Don't overthink it! by epidermis,epidermis

When my sister Joan got divorced, she knew she could talk to her family about it. We would support her 100%. It was not an easy time – as part of the divorce process, Joan and her ex-husband Ed had sold their house, and the proceeds were not enough for her to put down a deposit on a new place.

“You’re welcome to come stay with me for a while,” I suggested. I had recently moved out of my (now ex-)girlfriend’s place and bought a house of my own.

I explained the arrangement to my sister, suggesting it might be a good fit for her circumstances. “You’d pay bills, but not rent or mortgage. That’s how I saved up for a deposit living at Sarah’s place.”

In fact it was a convenient solution to a number of problems. Joan had just got a new job, and she was worried there might be concerns from the banks about it. The new job was not far from my place, which was useful. Plus my place was near the seaside, which didn’t hurt.

Before long she agreed this was the best short-term plan. So it was that, one afternoon in early May, my little sister knocked on my front door, greeting me when I opened it with three large bags.

“Hi big brother!”

It didn’t take her long to get set up in my house. After a few misunderstandings over whose stuff was shared or not, how loud was “too loud”, which rooms were private at what times, we got into a pretty good rhythm and coexisted peacefully.

Then, about one month after moving in, something happened that would change our relationship forever. Joan knew that I was a naturist, but what she didn’t realise – to be fair, it had never come up – was that meant I was naked in my room a lot of the time.

“Will, have you seen th-” I heard her saying as she popped her head around my door.

I was on a futon near the window, reading a book. I looked up at her and put the book down.

“Are you naked?” she said. Then, “Oh, you are, sorry Will, sorry sorry sorry,” disappearing behind the door and down the hall.

I put some pants on and went out to find her. She was in the kitchen making a coffee. “I’m so sorry, Will,” she said. “I shouldn’t have barged in like that.”

“No no,” I said, “if the door’s open, barge away. I don’t think that’s where the misunderstanding is.”

She grabbed her coffee and went around to sit on one of the kitchen stools. I went to the other side of the bench to talk to her.

“I don’t mind you seeing me naked. Let me put it this way: if you had walked in just now, everything was the same, but I had boxers on, would you have continued the conversation as normal?”

“Uhhh,” she replied, “I suppose so.”

“So nudity, for me, is what underwear is for you. Too casual for the common areas of the house, maybe, but in my room there’s a greater degree of casualness.”

“Riiiight,” she said, grasping my perspective. “If I walk into your room, and you’re naked, I should just treat you like you’ve got boxers on.”

“That’s right, yeah.”

“I haven’t invaded your privacy just because you’re naked, is what you’re saying.”

“That’s right, yeah. Privacy is for when the door’s closed.”

She sipped her coffee thoughtfully. “I think that’s fine. I reacted because it was unexpected, but now I see where you’re coming from, I know what to expect.”

“Yeah, that’s the main thing. Sorry about this, I never actually explained this to you.”

“No, you’ve talked about naturism plenty of times. I just didn’t put two and two together. I don’t want you to change how you live. Thanks for not walking around the house naked, though, if that’s still OK with you.”

“Of course. In other words, nothing changes.”

Over the weeks that followed, Joan would, in fact, walk in on me naked in my room and have as normal a conversation as possible a couple of times. It was clear to me that she still wasn’t 100% attuned to the concept. For one thing, she would always very deliberately keep her gaze above waist level.

Later that same month I had a scheduled monthly nude swim at a beach nearby. I attended these religiously, whatever the weather. It occurred to me to mention it to Joan. “So, not this Saturday but the Saturday after, I’m heading down to the beach for a nude swim we do.”

“That’s great,” she said.

“I was wondering if you wanted to join me,” I said. “The weather should be perfect for it. It’s in the late evening. It’s only about a five minute drive away. You can take a glimpse into my world.”

“I’m not sure it’s my kind of thing.”

“Of course,” I replied. “Most people don’t, before they do it for the first time.”

“Why do you want me to get naked with you?”

“I think you would enjoy it. It’s a chance to be naked in a non-sexual context, with a group of ordinary people who are unfazed by nudity. The beach swims specifically are magic, just you and nature, nothing man-made touching your body.”

“Yeah,” she said, “look, I’ll see if I get a better offer elsewhere.”

I did remind her of the upcoming event once or twice over the course of the fortnight, but otherwise I left her alone to ponder it. She finally confirmed the day of: “You know, I might come with you to that naked thing tonight.”

We drove down to the beach together. On the way, Joan was mostly silent, apart from occasional small talk intended to avoid the topic at hand.

When we arrived at the beach, there were already a number of people, mostly older couples, stripping off in the car park.

“Oh, wow,” she said, “people get naked in the car park?”

“Yeah, the beach basically turns into a nude beach at designated times of the month. It’s a bit of a tradition. Everyone just kind of understands that this is the time when the naturists come down.”

We got out of the car. She took in the steadily growing crowd of people of all ages, including families, getting out of their cars and getting naked in public. “You’ll need to explain the etiquette to me,” she said.

“OK, so, the key idea: naturists don’t have private parts. Those bits are just body parts like any other. Look, but don’t stare. It’s rude to stare for the same reason it’s rude to stare at any other part of someone’s body. Make sense?”

A look came over her face like a lightbulb was going on very slowly. She started to remove her clothes. When she got down to her underwear, she took a deep breath, then removed her bra.

“There you go,” I said. “Nothing bad happened.”

Finally, she stepped out of her panties, and we faced each other, completely naked, for the first time.

“I’m sorry, Will,” she said. “I just don’t know where to look.”

“Just look wherever feels natural. Seriously, look directly at my genitals if that’s where your eyes are drawn. Don’t stare, but do look.”

My little sister then, finally, took a good look at my penis and testicles. As she did so, a look of contentment appeared on her face. She smiled warmly. After what felt like whole minutes, but was likely only a couple of seconds, she caught herself and looked at my face again. “I’m sorry, Will. That’s staring, isn’t it,” going very red in the face.

I laughed. “That was not actually worse than most newbies do. Anyway, I think siblings are allowed to stare at each other more than strangers are. Don’t overthink it. You can’t hurt me by looking.”

We walked down to the beach together, as naked as the day we were born, carrying nothing but a towel each to lie on. I recognised a few people and waved to them. One of the regulars, a guy called Dave, came up to say hi.

“Hi, Will!” he greeted us.

“Hi, Dave,” I replied. “Dave, this is Joan. She’s my sister.”

“Lovely to meet you, Joan. Is it your first time?”

“Yes,” she said, “I’ve just moved to the area.”

“Always great to see new faces!” he said.

“New girlfriend, Dave?” I asked. I had noticed he was at the beach with a woman I’d not met before.

Dave turned toward her. “Just a friend. Visiting from out of town. I’d better not neglect her – you two have fun!” He turned and ran back to where he’d come from, waving over his shoulder.

“I mean,” Joan said, “he seemed friendly enough. I don’t think he looked at my tits or pussy either.”

I laughed at the words she’d chosen. You didn’t hear words like that on a nude beach very often. “I can assure you he did,” I said to her.

“I feel like I would have noticed,” she said, phrasing it almost like a question.

“I mean, you get pretty good at taking discreet glances,” I said. “Dave’s a dab hand. He’ll have wanted to make you feel welcome as well. That first time someone looks at your bits is pretty intense. Maybe he wants to leave that to me.”

“Wait,” she said. “Have you been looking at my bits?”

I simply gave her a grin. “Don’t overthink it.”

We went down to the sea together for a swim. Once submerged, I got the feeling Joan was easing into the experience.

“The water’s fantastic,” she said. “I can kind of see what you mean about the nothing manmade thing. It feels natural.”

“Yeah,” I replied, “hence the name. Naturism.”

She was quite indiscreetly looking at my penis, but I didn’t mind. She hadn’t seen it in maybe twenty, thirty years. It had changed a lot in that time. Fascinating stuff, I’m sure.

“I love how it floats in the water,” she said.

“What does?”

“Your penis.”

“Just etiquette-wise, you typically don’t comment on people’s bodies. For the same reason you don’t-”

“Comment on people’s bodies the rest of the time, I get it. But you’re my brother, yeah?”

“Yes, it’s fine for me. Just don’t go saying stuff like that to strangers.”

“Don’t overthink it,” she chided playfully.

“So what else do you notice? Do you feel more confident?”

“I feel,” she started, thinking, “largely the same. A bit more free, a bit more playful.”

“That’s good, and I always found something similar too, it’s a bit like being a child again.”

She lay back in the water, floating on her back. Her breasts and vulva were exposed above the waterline. When she put her head under, I took the opportunity to get a better look at her body.

Her breasts were on the smaller side – maybe B-cups? – and perky, each adorned with a pretty, pink nipple in a small, almost skin-coloured, areola. Her pubic area was very closely shaved. She was what you call an “innie” – her labia minora were almost entirely hidden between her puffy outer pussy lips.

Soon, she stood back up and shook the water out of her hair. All told, she was a very fit young woman, and I’m not too proud to admit that what I saw was pleasing to my eyes.

After some time in the water, we both got out at the same time. Walking back up to the beach was fantastic. The last few swims had been in cooler weather and the sun was very welcome.

I felt very relaxed. I could tell I was getting semi-erect. It’s not a big deal on this particular beach. I was not the first, and I wouldn’t be the last.

Joan seemed particularly interested in my semi-erection. I pretended not to notice. When we got to the towels, she asked me, “You a bit excited about something, Will?”

I lay down on my towel and said, “What do you mean?” I knew what she meant, of course. I was interested to see how she’d put it.

She was kneeling next to me, sorting her towel out. She went to reach for my cock, presumably to go, “I mean this!” but thought better of it at the last second.

I laughed at her. “You know, you are allowed to look at other penises on the beach too.”

She laughed back at me. “I won’t lie, I did quite like watching it bounce its way along as you walked up the beach. Almost hypnotic.” She leant in a bit closer to look at it, now lying flat against my belly. “Aren’t you supposed to cover it up?”

“I mean I’m not showing it off. Anyway, plenty of people know me here. I’m harmless.”

We sunbathed, naked, side by side, for as long as it took for the sun to start going down and the air to start cooling.

We got up and started walking to the car. Joan seemed very relaxed indeed. “Oh, Will, that was great. That was a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be. Thank you for inviting me down with you – I never would have gone otherwise.”

“My pleasure!” I replied. “I’m so glad you had a good time. I’ll let you know when I’m going again.”

Joan got to the car first. “Pass me the car keys,” she said to me, and reached back without looking. Did I unconsciously walk my dick into her hand? Did she unconsciously reach for it? We’ll never know. At any rate, my dick was in her hand all of a sudden.

She gave it a pleasant squeeze and turned to see what she was touching. Then, understanding what had happened, she withdrew her hand very quickly and went very red in the face. “Oh my god.”

I must have been very red in the face as well. I grimaced at her, then laughed. “Don’t overthink it!”

She was covering her face with her hands and shaking her head. “Will, I didn’t mean to…”

“It happens! It happens,” I said. “You’ve not harmed me. Don’t fret.” I held out the car keys. “I think you were looking for these.”

She started fanning her face. “God,” she said, “that is awkward.”

“You touched your brother’s dick,” I said, “and nothing bad happened. Just another body part, remember?”

Then, she started laughing. Reaching for the keys, she opened the car and started grabbing her stuff out of the boot.

I joined her at the boot of the car, laughing along with her. What can I say? Awkward situations are funny.

Touching is a bit of a grey area from a naturist perspective. We say someone’s penis is just another body part, but there is a difference: genitals are very sensitive. The fact is, my sister’s hand around my dick felt really, really good. That’s just a fact of life. That’s why it’s awkward.

“Damn,” she said, “I’m not looking forward to putting clothes on.”

“Yep,” I replied, “everyone says the same the first time. They’re suddenly a lot more uncomfortable than they were, right?”

“I can literally smell them,” she said. “I never noticed that before.”

That night I think we were both tired out from the swim. We had a simple dinner on the couch and watched a silly action flick.

After putting the plates in the sink, Joan came over and gave me a big hug. “Thanks again for the experience today. It’s cheered me up a lot, and made me feel a lot closer to you.”

It was maybe a week later that she mentioned, offhand-like, that she’d been thinking. “I remember, a while ago, you saying you’d normally walk about the house naked if I weren’t here.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“I think you should feel free to do that. Your nudity doesn’t harm me.”

“Why the change of heart?”

“Just going to that nude beach,” she said. “I think you expect it to be more of a shock than it actually is. Like, you compared it to underwear, but I wouldn’t have a problem with you walking around in underwear. So, I don’t have a problem with you being naked.”

“OK,” I said, smiling at her. “I will take you up on this, you understand.”

“Yes! Please do,” she said.

And so, I did. I think she imagined I’d be naked a lot more often than I actually was, but from that day forward I didn’t bother putting pants on before running to the bathroom or to the kitchen.

Joan, to be fair to her, seemed pretty civilised about the whole thing. I was prepared to roll my eyes at catcalls and wolf whistles, but she did nothing of the sort. She did very much get a good lock at my dick when she felt like it, but that didn’t bother me.

One morning, earlier than I thought Joan would be awake, she walked in on me in the kitchen, making coffee, with an enormous erection.

“Morning, big brother.”

I cupped my hands around my very stiff cock and looked for something to throw over me. A tea towel maybe? “Sorry! Sorry, Joan.”

“What’re you sorry for, then?”

“I’ve got a very hard hard-on. Never fear, it’s just morning wood.”

“Oh is that what it is?” she said. “That doesn’t bother me.”

Slowly, I took my hands away from my nether regions.

She took a look at my hard cock. I saw that same smile come to her face, the one she’d had the first time she looked at my penis properly back in the carpark at the beach.

She looked at me and shook her head. “You were fine with it on the beach…?”

“Ah, there’s a difference between a semi and a full-blown erection.”

“Really?” she said. “That sounds complicated. I think we can keep things simple in the house.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. Stirring the coffee in my mug, “Thanks for understanding,” I said.

“Like you said, it’s just another body part. It’s not like you waved it in my face. And even then…”

Life continued pretty normally. I was increasingly naked – and, indeed, hard – in front of my little sister and she was increasingly unfazed.

Soon enough, the next nude swim rolled around. Joan had actually asked me when it was going to be, and we had made plans to go together again.

This time, Joan was going in a bit more prepared. She packed a backpack with some bottles of water and some snacks. She also took a hat and sunglasses for herself, and asked me if I had anything I wanted to put in the bag.

I normally went to the nude swims carrying nothing. Maybe I felt it was more pure that way. It did seem sensible, on reflection, to pack a few supplies. I didn’t put anything in the backpack but I did bring a pair of sunglasses, having a safe place to put them – along with the car keys, of course – when I wasn’t wearing them.

The second undressing in the carpark went a lot more smoothly than the first. Joan was excited to get back on the beach, back in the nude.

Joan had brought a pair of flip-flops for the walk between the carpark and the sand. It’s not a bad idea, but it does create another problem, which Joan soon discovered.

“Fuck!” I heard her exclaim, along with a loud slap of the plastic of the flip fops. Turning toward her instinctively, I suddenly found my dick in her hand again.

“Fuck my life.” She had tripped over something on the ground, and, evidently, grabbed the first thing that came to hand. “It’s like every time I do something clumsy I end up grabbing your dick.” Standing back up and regaining her composure, she said, “I must owe you a boob squeeze or two by this point.”

I laughed. “Be careful, I will take you up on that!”

Soon we were in the water again. The sun was so hot you could feel the water evaporating from your skin even while the rest of your body was submerged.

“How are you enjoying your second nude swim?” I asked her.

“It’s good, yeah. I think I’m getting to be able to spot the discreet glances you were talking about. And some less discreet ones.”

“Seriously,” I said, “if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable, just let me know and I can have a talk to them. I’m your big brother. Never forget, I’ve got your back.”

“Just because you’re my big brother doesn’t mean I can’t knock you over,” she cajoled, and immediately went to tackle me into the water.

Her method seemed to rely on her getting her hand between my legs, as high up and as close to my dick and balls as possible. It certainly felt like she was brushing up against my balls with her hand, trying to grab me behind the thigh.

I decided, since she was playing dirty, she wouldn’t mind if I took her down with a chest-high tackle that definitely put one of her lovely breasts in my hand. I did give it a squeeze, I won’t lie.

She sputtered, getting back up out of the water, “Alright, alright, you’re bigger than me,” she laughed. “But the bigger they come, the harder they fall. Just try that again!”

After horsing around in the water for a while, we got out to lie down in the sun for a bit. I laid myself down on my back, my mostly soft penis lying on my belly. Joan reached into the backpack to get our sunglasses, along with a bottle of water and a plastic packet of fruit gummies.

Opening the packet, she got up on her knees to have a look around at the amassed crowd. “Golly,” she said, “penises really do come in all shapes and sizes, don’t they.”

I laughed. “They really do. See any semis?”

“One or two,” she said, thoughtfully. Then, upending the packet, she tried to jiggle a gummy loose into her hand, dropping it right on my dick.

“Oh no!” she said, then immediately started rooted around in my pubic hair for the gummy she’d dropped. I had an inkling there was more penis touching involved than was strictly necessary, but I didn’t mind. She was just brushing up against it, like she had in the water.

“God, Will, it’s a jungle!” Then, having found what she was looking for, she retrieved it and looked at it with a grimace. “I never said anything before,” she said, picking pubic hairs off the gummy, “but I wonder if you ever considered shaving it all off. I could help you do it if you liked…?”

In fact I had once been a pubic hair shaver. When I stopped doing it, my ex, Sarah, didn’t even seem to notice. That was toward the end of the relationship, of course. “Well, how do you do yours?” I asked Joan.

“I use a product. I don’t think men can use it though, the skin on the testicles is too thin or something like that.”

“A lot of naturists do keep it trimmed down there,” I mused. “Is that a look you prefer on guys?”

“Oh,” she said, “everyone is free to do what they want, of course, it’s not my business,” eyeing the gummy on both sides to confirm it was free of pubic hairs. “I do prefer clean-shaven though. For the guys I date, I mean.”

“Why’s that?”

“I just think it looks a lot better. Everything look bigger and more slick. Plus, it makes it nicer, you know, to wrap my mouth around it,” and she popped the gummy into her mouth. My sister did have a way with words sometimes.

As it happened, I had been seeing ads on Facebook for a product much like the one my sister had mentioned, but for male genitals. As soon as we were back home that night, I went and found the product online and read up a bit about it. Testimonials seemed to be good. I ordered some.

A week later, the product arrived. Duly following the instructions, I put it to work. Sure enough, all the pubic hair came off. The product did also leave my testicles bleeding, so, suffice to say, my sister did not see me naked that day, but within 24 hours everything looked fine.

That evening, I gave my bits a once over with some tweezers to catch any stragglers. Then, I walked, naked, out of the bathroom and directly into the lounge where Joan was lying on the couch.

“Check it out,” I said, standing directly in front of her, where she could see.

Her eyes went wide. “Wow!” Positioning herself so she could get a good look close up, she said, “It looks so smooth! Can I feel?”

I nodded.

She ran her hand over my now hairless testicles and the surrounding pubic area, feeling the skin on the shaft of my cock. Her gentle touch sent warm little thrills through my body.

“Completely hairless,” she concluded. “How did you manage it?”

“I used a product! They make them for men now, it seems.”

“Well, that’s fantastic. It looks great, Will!” Nodding and smiling slyly, “That is a cock I want to wrap my mouth around.” I’m sure she meant to say “the kind of cock”.

At any rate, over the weeks that followed, Joan started going about the house naked as well. At first she would go from the shower to her room with a towel around her waist, her breasts exposed. Then, she started going from the shower to her room with a towel around her hair, her whole body exposed.

Then, she ditched the premise of the shower entirely. Before long, we were hanging about in the lounge room, watching TV together, completely naked. Sometimes we would even snuggle up, skin on skin. Ours had become a genuinely naturist household.

The next nude swim we went to together, the sun was hot and very bright. The Met Office had put out a UV warning earlier in the day. “I’m glad I brought sunscreen,” Joan said. “Do you never wear it, Will?”

“It’s never sunny enough for it,” I said.

“It is today! Where would you be without me?”

We set ourselves up on the beach. It was crowded! I don’t think I’d ever seen the beach that packed. Hundreds of naked bodies sprawled from one end of the sand to the other, in all shapes and sizes, as the saying goes.

“Can you come put some on my back?” Joan had started covering her naked body in sunscreen. I helped her make sure there was enough on her back and shoulders. “Can you get my butt while you’re there?”

I’ll confess I greatly enjoyed massaging sunscreen into my sister’s buttocks. She truly was in great shape. I didn’t go as far as trying to slide my hands between her legs, but her buttocks did get a few good squeezes from me.

She sat down on her towel and started to do her legs. I reached down so she could squirt some sunscreen into my hand, then started covering my own chest, shoulders, arms, legs.

When I was all out of sunscreen, she spoke up. “Will, you have to put it on your dick too. You don’t want your dick to get burnt.”

I kind of shrugged at her.

“Here, have some of mine,” she said, and wrapped her sunscreen-covered hand around my newly hairless penis and testicles, making sure they were well covered.

My little sister rubbing sunscreen into my dick and balls was one of the most delicious things I’ve ever felt, her warm hand and fingers, the cold sunscreen, variations in pressure, different points of contact lighting up with sensations of touch.

She touched my penis at every point on it, from the base to the sensitive head. If she’d been doing it for my sexual pleasure, that would be a very big no-no for multiple reasons. But she wasn’t, so it wasn’t.

She got up and, signalling to me with her fingers, “Turn around,” she said. She used the rest of the sunscreen to cover my back. I loved the feel of her hands on my skin. She was so gentle – and, yes, she did my buttocks as well.

“There we go! All ready for a nice sunny day at the beach,” she said.

We went in swimming as usual, but I think, this time, like many on the beach that afternoon, we saw the opportunity to get a proper tan, so we were soon out of the water to lie down in the sun.

The afternoon was pretty lazy. Joan and I slowly roasted ourselves in the sun, alternating between back and front. Apart from occasional comments about nice boobs and dicks we were seeing, we didn’t talk much.

“Holy shit, Will, look at this,” Joan whispered, grabbing my dick to get my attention.

I was starting to wonder if maybe I should put a stop to the dick squeezing, assert some boundaries. The thing is, I didn’t want to. As long as nothing sexual happened, it didn’t feel like any of my boundaries had been crossed. Maybe I’d feel differently about someone else, but this was my little sister. We’d known each other since she was born.

“This guy, just between us and the water.”

I could see what she was referring to now. A middle-aged man, maybe only a little older than Joan and me, was walking from our right to our left with a very obvious, very hard erection.

Joan sucked air through her teeth. “I see what you mean now, you know. That’s poor form.”

“Yeah, it’s not so much the raging hard-on itself, but that guy is flaunting it. It’s rude.”

Joan made a “blegh” noise to indicate her disgust. Then she turned to me and said, “I have to ask, do you guys get raging hard-ons often?”

“Yeah,” I said. “It’s easier to hide when you’re wearing trousers. You just tuck it into the waistband.” Joan laughed uproariously at that.

The following weeks passed without much to report. Joan had been staying at my place for three months now, and presumably was getting into a position where she could move out. I realised I would miss her. I dreaded the conversation, but I realised, mentally, I would have to prepare for it.

Still, it never came up. Every evening, we curled up on the couch naked, and every day we went our separate ways for work, looking forward to being back at home, able to strip off the clothes for the rest of the day.

One night, on the couch, Joan was sitting up, and I was lying across the couch with my legs across her legs. After a while, I became aware of her staring very intently at my cock.

When I turned to her, questioningly, she just said, “My god, Will.”

I looked down. I had a hard-on, like I often did, but, I now realised, it was one of those erections you get which are bigger and harder than usual, typically when you’re exceptionally horny.

“I’ve never seen it so hard,” she said. “Do you mind if I get a closer look?”

“Not at all,” I said, and lifted one leg over her head so she could get between them.

She rolled over onto her elbows, her face less than a foot from my cock. “You’re actually much bigger than I thought you were.”

Here’s the thing. My sister had touched my dick now half a dozen times or more, always, it seemed, inadvertently or for some reasonable enough purpose. I’d come to look forward to the next time she would do it.

She had never touched my dick while it was hard. Some part of me wondered if, when, she would do it, imagined it, wanted it. Lying there that evening, admiring her breasts, feeling close to her, maybe I’d got so hard because I’d been thinking about that.

“When you said you guys tuck your dicks into your waistband, I thought you were exaggerating,” I heard her saying, somehow knowing already what she was going to do next.

She touched my abdomen, drawing a line across my waist, just below my belly button. “Your waistband would be here.” Then, with the fingers of her other hand, she pressed my throbbing cock against my abdomen, and traced the line back again. “Sure enough, yours would actually be in your waistline.”

She then wrapped her hand around my cock and squeezed. “It is literally rock hard,” she said, amazed.

“Have you never seen a cock hard like this?”

She was now stroking it, very slowly, watching the foreskin cover and uncover the head of my cock. “I suppose I must have. I just never thought…”

I could feel drops of precum forming at the slit now. Her face was inches from my cock, her mouth slightly open. I was sure she could smell it. “Never thought what?” I whispered.

Suddenly she stopped moving her hand. Then she let go of me. “I’m sorry, Will. I think I need to go be alone now.”

“Yes,” I said, “I think I do too.”

Then, as though not even seeing each other, we ran, naked, down the hall and to our separate bedrooms, slamming the doors behind us. I got onto my bed and immediately started masturbating.

It can’t have been more than 30 seconds before I felt the welling in my balls, the warm hum spreading out from my cock to the rest of my body, then the first contraction, and long, thick ropes of cum covering my chest and shoulders, reaching nearly to my face.

My eyes closed, I breathed heavily for a long while. Had Joan heard me? I must have made a noise. What would she have thought of me masturbating to the thought of her stroking my cock? In the light of post-orgasm clarity, I felt deeply ashamed.

The next morning, I went to the kitchen with pants on. Joan came in soon after, wearing a long nightshirt.

“First,” I said, “I want to apologise for what happened last night.”

“Oh, Will! You, apologise to me?” She looked like she might cry.

“I’m your big brother. I should have put in some boundaries.”

“No, Will. What happened last night was the result of my actions, and my actions alone. I’m the one who needs to apologise. I took advantage of you.”

We each made coffee for ourselves. Stirring mine in my cup, I said, “I’m the big brother, though, Joan. You can’t take advantage of me.”

“Oh, Will, stop it. I’m not a child any more. I need to take responsibility for what I did.”

“Joan, I’m serious. You have never harmed me.”

She looked at me. She was actually crying now, streams of tears running down her cheeks. “Well,” she said, “you’ve never harmed me either.”

I inhaled deeply. “It sounds to me like no-one has been harmed,” I said, and took a sip of my coffee. “Joan, I think what happened last night was,” thinking aloud a bit, “I think things got a bit heated in the moment, but neither of us actually intended it to go that way.”

“No,” she replied, “of course I didn’t mean it. It’s just, Will, there’s something I think you need to understand. I haven’t really been honest with myself about this either.” She took a sip of her coffee. “I don’t miss Ed. I hated him by the end of it. But I do miss the sex. And, see, the thing is, I’m just not ready to go anywhere near the dating scene just yet. I hate the thought of it.”

I nodded. I’d been there. Everyone’s been there. I could only imagine how much worse it was coming out of a marriage.

“I think there’s just been a bit of a background horniness for me. I didn’t really see it until last night.” She screwed up her eyes and, putting her coffee on the counter, covered her face with her hands. “I’m so embarrassed,” she said. “Could you hear me, last night, in my room?”

“No,” I said.

“That’s a relief,” she said.

“I take it you couldn’t hear me,” I said.

She raised her eyebrows at me and picked up her coffee again, “Hear you? Doing what?”

“Joan,” I said, “you talk about background horniness, I mean… that’s pretty much what it’s like to be a guy at the best of times.”

She chortled. It was good to see her smile.

“Is it possible,” I mused, “that we’re just two completely normal human beings? Somehow I can’t imagine we’re the first housemates to find ourselves in that kind of position.”

“So where do we go from here?” she asked.

“I think we need some ground rules,” I said. “We shouldn’t be doing anything intentionally sexual. If things get a bit heated, I think we can let ourselves off the hook. Last night, we both walked away. You walked away first. I think you behaved very responsibly.”

“Do you want me to stop touching your dick?”

“No,” I said. “I like it.” It felt good to say it out loud. “I like it when you touch my dick.”

“Well,” she replied, “I like it when you squeeze my boobs.”

“They’re just body parts,” I said.

She beamed at me. “In other words,” she said, “nothing changes.”

“I think that works fine,” I replied. “Don’t overthink it.”

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