” he gasped.

Lotty picked up her half full glass of Vodka and coke, and pushed it between them carefully. Her hand was fully of his sticky juice and she wiped her palm over the edge of the glass so the milky liquid ran inside. She stroked his cock as his erection eased, milking every last drop from him into her glass, then she raised it, giggling and swirling the two drinks together.

“What are you going to do with that now?” James asked breathlessly, relaxing his grip on Lotty’s ass just enough so she could pull away from him. She took the straw out and downed the contents of the glass in one go.

“Oh my god,” James gasped in amazement, “just when you think you’ve seen it all, fuck me!” he exclaimed.

“Maybe next time,” Lotty joked adjusting her panties through the stretch dress then pulling the dress further down her thighs again, “well, thanks for the drink James, but I really should go.” Lotty turned to leave but James grabbed her arm.

“No wait…” he urged breathlessly.

“You may want to tuck yourself in,” Lotty suggested, looking down at his dick pocking from his trousers. Then she turned and left as he put himself away. Lotty’s heart raced as she quickly made her way through the crowd. She was so excited, she couldn’t believe it was really her, doing these things, being so, so slutty. She had no idea what time it was, or where Mr Parkes was, or how she would get home, let alone explain any of this to her family. She stood lost in the crowd and at last realized how much trouble she was in. Suddenly Mr Parkes appeared beside her, took hold of her arm and led her forcefully from the bar. Lotty went with him, trotting beside him in her heels, trying to keep up, he seemed annoyed as he marched her along the pavement with the bag full of Lotty’s old clothes slapping against his leg.

“Were you watching?” Lotty panted eventually after wondering what was going on, he didn’t answer and didn’t stop, “Jonny, were you watching me?” He still didn’t answer. Lotty became angry herself, and stopped dead, yanking her arm from his hand, “You abandoned me.” she shouted tears welling up in her eyes, the fear and panic she had felt alone in the bar coming back to her, the unfairness of her treatment too much for her. “You play these games with me, and don’t tell me what to do, or not to do, I don’t know what I’m doing, I thought it was what you wanted.” she yelled, stood in the street with her fists clenched. He stood and watched her, no hint of emotion from him at all.

“Stop being so melodramatic,” he said eventually and moved close in front of her, “I was teasing you, and you showed me, that’s all.” He placed his hands carefully on her upper arms and looked her in the eye. “I didn’t think you were ready for what I had in mind, but now I see maybe you are. Do you want to take it further Lotty? Do you want me to take you home now, or are you hungry for more? I saw what you did with that drink.” Lotty looked away, too embarrassed to hold his stare. “Don’t get all coy on me now you little slut, yes I was watching, and yes I enjoyed it.” He took her hand and placed it on the front of his trousers, Lotty could feel his long hard cock snaking down the inside of his thigh. “I get a kick from watching you fuck my friends, or toss off strangers, especially when I make you do it.” His voice grew louder and Lotty became very aware of passers by noticing them. “Now I’m going to watch you suck off some more strangers, then I’m going to take you back to mine and fuck you senseless.” He declared, “There, I told you what to do, happy now?” And with that he turned and set off along the pavement again, with Lotty trotting along in tow.

They walked quickly through the streets for a few more minutes, until they arrived at a similar looking shop to the one they were in earlier. Mr Parkes took Lotty inside and led her around the shop like he was looking for something. A little dirty looking old guy appeared behind her.

“Hey Baby, what you lookin for?” he asked walking right up to her and slipping a hand around her waist and onto her hip and bottom. Lotty pulled away and stood the other side of Jonny as he spoke to the horrible little man. It was dark inside, florescent colours spattered the walls and ceiling, there were DVD cases and magazines everywhere. Here an there small TV screens showed a sample of the movies on offer and somewhere in the distance, Lotty thought she could hear someone having sex.

They set off again, Mr Parkes leading Lotty by the hand to the back of the shop and through a door at the end, they turned and went up a dark staircase, still UV light and florescent colours were everywhere. Lotty looked down at her dress, it glowed bright pink, and her pale skin shone almost silver in the strange light.

At the top of the stairs they turned through another door and into a cinema. They were right by the screen and the floor slopped up away from them to the back of the room, a shallow staircase ran up the middle of the room and to each side of it there were 4 seats. The room was filled with the sound of sex and on the screen a young white woman was getting spit-roasted by two huge black guys. Lotty followed Mr Parkes into the room, looking around nervously. She could just make out the shape of three other people in the room as the light from the projector shone in her face. They walked by one of them, sat on the second row. He looked like a normal guy, in jeans and a short jacket, and he watched Lotty intently as she walked up the stairs in her tiny dress.

The second guy was sat by the wall on the fifth row back from the screen, he wore a shirt, tie and dark trousers, his hands were joined together on his lap and he too was watching Lotty. Mr Parkes stopped by the row he was sat on and guided Lotty to the second chair, she pulled down the seat and sat down trying to adjust her dress. The stranger sat up a little as she sat down just one seat from him, but didn’t take his hands from his lap. Lotty glanced back over her shoulder as Mr Parkes sat down next to her, she could see the dark shape of a third man, high up at the back of the room.

“Jonny, what’s going on?” Lotty asked in a whisper, leaning close to him, tugging her dress down over thighs a little more and crossing her long legs. The tall shoes raised her knees above the back of the chair in front and her smooth pale skin almost glowed in the light reflected off the screen. She looked to her left, the man at the front was watching them, he turned back to the movie when Lotty looked at him. She looked over her left shoulder, the dark shape at the back had not moved. Then she looked to her right, the man by the wall had one hand draped over the seat between them. His stiff cock pocked from the front of his trousers and he was stroking the fat swollen head slowly with the fingertips of his other hand.

“Jonny…” she whispered again, turning her head away and looking up at the old man. His head was turned toward her already, he grinned, leaned forward a little and raised one hand, encouraging the man by the wall to come closer. He didn’t need a second invitation and quickly moved into the seat next to Lotty. She looked down at his lap as he unfastened his belt and trousers, then pushed them down to his fat thighs. His huge round cock head thrust up on the thick shaft like a mushroom, Lotty looked down at it for a moment, she knew what was expected of her. She thought about refusing, she looked at the guy to her left, he was watching, she felt a thrill in her panties and butterflies in her tummy. Lotty looked back at the stranger beside her, then slide her hand over and wrapped her slender fingers around his hot stiff cock.

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