Chemistry by ScreamngInfidelities

Chemistry by ScreamngInfidelities

This story is true to most circumstances, but I’ll leave out all the heartache because I know that’s not what you’re here to read about. I would *greatly* appreciate feedback. Enjoy!

I actually thought I was going to die.

It was well past midnight, and he had asked me to come over to his place. He and I both know I cannot say ‘no’ to him. The reason why I thought I was going to die, though, was because we were in the midst of the most violent thunderstorm that had hit our town yet this year. So there I was, having snuck out of my dorm late at night so my friends wouldn’t scold me for going over to his place again. The thunder and lightning were, needless to say, frightening. But I had a feeling that what waited for me across campus was well worth the risk.

I arrived at his door soaked to the bone, even though I had walked over in rain boots and had used an umbrella the whole way there. When it’s raining horizontally, there’s not much an umbrella can do for you.

“I just got out of the shower before I came over,” I complained, though I was mostly joking. “Tell me why I bothered to dry my hair.”

“Yeah, that spontaneity will get ya every time,” Ryan smiled as he welcomed me into his room. He gave me a spare pair of pajamas to wear, since I was decidedly not going to walk back to my dorm room in the pouring rain that night. I know how much he loves to see me walking around in his clothes, so I was more than okay with wearing his pajamas. They smelled like him anyway, and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I changed into them.

I decided there was no point in wearing my bra any longer–it was soaked with rainwater. I took it off after I had put on his wife beater tank top, which surprisingly didn’t hang off my small frame. I could tell by the way he watched me that he had not simply invited me over because he was ‘lonely,’ as he had told me while he was convincing me to go out into the rain. He eyed me with a barely noticeable hunger in his eyes, and a softness in his face that put me at ease inside.

Ryan and I have been dating for just over a month now, and if I said the sexual tension between us was suffocating, it would be an understatement. I’m a virgin, and have basically decided that I have been hurt too often in past relationships to just give it up at will. Ryan, on the other hand, has both experience, skill, and a knack for not being able to keep his hands off me. This creates an “interesting” dynamic between us, because every time he touches me, I positively melt.

We stayed awake almost the entire night together, listening to the rain outside, fooling around a bit, and talking about anything our conversation turned to. Ryan and I are naturally introspective people, so our conversation was always captivating when we wanted it to be. I could talk to him for hours–days, it seemed–and would never get bored. However, before I knew what had happened, it was coming up on 6am, and I started to get sleepy.

One of my favorite things to do with Ryan was to sleep with him. I loved the way he held me, the way we fit together so perfectly, and one of my favorite things to do was to wake him up by either kissing his neck or his chest. Nevertheless, we both decided we were exhausted, and I curled up next to him as we both fell asleep.

I had a wonderful dream, though I cannot recall it now. What I do remember was waking up to soft kisses on my cheek and on my neck. I moaned; even though I was still groggy, I loved the way he was kissing me. This was soon overshadowed, however by the sudden intense orgasm that hit me all at once. Little did I know, he had been massaging my pussy lightly while I was asleep. I woke up and, because of my disoriented state, shouted with pleasure. The orgasm seemed to last forever, and he watched me in amazment as I screamed out his name and begged him not to stop.

“Oh my god,” I panted, realizing where I was and what had just happened. “Oh my god, Ryan…”

He kissed me sweetly–the way you would kiss your significant other ‘hello’ after not having seen him or her in a week or two. He kissed me in that innocent and loving way, as though he were unaware that he had just given me the most powerful orgasm I had ever experienced in my young life.

“Good morning,” he whispered, and kissed me again.

“I’ll say,” I breathed, still trying to calm myself down. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled himself over to lay on top of me. I loved the weight of his body pressing down on mine. I kissed him slowly, passionately, the way I knew he loved to be kissed. I slipped my hands under his shirt to caress his smooth, muscular back, and ran my fingernails lightly up and down his spine. He shivered and his breath caught in his throat–I loved to make him squirm.

I started to kiss his neck and was just going to suck on his earlobe when I realized he was once again massaging my pussy, through my panties. I gasped and pulled away slightly to look him in the eye.

“What are you doing?” I asked playfully. He moaned and kissed me, still rubbing me as my eyes fluttered shut.

“Let’s do it again,” he tempted me by lowering his voice. I gently pulled his hand away, and he stopped immediately.

“No no no,” I begged. “Really–once is enough. I mean… That was amazing, and… Once was enough.” It was then that I noticed I was already out of breath again. Whether it was his intoxicating kiss or the fact that I was fast approaching my second orgasm, I couldn’t tell–but my chest was heaving steadily. I knew full well that I was more than capable of having multiple orgasms, but I also knew that if things kept going the way they were going, I would not be a virgin for much longer.

“Okay, you’re right. That was too fast.” I loved how he respected me. He would take whatever pace I asked him to; he would stop whenever I requested. I was so grateful to be with someone like him. He kissed my lips lightly, and I wrapped my arms around his neck once again. Then he lowered his head to my neck and slowly, painfully, placed hot, wet kisses on my skin. I practically squirmed with delight; I closed my eyes and let my mouth fall open while I entangled his hair in my fingers. This is his ‘skill’ I was talking about earlier–agonizing, intense skill.

He kissed lower and lower, down my body to my stomach—all the while overtop of his tank top I was wearing. As if he were unwrapping a delicate present, he gently lifted his shirt off my belly and kissed me there, as well. My breath caught in my throat and I struggled hard to keep from laughing; I am easily the single most ticklish person on the planet—and he knows this. He slowly lifted his tank top higher and higher, closer to exposing my breasts, but I was in such bliss that I barely noticed. He stopped just below my breasts, and playfully nudged the tank top with his nose.

“Mmm, you are a handful today,” I said with mischief in my voice, biting my lower lip and smiling at him.

“Okay, I’ll stop,” he said, and the passion left his voice in the blink of an eye. He gently put my shirt back down and started to move off of me.

“No no no no!” I giggled, and pulled him back on top of me as I kissed him. He loved to make me beg for him, and I was more than happy to please him. After I felt his body sink back down onto mine, I broke our kiss apart. “You first,” I growled in his ear, and he watched me smile devilishly. He laughed, and I loved to watch his eyes sparkle—but not nearly as much as I loved to watch him take his shirt off.

Ryan is quite an athlete, and can sometimes be insecure about his body, even though he was by far the most attractive man I had ever been with. He wasn’t a huge guy, but he had muscle tone and took good care of himself physically. He was kneeling over my waist now, straddling me, as he took off his shirt.

“Happy now?” He asked, and I nodded contently. I knew this game went both ways, however, so I sat up as far as I could and arched my back as I pulled his tank top over my head. I didn’t take off my shirt often for him, so I decided to make the show good for him. I took the tank top in both hands and, holding it around the back of his neck, pulled him down onto me again. He kissed me with a little more urgency now, and I spread my legs a little wider so he could lay in between them. I tossed his tank top over the edge of the bed.

I was quite certain that there was no better feeling in the world than his smooth skin pressed hungrily against mine. My nipples had been hard for a while now, and I moaned when his mouth met with them. To be quite honest, I’m indifferent when it comes to nipple play—it doesn’t really do anything for me. But I knew how much Ryan was into it, so I let it go on as long as he wished.

I was keenly aware of his hardened cock pressing temptingly into my inner thigh, and I couldn’t help but grind into it ever so slightly. Sure, I’m a virgin, but I love a good tease and if it’s done just right, a devilishly ‘bad girl’ side of me comes out. Truth be told, I was getting there quickly. Ryan’s hands were all over me, tempting me to come even further out of my comfort zone. He ran one hand along the elastic of his pajama pants he’d given me to wear, and I moaned deep and low. Because I’m so ticklish, this simple act drove me up the wall with sexual frustration. I breathed hard and managed to ask him to stop.

“You don’t want me to stop,” he said, eyeing my reaction as he ran his fingertips along my lower belly. I shivered and groaned again.

“I hate it when you’re right,” I sighed. He continued with his hands, and when one slipped inside the pajama pants I was wearing, I didn’t even think of stopping him. I knew I was getting dangerously close to pushing him against a wall and fucking his brains out if he didn’t stop soon, but my willpower was merely arguing with me in the background at this point.

His hand made its way around to grab my ass, which wasn’t something he did very often. I pulled him harder onto me, feeling his erection against my clitoris through our clothes. I rubbed the head of his cock there for a moment, and before I could stop myself, I was slipping my hands inside his pants. I began to pull his pants off—luckily he was wearing pajama pants as well, so it was easier to maneuver. He helped me a bit, and I was glad to finally have him down to just his boxers. I rubbed my hand up and down his erection, and for once he pulled my hand away from him.

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