From Nudist to Exhibitionist by frisky50,frisky50

I bit my tongue and smiled. She was definitely taking advantage of her “servant” for the day, and the day has barely begun.

I finished up, threw a little gel in my hair, and put some deodorant on. Not knowing exactly what was in store for the day I grabbed my robe off the back of the bathroom door and I walked out of the bedroom into the main house. She was sitting in a chair thumbing through her Kindle. She looked up as I walked in and in a stern voice said, “go take that robe off and do not even think about having any more clothes on until tomorrow.”

Jokingly I said “yes ma’am,” and saluted her and did as I was told.

When I came back in, she said she was getting a little hungry and told me to go look out in the freezer and see what we had so I could fix her some lunch. When I came back in from the garage she was on the phone. I waited until she acknowledged me, and said… “I can fix you some grilled chicken breast on the Foreman (because outside grilling naked at 12 pm wasn’t really an option) and then make a nice salad to put it in, or I can do a brunch for you and make eggs, sausage and toast.”

She replied “go ahead with the grilled chicken salad.”

I walked back out to the garage to get some chicken and when I returned she was smiling, and said,

“Hey babe, go grab another chicken breast, Sandy is coming over for lunch.”

She told me later that my face went 4 shades pale.

“Wh-wh-what, are you serious? This was supposed to be OUR Saturday?”

She just looked at me and quietly said “it IS our Saturday babe, now that is the last time you will back-talk me this weekend, am I clear?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” and I went back out to the freezer.

As I was walking across the garage, I couldn’t think clearly. I was not used to being “bossed” around, and admittedly, I was liking it as my cock was growing and growing, and by the time I made it back to the kitchen, I was hard as a rock.

“I’m thirsty, bring me some ice water please” came from other room, and without hesitation, l reply

“Yes dear.”

As I handed her her glass of water, she looked right at my cock, smacked it slightly from side to side, smiled, and asked, “what have we here… this better not be in this state when Sandy gets here. UNDERSTAND?”

I swallowed what spit I had in my mouth (which was next to none) and said, “yes Dear ”. I turned, went back to the kitchen to start on her lunch.

“Hey Babe, how long until Sandy gets here…just wanna make sure lunch is ready?” (truth was, I was having a hard time losing my erection and wanted to make sure I was flaccid before she arrived).

“Probably less than 10 minutes, she was leaving when I hung up with her.”

Oh great I thought to myself and it was only about 7 minutes later when she arrived, I was pretty well back to normal (my normal is between 3-4 inches, and I’m not really sure why this impresses anybody, but it might have to do with my slender/athletic frame).

Christy got up and walked out to the sunroom, hollering over her shoulder, “we will be out here, so bring our lunch out when it’s ready”.

I mumbled something under my breath, more less mocking “bring it out here,” and she snapped,


“Nothing sweetheart, I will bring it out when it’s ready. Should be just a few more minutes.”

I was not even 2 hours into the payoff of my all day bet, and I was already regretting ever playing. I hear the sunroom door open and close as Sandy came into the sunroom from the back driveway.




“You are not.”

“Oh you wait and see.”

More laughter.

I could hear bits and pieces of their conversation, but not enough to understand most of it. What I did hear, started my mind racing, and then, my cock started growing again. Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit….I don’t need this right now, I thought to myself, as my erection started to harden again. What to do, what to do. Seems nothing was working to reduce my hard-on. I swear sometimes that damn thing has a mind of its own. After a few minutes Christy calls out, “how much longer, I thought it would be ready now?”

It is ready…I’m not – was my thought. “Be there in a minute,” was my answer.

I ran back out to the garage and opened the freezer door and all but climbed inside of it. Damn it was cold, but not cold enough to completely make me soft.

I ran back into the kitchen, grabbed the bowls and forks, a couple of napkins, and took one last deep breath. Trying to clear my head, I told myself “ok, it’s all good”, and I headed to the Sunroom to deliver lunch.

As I walked through the door, Sandy looked over and said…”well, hi handsome, You bringing me something good to put in my mouth?”

I don’t know if it was imagination running wild or the actual tone of her voice, but I could have sworn she was asking in a sexy, sultry voice, and wasn’t referring to the salad.

I smile replying, “well, it’s guaranteed good or your money back.”

They both laughed and I reached forward to hand Sandy her lunch. She grabbed my hand instead of the bowl and pulled me a little closer as she lowered my hand towards her lap. Making eye contact with me the entire time. About the time the bowl was resting in her lap, she looked right at my cock and licked her lips, and said, “well I can’t wait to get a taste, I bet it is delicious.”

WHY. WHY. WHY is she tormenting me? My cock was no longer listening to me, it was growing again, and in just a few seconds it was fully erect again. My wife cleared her throat, and I snapped my attention to her. “Here Dear, your lunch,” anything else I can get you ladies?”

My wife stood up, set her bowl down on the end table beside her chair, and got right in my face. In a quiet but very firm voice said, “I thought I told you to lose your erection”, as she grabbed me by the cock, firmly and tugged towards her at the same time.

“I’m sorry”, was all I could muster to say, and I looked at the ground shamefully.

She leaned in and whispered in my ear, “you’re going to learn to do as you’re told.”

Then she stepped back and released my hard cock, and looked down at her hand. In a mock disgusted voice, she said, “you just leaked pre-cum all over me. What am I supposed to do with this?”

She held her hand up in front of my face and in a firm voice, “clean my hand.”

I was nervous, my knees were shaking. I looked over at Sandy, and she was just sitting there, eyes wide, holding her salad bowl with a big smile on her face.. I was looking around for a napkin. “LICK!” Christy said in a loud demanding tone. I leaned forward and proceeded to lick her hand clean. This did absolutely nothing to reduce the rigidness of my cock.

I was already confused as to why Sandy was even there, because this was supposed to be our time, and now Christy is totally embarrassing me in front of her friend. My stomach was in a big knot. Christy looked at her hand and then looked at me.

“Sandy needs something to drink, go make us some margaritas, and you better be more presentable when you come back.”

My balls were actually aching at this point, so I ran off to the kitchen and grabbed the first thing I could think of, a bag of frozen vegetables out of the kitchen freezer and placed them right on my cock and balls. “What have I gotten myself into?” was running through my mind. “I can’t do this.”

After a few minutes I hear Christy holler “how much longer on our drinks?”

I quickly whipped up a pitcher of margaritas, grabbed glasses out of the cabinet, poured them, and went walking back out to the sunroom. This time I was not rigid like a flagpole, but I was definitely not fully deflated. I walked over to hand Sandy her drink first. I stopped in front of her and held the glass of margarita out. Instead of taking the glass out of my hand, she just stared intently at my cock.

After a few seconds she said, “oh wow, you look so smooth. I wish my man would shave for me”. She reaches up and starts rubbing all over by balls and smiles…

“Uh oh, what’s this?”

I looked down and immediately saw what she was referring to. Smiling, she grabs my cock, and slowly milks another long stream of precum from my semi hard penis. She caught it with her other fingers. She looked over at Christy and they smiled at each other.

Sandy looked back at me and said, “you’ve made quite a mess on my fingers, clean them off,” and she pushed her hand up towards my face.

I froze. She then proceeded to shove her two precum covered fingers into my mouth. So, not really having a choice, I wrap my lips around the two strange fingers, and suck gently as she slowly pulls them from my mouth.

So much for staying soft, almost immediately I was back to a full-fledged raging hard on. I find a weak voice inside of me, “please take your drink.”

She smiled wickedly and said, “thanks.”

I asked if either lady needed anything else and they both replied not at the moment. I said okay great, I will be in the kitchen cleaning it up. I had never had sexual thoughts about Sandy before, but damn, my head was spinning, and cock was throbbing as I walked back into the kitchen. I was having 1,000 thoughts at once, my balls were aching, my knees were weak. I was pretty much a screwed up mess.

How could Christy do this to me? We had not talked about this before today, but I thought it was just going to be her and I for the payoff of the bet. Christy knows that I don’t want to be with any other woman so why is she letting her friend be in on the payoff of this bet? I definitely wasn’t sure what the rest of the day was going to hold, but I did know that the kitchen was a mess and that I better get to cleaning….

After about 15 minutes of cleaning up in the kitchen, trying to think of anything that was non-sexual, I was just finishing up when I heard my wife holler out my name from the sunroom. I replied, “be right there”. What does she want? What kind of torture was I in for now? I grabbed a paper towel and squeezed my now soft cock clear of any precum so that I would not have that issue again in front of them.

I went to the sunroom and asked politely, “what can I get for you ladies?”

Christy replied, “margaritas…. We want more margaritas. So glad you are more presentable, now run along.”

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